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Gu Jiaoxiu, holding the tip of the mermaid’s tail in his mouth, stared at the sleeping gown that belonged to him, his eyes turning red. His canine teeth were grinding against the Jun Yection of the scales, and his controlled breath became light and hurried.


At first, Jun Ye thought his caretaker couldn’t touch his tail properly, but then, agitated, he resorted to using his mouth. It wasn’t until he detected a faint smell of blood that Jun Ye gradually realized something was wrong.


His drowsiness was instantly swept away, and Jun Ye opened his eyes, sitting up straight. Glancing towards the end of the bed, he indeed saw the sleeping gown lifted at the caretaker’s lower abdomen.


Shifting his gaze to the caretaker’s face, the young man wasn’t wearing the monocle he usually wore. The corners of his eyes were now dyed in red, and his gaze was both fierce and menacing, resembling someone about to devour a fish.


Observing the caretaker in this state, Jun Ye felt the veins on his forehead throbbing again. This peculiar physical reaction usually occurred when the young master was possessed by the spirit of mischief.





Taking a deep breath, Jun Ye tugged his tail, but he couldn’t manage it. The caretaker’s hand grabbed onto it. Jun Ye frowned and asked, “Did you eat something unclean outside?”


Even if he did, why would he come looking for him?


Observing the lifted sleeping gown, Jun Ye could feel his caretaker’s hand becoming increasingly restless, rubbing against the scales. He tried to pull his tail, but the caretaker’s hand held it firm.



Gu Jiaoxiu’s desperate attempt to explain was muffled by the fish tail in his mouth, producing a sound akin to a suppressed sob.


He really wasn’t the type who needed medication to perform on his wedding night!


The mermaid companion questioning his abilities made Gu Jiaoxiu anxious, and his face turned red.


Jun Ye: “…”


Damn, is this scumbag really planning to derive pleasure from looking at his face?



Jun Ye raised his tail again, and this time the caretaker’s arm pressed down. Sitting on only the tip of his tail, which was already challenging to control, he couldn’t lift it even ten centimeters under this pressure.


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Jun Ye became increasingly irritated. With a determined mindset to intimidate this scumbag and make him lose his er*ction, he lifted the hem of the sleeping gown and sharply declared, “Look carefully, this is a freaking fish tail!”


This time, Gu Jiaoxiu did loosen his grip on the mouth, and even before Jun Ye finished speaking, he pounced.


If, at first, it was like a puppy finding a bone, eager to chew on it…


Gu Jiaoxiu, overwhelmed with hunger like a bear after a winter, pounced on the fish tail with anticipation. However, before he could even bite down, his saliva was already uncontrollable.


Jun Ye’s face turned dark. This scumbag dared to go for it without even properly engaging!


Despite sensing the warmth through the scales, Jun Ye became impatient. He vigorously swung his tail, attempting to shake off the caretaker.



As Gu Jiaoxiu used all his strength, his mind, if clear, would have realized the consequences of having an excessively strong mermaid companion. Not only did he deplete most of his stamina before getting to the main event, but if the mermaid companion managed to break free… his male dignity would be in jeopardy.


Currently, driven by primal instincts, Gu Jiaoxiu tightly embraced Jun Ye’s tail, lowering his head to nibble and lick the fish tail. The carefully bred mermaid, selected based on human preferences, lacked the mucus found in typical marine organisms on its fish tail.


Well-maintained scales resembled high-quality gemstones, and the slightly cool temperature effectively relieved his aching desire.


As the caretaker became more unrestrained, Jun Ye’s face turned livid. This pervert was actually experiencing arousal from a fish tail.


Damn it! Where is he biting?!


Jun Ye wasn’t dead. His tail was just pinned down, and the rest of his body was perfectly fine.


Furious, Jun Ye reached for Gu Jiaoxiu’s collar, lifting and tossing him aside as the caretaker was engrossed in his activities. The forceful movement caused Gu Jiaoxiu to fall to the bed, and his sleeping gown scattered around.


With his prominent feature now fully exposed, Jun Ye’s eyes widened. Annoyed, he raised his tail and slapped Gu Jiaoxiu’s face twice.


Gu Jiaoxiu, bewildered, felt a flash of white light before him and found himself in a state of confusion. As he stared, Jun Ye seized his collar, irritated and indignant, raising his tail and slapping it twice across Gu Jiaoxiu’s face.


Jun Ye: “…”


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Gu Jiaoxiu: “…”


Jun Ye, eyeing the liquid on his tail, which had luckily not touched him, took a deep breath, and the killing intent emanating from him almost solidified.


Gu Jiaoxiu remained in a daze.


Observing the “artwork” on the mermaid’s tail, he noticed the small clusters of white dots falling gracefully on the sky-blue scales, following the curves of the mermaid’s tail…


Then, he lowered his head to his own still unconcealed part.


This was his first time, and regardless of the s*x education in school, discussions among acquaintances, or various descriptions on the internet, he had never heard of a situation like this.


