Come To My Side

Chapter 9

Guan Xi has a fear of water and cannot swim. Every time her friends held a pool party before, she would just put on a swimsuit for the pictures, or paddled through the pool with a swim ring.

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At this moment, her whole body plunged into water, she panicked, flapping around violently, water clogging up her mouth and nose.It felt awful, following that feeling of suffocation she felt herself drowning underwater, all helpless and terrified.But luckily this near-death experience did not last for long.She was pulled by the waist by someone—Frightened, Guan Xi coughed continuously, and without much thought, she immediately hugged tight the person who pulled her up."You won't die, let go of me."A familiar voice sounded in her ears.Guan Xi struggled to open her eyes, and found Jiang Suizhou staring at her with a light frown and cold glowing eyes. He was still wearing his suit, drenching wet.Guan Xi froze, "You, why are you here....."Jiang Suizhou paused, without answering, he embraced her and swam toward the edge.The moment they reached the stairs, he pushed her to climb out. But just as she took a step, he realized that the dress she wore was not suitable to get wet, it stuck closely to her body."Hold on."Guan Xi turned around to look at him.Gesturing towards the people at the side, Jiang Suizhou was about to ask Lang Ningyi to throw over some coats, however, a black suit jacket already appeared in front of Guan Xi."Miss Guan, use this." Xie Yan, who was standing by the pool, immediately handed her a cloth. Guan Xi reacted, she hurriedly took it and covered herself,"Thanks."Jiang Suizhou turned his eyes to Xie Yan, the latter greeted him with a nod."Good heavens, young lady, how did you fall into the water?"Song Li was also in the pool and swam over at this time.Lang Ning Yi held out her hands from the side, "Guan Xi, are you alright?"Guan Xi waved her hand, indicating she was fine.Lying his back on a floating pad, Song Li laughed at what he saw,"There's people in the pool, someone will definitely come to your rescue, they won't let you drown."Guan Xi shot him a glare.Song Li at once added,"But we won't take the credit, after all, our President Jiang jumped almost immediately." Jumped almost immediately?Guan Xi looked at Jiang Suizhou coming up from the water, so he just arrived? He's actually willing to jump into the water to save her?Not that she thought he would just leave her to die, but with so many people in the pool who would certainly come to help when they saw her fall, there was no need for neatly dressed people to jump into the water.Knowing Jiang Suizhou, she thought it would suit him better if he just stood on the side and ordered people to help her."What are you waiting for? Hurry go change your clothes."Jiang Suizhou said.

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Guan Xi took another look at him, sweetness bloomed in her heart. Erguo is so nice and caring recently, looks like her hard work did not go in vain.She tightened the coat around her and was about to walk up, but as she turned around, she suddenly saw Wei Xiuyang coming up from the pool, the coat on his body was drenched, shirt sticking to his chest.....Guan Xi wrinkled her eyebrows,"Have you gone nuts, who'd wear that to swim?"Wei Xiuyang shot her a glare, "I was trying to save you!"Guan Xi: ".....Oh."Wei Xiuyang directly took off his coat, said rather roughly,"Are you okay?"Guan Xi: "Yeah."Wei Xiuyang squeezed his coat, sighing in relief."Let's go." Jiang Suizhou grabbed Guan Xi's wrist."Um."When she was completely on shore, Guan Xi was reminded of something important as she passed by Xie Yan, "Mr. Xie, your phone–"Xie Yan: "It's already been retrieved.""I apologize, I'll exchange it to a new one." "Don't worry, it's water-resistant." Xie Yan said,"You should quickly go change your clothes, and thank you." Guan Xi was a little embarrassed, what is he thanking her about… it for dumping his phone into the pool or for also jumping along with the phone."You're welcome.…"The lively atmosphere was momentarily disrupted, only after Guan Xi and Jiang Suizhou entered the room did it gradually get high again outside.Guan Xi and Jiang Suizhou walked upstairs, and as soon as they're inside the room, Guan Xi went to sit on a chair, wrapped herself in the coat, slightly shivering. Although the weather is warm these days, it is still cold when you suddenly soak in the water.Jiang Suizhou clothes are completely drenched, the heaviness that is pressed on his body is annoying him. Regretting why he jumped into the water just now, when it obviously was much easier to just ask the people in the pool to help her. "Have they brought the clothes?"Guan Xi sneezed."Go and take a shower first, I will bring it to you later."Jiang Suizhou raised the air conditioner temperature, took off that person's coat and dropped it on the floor, "Go."Nodding her head, Guan Xi got up and went to the bathroom.She took a quick hot shower, and once she's done, the clothes had already been sent by someone at Lang Ning Yi's request.Jiang Suizhou helped to bring the clothes to the bathroom, while she put them on, he undressed and walked into the shower.When Jiang Suizhou finished showering, he stood before the mirror in full attire, Guan Xi turned off the hair-dryer, staring at his reflection in the mirror, "When did you get here?" Jiang Suizhou straightened his collar and said, "When you hit on other people."

