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The sound of the belt hitting the flesh echoed in the room, even though the force had been carefully controlled, it still produced a loud slapping sound. The psychological perception of pain was much stronger than the actual physical sensation.


The sound of the belt striking the soft body, accompanied by the swooshing sound through the air, reverberated in the room.


This could have been a scene of domestic violence, if the one being subjected to the abuse didn’t scream in such a suggestive manner…


“Enough, if you keep screaming like that, other Zergs might think I’m raising an M.”


Jin Ye’s face darkened as he fastened the belt back, the veins on his forehead throbbing.



It was impossible to continue; the punished party had turned punishment into enjoyment.


Having waited for the next lash without success, Joshua turned his wet eyes to look, seeing that the female Zerg had already put away the “weapon.” A feeling that was hard to put into words welled up in his heart, a mix of fear, shivering, and hidden desire…


Liquid, whether sweat or tears, moistened his eyelashes, and Joshua wiped his eyes with his hand. This caused the arm supporting his body to weaken, and the whole Zerg fell onto the bed sheet.


Joshua didn’t move, his cheek pressed against the sheet as he panted. A few strands of hair on his forehead were dampened by sweat, sticking uncomfortably to his face.



But at this moment, no one had the mind to pay attention to a few strands of hair. Jun Ye sat down by the bed, holding a tube of repairing solution in his hand, lifting the slightly oversized shirt that Joshua was wearing.


Looking at the area turned red, Jun Ye poured the repairing solution into his palm and applied it gently, tutting, “A male Zerg with the potential to be an M is really beyond imagination.”


The cold repairing solution met the scorching skin, causing Joshua to suck in a breath of cold air. The tingling sensation spread, making him want to escape but also to cater to him…




“An…M ? What’s that?” Joshua looked at Jun Ye in confusion. Could this be an adjective used by the Heavenly clan to belittle males?



“It’s something that makes a Zerg’s life difficult.”


“Ah…” Joshua buried his face in the bedsheet with a sense of loss. The residual pheromones of the female Zerg on the bedsheet made his eyes feel hot, and his eyelashes seemed to get wet again.


Was he being belittled? Even though he had tried so hard to please…


The silence of the male Zerg caused Jun Ye’s movement of applying the ointment to pause for a moment. Then he regained his focus and continued to massage. Under his touch, the tube of repairing solution completely melted away, leaving the male Zerg’s skin once again smooth and fair, like it was coated with a layer of water, exuding elasticity.


Joshua felt the female Zerg’s paws leave him, and the hem of his shirt was pulled back down.


It’s over…


Joshua lay in a daze for a while, then quickly blinked his eyes. When the moisture in his eyes disappeared and he didn’t look as disheveled, he finally summoned the courage to face the Zerg beside him again.


At that moment, a muscular and fiery body pressed against Joshua’s back. Joshua’s blinking action came to an abrupt halt as the female Zerg’s lips, separated by a thin shirt, pressed onto his shoulder blade. The female Zerg asked him—



“Do you want to do it?”


Joshua’s eyes, already blurry from his own blinking, became even hazier at this moment.


It turned out that he wasn’t the only one with a reaction, nor was he the only one craving it.


“Yes!” His voice carried a nasal tone, and he was embarrassed to death.






“Jun, I can’t… Ah! I really can’t hold on anymore…”


“Oh? Wasn’t it the little young master who wanted to be on the front just now?” Despite saying this, Jun Ye also didn’t forget the fact that the male Zerg had discreetly wrapped his legs around his shoulders.


“It was indeed this little young master!” Joshua cried out, his feet clad in white stockings lightly tapping Jun Ye’s shoulders. With teary eyes, he sobbed, but he was smiling, panting, “Please, Master, lavish this little young master with your love…”


Jun Ye held the male Zerg’s legs clad in white stockings, saying, “You’re suddenly so passionate… What does the little young master want to do?”


Joshua seemed completely unbothered by his legs being held by the female Zerg. He let Jun Ye hold him while he slightly adjusted his upper body’s lying position and placed a pillow behind his waist.


After adjusting to the frequency of changes that would occur due to his requests, Joshua smiled and said, “Jun is an emperor from the Heavenly clan, and you don’t need irrigation. Of course, I have to find another way to make you happy.”


