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The piercing sound of the morning wake-up bell echoed through the dormitory area, accompanied by the noise of people throwing off covers and searching for clothes.


Having not woken up early for a long time, Fei Xiu groggily opened his eyes. Someone knocked on his bedside. “Hey, Chief, time to get up.”


Fei Xiu rubbed his head and struggled within his blanket. He turned on his terminal and glanced at the time: 6:01 AM.


Fei Xiu shot up from the bed.


In the past ten years, except for a few times when he took his Omega to watch the sunrise, he hadn’t gotten up before eight o’clock. The military school schedule these days was particularly unfriendly to someone of his middle age.


Despite the unfriendliness, the thought of seeing his Omega today energized him. He quickly got out of bed and began to get dressed and wash up.



Having experienced death and rebirth every five years, he was no longer the fool who would rush to his Omega’s garden the moment he changed bodies.


Fei Xiu had learned to quickly integrate into the original host’s life.


The current body was a Beta, studying in the mecha department at the top university on the main star. He was participating in a joint training camp set up for next year’s graduation exam.


Fei Xiu splashed cold water on his face. Only heaven knew how someone who had only operated civilian mechas a few times over ten years ago was going to pass the exam.



These days, he hadn’t even seen a mecha. The training was all high-intensity physical exercise, and Fei Xiu felt that if he kept this up for a few more months, he’d regain the muscular physique he had back when he was a fitness coach.


He put on his military boots and straightened his clothes and hat in front of the mirror. The Beta roommate who had woken him up was already calling out anxiously from the door, “Chief, fix your hat on the way. The principal is coming to inspect today. If we’re late, the instructor will kill us.”


Fei Xiu thought, Doesn’t everyone know my spouse is coming? How can I not dress up properly to meet him?


It was only after becoming this Beta that Fei Xiu learned that five years ago, Jun Ye had become the honorary principal of the main star’s top university. That was during the period when Fei Xiu was often taking his Omega to pick up and drop off his nephews.


The Beta roommate, unable to bear Fei Xiu’s dawdling any longer, grabbed his arm and dragged him towards the assembly area.



Both of them were tall, strong Betas, and even though they had wasted a lot of time in the dormitory, they still managed to be among the first to arrive at the assembly area after a mad dash.


Fei Xiu, trying to catch his breath, looked down to see his sleeve wrinkled from being pulled, mud splattered on his shoes from who knows where, and his hat askew. How could he meet his spouse looking like this?


Thus, the Beta roommate, who had just caught his breath, saw Fei Xiu meticulously straightening his clothes with a look of profound seriousness. “It’s just a routine inspection. We’ve had at least fifteen of these. Why are you acting like it’s a blind date?”


“No, this is exactly like a blind date,” Fei Xiu said solemnly, adjusting his hat.


“What?” The Beta roommate doubted his ears. Their chief was known for being aloof, often ignoring nine out of ten things he said. Did he imagine that response?



In a few moments, more students arrived, filling the area with hushed conversations about the legendary honorary principal.


“I heard he’s a very beautiful Omega, even more stunning than virtual celebrities.”


“He had one husband and two lovers.”


“He’s very young, I mean, his face is eternally youthful.”


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“He maintains his looks by sucking the blood of young Alphas!”



“His pheromones are like poppies; any Alpha who smells them will be irresistibly drawn to him and crave him intensely.”



Eighty percent of the students in the mecha department were Alphas, brimming with pheromones at the peak of their youth. They had endless things to say about Omegas.


The Beta roommate, eavesdropping on the Alphas’ gossip, came back to Fei Xiu and summarized, “They say the Omega principal played his lovers to death. He’s here to find a new young Alpha lover.”


Fei Xiu raised an eyebrow. Ignoring the first part, coming to school to find a new lover… that did sound like something his Omega might do.


The problem was… his current body was a Beta.


There was a hierarchy of discrimination in the Alliance.


In the realm of courtship, without external influence, Omegas were at the top, usually being the pursued; Alphas were second, having a natural advantage in pursuing partners; Betas were at the bottom, often overlooked in favor of internal matches.


Fei Xiu knew how undiscriminating his Omega was in choosing partners. While his current body’s appearance and build were definitely above average, he couldn’t compete with Alphas in terms of pheromones.


Alphas and Omegas could be naturally drawn to each other through compatible pheromones, while Beta pheromones were so faint they were often ignored by Omegas during courtship.


