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Gu Jiaoxiu adjusted his clothes and walked towards the L Pavilion where “Jun Ye” was.


“Colonel, hello.”




As he encountered familiar staff from the mermaid pavilion along the way, Gu Jiaoxiu responded to their greetings with a reserved nod. Despite the slight smile playing on his lips, the satisfaction from being a husband was evident. From meticulously combed hair to polished military boots, he showcased the demeanor of a proudly wedded man.


As Gu Jiaoxiu walked away, the staff whispered to each other, “Colonel Gu looks… Is he going through puberty?”



“Do humans have a puberty stage?”


“He still has half-mermaid lineage…”


Gu Jiaoxiu, unaware of the staff’s discussions behind him, confidently entered the L Pavilion.


Inside the venue, the artificial domed scenery had transitioned to night, with stars shining brightly. Under the manufactured night sky, the pool became a paradise illuminated by glowing creatures. The aquatic stage was set for the courtship dramas both inside and outside the water.



A quick glance allowed Gu Jiaoxiu to find “Jun Ye,” who was sitting by the pool, soaking his tail.


Under the artificial night, the mermaid in a blue and white fishtail skirt appeared captivating, reminiscent of a sea enchantress from ancient tales, luring sailors for a feast.


Gu Jiaoxiu was tempted to kneel and peek under the fishtail skirt for a glimpse of the scenery below. However, before that, he needed to clear away those shameless fellows surrounding his mermaid partner.


A military officer, engrossed in conversation with a mermaid, noticed Gu Jiaoxiu approaching and raised an eyebrow, saying, “Ah, Colonel Gu, are you also here to enjoy the night?”


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Whether it was an illusion or not, Gu Jiaoxiu felt that the officer emphasized the word “night” in a particularly suggestive manner, and his eyes kept glancing at “Jun Ye.”



Where is he looking?! This is my mermaid!


Maintaining a polite smile on his face, Gu Jiaoxiu extended his greetings while inwardly cursing the officer’s ancestors. “No, I’m here to take my mermaid back to the room for some rest. I won’t disturb everyone’s enjoyment of the night.”


Ignoring the puzzled or astonished glances from several officers, Gu Jiaoxiu squatted down next to Jun Ye, his eyes carrying a gentle glow, and asked expectantly, “Can I hold you?”


Jun Ye remained expressionless throughout. Seeing Gu Jiaoxiu nervously rubbing his hands together with anticipation, there was a hint of regret in his heart.


Why did he assume that all the mermaids had been sold when he didn’t see any of them in the activity area in the morning? He didn’t even consider the delicate nature of their bodies; how could they stay in the water for extended periods?


Who would have thought that in the afternoon, while having a private moment in a pool, chasing after fish that swam around, he would be astonished when he emerged from the water and saw familiar mermaids being carried into the pool by officers in military uniforms.


Even his former attendant was there, bringing a plate of seaweed for him. After inquiring, he learned that most mermaids waited until the last few days of the month to decide which officer they would leave with. During the month, they entertained favors from numerous suitors.



Seemingly, he was the only one silly enough to rush into selling himself…


These past few days had been quite frustrating for Jun Ye. However, what frustrated him was his own foolishness; he couldn’t blame the current caretaker who nervously fumbled around.


If he had to be carried, then so be it. With this fishtail skirt, he couldn’t walk normally anyway. Instead of walking like a lady holding up her skirts, Jun Ye preferred being carried like a princess.


Raising his hand to encircle Gu Jiaoxiu’s neck, he glanced away, saying, “The mermaid car is at the entrance.”


“Okay.” Gu Jiaoxiu smiled happily, lifting the mermaid with confidence and reserve. He cast a disdainful and cautious gaze at the several officers who stood stupefied nearby, protecting his mermaid companion as they took a detour and left.


Hmph, my partner. None of you will touch the tip of his tail.


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Jun Ye half-lay on the mermaid carriage as his caretaker led him around the long glass-walled corridor and stopped in front of a metal door with imprints of many mermaids dancing with humans.


Gu Jiaoxiu used the room card to open the door and noticed the mermaid’s gaze fixed on the drawings on the door. He couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty.


He really couldn’t perform the aquatic courtship dance. If his mermaid companion wished to see him dance, perhaps a simplified version on land could suffice?


Jun Ye didn’t notice the caretaker’s subtle thoughts. Upon entering the suite, his attention was immediately drawn to the candlelit dinner arranged by the floor-to-ceiling windows—more seaweed…


Gu Jiaoxiu closed the door, personally pushing the mermaid carriage towards the glass curtain wall.