The Emperor of the Heavenly Clan… Akin to an Emperor Penguin1So this was actually a play on words and also a reference to the way emperor penguins lay eggs. So the female just leaves them to the male to take care of. And in this sense, Jun Ye doesn’t need Joshua’s seed for the eggs, but he will still try and find another way to care for them.


Although Jun Ye still held a skeptical attitude toward what the young master said, it didn’t prevent him from enjoying the young master’s enthusiasm.


“I like your white stockings.”


Joshua’s eyes lit up. Before he could get carried away in bliss, Jun Ye continued, “But if you go out in clothes like this again and attract attention…”


“No! I’ll only wear them for you.” After this confrontation, Joshua also understood what made the female Zerg angry.


Such a shameful thing, he wouldn’t do it unless he thought his beloved Zerg would enjoy it.


Fortunately, his husband wasn’t the kind of Heavenly clan Zerg who treated males as objects…




This time, while relying on chugging nutrient fluid and repairing solution, Joshua managed to endure for three days without falling asleep. As a result, he was completely awake when he was carried by the female Zerg to the bathroom for a clean-up.


Without a bathtub, Joshua laid on the bathroom counter, staring at his shameful reflection in the mirror with a flushed face. He couldn’t describe how embarrassed he felt.


A light chuckle came from behind him, making Joshua even more embarrassed. He glared at the female Zerg in the mirror with his red eyes, then kicked his legs back in annoyance. He urged, “Are you done? Come on, hurry up!”


Jun Ye extended a hand and grabbed the male Zerg’s ankle. He remarked, “You were just shouting so loudly, not caring about modesty. Why are you suddenly shy?”


“Hmph!” Could the two situations be compared? Who could say such things while seeing his disheveled self in the mirror?


Joshua tried to pull his leg back but was unsuccessful. Instead, he was pulled onto the sink by the female Zerg.


Joshua glared at the hand gripping his leg near his knee joint. Could this posture get any more embarrassing?!


After considering the current position for a moment, Joshua felt like he was going to explode. How could he endure this? The emperor behind him didn’t react at all, confirming that he was not a normal Zerg.


The warm water flowed down the male Zerg’s long, slender legs, and Jun Ye used his rounded, neatly trimmed nails to brush lightly, ensuring that no more impurities remained before standing up.


“Alright, you can take a shower and rest.”


However, Joshua didn’t move. Instead, he turned his tearful gaze toward Jun Ye and said, “My leg is numb.”


Jun Ye: “…”


He used a repairing solution for three days, and now his leg was numb after lifting it for a while…


This helpless situation made the Zerg’s mood complicated.


Jun Ye could only carefully lift the Zerg again and support him to the shower area. He walked to the shower sensor. It wasn’t until the Zerg leaned against him that they were able to complete the shower.

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Joshua felt very satisfied as he leaned against Jun Ye, allowing himself to be manipulated. He turned when asked to turn, raised his hand when asked to, and lifted his leg when asked to…


Jun Ye looked at the male Zerg who complained about his leg being numb but raised it ninety degrees to be washed. He had the phrase “MMP2It’s a chinese insult? It basically means “your mom is a pr*stitute” but I didn’t really know how to translate it as I feel that f*ck wasn’t strong enough in comparison lol” looping in his mind, unsure if he should say it out loud.


After finishing washing up and changing into pajamas, Joshua was carried to the sofa. As he watched Jun Ye busily changing the sheets and blankets, Joshua asked with a smile, “Jun, is the little one very happy now?”


Jun Ye sensed it, the life inside his belly was calm, and there was a clear sense of joy in the dispersed spiritual threads. He sneered and said, “Do you have an ascaris3It’s a parasitic worm that lives in the intestines of humans. in your stomach? It seems to know your mood so well.”


“Ascaris?” Joshua was used to hearing unfamiliar terms from Jun Ye’s mouth. At this point, he couldn’t help but be surprised, “Is that the species of our cubs?”


Jun Ye: “…”


What should he do if he suddenly wanted to take deworming medicine?


After changing the bed linens, they went to sleep together.


Ten minutes after getting into bed, Joshua was still restless in Jun Ye’s arms, trying to find the most comfortable position.


Jun Ye let out a quiet sigh in his heart and allowed the other to fidget around without moving himself.


After fidgeting around for a while, Joshua suddenly had an idea. He hooked his arms around Jun Ye’s neck and pulled the female Zerg down. Twisting his body, he asked, “Do you want to come in?”


