Come To My Side

Chapter 2

Their car was still moving steadily along the road. The driver in the front seat didn't even bat an eye at the conversation of people behind him, obviously already accustomed to it.

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Jiang Suizhou hummed, said,"Then, I'll send you home?"


If they can't do it, he immediately wanted to send her home, this dog man!


She was pissed off, stretched out her leg and kicked him in the calf. Feeling that kicking him once is not enough to vent her anger, she tried to kick for a second time, but in the end her ankle was caught by him.


Jiang Suizhou lowered his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"


Guan Xi irritatedly said,"Go to your place, I'm in a bad mood, don't want to go home."


In a bad mood, wanted to go to his place, but didn't want to get laid.


Once he connected these few points, Jiang Suizhou asked, "Period?"


Guan Xi wanted to roll her eyes, but on second thought, this excuse could work too. She really has no desire to return home.




"Your period is all messed up." Jiang Suizhou thought for a moment, "Are you feeling unwell?"


Sure enough, this darling boyfriend of hers, who can't remember everything else, would remember her menstruation period so clearly.


"It's probably because I've been too busy lately."Guan Xi directly draped her leg on his thigh, "I've been standing all day today, it's extremely sore. I must be insane if I ever agree to be a bridesmaid again."


Jiang Suizhou released her ankle, "Put your leg down, sit properly."


Guan Xi simply ignored him, she even lifted and put across yet another leg, comfortably leaning against the backseat while stretching out her long leg.


Jiang Suizhou opened his mouth and was about to say something, but when he thought of this eldest lady's temper,  always doing everything as she pleased and didn't have any fear, he was soon disinclined to speak.


About half an hour later, their car drove into Jia Lin Garden.


This real estate was located at the busiest area in the city center, Jiang Suizhou has been living alone at this place for most of the time. Apart from Guan Xi, there's hardly ever any guests turned up here.


After entering the door, Guan Xi walked towards the cloakroom with a sense of familiarity.


Jiang Suizhou has a very spacious cloakroom, those inconspicuous yet expensive clothes of his were arranged to a nicety. Once she found the pair of sleepwear she used to leave here, she got ready to take a bath and get some sleep.


The moment she's inside the bathroom, she locked the door and stared at herself in the mirror.


Today was indeed a really busy day, so busy that she was able to momentarily put her worries out of her mind. But now that she was unoccupied, being alone in a private space like bathroom, her face that has been steely for a whole day, changed in a split second.


There's no one here, you don't have to pretend anymore.

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Taking a deep breath, Guan Xi stifled the overwhelming sourness that swarming up. She took off her clothes and walked into the shower, then turned on the showerhead, letting the water pour heavily on her body.


A month has passed, but she still has yet to properly process it.


Actually, things are not so bad.


Her father, Guan Xinghao, still very much doted on her, even after knowing she had overheard their conversation and learned the truth. He told her he always saw her as his own daughter who he loves dearly, and that she will always be his beloved daughter with or without the appearance of that real daughter.


He would never change.


She believed him, really believed him.


However, it nevertheless still bothered her, she couldn't stop thinking of the starry-eyed look on her mother's face when she talked about finding that daughter the other day.


That look instantly made Guan Xi, who had been prideful for half of her life, feel defeated.




After taking a shower, Guan Xi came out in her sleepwear. She had just been crying secretly for a short while, only for a short while, as she was afraid Jiang Suizhou would find out if her eyes became swollen.


She couldn't bear the thought of other people discovering how unlucky and tragic her current situation is.


Jiang Suizhou was already finished showering in another room, he simply has no patience to wait for Guan Xi who's taking too long in the bathroom.


It's still pretty early now, he changed into homewear and sat on the sofa while reading work on his Ipad. At the sound of footsteps, he looked up and paused for a moment when his eyes fell on the sleepwear on Guan Xi's body. 


A shoulder-strap dress with a silk fabric that's especially close-fitting, showing her exquisite curves vividly.


Jiang Suizhou withdrew his gaze, sounding restrained as he said, "Aren't you on your period?"


With a somewhat scattered mind, Guan Xi walked over and sat down next to the sofa,"What?"


"Put on pants."


"....what for?"


Jiang Suizhou said in a light voice,"You're wearing this is no different than wearing nothing. Don't stain the bed sheets."


Guan Xi looked straight at him,"How is it no different than wearing nothing? You just feel like you want to take it off me when you see me dressed in this, don't you?"


Jiang Suizhou finger that was scrolling on the screen stopped,"Even if I'm not taking it off, if you sleep wearing this, this dress will end up all sliding up either way."


Guan Xi choked, he knew too well about her sleeping posture.

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Even so, she would never let Jiang Suizhou prevail in an argument, she cunningly said,"It's not like you'll be the one who wash the bed sheets if it gets dirty, you're such a pain in the ass."




At this point, Jiang Suizhou chose not to continue arguing with her, he could foretell if this were to drag on, Guan Xi would come up with all sorts of new phrases to shut him, and he was far too busy to entertain her.


He soon proceeded to scroll his iPad screen again.


But seeing such a familiar sight of Jiang Suizhou not bothering to argue with her has strangely relaxed Guan Xi.


Staying at this place, stifling this immoral and despicable person in front of her, seemed to make her feel like nothing has changed.


Guan Xi stole a few glances at him, then grabbed a remote and pressed to watch the TV.


