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Inside the aircraft, the soft seats were fully reclined. After a round of passionate activity, the two lay intimately together.


Jun Ye, feeling quite spirited after being fed1He is not talking about food…, looked at the person resting their head on his shoulder, who appeared utterly exhausted and on the verge of sleep. With a smile, he reached out to rub the other’s belly, asking with concern, “Are you hungry?”


Fei Xiu felt thoroughly satisfied, not wanting to move a finger. He let the Omega poke at his abs, his eyelids battling to stay open.


“Hey, if you fall asleep like this, how am I supposed to get you back?” Jun Ye also switched to pinching Fei Xiu’s cheek, making him grimace.


This, however, had no effect. Fei Xiu, breathing through his mouth, closed his eyes completely.



Jun Ye released him, sighing, “The dorm manager is going to kill me with her eyes…”


Fei Xiu’s eyes snapped open instantly, his breath catching as he stared at Jun Ye in disbelief. “I’m like this, and you’re still thinking of sending me back to the dorm? Where’s your conscience?”


“You just ate2He is not talking about food, again lol,” Jun Ye replied, patting the left side of his chest with an innocent look.


Fei Xiu was momentarily stunned, then retorted, “I bit the right side…”



Jun Ye raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Only the right side?”


“Cough,” Fei Xiu lowered his head, his ears a bit red, and his voice softened, “Anyway, if you don’t want rumors about you sleeping with students flying around, let me lie in the master bedroom.”


Jun Ye: “It’s not me who got slept with.” Why should he be scared?


Though he said this, Jun Ye didn’t actually plan to send Fei Xiu back to the dorm; they hadn’t even had dinner yet.


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Jun Ye reached out to the control panel, letting Fei Xiu clearly see him set the landing point at their home.



Even though the Omega was going to take him back, Fei Xiu was still displeased. He was the one being slept with, not the Omega…


Why wasn’t he the one sleeping with the Omega?! Why did he always eagerly jump on Jun Ye whenever he had the urge?! He could also… he could also sleep with the Omega.


Fei Xiu got up to find his clothes, grinding his teeth in frustration. “Whatever, I’m just a Beta. It’s not a big deal if an Omega sleeps with me.”


Inwardly: A Beta at military school getting slept by an Omega who looks frail… It’s humiliating.


Jun Ye, a bit surprised, picked up the pants that had been kicked to the floor and handed them to Fei Xiu, his eyes roaming over Fei Xiu’s body.



Fei Xiu took the pants, feeling uncomfortable under the scrutiny. Though he looked disheveled, Jun Ye had seen him in worse states before, so why stare at him like this now?


“What’s wrong with me?” Fei Xiu asked.


“You’re actually a Beta?” Jun Ye still found it unbelievable. In this world of six genders, he had only differentiated between men and women, and now realized his partner wasn’t the same Alpha as before.


“What, do you look down on Betas?” Fei Xiu’s face darkened, turning his gaze away. He disliked the way Jun Ye looked at him, as if he had become something strange.


Omegas were only attracted to strong Alphas; everyone knew that. Fei Xiu had mentally prepared himself for this. But Jun Ye hadn’t shown any signs of being different at first, making Fei Xiu think Jun Ye had accepted him, thinking… he was different.



Jun Ye: “No.” He could barely tell the difference between an Alpha and a Beta, let alone judge them.


What truly surprised Jun Ye was that the storyline indicated Fei Xiu’s fourth shell was supposed to be an Alpha – a good-looking, slender yet muscular, financially struggling Alpha.


Oh, and one whose scent made his legs go weak.

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As Jun Ye fastened his buttons, he thought Fei Xiu indeed looked pleasing to the eye.


The scent, though, was just youthful vigor and… soap? No way could it make his legs weak, unless he hadn’t bathed in forever.


But it did turn him on when Fei Xiu moved, his muscles contracting and expanding beautifully.


As the aircraft landed, Fei Xiu silently put on his shoes, turning to stare at the door.


When the door opened, Fei Xiu got up to leave, his hand being softly held by the Omega beside him.