“What are you all gossiping about?!” The stern-faced instructor approached. “If you all have so much energy, why don’t you start with a few laps?”


Fei Xiu had a bad feeling about this.




“Crossing this bridge leads to the training area of the mecha department at the main star’s top university. Our mecha students are well-rounded in both physical and mecha operation skills. Right now, it’s their morning exercise time. Look at these young men, full of vigor and spirit.”


The mecha department head, dressed in a military uniform but exuding a refined air, walked alongside a tall male Omega, smiling as he introduced the department’s curriculum.


Jun Ye listened to the department head’s words, his gaze seemingly appreciating the students doing their morning exercises. However, his eyes were subtly scanning each face.


This joint training, organized by him and all the mecha departments on the main star, included students from every mecha school on the main star, except for those with special reasons for not participating.


Considering the current situation, Jun Ye had sponsored a significant amount of money, fearing that his “too poor to pay tuition” partner might not be able to participate.


The system map had a distance limitation, with a detection range of about 200 meters in this open space.


He had spoiled his partner too much, to the point that the other now dared to play hide and seek, making him search among the crowd.


As Jun Ye entertained the malicious thought of where to place a bird of paradise flower on his partner once found, he noticed a group of students running from the left side road.


They were beyond the system map’s display range.


Jun Ye had planned to check each class one by one. He didn’t pay much attention to the unexpected group until the student running at the front suddenly paused, allowing several others to overtake him.


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Feeling a sense of recognition, Jun Ye turned his head and quickly noticed an incongruous figure moving within the group. Simultaneously, this group entered the system map’s display range.


Jun Ye stared at the group for several seconds until they disappeared from view, unable to clearly see the features of the incongruous figure.


—That person did it on purpose.


—He used the cover of other students to avoid his gaze.


Jun Ye smirked. Although he hadn’t seen the face, when did he ever need to rely on looks to recognize his partner? The pink dot on the system map was unique, its presence almost overwhelming.


“Indeed, very energetic,” Jun Ye smiled and asked the mecha department head, “Which class are those students from?”


“Ah… they are from the second class of the mecha department at the main star’s top university.” The department head was quite familiar with these students he had been mentoring for five years. He had just been puzzled about why the class chief, who had glanced in this direction, suddenly ran to the back. Hearing Jun Ye’s question, he responded a bit late.


Jun Ye had already pulled up the training ground layout for each school in his mind. Upon hearing this, he located the position of the second class.


It was surprisingly close to his current location.


“I’ll walk around by myself from here, don’t follow me.” Jun Ye told the department head and began walking towards the second class’s training area.


The department head felt his eyelid twitch. He had a bad premonition. Judging by the principal’s reaction just now, was he planning to flirt with a student?


A myriad of thoughts flashed through the department head’s mind.


—Indeed, rich and powerful Omegas like young Alpha wolves; middle-aged desk-bound officers like him didn’t stand a chance.


—Isn’t it inappropriate for the principal to be with a student?


—Would the principal use his power to coerce students? It was said that Alphas associated with him ended up dead.


The department head wrestled with his thoughts before pretending to inspect the area and circled to the second class’s training ground.


The instructor was organizing students for their morning exercises, and there was no sign of the Omega principal. The department head wondered if he had overthought things.


As he walked, searching for the Omega principal, he noticed the class chief in the front row darting his eyes around as if also looking for someone.


Instinctively, the department head scolded in a low voice, “Xiao Xiu, stop looking around and focus on your exercises.”


Not seeing his spouse and then being scolded by an Alpha who had been with his spouse, Fei Xiu felt unhappy…


The department head, still unable to find the Omega, decided to have breakfast, thinking the principal might have gone to eat too.


On the way to the mecha department’s cafeteria, he finally spotted the Omega principal sitting on a stone bench on the artificial lawn, looking at his terminal. There was a takeaway box from a famous restaurant on the table, clearly unopened.


Flirting with students, indeed, was just his imagination.



Jun Ye pretended to look at his terminal while actually keeping an eye on the pink dot on the system map, which had begun to move.

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With all the classes done with morning exercises, he stayed on the path to the cafeteria, confident his partner would show up.


“Chief, what are you having for breakfast?” Fei Xiu’s Beta roommate walked beside him, already thinking about the hot food in the cafeteria.


Fei Xiu was trying hard to distinguish pheromones in the air. As a Beta, his sense of smell for pheromones was almost useless, reduced by 90%, making all pheromones seem distant.


