Come To My Side

Chapter 1

Today is the wedding ceremony, it was held indoors, with fluttering gauze veils and pink roses that could be seen everywhere you laid your eyes on.

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The hall was crowded with guests, everyone was waiting for the bride and groom to appear.


While in one particular dressing room, a huddle of people were busy rushing to do the final preparation for that appearance.


"Guanxi, Guanxi? What do you think? Hey, I'm asking you, how do I look?"In front of the vanity mirror, a woman dressed in a wedding dress turned her head.


Guan Xi broke out of her trance, she moved her eyes towards the mirror in front of her, her mind was somewhat cluttered, so it took her a while before saying,"Looks good, I chose them, is it possible to not look good?"


"Right."The woman who was caught up in the joy of getting married touched the valuable necklace around her neck,"I'm glad I brought you along with me that day, you really have a good eye."


The corners of Guanxi's mouth curved slightly, "Of course I am."


"Is the bride ready? You may go now." A staff member pushed the dressing room door open and came in.


"Okay, got it."


One by one, the people in the dressing room got going, Guanxi stepped aside and watched as the crowd helped the bride, Zhong Lingfan, go out. Zhong Lingfan was a close friend she had known since childhood, today is her wedding day and she is one of her six bridesmaids.


"Let's go, what are you waiting for?" Lang Ningyi, another close friend and bridesmaid, tugged her hand.


Guan Xi nodded her head.


Lang Ningyi pulled her hand to go  outside together, when no one was watching, she leaned closer and said in a low voice, "Lingfan still has no idea about that matter of yours, right?"


Guan Xi's expression changed a little,"You're the only person I told, you should never let it slip."


"Don't worry, how could I just randomly talk about such a big matter."Lang Ningyi concernedly said,"But what are you planning to do next? Have your parents decided to bring their daughter that was stranded outside back?"


Guan Xi's footsteps paused, her taut expression loosened a bit,"Not yet, my dad said he's letting me recover from the shock first."


"Recover from the shock, haven't you been trying to recover for the whole month.....Who can recover from this?"


Guan Xi's eyes dimmed faintly,"Let's put off this discussion until after the wedding."


"I'll go to find you then."




The two walked towards the bridesmaid's table and sat down. Lang Ningyi secretly seized Guan Xi up.


Actually, she only found out about this matter yesterday, and after she found out about it she was having difficulty to sleep. Putting herself in Guan Xi shoes, she thought if one day someone told her that she was brought home from an orphanage while her parents also have a real biological daughter, she definitely would fall apart.


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However, the princess of the Guan family who tragically encountered such a cheap melodrama storyline herself, was still able to participate in her best friend's wedding with a normal expression in spite of everything.


Sure enough, she's still Guan Xi, ah…..


Lang Ningyi couldn't help but take another glance at her, she has to admit even after being friends with Guan Xi for so many years she would still get fascinated by the sight of this woman.


All the bridesmaids on this table wore dresses of the same colour, even so, Guanxi could easily stand out. She has very delicate features, her skin was really smooth, she was an impeccable beauty that made people unable to take their eyes off her.


Although she was merely sitting down, every now and then, guests from the other table would shift their gaze towards her.


She still gave the impression of a phoenix dazzling with brilliance high up in the sky…..  


The wedding ceremony progressed without a hitch, once all the itinerary was finished, the groom and bride had to do a very conventional course of event which was proposing a toast. During this time, the bridesmaids were required to follow along the newlywed.


When the bride and groom toasted from table to table, they arrived at the groom, Jin Kaicheng, friend's table.


"Jin Kaicheng's friend is so handsome, did you see that man, he's beautiful!"


"You're right!"


"Yes, just go up to him, aren't you Lingfan cousin? Ask your brother-in-law to introduce you."


"Hehe, I have to inquire about it later. Ah, I'll be in charge of his wine, don't snatch it from me."




