Close to You

Chapter 116.1

In the Western restaurant, the piano sounded. Luo Lin Yuan and Lin Shu sat on the same side, Yu Han, on the opposite side, was ordering with the waiter to place the order.

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Luo Lin Yuan originally wanted to say to eat hot pot but Lin Shu sneered, “You’re asking me to go to a hot pot restaurant to talk about things?”

It was known that hot pot restaurants are very lively, there was no conflict a hot pot cannot solve. If there was, then another meal.

Luo Lin Yuan felt that eating hot pot could save a lot of Lin Shu’s targeting of Yu Han. For example, in such a noisy place, a person like Lin Shu who doesn’t like to speak loudly, would certainly be tired without saying a few words and will be unwilling to continue this Hongmen feast.[1]

The scheme was playing but no one was willing to cooperate. He couldn’t stop the temper of these two people at all.

Yu Han said, “Yuanyuan, you can’t eat something as greasy as hot pot now.”

Lin Shu raised a brow when she heard this intimate name. She looked at Yu Han with electricity in her eyes, their eyes facing each other in the air. It was no exaggeration to say that Luo Lin Yuan could even see the sparks of fighting in the invisible.

As Luo Lin Yuan was about to sit, Lin Shu dragged him over to sit with her.

After finishing, she even glanced at Yu Han provocatively. Yu Han looked natural as if he couldn’t see it. The three of them sat at a standstill. When the meal arrived, Yu Han cut part of the steak and handed it to Luo Lin Yuan.

Lin Shu sneered and began to ask Yu Han where he was now and whether he was working under Guan Shuo Feng.

Yu Han answered readily and said no. After graduating, he founded a company with his friends and started a business.

Lin Shu asked a few bouts and found that the man in front of him had grown up well enough.

Much better than her own son now. She again unsuspectingly swept a glance at Luo Lin Yuan who was concentrating on eating and away from the battlefield.

Luo Lin Yuan buried his head and ate with difficulty, not really wanting to care who lost and who won. Anyway, they were quite childish.

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Of course, he was in the honeymoon period of love. If Yu Han was put in a difficult situation, he always had to elbow out[2] and help him talk.

It was a pity that Yu Han’s combat power was too strong and he didn’t need the useless him at all.

He was now like a good-for-nothing caught in the battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and he was disliked for helping everyone. Fortunately, the daughter-in-law was too strong enough the withstand the difficulties of his mother-in-law.

Lin Shu said that Yu Han’s achievements aren’t without Guan Shuofeng’s contribution. It’s just that it wasn’t clear to him that the relationship between mother and son and Luo Ting was extremely poor.

Guan Shuofeng and Luo Ting have been brothers for years. So she would never allow Yu Han to interact with her son.

Luo Lin Yuan took a bite of the salad and looked up dumbfounded, not having thought that his mother would say these words.

Can the ugly family scandal be exposed?

Although Yu Han felt that there was something in these words, the most important thing now was not this. He said, “My company has nothing to do with Guan Shuofeng. He is him and I am me. He has no right to interfere with my choice of spouse. My surname is Yu, not Guan.”

Lin Shu was slightly surprised by these solid words and she was extremely satisfied. Even her tone was no longer harsh. What’s more, there was a keyword in Yu Han’s words that surprised her just now, “Choice of spouse?”

Luo Lin Yuan wanted to steal a drink of Coke with ice but was taken away by Yu Han with a cup.

Yu Han put the cup aside and repeated, “Choice of spouse.”

Yu Han spoke solemnly to Lin Shu, but his eyes didn’t leave Luo Lin Yuan, “He is the person I want to accompany through life, my partner.”

Lin Shu originally wanted to taunt, This is a lifetime, how old are you? Then thought of the man in front of her, who had been entangled with her son seven years ago. Who would’ve thought that seven years later, these two people would be together again?

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Male-female couples are usually supposed to get married at the age of 25. Even if they were two men, Yu Han told her so seriously that even if the current state of the country doesn’t allow them to get a marriage certificate, this mentality was correct at any rate, not just playing around.

All these years, there has been no one around her son. She used to worry about Luo Lin Yuan learning badly abroad and messing around with people.

The year she left for the United States, Lin Shu felt guilty about him and thought that since Luo Lin Yuan liked boys, she couldn’t force a change.

What should change is her mentality.

Who would’ve thought that Luo Lin Yuan would relax a little bit and he tossed himself into the detention center?

Fortunately, Luo Lin Yuan was well-behaved enough later on, but he was too well-behaved. There was no romantic partner around him. After being alone for so many years, he finally rebelled at the age of 24 and impulsively returned home.

Now there was such a person around and it was this person again!

You don’t have to think about it to know who and why he was returning home.

Lin Shu didn’t make a sound for a while, but Luo Lin Yuan, who was moved to the side, quietly opened his mouth and mouthed I do at Yu Han.

As soon as he finished speaking, he was caught by Lin Shu’s gaze.

He was too shy and hurriedly shut up, and buried his head to eat.

Fortunately, Lin Shu’s tone wasn’t excessive afterward and he can even say that her attitude was a lot milder. She spoke slowly and in a low voice. The two even reached an agreement on Luo Lin Yuan’s bad living habits.

Lin Shu said, “Xiao Yu, I want to send him to the hospital in a while. Are you free to join?”

Xiao Yu already?

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Luo Lin Yuan almost choked on the cherry tomato, thinking about what he had just missed when he ate.

Lin Shu, such a person difficult to please, was willing to change his name to show intimacy.

Yu Han said, “En, I originally had this intention.”

They said that the enemy of an enemy is a friend. A mother-in-law and daughter-in-law with the same stance are even more terrifying.

After the meal, Luo Lin Yuan was escorted by two people to the hospital and had a full examination.

There were so many items that needed to be done. Luo Lin Yuan almost transferred from this department to that department, and everyone was tired.

He was asked to go alone for the item with Lin Shu and Yu Han waiting for him outside. Before he went in, he looked at the two of them worriedly, “Don’t fight ah.”

Yu Han didn’t say anything while Lin Shu glared at him, “Go in quickly.”

Luo Lin Yuan walked away step by step, and as soon as the door closed, Lin Shu placed her arms on her chest, “If I remember correctly, the two of you broke up in a very ugly way, right?”

This was quite heartwrenching. Yu Han’s expression sank but he couldn’t refute it.

Seeing the young man’s expression, Lin Shu’s heart was slightly relieved, but not so relaxed.

If Yu Han didn’t care at all about what happened back then, Lin Shu would still be skeptical, but the fact that Yu Han cared also made Lin Shu worried.

Thinking about it, she was just worried that Yu Han wouldn’t truly treat her son well.

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Lin Shu asked, “You don’t blame him at all?”

Yu Han faced the metal doors and was silent for a long time before saying, “It’s impossible… not to blame.”

Lin Shu’s heart sank.

Yu Han: “But I love him more, so I can only not care about it.”

Lin Shu: “Really don’t care at all?”

Yu Han turned to Lin Shu, “Are you trying to say something to me?”

After Luo Lin Yuan finished his last checkup, he got dressed and walked out, leaving only Yu Han outside, without Lin Shu.

Yu Han had his head buried, he couldn’t see his expression clearly. Luo Lin Yuan walked over, “Where’s Mom?”


↑1 Fig. Banquet set up with the aim of murdering a guest. More info: This refers to a famous episode in 206 BC when future Han emperor Liu Bang escaped attempted murder by his rival Xiang Yu.
↑2 This means siding with outsiders than one’s own.

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