“You go ahead to the cafeteria. I have something to do.” Fei Xiu pinched the bridge of his nose, unable to detect his Omega’s pheromones, feeling very uneasy.


“Wow, that Omega is so good-looking.” The Beta roommate turned his head, asking, “What did you just say? I didn’t hear.”


Fei Xiu also saw the Omega he had been yearning for and immediately couldn’t move. He waved to his roommate, saying, “I have something to do, you go on ahead.”


The Beta roommate: “…”


Your “something” is to stand here and spy on an Omega?


The Beta roommate felt he had misjudged the chief, thinking he wasn’t someone to build a Beta family with.


“Omegas will never fancy Betas.” Leaving a final piece of advice, the Beta roommate strode towards the cafeteria, seeking solace in food.


Fei Xiu leaned against a tree, staring at Jun Ye, who was less than a hundred meters away.


He knew that a proud Omega wouldn’t fancy a Beta, which was why he hadn’t actively approached Jun Ye.


A Beta could only rely on emotions to stay by an Omega’s side.


Fei Xiu was torn, unsure if he should reveal his identity to the Omega. Once he did, it would mean using their past emotions to bind the Omega, something he didn’t want.


More importantly, Fei Xiu feared that “Fei Xiu” had already disappeared from the Omega’s life for five years. Even if he convinced the Omega of his identity, would the Omega still want to be with him?


In those five years, the Omega had new lovers, and their feelings should have faded. Even though he knew those lovers were also him, to the Omega, they were different.


Jun Ye, watching the unmoving pink dot on the map, switched the terminal’s display to the front camera.


Through the screen, he saw a student in mecha department uniform standing about fifty meters behind him. Despite the different build and appearance, Jun Ye knew it was his partner the moment he saw him.


The situation was clear: his partner was standing there watching him, with no intention of coming over.


Jun Ye’s gaze fell on the bottled water on the table. He picked it up and gently played with the cap.


He had bought it from a vending machine on the way, thinking his partner might want water after running. He hadn’t delivered it then, and now that morning exercises were over, using the excuse of giving water to approach…


Fei Xiu, seeing the Omega’s action, instantly straightened up from his leaning position.


He had lived with Jun Ye for fifteen years.


Saying an Omega couldn’t unscrew a bottle cap? Maybe not others, but his spouse… definitely. The man could easily lift an Alpha for a shower after an intense session, a terrifying feat.

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If his Omega was pretending to struggle with a bottle cap, there was only one explanation—he was fishing for an Alpha!


His Omega was too attractive, always the center of attention. Fei Xiu had already noticed several Alphas eyeing Jun Ye. There was no way he would let his Omega catch another Alpha right before his eyes.


Fei Xiu walked over briskly, subtly causing two Alphas with the same target to “accidentally” fall. He approached Jun Ye and leaned slightly, offering a sincere, if somewhat forced, smile. “Need help?”


Jun Ye raised an eyebrow in slight surprise, following Fei Xiu’s gaze to the bottled water. Realizing his intention, he smirked and handed the bottle over.


Fei Xiu took it, easily unscrewed the cap, and handed it back steadily.


Jun Ye took the bottle, sipped, licked his lips, and looked at Fei Xiu. “Sweet, want some?”


As he spoke, he offered the bottle he had just sipped from.


Fei Xiu’s heart raced.


— I knew you were trying to lure Alphas, but I didn’t expect you’d target Betas too!


Fei Xiu took the bottle and drank it all in one go.


He couldn’t leave the Omega with tools to attract others.


“Did you have breakfast?” Jun Ye asked, not waiting for an answer, and opened the takeaway box, revealing clearly a meal for two. “Join me?”


Fei Xiu: “…Okay.” If he didn’t agree, Jun Ye would find another Alpha, right?


Jun Ye kept his eyes on him. “Can I get your contact info?”


Fei Xiu: “…Okay.”


This is progressing too fast… Fei Xiu felt overwhelmed.


Jun Ye: “You…”


“Wait, wait.” Fei Xiu quickly interrupted.


Meeting the Omega’s questioning gaze, Fei Xiu blushed. “Can we take it step by step, slowly…”


Jun Ye smiled. “Like… starting with a kiss?”


Fei Xiu hesitated, blushing. “Uh… okay.”


—This is too direct! But how can I refuse completely?




Lol of course you can’t refuse you are too weak to your husband

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