Come To My Side

Chapter 8

Song Li is a longtime friend of Jiang Suizhou, Guan Xi has known him for years and is on fairly good terms with him.

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On the following day, her assistant Yang Qing came to Jiang Suizhou's house and delivered the gift prepared for Song Li. Guan Xi was just done with her makeup and is currently standing before a row of perfume, contemplating on which one is lucky enough to be chosen by her today."What's inside?" Guan Xi casually asked a question.Yang Qing: "It's 1921's wine purchased in the last auction. I believe it would suit Song Li who is fond of drinking."Guan Xi nodded,"Just leave it in the living room, you can go.""Alright."The moment her assistant left, she received a call.Guan Xi pressed answer, increased the sound volume, then tossed the phone to the table."What time are you getting back?"It's Jiang Suizhou's call,"Something comes up in the company, it might take some time to resolve. You go first, I'll see you at night.""You mean I should drive on my own?""If you don't want to drive, I'll let Zhou Hao come to drop you off."In the end, Guan Xi decided on a fragrant that she usually uses,"I need to wait for a long time for that...... Never mind, I'd better drive by myself.""Sure then."It seemed that Jiang Suizhou was really busy, so he hung up the call shortly .While humming a tune, Guan Xi held the perfume and sprayed it on her wrist, she also sprayed it a little in the area behind her ears.She dislikes a fragrance that is too strong, this particular perfume smells light and very pleasant.Ten minutes later, she finished getting ready and went out with her bag.Song Li is a party freak, so on such occasions like birthdays, he is sure to go above and beyond.Today's birthday party was held in a villa owned by him. As soon as Guan Xi entered the door, she was dazzled by the grandiose birthday decorations.The whole house is covered in tiny light bulbs…..what a taste he did have."It's so cold, I'm going to change my clothes.""You sure you won't get into the water again later? Why bother to change now.""Hey, does this look good?""Try this drink, it's peach-flavoured."_____Inside the living room, a group of beautiful women wearing swimsuits are currently chatting and laughing while fixing their makeup.

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Given that Guan Xi is not familiar with any of them, she didn't go to greet them.Her eyes swept past the villa's courtyard; swimming pool, fine liquor, handsome man and beautiful woman gathered in a circle of two or three, having fun in extravagance.It fits Song Li's style to a tee.Guan Xi smiled slightly, she placed the gift aside and searched for lipstick inside her bag."Can I borrow a mirror?"She couldn't be bothered to go to the washroom and simply just asked one of the girls in swimsuit who's holding a mirror in hand.At once, several people chatting on the sofa turned their attention, the girl she inquired seized her up and down for a while before eventually handing the little mirror to her.After thanking her, Guan Xi then spun open the lipstick and touched up her makeup.Everybody stared at each of Guan Xi's movements silently. They have no slightest clue on who Guan Xi is, to be exact, apart from Song Li they are not familiar with anyone else in this place. When Song Li invited them to his birthday party, they're naturally ecstatic about it. After all, if they could enter Song Li's circle, they might have a chance to hook up with some second-generation rich kid."Here."Guan Xi finished using the mirror and returned it back.As the girl reached out for it, her gaze subconsciously fell at the watch on Guan Xi's wrist.Everyone in this group has keen eyes and an impressive talent at recognizing branded stuff, thus, they can easily tell that everything on Guan Xi's body is worth a fortune. Especially the Patek Philippe on her wrist and this year's latest limited edition Hermes that she placed on the counter."You're Song Li's friend too?"The girls on the sofa are all smiles, yet the probing and hostility inside their eyes were plain to see.The probing was because Guan Xi's outfit is really up to the mark.While the hostility is due to her looking notoriously beautiful and how she effortlessly steals everyone's attention. At times like this, all girls want themselves to be the one in the limelight.Nodding her head, Guan Xi was going to say something when she heard Song Li's voice, "Whoa! Guan Xi! My Lady! You're finally here."He rushed over with a small run.When Guan Xi saw him approaching, she patted the box on the counter, "Here's your present, happy birthday.""Holy shit! Wine?""Yup. It's rather old, my heart aches when I was told this by my assistant."Song Li: "Gee, you know me best! Love you love you!""Never mind that. I'm sure you still have endless people you need to love today."Song Li looked askance at her,"You're clever. Huh? What about Jiang Suizhou? You're not with him ah.""He'll come later."Said Guan Xi,"Song Li, I say, what's with the decorations in this house? I thought I was walking into a Japanese red-light district with all the lamps you put up."Song Li was surprised, "Really? Don't you think it's pretty romantic?"Guan Xi was lost for words,"Forget it. It's your birthday, I won't judge you….has Ningyi come?"