It took a while for Jun Ye to understand what the young master meant, as he was being squirmed against for quite some time. He felt the veins on his forehead throbbed as he slapped the young master’s behind, saying helplessly, “Behave yourself. Haven’t I not fed you for three days?”


Pah! Where did the three days come from? It was clearly only once, and he was cleaned in less than half an hour!


Ignoring the slap, Joshua turned around, his back pressing tightly against the female Zerg’s chest. He reached down to pull his pajama pants down slightly, saying, “Come in, isn’t it that female Zergs like sleeping while being held?”


Female Zergs of the Zerg race liked to hold male Zergs in, and females from the Heavenly clan liked being held by males. Nothing wrong with that.


“Don’t play around.” Jun Ye held onto the male Zergs in his arms and pulled up the pajama pants.


It had been overused, and without proper rest, he was just causing trouble.


Joshua stopped moving, leaning back against Jun Ye, and sighed softly, “To be with Jun, I gave up the happiness I could have had as a male Zerg. I put myself in the position of a female Zerg and allowed you to toy with me… Am I really lowering myself like this? Yet, you won’t even let me experience the happiness of a female Zerg?”


Thinking about it, the female Zergs online all said that being able to sleep while holding the male master was the happiest thing. Now he was already under his beloved Zerg, so why not try experiencing the happiness as the receiving party?


However, as a male Zerg, Jun Ye would definitely not allow him to sleep without cleaning his seed from between his legs. Finding a way that both sides could enjoy should be okay, right?


Jun Ye: “…”


MMP, what a twisted reasoning.


Joshua sniffled, preparing to wipe away a tear and play his final card. However, he suddenly felt a cool and then a warm sensation behind him.


“Oh!” Joshua covered his mouth, feeling satisfied.


The sensation of being filled by his beloved… indeed, it was quite wonderful.



Whether it was that Joshua had come to terms with it or had found pleasure in the receiving party’s perspective, in the days that followed, the young master showed endless interest in mating.


Although he sometimes thought about turning the tables in secret, he would be very cooperative when it came to being the receiving end.


It was just that he had developed a habit of sobbing and crying out during mating. Jun Ye didn’t know where he had learnt those words he cried out, but it was embarrassing for Jun Ye to hear them.


And he had become quite cunning…


“Jun, why don’t you come with me to the main star to give birth? It’s not safe here.” While saying this, Joshua was sitting on top of Jun Ye, twisting his waist and ending up in a not-so-standard squatting position.


Jun Ye was lying on his back on the sofa bed. Because of the young master’s enthusiasm, he had previously been forced to purchase more furniture for his military place.


Of course, the room couldn’t fit everything, so they had to temporarily stack some of it in storage. Therefore, the plan to move to a new house was now back on the agenda.


Running his fingers through his slightly damp hair, Jun Ye sneered and said, “Come with you to give birth? You make it sound like you’re the one giving birth.”


“Um, Jun~~” Joshua finally sat down completely, shaking the female Zerg beneath him. He didn’t seem to have any intention of getting up again.


After being shaken for a minute, upwelling flames surged in Jun Ye, “You said you would do fifty squats, but you want to quit after doing so few. I’ve trained soldiers for over a decade, and I’ve never seen anyone as spoiled as you!”


The young master was truly cunning, he was now thinking of actually making him yield this way.


“Humph.” Joshua huffed out and this disdainful little gentleman raised his chin and said. “How many male Zergs has the Major General trained?”


“Ah,” Jun Ye let out a small laugh. “I think it’s quite a lot. I believe I trained the male Zergs who were stationed for the first three logistics sessions in the border Star.”


Joshua stared in disbelief at the Zerg beneath him, who seemed unaffected. He had maintained contact with the Zerg after the female Zerg took over the border army, so he knew exactly when the border planet had been established.


At that time, he was only reaching Jun Ye’s waist, and every video call they had, he would say that he would grow up faster to marry Jun Ye. But what about Jun Ye? He was actually having a fling with other male Zergs!


“Male Zergs from the entire logistics department…” Joshua’s voice trembled with anger. His good upbringing prevented him from pointing at the female Zerg’s nose and scolding him, but he was also itching to do so. “Weren’t  you afraid of getting sick?!”


“What exactly do you think I did?”


Jun Ye was becoming increasingly exasperated by the young master’s thought process. He patted Joshua’s leg and asked, “Are you going to do the remaining thirty-five squats or not?”


