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Jun Ye carefully straightened the leaves of the Bird of Paradise flower, which had curled from lack of water, and turned to Fei Xiu, saying, “Come on, this Bird of Paradise is for you.” He wouldn’t play favorites.


Seeing the slanted cut at the base of the Bird of Paradise, Fei Xiu subtly backed away from Jun Ye.


“No, I don’t want it at all,” Fei Xiu refused silently, his heartbeat becoming erratic. Was this really what he thought it was? Did Omegas have to be this intense?


Jun Ye tilted his head. “Don’t you like it? I cut four branches of Bird of Paradise in the greenhouse. I sent three to the main star cemetery, and this one, the best one, I saved for you.”


Jun Ye’s smile was gentle, but mentioning the cemetery and emphasizing twice that this Bird of Paradise was for him made Fei Xiu, even in his slowness, sense the thick threat in Jun Ye’s words.



Biting his lip, Fei Xiu continued to clutch Jun Ye’s sleeve, staring at the flower, feeling he should make one last desperate attempt. “Jun Ye, look at the stem of the Bird of Paradise; it’s so thin…”


Barely thicker than an Omega’s index finger.


“Don’t you think it’s too light?”


“You could choose something else,” Fei Xiu suggested, his eyes darting up and down, desperately hinting.



“Do you think you have a choice?” Jun Ye’s gaze settled on Fei Xiu’s face, his finger subtly brushing the cut edge of the flower stem. Well, he would package it nicely, but scaring him first was fine.


Fei Xiu’s face fell into a look of despair, and his imagination ran wild.


He didn’t dare refuse this flower arrangement game with Jun Ye.


Although he didn’t know how Jun Ye recognized him, it was clear that Jun Ye was angry for some reason.


This flower arrangement game was a manifestation of Jun Ye’s anger. While other Omegas might cry and give the cold shoulder when angry, prompting their Alphas to empty their shopping carts and coax them, that wasn’t an option between them. Besides, even if there were items in Jun Ye’s shopping cart, Fei Xiu didn’t have the money to buy them.



This was the poorest he’d ever been, with barely three digits of Alliance credits in his terminal, not even enough to treat Jun Ye to dinner.


He had no choice but to comply.


Fei Xiu let go of Jun Ye’s sleeve, slowly turning to lie on the fixed soft seat of the aircraft.


His shoulders visibly slumped. “Go ahead,” he said.


Jun Ye felt a vein twitch at his temple, torn between laughter and exasperation.



This dramatic, slow-motion recline, this voice trembling with a mix of fear and forced bravery, clearly inviting him.


It was obvious that Fei Xiu’s mind had already crafted a melodramatic scene, where turning on the aircraft’s camera would capture a dramatic saga of a scorned lover.


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Turning on the camera would be too much, but taking a photo after the flower arrangement might be a good memento.


Jun Ye’s eyes glided through the air, landing on a long box on the back seat. Inside was a real vase with a plant repair fluid that could keep flowers fresh for a year.


But he didn’t intend to use that vase; it was just a habitual backup. His partner, although dramatic, was indeed playing along perfectly.



What he sought was never an eternally blooming flower; otherwise, he wouldn’t have let the Bird of Paradise wilt in the storage box.


Jun Ye held the stem of the Bird of Paradise flower, the slanted tip lightly touching Fei Xiu’s military belt, hinting at something.


The person lying on the soft seat began to tremble visibly, his shoulders shaking as if in extreme fear.


Jun Ye didn’t intend to turn Fei Xiu’s face to look at him. If his partner’s face showed excitement and anticipation, it would ruin the scene.


The tip of the flower stem moved from the disciplined symbol of the military belt, gliding down the creased military uniform, as if searching for the right angle.


Finally, it stopped at a spot.


Fei Xiu’s forehead was dotted with sweat, his limbs weak, his breathing heavy. His mind raced, wondering what Jun Ye intended by stopping there.


Was Jun Ye waiting for him to do it himself? Or planning to do it through the fabric? Maybe he would cut a slit with a knife.