The Omega held his hand so naturally that Fei Xiu couldn’t bring himself to pull away, despite wanting to.


The cold night air hit their faces as they exited the aircraft, the chill causing Fei Xiu’s reluctance to vanish. Fine, since it’s cold, let the Omega hold his hand.


Hand in hand, they walked down the aircraft steps. The porch light turned on, casting a warm glow in the cold night.


Jun Ye reached the villa door, which unlocked automatically with a click. He entered first.


Standing in the entrance, the Omega released his hand naturally. Fei Xiu clenched his now empty hand, forcing himself not to think about it.


Fei Xiu looked at the stairs leading to the master bedroom, then at the butler’s former guest room beside the stairs. With no butler in the house, it was just a regular guest room.


“I’ll sleep in the guest room,” Fei Xiu said stiffly. Betas couldn’t attract Omegas. If Jun Ye didn’t like him as a Beta, he wouldn’t force him.


“Alright.” Jun Ye nodded.


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Without even asking, Fei Xiu watched as Jun Ye walked to the kitchen in his house slippers, then silently bent down to put on the butler’s old slippers.


The size hadn’t changed much; they fit just right. Fei Xiu stepped toward the guest room, unable to stop his gaze from drifting to the kitchen as he passed.


He saw Jun Ye opening the fridge, looking as handsome as ever under the light.


If it were before, he would have gone over to hug and kiss Jun Ye. Even in a space just for them, he would declare the Omega’s ownership to any unseen entities.


But now… Fei Xiu silently approached the guest room, the plush slippers making soft, unhappy sounds on the floor as if they were marking him as a “loser.”


The guest room door opened and closed, Jun Ye selecting dinner ingredients in the kitchen without looking back. This was their home; even if Fei Xiu wanted to move around like a frog, it was his right.


After planning dinner, Jun Ye set the home assistant robot to cook a few dishes, then left the kitchen, remembering he needed to request leave for Fei Xiu.


Given Fei Xiu’s upcoming schedule that was full of mech classes, Jun Ye wasn’t sure if Fei Xiu could pilot a mech, so he arranged for flexible leave.


After dealing with Fei Xiu’s matters, Jun Ye checked the kitchen, noting the cooking progress displayed on the home assistant’s panel.


The longest time remaining was for the meat soup, with 34 minutes left, and one more vegetable dish to prepare.


The home assistant could multitask, and as a kitchen disaster himself, Jun Ye didn’t plan to interfere. He noted the remaining time and headed to the guest room where Fei Xiu was.


Fei Xiu should be showering by now, something Jun Ye was familiar with and could help with.


Jun Ye opened the door, surprised to see Fei Xiu still standing in his military uniform in the middle of the room. Both were startled.


Jun Ye recovered first, entering and closing the door behind him, asking, “Why haven’t you showered?”

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Fei Xiu didn’t know how to answer. He couldn’t exactly say, “You don’t like me anymore, but all I can think about is you,” could he? Too pathetic.


“Why are you here…” Fei Xiu watched Jun Ye open his wardrobe. There were only a few sets of ordinary pajamas for Jun Ye here, not worth the trip.


“I was going to help you wash,” Jun Ye said, taking out two sets of their pajamas and underwear, reconsidering and putting Fei Xiu’s old underwear back.


Those were the old ones, and the size was off. With no new ones yet, Fei Xiu would have to go commando this time.


Jun Ye turned around, noticing Fei Xiu’s expression was wrong – surprised, confused, and a bit at a loss. What had he done? Making him go commando wasn’t a big deal.


“Let’s shower together?” Jun Ye asked.


“I’m a Beta…” Fei Xiu reminded him softly.


“Hmm? You mentioned that.”


Jun Ye looked at Fei Xiu for a while, seeing his expression change from various struggles, finally understanding and laughing. “Mr. Xiu, do you have any feelings or thoughts you’d like to share with me?”






Aww I don’t like it when Fei Xiu goes and gets sad all by himself :c



Thank you for reading

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