Even if he hadn’t heard of it, he knew it was embarrassing. It was worse than being mocked as a quickshot by countless people. He hadn’t even managed to penetrate his partner’s body…


“Luo Sha” would probably view him…


Gu Jiaoxiu’s face turned red and white intermittently. He glimpsed at the nearby blanket and, disregarding the pain on his face, grabbed a corner of it and crawled inside.


Initially, Jun Ye had considered giving the pervert another beating, but now, looking at the bulge under the blanket, he couldn’t bring himself to drag such a spineless person out for another round of punishment. He could only clench his teeth and swallow his frustration.


Fuming, he got out of bed to wash his tail.


Damn it! Such bad luck!


Sensing the mermaid leaving the bed, Gu Jiaoxiu’s heart tightened. Carefully, he pulled the blanket open a crack, his breath trembling, searching for the silhouette of his partner.


The mermaid stood up using his tail, swaying towards the water tank. His sleeping gown was worn by the other, and with it, the fish tail became even more apparent, with over half of it exposed.


Gu Jiaoxiu’s breath caught again at the sight. Without thinking, he wanted to touch his t*ol but refrained, fearing that his partner might notice. He continued peeking through the gap between the blanket and the bedsheet.


The mermaid, facing away, removed his sleepwear.


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The mermaid slid into the water tank.


Gu Jiaoxiu knew the water was not deep, just enough for him to stand with the water reaching his front end. This was to facilitate better copulation in the water.


When “Luo Sha” stood up using his tail, he seemed a bit taller. Looking from this angle, the scenery behind the mermaid fell into Gu Jiaoxiu’s eyes.


Beyond was the deep blue ocean separated by a glass curtain wall. Bioluminescent organisms swam in the artificially cultivated seawater. Inside, a stunning mermaid bathed in the water. The flickering lights and shadows were enchanting, far more captivating than anything those scoundrels would see.


Gu Jiaoxiu got aroused again, forgetting the lesson not to try and prove his abilities to his partner by embracing him.


As his gaze dropped to the rippling water surface beneath the mermaid, Gu Jiaoxiu discreetly swallowed, deciding to let his partner wash a bit more before returning to continue their wedding night in bed.


Jun Ye fiercely wiped his tail with a towel attached to the side of the tank, with particular emphasis on the areas contaminated by the pervert’s actions. The force was so intense that it almost tore the towel apart.


After a while, Jun Ye threw aside the towel and climbed back onto the bed, picking up the sleeping gown from the floor.


Initially, he had intentionally lifted the sleeping gown to scare Gu Jiaoxiu, ensuring it didn’t get tainted with anything dirty. Still, looking at the garment, he felt disgusted and quickly put it back on, not wanting to think of the temptation of the lace nightdresses in his closet.


Jun Ye tied the belt of the sleeping gown in a calm and unhurried manner. His gaze swept over the water bed, where the bulge under the blanket was conspicuously trembling, firmly pressed against the bed.


Covering up makes it more conspicuous.


Jun Ye shifted his gaze away. Although he didn’t want to share a bed with that pervert, without another water bed, the damn mermaid’s physique left him with no choice.


Although sleeping in the water tank was an option, due to psychological reasons, Jun Ye decided to stay away from the area contaminated by the perverted liquid until it was replaced.


Back on the bed, Jun Ye lay down on the side farthest from Gu Jiaoxiu.


Gu Jiaoxiu, feeling defeated, quietly pulled the blanket open a bit more. Seeing the mermaid peacefully closing his eyes, he cautiously crawled towards him, dragging the blanket.


As his hand reached forward, the mermaid opened his eyes.


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The cold gaze fell on him, and Gu Jiaoxiu instinctively recoiled. His hand subconsciously retreated, and his voice dropped a notch: “I—I can last a long time… let’s do it again, I’ll definitely make you comfortable.”


Jun Ye: “…”


Damn pervert!


Jun Ye continued to stare coldly at Gu Jiaoxiu until the latter’s paw completely withdrew under the blanket. Then, he threw out a cold “get lost.”


With his self-esteem crushed by his partner’s gaze, Gu Jiaoxiu huddled under the blanket, occasionally raising his eyes to look at the mermaid, who was several arms away from him. He felt extremely uncomfortable.


The mermaids didn’t need blankets; even the artificially bred ones like them had a much higher tolerance for cold than humans.


In the quiet bedroom, Gu Jiaoxiu stayed hidden under the blanket for a long time. It was only when the mermaid’s breathing gradually became steady that he cautiously moved closer.


Although the mermaid didn’t fear the nighttime chill, Gu Jiaoxiu carefully covered his partner’s long fish tail with the blanket.


Jun Ye didn’t sleep deeply. He could feel Gu Jiaoxiu’s movements, but seeing how docile he was behaving, not making any unwanted advances, Jun Ye unexpectedly felt calm and relaxed.


Maintaining a supine position, he gazed at the ceiling with vacant eyes, as if it were just another weekend spent lying in bed with the young master.


Until a certain part pressed against him started becoming hot, until the youth moaned softly and hugged his tail, rubbing against it.


Jun Ye’s face darkened as he raised his tail and shook off Gu Jiaoxiu, thinking that maybe he should ask whether plotting inappropriate actions against one’s pet would lead to imprisonment.





LOL the misunderstandings are huge with this one.


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