
“Don’t move,” Jun Ye said, holding onto the young master who was about to sit down, and the thought of possibly being impregnated again at an unknown time gave him a headache.

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Just thinking about laying eggs… even with previous experience, made him feel uneasy. There was a certain sense of shame that came with male-bodied individuals nurturing love offspring.


With his physical condition that was quite troublesome, Jun Ye didn’t want to take any risks without adequate protection measures put in place.


“Jun…” Joshua started to sit down but was stopped as the female Zerg’s arm wrapped around his waist. The other’s clear refusal made his flushed face pale.


Ever since he awakened, it had been a long time since he had rejected his advances.


His paws hesitantly stroked the abdomen of the female Zerg, which wasn’t as defined as it used to be. Through the steam in the bath, he could even see a faint red scar running across his abdomen.



It was a scar from the cesarean section during childbirth.


Joshua pretended to smile nonchalantly and said, “I was too hasty. You should take more time to recover, Jun.”


Jun Ye looked deeply at Joshua, then released his hold and let the male Zerg sit on his lap.


Their skin touched, and Joshua dared not make any sudden movements, his paws on the female Zerg’s abdomen trembling slightly.



He had checked Jun Ye’s daily recovery reports and knew that this was just an excuse, but Jun Ye had consented…


Joshua also sensed that the other didn’t particularly like the idea of having offspring. These two factors made Joshua feel uneasy and eager to do something.


After studying the information about the royal family of the Neotolag species, Joshua had realized that there was no such thing as a female Zerg liking someone and being willing to bear their offspring. Females didn’t get pregnant; that egg was merely an accident during mating and had nothing to do with emotions.


Seeing the truth, some of the things he had previously believed were not so certain anymore. For instance, their first encounter when a female Neotolag from the royal family appeared on the Zerg homeworld, saved him, and attracted him—could there be ulterior motives behind it?


Joshua wasn’t afraid that Jun Ye had ulterior motives, but he was afraid that Jun Ye might want something he couldn’t provide.



At least, as it looks now, the other person has shown no desire to claim anything for himself, whether it’s his body or his wealth…

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This leaves Joshua somewhat frustrated. He doesn’t even know what he means to the other person. You see, the Heavenly Tribe is a matriarchal society, and capable females from that clan never lack male partners. They can have many male partners based on their military achievements.


So what is he, then? Just an ordinary bed partner? To play with when in the mood and discard when not interested? (This is because he is a male Zerg and Jun Ye can’t return him to the government or transfer him to other females.)


Joshua’s thoughts were in turmoil until Jun Ye lifted him out of the water and brought him back to his senses.


Jun Ye handed Joshua a towel to dry himself off. Joshua looked at him with a bewildered gaze, as if he hadn’t quite realized what had happened yet. This silly and dazed look even stirred something in Jun Ye.


Moreover, the water he had poured seemed a bit too hot for a male Zerg. The male Zerg was soaking wet all over, and he looked extremely enticing.


A cut on the abdomen is only a minor injury for a robust and fast-recovering military female. Jun Ye’s body had actually fully recovered a long time ago, and if it weren’t for the fear of infection, he wouldn’t mind having a go with the young master.


Based on the development of the cub, the last time he should have had a chance was during the days when the young master awakened. Thinking about the probability of hitting the mark with this one, Jun Ye ultimately restrained himself while wrapping the young master in a towel.



The female Zerg’s sudden withdrawal of his claws caught Joshua off guard for a moment. He instinctively looked up at Jun Ye, only to find that Jun Ye’s expression was very serious, just like when he changed the stained sheets every time.


Did the female Zerg just pinch him… there? Wasn’t that some kind of hint?


Being stared at so innocently by the young master, Jun Ye suddenly felt a little guilty about his recent actions of indulging himself. He cleared his throat and said, “It’s getting late, and you’ve been sitting on that egg all day… uh, carrying that egg all day. You should rest.”


So it wasn’t actually a hint?


“Okay,” Joshua obediently replied, turned around, and bent over to pick up the egg by the bath.


Jun Ye, who witnessed the whole process of “picking up” the egg, thought to himself, “…The temperature in this bathroom does seem a bit high.”


Once Jun Ye made it clear that he had no intention of mating with him, Joshua couldn’t help but feel a sense of shared misfortune when he looked at the Zerg egg.


Well, both of us have been rejected by that scum female. But don’t worry; I’ll give you all the care you deserve instead of him in the future.

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So, Jun Ye watched as the male Zerg carefully placed the egg on the bed and cradled it against his abdomen.


