"Mistress, you really don't think about it anymore?" Mei Sister regretfully handed a small sachet to Feng Xingying.

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    "There is no time left if there is a chance to cooperate again. I will be back." Feng Xing replied firm and concise. 

    Mei Mei a while before had offered her a long-term cooperation, she did not hesitate to choose to refuse. 

    Alchemy once every week at the door? Did she really think Feng Xingying was a living walking talking commercial? 

    Her public alchemy this time was only because the people of the Ninth Princess swore at her, and she wanted to let them taste the feeling of being suppressed. 

    Of course, it was also important to make a profit. 

    Feng Xingying, for this disfigured face, how could she buy medicine without a single silver? 

    The value of the pill was given to Xiao Wang Ye Nangong Zhuo for free, but she did earn money for providing Jubao Pavilion with lots of attention and a better reputation. 

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    Jubao Pavilion is a place that can do business. Naturally, they dared not mistreat an alchemy master. The original price they offered, was doubled for Feng Xingying. 

They also gave her a discount when buying their herbs. 

    In order to facilitate cooperation in the future, Mei Mei also carefully prepared a small space bag for her, and the herbs were placed in the space bag. 

    "If this is the case, then I understand. We will always open the door to welcome you back any time. If you want to sell any medicine or find any ingredients, you can come to find me directly." Mei Mei expressed understanding. Alchemy masters each had their own temper, which was fairly normal. 

    "Okay." Feng Xingying nodded. She was in need of connections within the city, this was a good start to a partnership. After all, she will have to refill her stock soon. 

    "Right, who was the girl with his Royal Highness?" Mei Jie couldn't help but wonder. 

    "I don't know." Feng Xingying's face changed slightly and hurried away. 

    Mei Jie asking this question, obviously, the cold king Qin Molin came for her. 

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    Her disguise, where is the problem? How did she get found out so soon?

    The temperament of Feng Xingying is like a peony in a hundred gardens. It is noble and gorgeous. The gestures all soft and as dignified clearly showing that she was a proud daughter of a wealthy family. 

    And although she tried to remotely hide her figure under other people’s clothes, it did not change her physical assets. 

    In this way, maybe people that don’t know Feng Xingying very well would not see through this disguise and recognized her. 

    Unexpectedly, I still couldn’t get through the eyes of Qin Molin. 

   Umm, After all they did… moving on - snowbell (*≧∀≦*)

    Soon after returning to the house to change clothes, Feng Xingying heard knocking on the door. 

    Outside the door, a man and a woman stood side by side. 

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This is probably how the two look like walking into Feng Xingying's courtyard. (ー○ー)=3 -snowbell

   The man had on a jade green attire, on his waist was a phoenix ancient red long sword; female's eyebrows were clear, white and as elegant as a fairy. 

    At this time, they were staring at the veil on the face of Feng Xingying. The eyes are full of deep feelings, sympathy, and furthermore disdain. 

    These two people are also familiar with Feng Xingying. 

    The man is not the Nangong Chu of His Royal Highness who she just met but her fiance. 

(Other words, his gentlemanish fake personality before is gone) - Snowbell (ꐦ°д°)

    As for the women, she was the most talented women in their generation of children. Her third sister is Fengyue. 

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    "Big sister, I haven't seen you for a few days. You have matured a lot. My elder brother accompanied me to go to Sheridan Valley to seek medicine. On the way back, I heard that you had an accident. I was so anxious to get back, we rode through the night." 

    Fengyue ’s words were floating and filled with care, but concealed behind it was a deep betrayal. 

"It's a pity, we still got here late.", Prince Nangong Chu replied. 

    Feng Xingying didn't answer and just watching them quietly. 

    It was lucky the original owner left. If she was the original owner and learned that her fiance had accompanied Feng Yue to seek medicinal herbs, and it was estimated that she would have run after them and then killed alive. 

    "I see you been well when I was gone. ” the prince added still facing Feng Yue not even looking at her and instead bent down to kiss FengYue. Feng Xingying sneered at the fake voice. 

    "The big sister do not tease me." Fengyue fairy face showed traces of faint red, a pair of apricot eyes secretly squatting toward the prince.

    Feng Xingying nodded earnestly. "The old saying goes: the witch is equipped with a dog, and it will last forever."

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