Climb To The Top

Chapter 60.4

Wen Ya recently learned to be addicted to chasing stars in the fan circle. Seeing that the fans who played well with her were inquiring about voting information, she saw this and became a fan spy, specifically asking questions on WeChat ‘When will the program group open the personal voting channel?’.

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Fortunately, this news is not highly confidential in the circle. The original purpose was just to let everyone vote for the team competition first, so as not to announce the team competition results before the finals, because everyone ran to pay attention to the finals. It’s embarrassing when no one votes for the team competition!

After she got the inside information, she broke the news again on her Weibo. After some new fans saw her news and asked her if it was true or not, some old fans gave her a guarantee.

“It is said that the blogger has some contact with the staff of the program team and can get some information. She has been revealed many times before and it has been verified. The integrity is very high.”

“Really, Mrs. Wen Wen’s revelations are very reliable.”

Jiang Ting’s fans began to standardize fan circle voting after getting nearly accurate revelations, especially the votes of loose fans and CP fans who were not valued before. This time they can’t let it go.

God knows that the combined votes of the loose fans and CP fans who were not seen by the fan circle can actually make Chen Yi and Jiang Ting’s partner vote so high.

Chen Yi’s fans could not cast such high votes for their own cooking. Almost half of them were cast by loose fans and CP fans, which made real fans feel bad.

This time, these tickets must not be missed. Some people went to the loose fan video area, CP fan Chaohua and Tieba to sell Jiang Ting badly.

Especially the CP fans, they are very easy to coax. As long as they spread some remarks that most CP fans are old-fashioned and never vote for Jiang Ting, they will immediately explode in anger.

You must know that CP fans themselves will have a bias. CP fans of heterosexual men and women are more likely to favor girls. After all, most of the CP fans are girls. From the perspective of women, it is easier to substitute and love women; while same-sex CP fans, more ‘I will favor whoever is miserable’. However, there is no shortage of male and female CP fans who have this kind of fans who are miserable as me.

When people with rhythm appear, they pierce this mentality. Plus they sell miserably, are weak, are excluded by others, and are attacked, and they can’t help but win the hearts of some CP fans.

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Although there are not many, it is better than nothing. In short, this time Jiang Ting fans can’t be foolish enough to give these fans to other trainees. Their family doesn’t lack the votes, but they don’t want the other party to get it.

Jiang Ting’s fans built a campaign very early and very successfully. When the topic of #’LoveShot’# appeared on the Weibo hot search, the control and evaluation team was very well prepared. All kinds of fancy voting copywriting, more passers-by one vote is one vote.

“plmm stage A exploded, come and vote for her, vote for her, vote for her.”

“Such a beautiful idol, don’t you all vote for her? You vote for Jiang Ting, we are good friends.”

“You don’t vote, I don’t vote. When will Jiang Ting be able to vote? You vote, I vote, Jiang Ting will debut immediately.”

Some critics in the fan circle are indeed very popular with passers-by and drive away customers. But this kind of funny style of canvassing is quite attractive, many passers-by are really attracted to it and then into the pit.

After Jiang Ting’s fans took action here, the fans of each family also knew about it.

Especially some people who opened a small group of fans of Jiang Ting, who ran back and reported the news to themselves. For example, Jiang Ting fans did not allow their fans to vote for the team, focusing on the personal voting channel of idols. Another example is a series of linkages such as Jiang Ting fans attracting CP fans, loose fans, etc. All of which surprised other family fans.

Jiang Ting’s fans are chicken thieves. They haven’t started individual voting yet, so this is starting to happen? No, their family can’t be slow, they have to keep up.

With this movement, all of them move.


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Fans were in full swing to vote, but Jiang Ting was very worried.

Before, there was basically a difference of two weeks between the broadcast time of the program and the actual recording time. In the middle of the knockout round, after all the judges voted to be sealed, plus the public votes on-site, the results were calculated and finally half a day was allocated for recording.

Therefore, there is still enough time for practice on the day of the finals. Last week, she first discussed with Chen Yi. The repertoire of the two of them: ‘No Tomorrow’.

This song is still another fairy song from the original group of ‘Troublemaker’ and the song name is very suitable.

‘No Tomorrow’, after this song, the original group has no follow-up activities and to a large extent, it is completely unbundled.

Fans who once had this song said that this name is unlucky. It means that the group dancing this dance has no future and no stage for the next collaboration.

Therefore, not only the two people in the original group have ‘No Tomorrow’, but also Jiang Ting and anyone in this world has no tomorrow.

This is Jiang Ting’s trump card, but it’s not Jiang Ting and Chen Yi who are worried now.

Instead, Jiang Ting and Xu Jiayin. She now thinks that she will be the same as before and it will give her a headache to persuade Xu Jiayin again.

Practice room.

While Jiang Ting was thinking about which song to choose with Xu Jiayin, Xu Jiayin appeared.

“Jiang Ting…” Xu Jiayin asked aloud.

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“Come on, let’s sit first.” Jiang Ting smiled and the two sat down to talk.

Unlike before, they have cooperated once and know each other a little bit.

Jiang Ting thought for a while and asked Xu Jiayin first.

“Finals, what are your plans?”

Xu Jiayin was stunned for a moment, a little overwhelmed, “Ask me?”

“Or else?”

Xu Jiayin looked straight at Jiang Ting, and suddenly, inexplicably smiled, he asked, “Have I been very stubborn before?”

Jiang Ting: “…” Oh my god, when did Xu Jiayin become so enlightened?

She looked at Xu Jiayin carefully, saw that his face was not red, and muttered.

“You don’t have a fever? Are you talking nonsense?”

Xu Jiayin retorted seriously, “No, it’s just that you are not the only one who said it. Chen Yi also said it, and Xu Ya and the others also said it. I’ve been thinking about it recently. Am I too stubborn?”

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Xu Jiayin’s words made Jiang Ting pause and say.

“You were scolded by others and came to me for comfort?”

Xu Jiayin laughed angrily at her brain circuit. Halfway through his words, he suddenly did not want to talk to the other party, “I said you are… Forget it, I don’t want to talk about it. Anyway, I’m in the final stage. I don’t have any good ideas, let’s listen to your ideas first, and if it’s suitable, I will cooperate with you.”

Jiang Ting was surprised and said in surprise: “You really changed?”

Xu Jiayin turned his head away, not looking at her.

Jiang Ting thought for a while and felt that she had misunderstood the other party, so she leaned in and whispered, “Are you angry?”

“No.” Xu Jiayin faintly spits out two words.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. You’re pretty good, you’re not stubborn at all.” Jiang Ting smirked.

Xu Jiayin looked at her fake apology and glanced at her: “Aren’t you guilty when you speak against your conscience?”

Jiang Ting smiled awkwardly and then quickly said with a serious tone.

“I’m serious this time. Don’t care what other people think of you before. After all, you are you, so don’t care.” As long as he doesn’t insist on being stubborn in front of her, Xu Jiayin wants to be a master, and Jiang Ting confesses to the other party. What’s the point of saying a few nice words?

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