“Do them? You might as well kill me!” Joshua sniffled, turning his head away in frustration.


Jun Ye had no choice but to get up and hug the sulking young master, soothing him in a gentle voice, “Don’t overthink it. They all did squats together under the sun, unlike what you’re doing now.”


Joshua wiped away his tears, looked up, and asked, “Really?”


“Really,” Jun Ye confirmed firmly.


Joshua felt ashamed by his own embarrassing appearance. He used the back of his hand to wipe the traces from his face, then pushed his head against Jun Ye’s chest and said, “Lie back! Thirty-five, right? I’ll continue.”


Well, that was a really good boy. Let’s peck him on the face first.


As he watched the young master counting and moving up and down, murmuring to himself, Jun Ye’s gaze softened imperceptibly.


When he had established this star field and brought the entire army here, the male Zergs from the logistics department were all weak and almost sickly. Despite having masculine appearances, they were more delicate than debutantes. It took him quite an effort to straighten them out.


Oh, during that time, the number of female soldiers challenging him grew exponentially. They even held a direct competition, and it was only after he beat an entire corps that they quieted down. However, since then, various labels like “unmarriageable” had been slapped on him. But now…


Jun Ye gazed at Joshua with tender eyes.


Rumor had it that the “unmarriageable” him had formed a family and also had a “recruit” with a bad temper but solid determination.






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“Huff, huff…”


“Sir4This is a play on Jun Ye’s name, since the character for Jun also means “Monarch, Sir, Lord” etc, I can’t do it anymore…”


Jun Ye: “…”


—I take back what I said earlier.


After the young master’s soft grinding, sweet talk, and close interactions…plus the accomplishment of completing fifty squats in one go, Jun Ye finally agreed to accompany Joshua back to the main star for childbirth.


But there was no need to rush, with a gestation period of two and a half months, they could adjust the schedule and first find a suitable residence to move into.


Jun Ye thought that since the young master was after all a male Zerg, it wouldn’t be very convenient for him to live in a military officers’ dormitory swarming with female Zergs. Considering his own status, Jun Ye decided to find a plot of land outside the military camp and build a villa.


The entire stationed star was under his control, so he quickly identified suitable plots of land.


When he presented the options to Joshua, the young master suddenly became extremely enthusiastic and snatched the location data from Jun Ye’s hands, running off with the design team’s Zergs.


That night, before bedtime, Joshua greeted Jun Ye with a kiss on the corner of his mouth. His eyes gleamed as he said, “I will build a brand new love nest for you!”


Jun Ye: “…”


Hehe, who was the one who confidently claimed that even a foldable bed was fine? He had seen through that.


If he didn’t complete seventy squats this time, don’t expect him to forgive him.


A week for selecting the location, designing the villa and its surroundings, three days for construction and decoration, plus a few more days for fine-tuning… in the meantime, the main Zergs of the two houses would often disappear for several days at a time, causing delays in the progress of the villa construction.


As a result, the night before they returned to the main star, Jun Ye and Joshua were still cramped up in their modest 50-square-meter apartment.


Jun Ye was sitting on the sofa, checking their luggage, while Joshua rubbed his small paws and watched him. He said, “Jun, I think I can do sixty-five squats this time.”


Jun Ye raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure you still want to go to the main planet?”


Joshua looked at Jun Ye’s already slightly visible pregnant belly and he fell onto his lap in frustration. He used his fingertip to poke at the slightly protruding abdomen of the female Zerg, muttering, “Why can’t it come out a little later?”


Jun Ye gave him a sidelong glance. He was losing his abs. If it came out any later… he might not be able to resist cutting open his abdomen and taking the egg out.


With that thought, Jun Ye averted his gaze and said, “You can do whatever you want when we get on the spaceship.”


It was said that continuous hyperspace jumps were not good for the offspring in a pregnant female Zerg’s belly, so the Lindsay family head worried that their cub might go crazy worrying about Jun Ye. As a result, a specialized ship for pregnant females was dispatched.


“Is that even okay?” Joshua was a bit shy. The Zergs inside the ship dispatched by his male father would definitely report to him about what would happen inside.


On the ship the next day, Joshua failed to do any squats.


He propped one leg up on the washstand, tears glistening in his eyes as he looked at his disheveled self in the mirror. He felt like he might have a grudge with the washstand. Every time he was pressed against it by the female Zerg, it felt like the start of a nightmare.