A slit in the middle could allow the Bird of Paradise stem to pass through easily.


“Aren’t you going to say something?” Jun Ye needed to gauge Fei Xiu’s thoughts since he couldn’t see his expression.


Fei Xiu: “You…” Do you need a folding knife?! It’s hanging on the left side of my belt!


Fei Xiu swallowed his words. Jun Ye was taking too long; it was torturous.


He couldn’t urge him. More accurately, he should “desperately” want Jun Ye to stop now.


Yes, he had to say something, explain or plead.


Afraid that his explanation might actually make Jun Ye stop the flower arrangement, Fei Xiu thought for a long while, waiting for Jun Ye’s prompting taps.


After the flower stem tapped twice more, Fei Xiu took a deep breath, deciding to reveal a big secret.


Fei Xiu spoke in a deep voice, “I’ve hidden my identity from you, not just once… Five years ago, when you took my body to the hospital, I woke up again in the body of the butler…”


“For five years, many obsessed Alphas sent you love letters, invitations, and gifts. You didn’t know, right?” Fei Xiu smiled bitterly. “Of course, you wouldn’t know; I intercepted them all and put them in the ‘Jun Yek1In the raws, he adds another character to his name, it doesn’t necessarily change the meaning, but it’s different from Jun Ye obviously mail’ folder. You never check Jun Yek mail…”


“Now that you know your suitors were blocked by me, are you… angry?” Anger shouldn’t be held in; it should be vented through the flower arrangement punishment.


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“Yes, I’m angry. You’ll be in trouble next,” Jun Ye said, tapping Fei Xiu’s belt.


Fei Xiu immediately got the hint and, without further ado, quickly unbuckled his belt.


The rest… he really didn’t dare do himself.


He glanced back at Jun Ye, who still looked patient and calm, showing no sign of anger.


Jun Ye said he was angry, so this calmness must be the calm before the storm. See, he was even angry enough to undress him.


Jun Ye saw Fei Xiu glancing back frequently and placed the Bird of Paradise flower on his head, successfully freezing him in place. The bright red flower atop the boy’s soft black hair was quite a match.


In a good mood, Jun Ye skillfully unwrapped the “vase” while prompting Fei Xiu to reveal more of his “secrets.”


“Was it you the first time the butler slept with me?”


“It was me five years ago; it depends on when your first time with him was…” Fei Xiu groaned.


“It should have been after my private fitness trainer left for a week.” Jun Ye took the Bird of Paradise from Fei Xiu’s head.


“Yes, yes, it was me…” Fei Xiu’s toes curled slightly, his fingers nervously scratching the soft seat.


Jun Ye feigned surprise. “So, all three of my previous partners were you, and now the fourth is still you. I’ve spent all my youth on you.”


Fei Xiu hummed happily. Making Jun Ye spend his youth entirely on him was quite an achievement for an Alpha. Fei Xiu felt a bit proud and wanted to hug Jun Ye and kiss him, showering him with love.


Ahem, but he was currently being “unloved” by Jun Ye.


Jun Ye: “Relax, trust me.”


Fei Xiu released the grip on his bitten lip. He wasn’t nervous at all.


Trust Jun Ye? Of course, he did; otherwise, he wouldn’t play this game with him.


Fei Xiu exhaled, closed his eyes, and resigned himself to whatever happened next.


All his senses seemed to detach, leaving only his thunderous heartbeat. A drop of sweat slid off his nose, disappearing into the soft seat. Beyond that, he felt nothing.


“Done,” Jun Ye said, slowly releasing his hand and stepping back. “An amateur’s flower arrangement. Want to admire it?”


Fei Xiu stiffly turned his head.


A bright red Bird of Paradise stood upright, even in its semi-wilted state, looking vibrant in the current setting.


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The flower had indeed…


It was Fei Xiu’s first time as a “vase,” and he was lost in astonishment.


How embarrassing… Fei Xiu covered his face.


But it wasn’t painful or uncomfortable; there was no real feeling at all. It must be that only Jun Ye could make him feel it.


