Come To My Side

Chapter 10

It's late at night, the neon lights are illusory, and the lights are flashy.

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On the road, a car sped by on its way to its destination.

Guan Xi didn't know where she was right now. After staying in the car for a long time, she received a call from Guan Xinghao.


"Xixi, where are you right now?" Guan Xinghao's voice was gentle, which she was very familiar with.

Guan Xi's nose got a little bit sore.

Thinking about it, she is actually not unlucky. Even though the father she meets is not her own, he is very nice to her.

"Today is Song Li's birthday, and I went to celebrate it with him."

"Well, then, you will come back tonight? If you will go home tonight, Dad will send someone to pick you up."

Guan Xi lay on the steering wheel and lowered her voice: "No need , I'll be staying outside today."

Subconsciously, she didn't want to go home.

Guan Xinghao hummed: "Okay, then you have fun; let Suizhou take better care of you."

 "... Alright."

After a while, Guan Xi knew that he had something to say, so she waited quietly.

Guan Xinghao hesitated for a moment and said, "It's been a long time since Yingying came home. Your mother and I haven't told your grandparents that Yingying is still alive. Now we plan to tell everyone." Probably because the foreshadowing was long enough, Guan Xi felt very calm when she heard this.

"I know, then when do you plan to announce it."

"Tomorrow, go home and let's have dinner together."

"Okay," Guan Xi said.

Guan Xinghao felt a little awkward after hearing her answer.

He adores Guan Xi, but he recognizes that his daughter is spoiled and has a bad temper. Earlier, he was actually prepared for Guan Ying's appearance to cause Guan Xi to make a fuss against him, and he thought that was normal.

But to his surprise, she didn't make a fuss.

Guan Xinghao: "Xixi..."

Guan Xi: "Where is the location?"

The two spoke at the same time.

Guan Xi was stunned for a moment. "What are you going to say?"

Guan Xinghao calmed down and said, "It's nothing... The location is at Grandpa's house; it will be around lunch time."

Guan Xi: "Got it."

"Okay, then Dad won't bother you, I'll be hanging up."


After hanging up the phone, Guan Xi stared at the phone for a long time. It seems that during this time, it seems that it was her father who would constantly call her. For so long, her mother has never called her, not one.

Guan Xi shook her head, shaking off the feeling of loss.

Forget it... She just met her own daughter recently, so it's not surprising that she is so focused on her.

She must have just forgotten about her for a while.

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 ** ** **

Guan Xi also has properties under her name, but she has never lived in those houses, and she doesn't know how much dust has already accumulated on them. So that night, she went directly to the Nanjue Hotel.

Nanjue Hotel is owned by Guan's family, her cousin Guan Yuanbai is handling everything about the hotel, so she feels more secure here.

After opening the room, she took a shower, turned off her mobile phone, and fell asleep.

It was already noon when she woke up the next day, and the phone was full of messages, including Jiang Suizhou's.

【Are you going to sleep in a hotel?】

【Let's talk.】

What is there to talk about! 

Guan Xi was annoyed again when she remembered the conversation between the two of them yesterday. did he know that she slept in the hotel?

Did he place a chip to monitor her, or was she seen when she checked in last night.

Guan Xi was puzzled for a while, and when she turned her head, she happened to see the car keys, bank cards, and other trivial things that she had left on the bedside table last night.

She froze for a moment, then picked up the card that was used to pay for the room yesterday.

Oh, this one seems to be a secondary card for Jiang Suizhou.


Guan Xi rolled her eyes and fell into her pillow.

But talking about Jiang Suizhou, he never had a concept of money, so she doesn't expect him to feel weaker when she uses his money, and that thought made her anger dissipate. 

Guan Xi picked up the phone, and was about to reply with a few sharp words to wake him up, but before she could send it, the doorbell rang.

She put down her phone, got up and walked to the door, then glanced out through the peephole.

Jiang Suizhou?

This person came too fast.

Guan Xi immediately took a step back, glanced at the full-length mirror by the door, and quickly straightened her messy hair.

The doorbell rang again.

Guan Xi knew that if she wouldn't open the door, he had a hundred ways to open the door, so she didn't bother and opened the door directly, standing behind the gap and looking at him.

"What are you doing?" She spoke in a sharp tone.

Jiang Suizhou is very used to her appearance. She used to be like this every time she got angry. She was arrogant, as if she wanted to tear people apart with her eyes.

But she probably didn't realize today that she wasn't in top shape.

a nightgown, slightly tousled hair, a makeup-free face, and not wearing any high heels.