She found some old movies, but barely watched much of it. Halfway through the movie, she stretched out her leg to tap the back of the man who's been staring down at his tablet,"Jiang Suizhou."




"Still working?"




"You stop for a moment."


"What's wrong?" He didn't stop and was still staring at his tablet.


Guan Xi once again stretched out her leg and slightly nudged him,"Can't you just stop for a second, I'm a little annoyed."


"You want to buy something?"




"I've already bought the watch that you mentioned last month, it's inside the second drawer in the cloakroom."


"That's not what I'm talking about…..huh? That watch has arrived? When? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"


The corners of Jiang Suizhou's mouth raised very faintly, he put aside the tablet and turned around to grab her calf, pulling her towards the sofa in one fell swoop.




Guan Xi's nightgown was particularly short, so when she was pulled like this, the fabric rubbed against the sofa and rolled up a large part of it.


So much that you can vaguely see there's no sanitary pad inside.


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Jiang Suizhou paused, realizing he had been fooled by her. He took her straight into his lap, his voice turned deep,"You didn't ask either."


During this period of time, her mind has been running wild thinking about how she might lose her parents and everything she has, so how could she possibly remember the watch that she had previously pestered him for.


But be that as it may, the watch was already purchased, she regardless still wanted it, after all, it's a limited-edition with only one hundred of them worldwide.


"Let me see it."Guan Xi's mood finally improved, trying to come down from his lap. 


Jiang Suizhou immediately carried her in his arms and headed upstairs, not letting her go down, "See it later."




Without giving her any chance for refusal, he brought her straight towards the bedroom.


As Guan Xi was thrown into the bed by him, she angrily pinched him,"Are you planning to fight me bloodily?"


"You're not on period, what are you lying to me for?"


"I, I am!"


Jiang Suizhou looked down, grasping the edge of the white lace with his slender fingers and gently pulled it up, saying faintly, "Where?"




Seeing through her lies, he directly lowered his head down and bit her lips.




They've been dating for nearly three years, though they're nothing like a couple during those years, more often separated than together, and once they get together it would be followed by going to bed.


They actually already knew each other for a long time.


Since their school days, both of their parents have said they wanted them to tie the knot, form a strong alliance and that they were well suited for each other. That's why in the presence of their parents they will pretend things are going well between them. Jiang Suizhou would also act as though he was taking care and favoring her in front of outsiders.


But in reality, neither of them were actually attracted to the other back then.


Guan Xi despised Jiang Suizhou because she thought this man is too pretentious, always put on airs, he obviously has a trait to brazenly seduce people, yet still tried to pretend all high and mighty, acting like he was some Buddha of compassion.


Whereas Jiang Suizhou thought Guan Xi is too arrogant and willful, she regards everyone else as beneath herself, and appeared as the sort of young lady who needs to be flattered and pampered by other people, as well as very picky about what to eat. He was young and impetuous, had no time nor intention to coax people.


When Guanxi was nineteen years old, she went to study in the United States. And at that time, Jiang Suizhou who was two years older than Guanxi had already been studying abroad for two years.


She also enrolled in the same school as his then, of course, not because he was there, but because it was a great school and she believed it'll be worthy for her.


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However, in their parents' eyes, they were a 'husband-sing-wife-accompany' sort of happy couple. Their parents would never have imagined that the two people did not even meet each other once during those two years they spent at the same school.


The two of them didn't even try to pretend as no one was watching when they were abroad.


The real relationship between them only established after Guan Xi returned back to China, on her twenty-third birthday.


They had drunk some alcohol that day, and as her fiance-to-be, it was his duty to send her back to her hotel room. As a result, with a perfect ambience, alcohol influence, locked eyes and emotion that surged up, adults did something that was meant to be done only by adults.


After that, they decided to be together.


Their thoughts were alike, they had to be together sooner or later anyway, now that they've done that, they will just once and for all move it forward.


But after getting along for some time, they found another significant factor that pulled the two people closer.


Which is, they were captivated by each other's bodies.


Jiang Suizhou opened the meat**, tried the taste, and has been working hard tirelessly since.


(**something along having sex)


Guan Xi expressed that Jiang Suizhou looked really seductive in bed when he ditched his 'Buddha of compassion' guise, honestly speaking, she can't resist his dog appearance in bed. She acknowledge the fact that even if they're incompatible in every other aspects, both of them were extremely harmonious regarding sex life.


For an adult, satisfaction is very important in this area.


"What are you annoyed about just now?"With a sweat dripping down, Jiang Suizhou leaned over her ear and asked.


Guan Xi's breath was disheveled, there was a layer of tears under her eyes, "...... what?"


"You said you're annoyed back in the living room."


When she remembered it, Guan Xi hesitated for a moment before tossing the scenario of her most dreadful situation at him,"It's nothing important, um…..just….Jiang Suizhou, what are you gonna do if you turned into a pauper one day?"


Jiang Suizhou gave her a 'you worry too much' look,"That's impossible."


She looked towards him and wrapped herself on top of him,"I said what if."


Her actions are wreaking havoc on him, he slowly answered without much thought,"In that case…. don't I still have you?"




Because he was pounded with desire, he no longer can think things through and joked,"I'll sell all those bags and watches I gave you, I need the money back."


Guan Xi was in real shock, she opened her eyes wide and scolded,"......In your dream!"


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