Outside the glass was the slowly undulating glow of fish, with the deep blue sea and the fluorescent flashes of the fish reflecting into the room, creating a sparkling and dynamic display of colors.


Gu Jiaoxiu leaned down, preparing to lift “Luo Sha” onto the chair with a water cushion, but saw the other person standing up on his own. He lifted the fishtail skirt and slid to the table using his tail.


It wasn’t until Jun Ye sat down, supporting himself against the back of the chair, that Gu Jiaoxiu snapped back to reality. His mermaid companion seemed to be not as delicate as he had initially thought.


That’s even better; a stronger body means less need for water. They could spend more time on land, especially in bed… ahem, onshore.


Under the influence of the companion “filter”, Gu Jiaoxiu found “Luo Sha” increasingly appealing. He was getting eager to deepen their understanding of each other.


Jun Ye nibbled on a couple of pieces of seaweed. Without looking, he knew that the caretaker on the other side was probably nibbling on the same seaweed, all the while grinning foolishly at him.


By the time Jun Ye reached the third piece of seaweed, he was on the verge of a breakdown. He could endure standing motionless in the scorching sun for half a day and wading through the mother Zerg Queen swarm with a knife in hand, but he couldn’t tolerate compromising on food, especially things that insulted the very concept of food, like the nutrient solution in the Zerg world, or these seaweed pieces that could dehydrate a fish.


Taking a sip of water, Jun Ye looked at the caretaker who was chewing seaweed similar to his, and he couldn’t help but feel that the other person resembled a herbivorous merman more than he did.


Unable to bear it anymore, Jun Ye asked bluntly, “Don’t you eat meat?”


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A table full of green seaweed, and he couldn’t even sneak some human food.


Gu Jiaoxiu gave Jun Ye a reassuring smile, “I won’t eat meat in front of you. I can accompany you eating seaweed for the rest of my life.”


Gu Jiaoxiu’s gaze was firm and serious. Jun Ye felt compelled to shove the entire plate of seaweed into his mouth.


“I’m full,” Jun Ye said abruptly, fearing that he might end up killing his caretaker if he stayed any longer.


As Jun Ye left, he glanced around the room. The suite had a one-bedroom, one-living-room layout. Nearly everything in the room seemed almost brand new. His current caretaker probably didn’t stay here very often.


So, Jun Ye swam directly towards the bedroom.


The bedroom was spacious, with a water pool taking up most of the area, besides the section with everyday items such as a double water bed and a wardrobe.


Opening the wardrobe, Jun Ye found all his dresses had been moved there, along with a small section hanging men’s clothing.


Looking at his own section, Jun Ye silently moved his gaze to the adjacent area with men’s clothing. He pulled out a white men’s nightgown that was obviously never worn, still having the tag on.


As soon as the mermaid left, Gu Jiaoxiu lost his appetite. After hurriedly nibbling on his seaweed, he finished the water in his cup and started clearing the table.


After sending away the waiter who took the dishes, Gu Jiaoxiu locked the door and began walking hastily towards the bedroom.


Opening the bedroom door, he was met with the sight of a mermaid with its back turned, removing its fishtail skirt. The backless fishtail skirt revealed a large expanse of white skin on the shoulders. As the skirt slowly slid off, the light blue fish tail gradually emerged from its wrapping…


Gu Jiaoxiu’s heartbeat accelerated.


Gu Jiaoxiu’s breath became irregular.


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Gu Jiaoxiu’s blood rushed to his head.


Gu Jiaoxiu touched his nose.


—Damn! He’s blushing!


With the descent of the long skirt, the mermaid, who heard the door being pushed open, turned around.


The person on the bed, however, wasn’t him. With his eyes closed, Jun Ye thought in his mind that the young master, distressed about the flesh on his waist, hadn’t been this heavy even during those years.


The person at the end of the bed had slightly irregular breathing and a rapid heartbeat. Perhaps he had just engaged in some nocturnal exercise? Jun Ye nonchalantly thought.


A hand glided over the tip of his fishtail, rubbing it repeatedly. The person seemed to lean down, and the scorching breath fell on his tail, feeling the intense warmth even through the layer of fish scales.


Jun Ye flicked his tail slightly, feeling uncomfortable, trying to get the person to step back.


With the flicking tail, the flapping fin hit his face. Gu Jiaoxiu’s breath hitched, and his blood flowed in reverse for a moment.


The brain, deprived of blood (due to the blood being redirected to a certain area you understand), almost lost its ability to think. Gu Jiaoxiu instinctively opened his mouth and bit the tip of the mermaid’s tail like a puppy biting a delicious bone.





Gu Jiaoxiu has even fewer braincells than Joshua x’D


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