Jiang Suizhou looked at her with low eyes and said lightly, "Let me in first."

Guan Xi didn't move: "Just say what you have to say, why do you have to come in."

Jiang Suizhou reached out and pressed on the door: "Do you want me to force myself in? "

Guan Xi glared at him.

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Jiang Suizhou frowned: "Why were you so angry yesterday? You were so angry that you came directly to the hotel."

Guan Xi felt that he was exerting force, and she could hardly hold the door.

In order to avoid being pushed down by the embarrassment, she finally let go, turned around, and walked back: "I just want to come to the hotel suddenly; why would I be angry!"

Jiang Suizhou walked in and closed the door behind him.

Guan Xi sat by the bed and looked at him coldly: "Besides, you didn't care about where I stayed before, why would you have any objections?"

"It's not that you have any objections to staying in a hotel," Jiang Suizhou said, "but I think you are angry with me about Xie Yan."

"Why would I be angry because of Xie Yan—"

"You thought I was flirting with him yesterday?"

Guan Xi choked; she was not angry about Xie Yan, but because of what he said about children who were adopted. However, she couldn't say anything to him, or else he would wonder what she was angry about.

Guan Xi was speechless for a moment.

"Since you're my fiancee, it wouldn't be right for you to fight with me over another man."

Guan Xi glanced over her head, ignoring him.

Jiang Suizhou reached out to her face, forcing her to look at him: "Speak."

Guan Xi turned her head again, intending to deny it: "I didn't quarrel with you yesterday, I just have an opinion on what you said, and can't express my opinion. You have something to say about the matter, and so do I. My emotion just got the better of me."

Jiang Suizhou frowned.

Guan Xi took her hand away and got up: "Jiang Suizhou, the status of an adopted son is indeed inferior to that of a biological one. You are right about that. However, being in that situation isn't all that embarrassing!"

Jiang Suizhou: "I... I didn't say it was embarrassing."

Guan Xi was stunned for a while, oh, it seems that he didn't say anything?

"Then don't talk about it as if you know what really is going on!"

Jiang Suizhou thought for a while, and he seemed to have said so at the time. But in fact, he had no objections to Xie Yan, and even admired his ability. He would say that at the time... It seemed that he was a little upset by the scene of Guan Xi accosting someone, and he didn't mean to say it that way.

Jiang Suizhou said: "Just say it casually."

Guan Xi: "..."

Just say it casually, It's not what you think in your heart!

"So you were just arguing with me last night?"

Guan Xi: "Can't I?"

"Okay, since you're just a little bad at agruing because you're in a bad mood, then forget it." Jiang Suizhou said, "Since it's not because of Xie Yan, that's fine."


Jiang Suizhou seemed to have gotten a satisfactory answer, so his attitude changed quickly. He reached out his hand around her waist and gave her a slight push, saying, "Go wash up, lets go out to eat."


Who wants to eat with you!!

Wait...for lunch?

Guan Xi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered an important thing: "I'm going to grandpa's house today..."

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She quickly checked the time. It was eleven o'clock. It was already lunchtime at noon, so everyone should have arrived at Grandpa's house by now.

Guan Xi's thoughts were occupied by the image of her relatives gossping about her since she is missing, and her scalp felt numb.

Forget it, let's go later.

Guan Xi took his hand away: "I don't want to go out to eat, I'll just eat at the hotel."

Jiang Suizhou had a meeting all morning today, and he still took a little time at noon to deal with Guan Xi.

Waking up early, he was actually a little sleepy. Seeing that Guan Xi wanted to eat at the hotel, he also thought it was feasible, so he directly pulled her to lie down on the bed: "Okay, order one for me too."

Guan Xi was suddenly hugged by the waist and laid down, caught off guard, her face dark. "Hello? If I don't go out to eat, you can just go by yourself. What are you doing? Mr. Jiang, please let go first."

Jiang Suizhou didn't move, his hands were like iron walls.

Guan Xi struggled for a while and had no choice but to give up.

Jiang Suizhou then said quietly: "Call for Chinese food, I don't want to eat Western food." 

"Call them yourself."

Jiang Suizhou hummed: "Call them for me."

She brought over his phone and pressed the button to order food. Jiang Suizhou took it and proficiently named several dishes.

Listening to the voice behind her, Guan Xi remembered a time before.

At that time, the two of them checked in here, and they ordered food at that time. After the meal came, Jiang Suizhou thought it was unpalatable, so he immediately called the general manager of the hotel, her cousin Guan Yuanbai.