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"?"Hit on? Who?He's not talking about Xie Yan, is he?Guan Xi denied instantly,"I didn't hit on him.""I saw it.""What exactly do you see?""You tell me."Guan Xi: "I never hit on him!"Jiang Suizhou: "Oh, then what's with you giving him your number.""That's because-" Guan Xi paused, huh? Was she being questioned?He's upset?Hiss….Erguo can't possibly be jealous, right?Guan Xi slightly raised her eyebrows, this was a first."I'm just making friends, he's a very promising young man, can't I be friends with him?" She answered on purpose.Jiang Suizhou glanced sideways at her, "You like him? Want me to pull a string for you?"Jiang Suizhou's expressions were dark, as if he's still lost in his own annoyance about jumping into water wearing a suit.Seeing his expression, Guan Xi didn't dare to nod."Like? What nonsense are you saying, I'm just getting acquainted with him. Look at you, so fond of playing a joke. Though I acknowledge that he's quite good looking, he still not as handsome as you baby.""......"Jiang Suizhou was unimpressed by her flattery.Guan Xi asked, "Anyway, do you know him?"Jiang Suizhou: "I dined with him a couple of times.""Dined a couple of times, you must be quite familiar with him."Guan Xi said, "Then, you also know that he.....""What?""Nothing, Lang Ningyi told me that he was Xie family's adopted-child, he seems to be pretty impressive, I heard he was more favoured than the biological son."Jiang Suizhou fastened his cuffs, said in yet another cold tone,"He's nothing more than an adopted son, better kept under the table¹."(¹: inferior to show in public and can't advance further.)

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At once, Guan Xi froze, turning her head to look at himAs he was looking down, Jiang Suizhou was oblivious about her sudden change of expression,"He's favoured and that's all, at the end of the day, he still can't be compared to the biological child, that's why he now—""Why can't he be compared to the biological child!"Guan Xi slammed the hair dryer that she held onto the counter, she looked like someone had stepped on her tail,"He loves his parents just the same, he must also grow to cherish the family he lives with for so many years. You don't know anything, who are you to say he can't be compared to the biological child!"Jiang Suizhou paused,"Why are you so mad?"Guan Xi choked,"I just think that what you said is not right!" "Not right?"Seeing her defending anxiously, Jiang Suizhou expression turned cold,"I'm simply analysing by facts, Xie Family is just putting on a show for outsiders, Xie Yan himself is aware about his situation. Guan Xi, you've only known him for one night, and you already close enough to feel wronged on his behalf?" Guan Xi has washed off her makeup, her bare face has become a little pale at this moment.She glared at him, feeling like all the turmoil inside her heart was hauled up,"You probably think that adopted son is a disgrace and is someone to look down upon, but he can't choose how he's born."Jiang Suizhou reached his hand to pull her,"What are you…."Slap—-She slapped his hand away.Jiang Suizhou frowned, "Guan Xi!" "Don't talk to me." Guan Xi turned around and left the bathroom._____Once the people outside had played enough, Song Li invited everyone to have a feast in the dining hall.When Guan Xi came downstairs, there were only a few people left in the living room. Wei Xiuyang saw her come down and approached her,"Where are you going?"Guan Xi grabbed her bag,"Help me tell Ning Yi, I'm leaving first."Wei Xiuyang: "It's just getting started over there.""I don't feel well, I want to go home."Wei Xiuyang immediately said, "I'll send you.""I brought my own car here. Besides, you just drank, didn't you? You want to send me when you're drunk, are you planning to kill me?"Over the years, Wei Xiuyang could tell she was in a bad mood when he saw her spouting fire,"Why are you so worked up, arguing with that person?" "I'm not in the mood to argue with him!" Guan Xi headed straight to the front door to leave.Wei Xiuyang frowned, he looked back and saw Jiang Suizhou coming down from upstairs.A moment ago, as soon as he saw Guan Xi fall into the water from across the pool, his first reaction was to jump and help her, but right at that time, he could see a figure nearby was faster than him.He couldn't recognize who it was, and when Guanxi was pulled out of the water, he saw that it turned out to be Jiang Suizhou.

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It was quite a surprise, however, he still can't view Jiang Suizhou as a reliable person.Jiang Suizhou also heard their conversation just now, but he and Wei Xiuyang hardly ever spoke to each other, he just glanced at him then left.Song Li had prepared fine wine and food at the dining hall, and those who finished playing at the pool had changed their clothes and gathered in this place.Seeing Jiang Suizhou come in, Song Li got up and beckoned to him, "Here, here."The whole room had their eyes following Jiang Suizhou.Jiang Suizhou ignored them and calmly took a seat next to Song Li.Song Li: "What about Guan Xi? Still not done?"Jiang Suizhou: "She's not feeling well and leaves first."Song Li: "Is she alright? Did the drowning accident just now frighten our young lady?"Jiang Suizhou: "Oh.""Whoa…..will she hold a grudge against me? She fell into water in my birthday party, uh, please relay my apology to her, otherwise, she will definitely shot me a cold arrow next time we meet." "I'll go back first after this.""Okay, sure, go back early and coax her."But actually, Jiang Suizhou is not certain on what Guan Xi is mad about.He took a sip of the wine, and looked at Xie Yan, who was a seat away from him.Is it really because of him?____Guan Xi started the car and sped along. In a whirlwind, she suddenly realized that she was currently driving towards Jiang Suizhou's house, she burst in anger and abruptly stopped at a roadside.Clenching the steering wheel, there was a big 'IRRITATED' planted on her face.That damn Erguo! What a poisonous mouth he has! Spouting such rubbish!What, better kept under the table¹? This woman is born with a beauty that cannot be hidden, the table will shatter itself for me!Guan Xi cursed and tortured Jiang Suizhou for a million of times inside her heart.But after calming down, she felt that her anger was uncalled for. And Jiang Suizhou probably found it even more baffling.Even so, she simply couldn't contain herself at that moment, she knew he wasn't talking about her, but she still put herself in that person place.To tell the truth, she clearly has expected that based on Jiang Suizhou personality, with the association between himself and her, if he were to know about her situation, he will definitely reconsider their relationship.The chances are they will likely broke up.But she never thought she would get so angry when she heard his actual thoughts that she had already expected.

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