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"Yeah, she's having fun outside.""All right, I'm going to see her."Guan Xi walked straight out of the room, and Song Li hurriedly scuttled to follow her.The beauties who were sitting on the sofa stared at each other, judging from Song Li's attitude, they concluded that there was no need to be hostile towards this girl.Because she obviously is on a different level than them._____From afar, Guan Xi caught sight of Lang Ningyi standing next to a cocktail table, chatting with her cousin Wei Xiuyang.She dismissed Song Li, then walked over to them, grabbing a glass of juice.Turning his head, Wei Xiuyang spotted her, he greeted,"You're here.""You guys come early.""Nope, I've also just arrived ten minutes ago."Wei Xiuyang looked back towards the house, "That person not coming?"Guan Xi knew he was talking about Jiang Suizhou, "He'll be here later.""Oh.""What were you guys talking about just now?"Lang Ningyi said smilingly,"We're talking about a handsome guy."Guan Xi: "Who are you gossiping about this time?"Irked by the word 'this time', Wei Xiuyang shot her a glance, "I'm not gossiping, I'm just answering Lang Ningyi questions.""Oh, really, brother?"“……”"Say, who is it?"Wei Xiuyang had no choice but to tell her,"Xie Yan.""Xie….Yan? Who?"Lang Ningyi gestured using her eyes,"See the man in black shirt across the pool."Trailing her line of sight, Guan Xi looked over and actually found a man standing on the opposite side, he was far away, she could barely see him and could only make out that the person is very tall and has a nice figure.Lang Ningyi: "It's normal if you don't know him. His family just moved from the South recently, they do real-estate business and are rolling in money. He himself is a well-known interior designer."

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"Oh….so what about him?"Guan Xi can't get what's so curious about him.Lang Ningyi opened her mouth to talk, but just then, as if recalling something, she glanced at Guan Xi and shut back her mouth."Why are you stammering?""Ah…I'm not." Wei Xiuyang responded,"It's nothing much, we're just casually chatting. I saw Xie Yan's design and thought it would be nice to collaborate with him. If I were to talk about what's so peculiar about him, then I guess it's his background.""Background?""Yes, I heard he was Xie family's adopted-child."Guan Xi's hand that was holding the glass stalled.Lang Ningyi stole a glance at her, this was the reason why she hesitated just now. Not noticing anything amiss, Wei Xiuyang added,"However, though adopted, he actually has a lot of authority in the Xie Family. His adoptive father loves him more than the biological son."Guan Xi said 'Oh', her gaze fell on Xie Yan.Adopted son….this can be considered the same situation as her.Probably because she has fixed her eyes on him for too long, their eyes were colliding with each other the moment the opposite person turned his head. Guan Xi was taken aback then nodded politely.Though he seemed to find it quite abrupt, Xie Yan returned the nod.Guan Xi hurriedly withdrew her eyes._____At seven in the evening, Song Li asked someone to bring out the cake. Once the celebration over, everyone went even more out of control, plenty of them jumped straight into the pool in full attire.Not in the mood to go wild, Guan Xi let Lang Ningyi to go have fun by herself. She finished the juice in her hand, and was planning to go to the living room to take a phone from her bag.To reach the villa, she should past through the swimming pool, the floor is wet and a little slippery. Stepping on her high heels, she walked slowly.Just then, a man walked towards her direction. Seeing him, Guan Xi's heart felt indescribably weird.The moment he passed near her, as if she was possessed, her mouth opened on its own,"Xie Yan."The man who was passing by stopped his step, looking at her in surprise.Regret washed over Guan Xi as soon as she opened her mouth. She actually had somehow see herself in him.Suddenly, tons of questions appear on her mind…..such as, how old was he when he was adopted? Did he know the fact he was adopted since he was young or did he learned about it later on? How did he feel when he found out? Did he also lost his mind like her? What is his knack for being the favored one?All sorts of things, it felt like she has unexpectedly met with 'one of their own'.

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However, there's no way she can ask these questions! After all, he was too much of a stranger for her to suddenly talk about it, she was just caught up in her own emotions."Hello." Xie Yan nodded towards her, "Miss Guan."Huh? He knew me?Guan Xi regained her sense, feeling a little awkward, "Hello."As if seeing her confusion, Xie Yan explained,"I heard Song Li saying your name is Guan Xi a moment ago. Am I correct?""You're right, I'm Guan Xi.""Miss Guan knows me?""Oh....I also heard someone talking about you just now."Xie Yan nodded and smiled.As Lang Ningyi said, this man is really handsome, he's gentle and polite, his smile brings comfort to those who see it."Actually, my friend told me that you're a renowned designer. I thought we might have opportunities to cooperate in the future, so I was about to ask for your business card."At this point, Guan Xi simply pulled some excuse for herself, otherwise, she wouldn't be able to explain why she called him just now."I see." Xie Yan said,"But I didn't bring one today. How about I give you my contact details instead?"Guan Xi pointed to the room, "My phone is inside.""It's okay, you can give me your number." Xie Yan handed her a phone.Guan Xi nodded, "Sure."Guan Xi took the phone and entered her number, Xie Yan waited beside her.In this distance between them, Xie Yan can smell a very light fragrance that is contrasting from the ambience of this place, it was a very sweet and pleasant smell.It seemed to be her scent.Xie Yan's gaze skimmed over Guan Xi's lowered eyes. A moment ago, several people is curious about her, later someone asked her name to Song Li. That was how he accidentally come to know her name.While entering her number to his phone, she didn't just tapped randomly, but rather, she typed in her real number. After all, some opportunity to collaborate with this person might arise in the future. If he someday call her and find she had give him a fake number, he might suspect her for lying to him.After writing down the number, she was about to hand him the phone.But right at this moment, two girls come running into each other while fooling around!It knocked against Guan Xi's hand, the phone flew out. She froze and subconsciously turned around trying to fetch it.But behind her was the pool, her foot slipped, she failed to pick up the phone, and instead her whole body plunged into the pool! "......!!!""Miss Guan!""Guan Xi!"

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