Glancing at the neglected incubator left on the bedside table, Jun Ye’s mood became complex. “Are you really going to hatch them yourself?”


Due to some unspoken thoughts, Joshua was lying with his back to Jun Ye. When he heard the female Zerg’s question, he turned to look at the half-sitting Zerg behind him, astonished.


Only certain flying creatures require egg incubation. Zerg offspring are incredibly resilient. Even if they are born in the wild, as long as they don’t encounter egg-eating creatures or natural disasters, they can grow and hatch on their own.


Jun Ye seemed to be lacking common knowledge about the Zerg race; he didn’t even know that Zerg eggs didn’t need incubation. Furthermore, when they were in the bathroom, Jun Ye actually thought he was carrying edible exotic eggs!


With these thoughts in mind, Joshua held the egg even more tightly, realizing that he would be solely responsible for the young cubs’ survival with such an unreliable female father.


Jun Ye: “…” What’s with that guarded look? I don’t intend to compete with you for the eggs.


“If you want to hatch it, go ahead,” Jun Ye laid down, looking at the male Zerg directly behind him. He added, “Just don’t crush it.”


Joshua was silent. It seemed like the female Zerg’s common sense was nonexistent. The shell of a Zerg egg is so hard that he wouldn’t be able to crush it while lying down even if he wanted it.


Joshua hesitated about whether to educate Jun Ye about this, but he felt the female Zerg’s hand sliding past his waist, and he trembled.


Is it happening now?


Joshua bit his lower lip lightly, his heart pounding, and his cheeks burning.


The female Zerg’s hand encircled his belly, his body pressed against his back, and his other hand slid down his waist and rested on… his paw cradling the Zerg egg?




Jun Ye kissed the young master’s light, golden curls, whispered softly, “Go to sleep.”

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Joshua: “Oh…”


Instantly disappointed, can’t even do it while cuddling…


But hey! If you’re not coming in, why are you snuggling so closely?!


The warmth in Joshua’s face didn’t dissipate for quite some time.


A quiet night passed.


The next morning, full of vigor, things were bound to get a little heated.


Joshua noticed this even earlier than Jun Ye did. When Jun Ye finally stirred and felt the commotion, the male Zerg had already placed the egg to the side and eagerly burrowed under the covers.


Jun Ye gazed at the gradually brightening sky, his mind momentarily blank.


It was warm, so warm… Had the sun already risen, or was the air conditioning set too high? It’s really hot… and it feels like someone is licking ice cream.






Jun Ye snapped back to reality in an instant. His breath paused for a moment and then he quickly retreated, pulling the male Zerg out from under the covers.


“Ahem…” As Joshua emerged from beneath the covers, he coughed quietly, his face tinged with an abnormal blush.


Jun Ye noticed the glistening moisture on the male Zerg’s lips, and his mind roared with a tumult of thoughts – damn, he was the ice cream being licked!

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Joshua, wiping his lips, discreetly stole glances at Jun Ye while masking it with coughing. Some things he did in secret didn’t seem like a big deal, but when the female Zerg caught on…


The warmth on his face intensified as the female Zerg’s gaze upon him made him feel both embarrassed and anxious.


Instinctively, Joshua wanted to burrow back under the covers to hide, and indeed, he did so.


Watching the covers swell and tremble, Jun Ye did his best to regain his composure, stiffly rolled out of bed, and entered the bathroom.


He closed the door loudly so that the male underneath the quilt would be able to hear it. It would be bad if he suffocated.


He turned on the cold water. Thankfully it had only been a standard reaction – there was no barbs or anything, otherwise, he would’ve needed a few days to get back to normal…


He forced himself not to think about the young master, and with the cold water streaming over him, things gradually subsided.


Feeling quite disgruntled, Jun Ye turned off the water, gave himself a cursory towel-dry, changed his clothes, and left the bathroom.


Upon exiting, he found Joshua had shifted to the sofa, cradling the egg wrapped in yarn. Seeing Jun Ye emerge, the male Zerg timidly raised his head.


Jun Ye couldn’t help but fixate on the male Zerg’s lips, which appeared to have been surreptitiously rubbed many times while he was away. They now bore a redder, swollen appearance and looked even more moist…


The thought of kissing suddenly appeared in Jun Ye’s mind, accompanied by a strong desire.




I have been terrible with uploading these past weeks and I’m sorry! Work has been horrible on me lol but I’m quitting in a couple of weeks so hopefully I’ll be able to pick up the pace and release more chapters until I start my new job!

Also, the h*rniness is strong in this chapter lol


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