The groom and bride have to toast all the relatives and friends but their capacity of liquor is limited, besides, it's also not a good idea for them to get drunk on this day. Therefore, mainly the best man and bridesmaids will share the responsibility. Guan Xi heard the two bridesmaids muttering in a low voice and followed their line of sight, she soon saw the man they talked about on the opposite table.


That man was wearing a relatively casual suit, sitting still and silently in his seat. He put on a pair of silver-colored thin frame glasses, the cool tone blue lights from the stage would from time to time slide past and constantly sweep a flash of light to his lens.


He's very good-looking, clear and handsome with a hint of coldness.


Guanxi took a glance at the tableware in front of him, the bowl and chopsticks  were completely untouched, his glass of red wine was faultless and had no trace of drinking.


She didn't see him when she first came in, so he must have just arrived and stepped on that spot. This man has always been like this, his time management was so severe that it seemed like arriving one minute earlier would exasperate himself.


Not sure if he sensed her gawking, but the man's eyes looked over.


Guan Xi nimbly averted her eyes as their gaze collided into each other in the air. On the contrary, the man on the opposite side paused his eyes for a moment at the evening gown she was wearing before moving it away.


There wasn't much interaction, it was as if they didn't recognize each other.


In the meantime, the bride and groom started drinking with the people from that table.


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Before Guan Xi even got any chance to say anything, she already saw the bridesmaid who did the passionate discussion just now run towards the opposite table. She reached that man's side to receive his wine.


Seeing someone coming over, that man politely raised up his body. He naturally fastened the button on his abdomen as he got up and slightly nodded his head towards the bridesmaids.


Guan Xi was too far away to hear what they were saying, she could only see that little lady had to facing upward to talk to him, and because the surrounding was too noisy, that man was listening earnestly while leaning his head slightly to match their height.


He had an air of self-satisfaction and unflustered as he saw the young woman's face frantically blushing.


It looked like a scene with a pink atmosphere.


Seeing that man's courteous appearance, Guan Xi wanted to roll her eyes a little.


"That bridesmaid is Lingfan's cousin, right?" Lang Ningyi glanced across the table.


Guanxi: "Seems to be."


"Lingfan told me her cousin especially came to Imperial City because of her wedding. She usually didn't live here. No wonder…. she didn't know that the grass she's hitting on already has an owner."


"If the grass didn't mention anything, how would others know he already has an owner?"Guan Xi laughed indifferently, "In the end, it's the grass that's too debauched."


Lang Ningyi touched her chin, "Only you can put the word debauched on Jiang Suizhou."


Guan Xi snorted softly, she was simply being practical and realistic.


Others might not know, but she was clear that this man is obviously so lewd in private.


However, she couldn't be bothered to deal with that scene not far away, anyway, this kind of thing happened so often, she was already inured to such sight.


As soon as the newlywed finished toasting, she turned around and walked away.


The wedding lasted for quite a long time, once all the series of stuff they needed to do were completed, the sky outside was already dark. The guests leave one after another after witnessing the wedding ceremony.


Inside the dressing room, the bridesmaids, who had been busy for the whole day, were finally able to sit down and rest while organising their belongings.


Tuk Tuk--


There was a knock on the door.


Lang Ningyi went to open the door as she was close by. Once the door opened, she saw a man standing outside, he nodded his head at her,"Getting ready to leave?"


"Yes."Lang Ningyi was aware of who Jiang Suizhou was looking for, after nodding her head, she glanced towards Guan Xi who was currently sitting on a sofa not far away and said meaningfully, "He's looking for someone." 


The dressing room is filled with bridesmaids and Lang Ningyi words didn't mention any names, as a result, some people were bound to get the wrong idea.


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The moment Zhong Lingfan's little cousin looked over, she found that it was the man she asked for his WeChat a moment ago, her eyes lit up and she immediately came forward.


"Mr.Jiang."Under the gaze of the people inside the room, the little cousin's eyes were shining with excitement and expectation, she also felt a little bit of pride.


A short while ago, she told him she would contact him later, so she wasn't expecting this man to surprisingly come looking for her this soon.