Sniffle, were squats not good? Why did the training routine have to change?


He hated leg presses!


“Major General… Instructor… your darling’s legs are going to break…”


Jun Ye chuckled, embracing the Zerg, and sighed in a low voice, “There’s nothing I can do. My darling didn’t want to do squats on his father’s spaceship, so we had to switch to leg presses. You have half an hour until the next break. You better pour your heart and soul to stand firmly.”


“I can’t stand firmly…” Joshua sobbed: “Your beloved’s legs are already useless…”


“Don’t worry, Instructor will take a look.” Jun Ye kissed Joshua’s earlobe gently and bent down to examine him.


“Don’t! Don’t lift them! They really can’t be lifted any higher! Ahh, ahh, whoa…”


A wailing cry.


After tending to his leg, the female Zerg gently placed Joshua’s leg back on the washstand. A slightly cool repairing solution was poured onto his leg, and the large paws of the female Zerg softly massaged and pressed against his leg.


Joshua’s sobbing gradually calmed, and despite his leg’s condition, he first turned his head to look at the female Zerg’s abdomen. Nervously, he asked, “Are you okay? Does it hurt? Pregnant females shouldn’t engage in intense activities.”


Jun Ye cast a sidelong glance at Joshua. It made him uncomfortable to have his belly so exposed in front of the male Zerg. Because of this, after his belly started to protrude, no matter how the male Zerg tempted him with squats, he didn’t engage with him directly again.


“I’m fine. Go to the bathtub and soak your legs.”


“Um!” Finally, no more leg presses!




One week later, on the Alliance’s main star.


Today, the only male Zerg cub would bring back his pregnant female Monarch to the planet and so a certain mate hadn’t wanted to have fun with him last night. Frustration from being pent up all night had even caused some pimples. Lindsay, the head of the family, had a terrifyingly dark expression as he had breakfast.


“Lord Husband, don’t be upset. If we’re late to pick them up, how sad would our cub be not to see us?” Lord Xavier cautiously handed over his beauty tea5It’s basically a tea blend for wellness and relaxation, and which proprietary blend helps with the complexion.


Looking at the flower petals floating in the beauty tea, Lindsay could only stay silent: “…”


Master Lindsay then gritted his teeth: “Just you wait. I’ll bring back a young and beautiful female Zerg!”


Xavier just laughed. He really wasn’t worried about Lindsay bringing back female Zergs.


The three cubs had all grown up, and his position at home was unshakable since a long time ago. Whether he was favored or not didn’t have much impact anymore. Besides, Lindsay wasn’t young anymore. Would he be satisfied with bringing back a fierce female Zerg that was like a wolf or a tiger(Basically a female with a high s*x drive)?


Lindsay’s expression turned even darker when he thought about the appearance of his female Monarch. But then, he had only spoken out of anger. He hadn’t brought a female companion in over ten years, so he couldn’t possibly bring back an unfamiliar Zerg because of a minor disagreement.


Hmph, even if he couldn’t bring back a new female Zergs companion, he could still spend a few nights in other female companions’ rooms. He had to make the other party worry a bit, otherwise, he wouldn’t know how to properly serve his lord.


After breakfast, they returned to their room to change clothes.


Xavier had his clothes ready since the day before, so he changed quickly and then urged Lindsay impatiently. The expression on his face said: How can this old Zerg take so long to change clothes?


Lindsay was almost pushed to his limit by his irritation.


After changing, Xavier turned around and rushed out of the room.


Lindsay glanced at the weather outside and grabbed a scarf.


“Hurry up. If we’re not quick, we’ll miss them. Is the spacecraft ready?” Xavier opened the door of the villa and looked outside in anticipation.


Lindsay followed behind Xavier, wrapping the scarf around Xavier’s neck and impatiently said, “We have enough time. The spacecraft won’t land for a while.”


Xavier was startled by the soft feeling on his neck. He turned his head in astonishment to look at the male Zerg that had already withdrawn his hand, then looked down at the fluffy white scarf hanging down on his chest. He muttered softly, “It doesn’t match the clothes I picked out.”


After all, the scarf was put on him by his lord. In the end, he just couldn’t bear to take it off.




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On the other side, inside the rest compartment of the spacecraft.


After finishing his morning routine, Jun Ye walked out and saw the huddled figure on the bed, which gave him a bit of a headache.


