Close to You

Chapter 115.2

There was no emotions on his lover’s face, let alone lust. He was just seriously looking at his chest, cautiously touching it, wondering if there was a knife there, if there was any trace, and why he hadn’t found it several times.[1]

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Luo Lin Yuan grasped the hand on his chest, “No, no knife was moved.”

He was treated extracardiac, assisted by ecomo instruments[2] and catheters[3] were implanted on the root of his leg without opening the chest cavity to load an artificial pacemaker[4], so the wound wasn’t in the chest but in the thigh.

Luo Lin Yuan pinched Yu Han’s face, “I told you not to go to Baidu blindly ba. The ones in Baidu are scary. You’d have to have surgery at the drop of a hat. You’ve done it with me, if I have surgical scars in my body, don’t you know?”

Since Yu Han wanted to see the scars, he had to take off his pants. Turn on the lights first and open his legs. The two people were lying on the bed, one after the other. He saw that the scar wasn’t big and it was a little bit smaller in the groin near the leg.

Luo Lin Yuan really couldn’t stand it. He doesn’t want to do bad things. He doesn’t want to be in such a mouthed position.[5]

He hurriedly pulled on his pants, pulled Yu Han, and hugged him tight. “Good boy, good boy. Go to sleep ba.”

Yu Han suddenly wrapped his arms around him hard and buried his face in his chest, refusing to lift his head up like a child.

Luo Lin Yuan was meng[6] by his sudden childishness, his heart was sour and soft. He rubbed Yu Han’s hair lovingly and gradually closed his eyes.

The next day, after a day’s ride back to C City, Yu Han directly sent him home and ordered him to rest.

Luo Lin Yuan was thinking about Yuyuan in his heart and his mouth promised to be good. But actually, he rested for less than a day and went to Yuyuan to keep watch.

He had been absent for many days because of his missionary work, so when he arrived at Yuyuan, he started to deal with the affairs left for him by Xiao Xiong.

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Luo Lin Yuan felt that instead of sitting at home, it was better to come to Yuyuan to sit. Sitting and walking more are also beneficial to a healthy heart.

He sat in his office, only to hear the sound of high heels tapping outside, nearing. He seemed to feel something and looked up.

The door of the dean’s office was pushed open. The visitor had a face of eight points similar to Luo Lin Yuan. With neat short hair, in a long black cheongsam[7], and a small bag. When she came, she looked around the office fussily and sat down on the sofa. She was followed by a silent female assistant standing beside her.

Xiao Xiong chased in and looked at Luo Lin Yuan embarrassedly, “Dean, this lady simply ignored me and barged in. I couldn’t stop…”

Luo Lin Yuan stood up from his desk, made a placating gesture at Xiao Xiong, and smiled at the woman on the sofa, “Mom.”

Xiao Xiong glanced at the two of them in surprise, and without saying much, she retreated with the female assistant and closed the door behind them.

Lin Shu got up and walked to him, examining his face, her brows knitted, “Sick.”

Her voice was so sure that Luo Lin Yuan was simply powerless to refute it.

Lin Shu: “Come with me to the hospital.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “I have to go to work.”

Lin Shu: “Let Xiao Ran help look after it. It’s enough for her to manage Yuyuan.”

Lin Shu’s assistant was called Xiao Ran. She came from a prestigious university and she usually specializes in taking care of the art gallery and industry under Lin Shu’s name.

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It was the capable person that the Lin family deliberately put by her side in order to appease Lin Shu and let her stay well abroad.

Such a talent, used to manage his Yuyuan, was indeed a bit overkill.

Luo Lin Yuan: “If your matter of coming back and if Grandpa knew it…”

When it comes to this Lin Shu was upset. In order to give the Luo family an explanation, her father ruthlessly drove her abroad. She knew she was in the wrong. She had stayed abroad long enough and had no intention of returning.

If it wasn’t for this useless son, who took it upon himself to return, she wouldn’t have returned to this place.

How much she likes C City.[8]

Lin Shu: “You also know that I can’t come back, so can you just make me feel at ease.”

Luo Lin Yuan was now standing on his own feet and his physique was hardened, “I’m returning to start a business.”

Lin Shu: “Are you going back to start a business or a relationship? Who is that man? What is his origin? I want to meet him.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “Don’t exaggerate.”

Lin Shu: “Lin Yuan, otherwise you think I came back to China specifically to joke with you. I can’t stay for too long. I’ll take you to the hospital first. As for that man, if he doesn’t even dare to see me, he’s not a reliable person. Breakup as soon as possible.”

At this time Luo Lin Yuan’s phone rang, he frowned and didn’t answer.

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Lin Shu looked at him with eyes that saw through everything, “Why? Is it that man? Dare not to answer?”

Luo Lin Yuan gritted his teeth and picked up the phone. Yu Han, in a restrained and angry voice, asked him, “Why aren’t you resting at home?”

Luo Lin Yuan’s head was all over the place. In front of him was Lin Shu’s aggressive line of sight, and on the phone was his lover’s tough questioning attitude.

These two control freaks!

Luo Lin Yuan: “I’m in Yuyuan.”

Yu Han: “I’ll go find you.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “No! It’s not very convenient for me… Right now.”

He was on the verge of tears.

Lin Shu opened her mouth and said, “Let him come.”

Lin Shu couldn’t do the thing of robbing people’s phones, but she could still do it by letting the person on the other end of the phone hear her voice.

Yu Han was stunned, “There’s someone next to you?”

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Luo Lin Yuan sighed with a headache and reluctantly said, “En, my Mom.”

Lin Shu heard that the wild man who abducted her son was coming, so she sat down in the office and said gracefully, “Meet with him and we’ll go to the hospital.”

Luo Lin Yuan: “I’ve been to the hospital.”

Lin Shu: “What did the doctor say?”

Luo Lin Yuan: “It’s fine.”

Lin Shu: “Are you sure?” She squinted her eyes, obviously not believing. Luo Lin Yuan’s face was too bad, and she wasn’t so blind that she couldn’t see, so she really wasn’t at ease.

Once these words came out, the office once again fell into silence. Luo Lin Yuan didn’t want to say it. Lin Shu had already decided in her heart that she wasn’t going to ask Luo Lin Yuan’s opinion.

When the door was knocked on three times and politely pushed open, Luo Lin Yuan sat up violently from his chair and looked at the man who pushed the door in.

Yu Han was dressed in a slim-fit shirt, with an exquisite necktie and a wristwatch. The hormones of a mature man were overflowing, so handsome that he made people blush.

Luo Lin Yuan was unreasonably jealous. This was to see his mother, not to see him. Why did he dress so handsomely? Don’t know how many people saw him on the way.

Thinking again, Yu Han should’ve called when he arrived at his house and found that he was gone, so he dressed like this for him. He couldn’t help but be satisfied.

Lin Shu turned sideways. She originally intended to see what kind of man it was. When she saw Yu Han’s face clearly, her eyes widened in surprise, her mouth opened, and a rare gaffe on her face was presented.

When she turned her head to look at her son to make sure, she saw him with red cheeks and a face like a peach blossom, introducing him to her in a low voice, “Mom, this is my boyfriend, Yu Han.”

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