She forced herself to act reserved and asked in a small voice,"You wanted to see me?"


The eyes behind the man's glasses in front of her were tranquil,"Excuse me, could you please ask Guan Xi to come out for a moment."


The little cousin's expression turned a little rigid, was he not looking for her?


She slowly turned her head around and saw the woman whose name is Guan Xi, lazily glancing towards their side, that woman then picked up the bag next to her and a small box of bridesmaid souvenirs before getting up to come over.


Although the little cousin doesn't live in the imperial capital, she nonetheless still knew about Guanxi. Because she often heard her cousin Zhong Lingfan describing Guanxi as a goddess from her mouth.


The little cousin is quite a beauty herself, she previously used to more or less scorn at her cousin's description about Guan Xi. But when she saw Guan Xi before the wedding today,  she instantly realized that her cousin was not kidding.


Not only was she a goddess, but she is also a goddess that's gilded with gold from head to toe.


When she had some break today, she was even sending a message to her group of little sisters in WeChat, talking about her cousin's friend in the imperial capital, Guan Xi. They were discussing her skin, her hair, also the range of the bag that she carried over and just left casually on the dressing room floor. But because she was a little busy, the conversation still has not gotten into which man belongs to this woman.


"What do you want?" Guanxi walked up to Jiang Suizhou.


Jiang Suizhou: "I'll take you home." 


Guan Xi said 'oh', passing on the bag and the souvenir box in her hand,"It's too heavy."


Without saying anything, Jiang Suizhou took it very naturally.


The little cousin watched them fixedly and felt her face a little burning.


Soon after, those two people walked away one after the other.


The little cousin regained her senses, "They are…"


Lang Ningyi skillfully explained, "Couple."




Guan Xi got into Jiang Suizhou's car, and after closing the door, the driver in front started the car. The car was moving along the empty road, the streetlights outside the window flickering faintly.


"You didn't come looking for me for a whole month, what are you up to?"

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"Delete that girl's WeChat."


The two spoke at the same time.


Jiang Suizhou glanced at her, "Who?"


Guanxi: "The bridesmaid you were drinking with a moment ago."


Jiang Suizhou seemed to remember and opened his WeChat, clicked at the new person that appeared on the chat page and deleted it with a few clicks.


Once he finished deleting it, he asked, "Your friend?"


"Lingfan cousin, If I let her suffer a heartbreak from you, I can't afford to explain myself."


Jiang Suizhou did not say anything, in the first place it made no difference whether it was deleted or not. But since Guanxi has mentioned it, he had better move his hands to avoid any trouble.


"What have you been doing this month?" Jiang Suizhou asked again.


Guan Xi looked out the window and paused slightly.


This month was the most terrible month for her, she knew the truth about her birth and locked herself in seclusion.


Even so, she would never let Jiang Suizhou know that she had practically spent this whole month crying to the point of wanting to throw up in her room.


Because this matter is too humiliating for her, moreover, she felt that if Jiang Suizhou found out the truth about herself, there's a high probability he will immediately rummage through the lunar calendar and search for when is the best date to break up their engagement.


"This whole month I've been accompanying Lingfan to choose this and that for her wedding. It's awfully cumbersome." Said her.


Jiang Suizhou didn't express any opinion and accepted this answer.


Of course, he would believe whatever she said, anyway, it didn't really matter to him.


"This seems to be the way to your house, aren't you going to send me home?" Guan Xi asked.


"We haven't seen each other for a month." Jiang Suizhou said indifferently.


Guan Xi turned her head to look at him.


Jiang Suizhou also took a look at her, he could see it more clearly now as they sat this close. Her bridesmaid evening gown was not that revealing, however at the center of her collarbone, her cleavage was inadvertently exposed a little, just a little, and it's probably only visible because of her current sitting position.


He knew she was presumably being benevolent and trying to stay low-key during her best friend's wedding.


"I see, I have not seen you for a month......but I don't want to get laid today."As he retracted his eyes, he heard Guan Xi say.


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