The journey from the stationed planet to the United Alliance’s main star took a week in total. The initial plan was to engage in activities for the first three days and then rest for the remaining days. However, after resting for just a day, the young master remembered his squats and started doing them without any warning…


After an indescribable session, even though they tried to finish a bit earlier, it still went on until the middle of the night.


Jun Ye sat by the bedside, reached out, and gave a good rub to the little master’s face, which still retained a bit of baby fat.


“Um… ugh…”


The young master made a few muffled whines, but there was no sign that his eyelids would lift.


Jun Ye: “…”


F*ck, just which one of them is more concerned about what his parents would think?


Pulling back the covers, getting dressed, brushing his teeth, feeding nutrient fluid… It was as if he were a parent sending his unruly child to school on a Monday, bustling around and taking care of everything.


After administering the last mouthful of nutrient fluid, Jun Ye tossed the Zerg in his arms onto the couch and turned around to rinse his mouth.


He never wanted to touch that indescribable thing ever again in his life…




The spacecraft landed, and the hatch opened.


Jun Ye wrapped the young master in a blanket and carried him out.


This area of the spacecraft was designated for pregnant females, and by the time Jun Ye disembarked, there were already many Zergs gathered there. They were all pregnant females wearing loose-fitting and lightweight clothing, while Jun Ye, carrying a large bundle in his arms, was undoubtedly the center of attention.


While waiting for the ramp to open, several idle pregnant females nearby came over to greet them.


They glanced at what Jun Ye was holding and then at his slightly protruding belly. With a sigh, they said, “You’re truly fortunate.”


Jun Ye: “…”


Although the young master’s face still had some baby fat, he was slender and long-legged. Curled up in a bundle, wrapped in a blanket, and held by the tall Jun Ye, he gave off a sense of being an underage cub.




The one in my arms is really not the one I gave birth to. If I had such a bear-like son, I would have given him away long ago.


Just then, Joshua, who was not sleeping very soundly, moved a bit. He rubbed his nose against Jun Ye’s chest.


The several military and other female Zergs around them immediately smiled kindly and stepped back, avoiding looking in their direction, but they kept sneaking glances.


Jun Ye: “…”


No, don’t jump to conclusions. He’s not still nursing, no! He’s not my son at all, and I don’t have any milk!


This was so embarrassing… He really wanted to just put the male Zergs in his arms on the ground and ignore him. What should he do?


No matter how strong Jun Ye’s inner turmoil was, his signature military-style aloofness helped him conceal any outward emotional leakage. All the Zergs around felt that this pregnant female with a male Zerg pup and another one in his belly probably had a very happy father waiting for him.


As the ramp opened, Jun Ye carried the squirming Zerg in his arms and walked away briskly. While no one was paying attention, he gave the young master’s behind two slaps.


With the presence of pheromones, instances of Zergs not finding their partners were rare within the Zerg species, even in the midst of this bustling airport.


Lindsay sat slouched in the airport lounge, staring blankly at his own female Monarch, who was constantly craning his neck to search for their cub.


The spiritual connection of males was always slightly more sensitive than females. The moment their pup appeared in the lounge, Lindsay sensed it.


Looking up, he saw a cold military female carrying their cub walking towards them. A strange feeling welled up within Lindsay—a feeling that their pup was growing smaller and smaller. He then patted Xavier’s shoulder.


After over a century of being bedmates, they shared a tacit understanding that didn’t require words. Even though their child was still out of sight, Xavier stood up instinctively when Lindsay stood.


They met outside the rest area. Lindsay, whose acne had flared up due to unsatisfied desires, saw Joshua, who was being held by Jun Ye, his contentment clearly evident despite his relaxed features. Cold air seemed to radiate from Lindsay as he greeted them and then the atmosphere turned chilly.


In contrast, Xavier approached with concern. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Joshua was just asleep. He instinctively reached out to take his own cub from Jun Ye.


But Lindsay, who knew Xavier’s strength well, intervened and pulled Xavier away.


“Ah! Lord Husband, don’t cling to my waist. Let me hold the cub first.”


“How old is he now… He’s taller than you. Can you carry him?”


“Huh?” That bundled-up figure really looked so small…


Jun Ye followed the two Zergs out of the airport, stood outside the spacecraft, and looked up at the towering skyscrapers of the Alliance’s main star, feeling a bit dreamy.