A flicker caught his eye, and Fei Xiu quickly raised his head, seeing Jun Ye already operating his terminal, a virtual screen floating between them.


“Jun Ye, what are you doing?” Fei Xiu’s heart skipped a beat as he stared at the virtual screen, forgetting the flower standing up behind him.


The terminal had privacy settings, and from the screen’s back view, he could only see the terminal’s start-up panel. He watched Jun Ye’s fingers tap the screen several times, but couldn’t tell what he was doing.


“This is my first flower arrangement work. Shouldn’t I take a photo and post it on social media?” Jun Ye changed angles, deliberately circling his finger on the virtual screen before pressing down hard.


Fei Xiu’s eyes widened. “!!!”


“No posting!”


Almost instantly, Fei Xiu sprang up from the soft seat, not caring about his trousers falling or the flower still in place. He pounced on Jun Ye like a hungry predator.


Jun Ye stepped back but “failed to dodge,” getting knocked down onto the soft seat by the agile Beta.


Seeing Fei Xiu pounce like a hunting beast, the Bird of Paradise flower trailing like a small tail, Jun Ye stifled his laughter and made a surrender gesture.


Fei Xiu’s face flushed red with both embarrassment and anger.


One hand grabbed Jun Ye’s terminal-wearing wrist while the other reached behind to pull out the flower.


He found that the stem was wrapped in a thick layer of gel, explaining why there was no bloodshed.


Jun Ye did care about him, which made Fei Xiu a bit happy, but that wasn’t a reason to post his embarrassing photo on social media.


Fei Xiu threw the Bird of Paradise onto the soft seat and glanced back at Jun Ye’s terminal, reaching to dismantle it.


“Xiu,” Jun Ye called softly, dragging out the end of his voice. The moment Fei Xiu instinctively looked at his face, Jun Ye quickly knocked the terminal against the aircraft wall.


Emergency shutdown.


“You! Let me see if you’re hurt!” Fei Xiu hurriedly pulled Jun Ye’s hand back, examining it closely and pressing gently on the back, only relaxing when Jun Ye showed no signs of pain.


Jun Ye pulled his hand back, and Fei Xiu didn’t stop him this time. He sat obediently, checking Jun Ye’s hand and face.


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“It won’t be posted,” Jun Ye assured.


Fei Xiu lowered his eyes, his fingers unconsciously gripping Jun Ye’s sleeve, rubbing it softly, clearly unhappy.


Jun Ye pulled Fei Xiu into an embrace, turning to lie face-to-face.


Kissing Fei Xiu’s forehead, Jun Ye said, “If you’re worried, you can upload the picture to your terminal and delete the original from mine, okay? I just want a keepsake; it doesn’t matter whose terminal it’s on.”


Fei Xiu looked at Jun Ye for a few seconds before slowly nodding.


“Good,” Jun Ye kissed Fei Xiu’s forehead again, holding him close, unable to resist nuzzling him.




This texture…


“Ahem…” Jun Ye awkwardly let go of Fei Xiu and stood up.


“Let’s get you some pants.”


“No rush,” Fei Xiu pulled Jun Ye back, speaking softly, “Jun Ye, I’m itchy, feeling empty, I miss you.”


“An allergy? I’ll contact the family doctor.” Jun Ye pretended not to understand, operating his terminal.


“You know that’s not it,” Fei Xiu pressed Jun Ye’s hand, biting his lip. “I miss you, let’s have a session.”


“You’re still young…” Jun Ye felt his mouth go dry.


“I’m almost forty, and this body is nineteen. Neither is young.” Fei Xiu leaned on Jun Ye, lightly biting his earlobe.


Fei Xiu: “You started this fire, you need to put it out.”


Sliding a finger over the collar, he tugged it loose.


“See, my nose is broken2Here, it meant more like it’s not working well instead of literally broken/injured. Let me get close and smell you one more time…”






My gosh these two are so h*rny >/////< … but we finally got the “confession” concerning the “hidden” identities!



Thank you for reading

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