"Shut up!" Shen Dangu, the old man of the Shendan Valley, was furious.

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   "We take responsibility for our disciples. A good reputation is ruined by the young fools who are not willing to concentrate on studying and are not sensible."


   Bai Liyu is extremely serious. He is a senior in the same post, and the ninth princess dare not say anything more.


   The ninth princess looks at Feng Xingying, her eyes full of hatred.


   In a short while, it seems to be to confirm that Nangong Yulian said was true.  The face of Xiao Wang Ye Nan Gong Zhuo became a burning red, followed by vomiting.


   Feng Xingying, however, was still quiet and provided no explanation. The silver needle in her hand flashes like lightning and quickly placed on the boy.


   This time, his face finally returned to his normal colour.


   It was just vomiting but it didn't stop. To make matters worse he started coughing out bright red blood.


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   The blood from Xiao Wang Ye Nan Gong Zhuo is black and red, and it is also acid like, which is very horrible.


   "Prince brother, don't hesitate. Zhuo's younger brother's life is tight. He is the one who cares most about his father. If there is a three-length and two short." Nine princesses reached for the sleeves of Nangongchu.


Three- lengths and two shorts.三长两短 is a chengyu that means "unforeseen disaster". Often referring to death. according to google, it is because a coffin is made of 3 long pieces of wood and 2 short ones. (I am assuming the old coffins have no lid).-snowbell ╮(╯∀╰)╭


   Nangong Chu’s face showed an awkward expression, coldly he says.. “You must give a reasonable explanation, girl.”


   “No time!” Feng Xingying replied.


  Prince Nangong Chu’s face became more and more gloomy.


   Throughout the Jia Kingdom, not many people dare displease him, Yet this partial eclipse, he has not been refused once but refused twice in a row, apparently, this girl did not put his title in her eyes. Not even giving him a little bit of face.  


   It’s strange. When he saw the mysterious beauty of first glance, he couldn’t help himself. The more she refused, the more he felt that she was like the one in his memory, and couldn’t help but be more concerned about her.

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   But now, this woman is not obedient, Nangong Chu also wants to show a stronger and more dominant side.


   Nangong Chu raised his right hand and was just about to wave, but was stopped by what he says in the sky.


  A lion-shaped mount with a rider was in the sky and a golden cloud pattern on his forehead. The man wearing an ink-coloured robe slowly fell from his mount and gently to the ground.


   The hand of Nangong Chu did not dare to move again but naturally changed to a fist. "I don't know that Qin brother is coming, this younger brother has come a long way to meet."


The ninth princess’s delicate pair of eyes fell on the man in front of her. Emotions erupted from within her, if you are a spring full of water, I can’t help but want to take a sip. All the anger,, at the moment she saw him, all melted away into a shy smile.


   The person who came from is the most famous surname king of the Jia Kingdom, and the cold king Qin Molin.


   Prince Nangong Chu was originally already outstanding in the crowd, with his white horse, standing out like a Prince Charming.


   When Qin Molin appeared, however, he seemed to blend into the crowd. All the attention was taken away immediately.  

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Qin Molin your back. I have been waiting for your entrance. I am sure Christiine and Stumblelina have too. - snowbell ʕ→ᴥ←ʔ


   This was the first time Feng Xingying had ever seen Qin Molin's mount. She couldn't help but squint and looked up and down. His mount was actually the legendary super-spirited beast.


   As for just this mount of Qin Molin alone, I am afraid that even the Emperor will not be able to keep it. His identity may not be simple.


   For the active greeting of Nangong Chu, Qin Molin did not speak, he only nodded in response, and did not explain his intention of showing up.


   It was just the position he was standing in, just happen to be in front of Feng Yingying.


   If the Prince wants to do it, he will have to pass him before, and the meaning of such positioning is obvious.


   "Does the Prince of the Cold King actually want to meet the girl?" Nangong Chu smiled openly. Completely different from his original attitude.


   Qin Molin obviously did not want to answer his question, so he stood to wait, his lip line was closed, and the invisible pressure forced him to retreat.

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   Nangong Chu continued to talk without care, after all, that person is the cold king. Having him the nod to him was already giving him face.






   The tragic and repressed cry came out from the mouth of the boy in front of Feng Xingying.


   Accompanied by the screaming screams, there was a little thunderous light that condensed into a ring on top of his head.


   Xiao Wang Ye Nangong Zhuo, this waste of ridicule, actually awakened, and was a gold spirit!


   The teenager slowly opens his eyes and said in a polite voice "thank you", there was a deep graduated and happiness.


   The name of the alchemy teacher, because of the awakening Xiao Wang Ye Nangong Zhuo, resounded throughout Jia City.

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