When he first arrived in this world, he walked out of a dark alley while holding the young master, who was barely up to his waist. The scene before him was just like what he was seeing now. But now…


Jun Ye lowered his head, looking at the young master who was nibbling on his clothes and grinding his teeth, and felt a mix of indescribable emotions.


What’s with this feeling of failing at parenting?


After boarding the spacecraft, Xavier politely abandoned his position beside his mate and sat in the back seat. He then turned a “loving gaze” towards the sleeping Joshua.


Jun Ye silently glanced at the two Zergs and silently congratulated himself for promptly removing his clothes from the young master’s mouth. As for the dampness on his clothes… hopefully, no one would notice.


“Jun Ye.” Xavier shifted his gaze to Jun Ye and smiled.


“Hmm?” You can continue with your “loving gaze.” The little bastard behaves much better when you’re staring at him.


“Carrying eggs is tough, isn’t it?” Xavier smiled gently.


Jun Ye felt a bit panicked by the smile and hesitated before responding, “… It’s okay.”


Xavier disapproved: “This is your first child, and it’s normal that there’s many things you don’t understand. Look, you’re still carrying eggs. How can you carry heavy things?”


Jun Ye looked at Xavier, who was using his eyes to frantically signal towards the young master in his arms.



Xavier, who now had successfully achieved his goal of holding his cub, was finally satisfied and began to endlessly talk about some parenting classics to Jun Ye.


From prenatal education to selecting toys for the offspring, and from daily interactions with the male Master to determining the frequency of irrigation in a week… Xavier delved into a range of topics.


Jun Ye opened his terminal, taking diligent notes. He believed that all this information would be useful in the future.


After an exchange of knowledge, both parties felt very satisfied.



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A month later, the Lindsay family held a grand banquet to celebrate the birth of a twin egg6It’s not two eggs, but an egg with two cubs inside. Kinda like a double yolk egg? of the youngest heir of the Lindsay family.


Jun Ye, dressed in a black and white suit, stood at the center of the event, receiving the congratulations of numerous Zergs. This event was much grander than his own wedding ceremony. Many Zergsfrom all of his stationed planets had come, and his face was stiff from smiling.


“Congratulations, Major General.” Vice Admiral Edmund raised a glass of red wine to clink with Jun Ye’s, then scanned the surroundings and asked with confusion, “Where’s the Young Master?”


Jun Ye looked at the ceiling in silence: “Incubating the eggs.”


“What?” Edmund suspected that he might have misheard something.


“Well, it should be that he’s dressing the eggs.”


“Oh.” Edmund signaled that he understood. Male Zergs were different from their simpler and more straightforward female counterparts; they took care of eggs with great attention to detail.


Another guest approached, and Edmund bid farewell to Jun Ye.


“Congratulations,” it was a high-ranking military general who was friendly with the Lindsay family. He asked with a somewhat embarrassed smile, “My Lord Husband really wants twins. Any secrets you could share?”


It just happened that he gave birth to a twin egg. How could there be a secret to it? Why don’t you ask the chicken breeder?


Jun Ye pondered for a moment and then reservedly said, “Perhaps it’s a matter of persistence.”


The general paused for a moment, then nodded with a hint of regret, “Indeed, S-grade males are always exceptional.”


They clinked their glasses, and once the general left, Jun Ye took a sip of his wine.


Successfully fooled yet another person.


When the banquet reached its climax, Joshua appeared carrying the egg wrapped in colored yarn. The crowd’s attention was drawn, and the sound of camera shutters filled the air.


Jun Ye quietly retreated to a corner, trying to act like an ordinary guest. It would have worked if it weren’t for the fact that he and Joshua were wearing couple outfits.


Laying twins was really embarrassing.


Joshua’s gaze swept across the room and paused on Jun Ye before he broke into a big smile.


Jun Ye: “…”


No, can you just hold the twin egg properly? Why are you looking at me like that?


Three minutes later, Jun Ye stood beside Joshua in the center of the banquet hall, facing a barrage of flashing cameras.


A lavishly dressed male youth approached Joshua with a device resembling a voice recorder and asked, “I heard that you two have a secret to successfully laying a twin egg, related to stamina and perseverance. Could you share the details, Lord Joshua?”


Jun Ye looked at the young man in front of him. The young master, who was holding the eggs with composure, maintained the same posture as before. He looked calm and mature, with no discernible change except for the faint reddened ears peeking out from under his hair.