Nanjue's food has always been touted in the industry, but Jiang Suizhou is picky, and his skill in picking bones is unmatched. His calm dislike made Guan Yuanbai so angry that he was half dead. Guan Yuanbai scolded him later, telling him to just eat it or not care, and warned him not to take his cousin to his hotel.

He raised his voice during the call. Guan Xi burst out laughing when he saw him being speechless at the time.

"What are you happy about?" Jiang Suizhou hung up the phone.

Only then did Guan Xi realize that she was laughing out loud after thinking about it, and she immediately became serious: "No, but didn't you say that the food here is unpalatable before, Why would you still want to eat here?"

Jiang Suizhou: " Haven't you heard that they have improved their menu?"


Jiang Suizhou: "Guan Yuanbai was furious at the time, but later he secretly made sure to  improve the dishes."


It was also like her cousin's style.

Jiang Suizhou adjusted his posture, closed his eyes, and asked again: "So why were you in a bad mood yesterday."

She already anticipated that she had to tell him about it one way or another, so she turned around. 

He was hugging her from behind, they were very close, and when she turned around, her forehead almost touched his.

Jiang Suizhou didn't wear glasses today. In fact, he doesn't wear glasses often. He has over 100 degrees of myopia, so he can wear them or not.

When he is not wearing his glasses, she can clearly see his eyelashes, which are long and dense. She knew that if the eyelids were opened, she would be able to see a pair of beautiful eyes, clear and cold, deep and clear.

She said a lot of bad things about him behind his back, but she never attacked him about his appearance.

Otherwise, it will appear that she is blind.

"You might have heard of it. Our family had a child who passed away a long time ago." Guan Xi said directly, she thought, anyway, he would know in a few days.

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What does he think about her adoption? Why would she be so concerned about something she will never know about?

Now, thinking about her anger, it doesn't make any sense. The two of them have always been honest and direct about what they need from each other, interests, desires, that's all.

They used to need each other, use each other. That is still the case now, she needs him more than anything, and it is really irrational to be so emotional towards him.

"I have." Jiang Suizhou said.

Guan Xi: "She's back."

Jiang Suizhou opened his eyes: "What?"

Guan Xi said: "Actually, she didn't die. That nanny threw her to someone else and then secretly sold her. Now, she has found her biological parents."

Jiang Suizhou was always calm, and he was not surprised when he heard this, he just asked, "How did they find out?"

"Guan Ying looks very similar to her mother, oh, Guan Ying is that girl's name. To some extent, she stood next to my mother, and she could tell at a glance that it was my mother. Not long ago, Guan Ying accidentally saw Mother on the news. It was the shopping mall opening, and her parents went to cut the ribbon."

"Just because you think you look like someone in the news?"

 "Not exactly, she already knew since she was a child that she was not her mother's biological daughter. So in this case, she has checked on the news of my family losing a child. Anyway, they got in touch later, tested the DNA, and confirmed it." Guan Xi laughed, "Is it amazing, Maybe this is fate."

Jiang Suizhou was silent for a while, and said: "You're not happy."

not a question, but a statement.

Guan Xi's smile froze, and she said slowly: "My sister is alive, what's there to be unhappy about, I'm very happy."

Jiang Suizhou: "Aren't you afraid that she will share favor with you? Divide property?"

It was, indeed, Jiang Suizhou, with words that pierced her wounds...

Guan Xi rolled her eyes at him, stretched out her hand to pinch him, and said, "I am not, shut up."

Jiang Suizhou easily restrained her wrist: "Really, that's not the Guan Xi I know. "

"Jiang Suizhou, if you stop speaking, I won't treat you as dumb—"

She was wearing a nightgown, and the skirt was messy after struggling twice, and her beautiful neckline was showing.

Jiang Suizhou glanced at it, but he thought that this meeting would be short and not suitable for an intimate moment in the daytime. He had no choice but to press down on the thoughts that were easily hooked, stretch out his hand, and pull, covering up her plump curves.

"Finally, I know what you mean by giving me twenty-eight gifts." After the action, he spoke suddenly.

Guan Xi: "...?"

"It turned out to be a way to strengthen our relationship so that we could establish a strong foundation."

Guan Xi looked at him without blushing: "Why, no, we already had a relationship the day that you brought me home after dinner that day."

"I didn't say no to settling any old accounts." Jiang Suizhou continued to close his eyes and rest, and he said softly, "This is very good, it can be regarded as solving the case."

"What is settling old accounts?"


"At first, I thought that you had done something, and wanted something big. Now that I know the truth, you can rest assured."



Yiyi has something to say: I intended to just read it privately but the story was really good so I'd like to share it with you all. 

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