“Not for too long, most of the time it’s about three days,” Joshua said, reaching out to hold Jun Ye’s  hand, his voice tender. “My wife can’t bear to see me get too tired.”




On the same day, the news spread like wildfire across the StarNet.


“Three days! Three whole days! Are all S-grade males this terrifying?!”


“Three days in one go and you’re saying you don’t want to tire yourself out? Even an A-grade male like me would be exhausted!”


“Your Highness, marry me! I want you to avoid getting tired! Just two and a half days in one go is enough!”


That day, the most popular demand on the StarNet was – Joshua, please take me on!


Following that were discussions about “The Stamina of S-grade Males,” “The Right Way to Lay Twin Eggs,” “Three Days of Massage with a Stick7It’s exactly what it implies…lol, You Deserve It”…


Despite the discussions outside, they had nothing to do with the Zergs inside this room.


Jun Ye was soaking in a bath, eyes closed, in the new villa they had purchased on the main star. It was located in the same villa district as the Lindsay family’s main residence.


The sound of someone entering the water reached him, and Jun Ye lazily opened his eyes to see Joshua sitting beside him, holding a large white egg.




Jun Ye glanced at the half-submerged Zerg egg in the water and asked hesitantly, “Do you want to eat hot spring boiled eggs?”


This was too sudden. Although he had been thinking of moving the twin egg to the kitchen, he hadn’t actually done it yet. This one was truly daring.


Joshua looked at Jun Ye with a complaining expression: “This is our babies!” Not those edible lower-tier Zerg eggs.


Jun Ye: “…”


Of course, I know! I gave birth to it…


“It won’t get cooked by the heat?” The water temperature wasn’t low.


“This is our cubs!” How could the egg get cooked at this water temperature?


Well, maybe this was a communication barrier caused by the difference in their perspectives.


Joshua tentatively asked, “Don’t you like our cubs?”


“It’s alright…”


Jun Ye himself wasn’t quite sure. He didn’t know how it felt for a mother in his original world to give birth to a baby, but it surely wasn’t like his situation here. This was… an egg.


“Jun…” Joshua called anxiously.


Jun Ye raised his damp hand to tousle Joshua’s hair and said softly, “Don’t overthink it. This is the cub I gave birth to.” After all, he wouldn’t develop aversion to it.


Faced with the young master’s uneasiness, Jun Ye couldn’t tell him that he had been pondering whether to use protection lately.


Moreover, this was the Zerg world. Leaving aside whether there were condoms designed for females, just his thorn-like protuberance that extended during copulation was a troublesome factor.


Joshua held the egg against his chest but couldn’t find a sense of security. Instead, he placed the egg in a towel basin by the edge of the bath, keeping some distance.


He then returned to straddle Jun Ye’s lap, holding onto his neck, and asked, “It’s been half a month. Is your body feeling better, Jun?”


Without waiting for Jun Ye’s response, Joshua began to explore on his own, smiling at Jun Ye. He said, “Even if you’re not completely well, it’s alright. I’ll take the lead.”


HOLY GUACAMOLE what a HUGE chapter!! I was despairing while translating it but I guess it makes up for the previous chapters which were kinda really short (〃>_<;〃)

I’M SUCH A FOOL I THOUGHT JOSHUA WAS REALLY DOING SOME PHYSICAL TRAINING REGIMEN!! When this shameless couple was just being frisky instead!!

But anyways, the cubs are here! It’s twins! Can’t wait to see how the story will be with them here! Though there’s not much left for this arc ( ◡‿◡ *)


Thank you for reading! You can consider checking out my ko-fi for bonus releases (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

1So this was actually a play on words and also a reference to the way emperor penguins lay eggs. So the female just leaves them to the male to take care of. And in this sense, Jun Ye doesn’t need Joshua’s seed for the eggs, but he will still try and find another way to care for them2It’s a chinese insult? It basically means “your mom is a pr*stitute” but I didn’t really know how to translate it as I feel that f*ck wasn’t strong enough in comparison lol3It’s a parasitic worm that lives in the intestines of humans.4This is a play on Jun Ye’s name, since the character for Jun also means “Monarch, Sir, Lord” etc5It’s basically a tea blend for wellness and relaxation, and which proprietary blend helps with the complexion6It’s not two eggs, but an egg with two cubs inside. Kinda like a double yolk egg?7It’s exactly what it implies…lol

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