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Fei Xiu spent the entire day in a daze, thinking about how the Omega had seen through his identity and still invited him to meet in the evening. Luckily, today’s training was mainly physical and combat, which he had mastered so thoroughly that his distracted state actually made him perform even better.


When he snapped out of his daze, his final opponent was on the ground, and the instructor, who had intervened just in time, announced that he had come first in the day’s evaluation.


The instructor released Fei Xiu’s wrist and called for the medic to take the injured Alpha student away. Turning back to Fei Xiu, the instructor frowned deeply.


“Xiao Xiu, your combat skills have indeed improved greatly. I don’t know where you learned those moves, but such ruthless techniques shouldn’t be used on your classmates. Your opponent just now is your classmate, your future comrade.”


“You need to learn to control yourself.”



The moves Fei Xiu displayed were swift and lethal, not just intended to incapacitate but to kill. This wasn’t something the academy could teach. If the instructor hadn’t intervened in time, medics wouldn’t have been called; it would have been a fully armed SWAT team.


The instructor discreetly supported himself on his assistant’s shoulder. A regular combat class at the mech academy had left him more exhausted than a battlefield.


Fei Xiu looked at his hands in confusion. He had only been distracted for a moment, but he clearly remembered taking down his classmates one by one.


He had never seen those moves before, yet they felt so familiar, as if he had practiced them thousands of times, executing them as naturally as eating or drinking.



He couldn’t deny that it was him.


“I understand, Instructor. I’ll try to control myself…” Fei Xiu said dryly, making the only promise he could. He had nearly killed someone several times just now, which terrified him.


“Alright, you can go.” The instructor waved him off.


As soon as Fei Xiu left, the instructor no longer hid his fatigue. His assistant quickly supported him, surprised. “That exhausting?”


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The instructor exhaled heavily. “Didn’t expect to find such a promising student. No idea who trained him, but keep an eye on him. Don’t let anyone poach him.”



Fei Xiu walked out of the training room and saw the night sky through the corridor windows, realizing it was already evening.


His wrist terminal vibrated. It was a message from his Beta roommate.




[Chief, you were amazing!!! I didn’t dare move when you pinned me down. (shy.jpg)]





[Chief, our class has taken over the entire medical room. Most of them are there because of you. I just got out. Do you need me to bring you dinner? I heard there’s a special meal at the cafeteria today.]


There were only two messages, but Fei Xiu felt inexplicably guilty as he quickly replied, “No need.”


Seeing that his roommate could still go to the cafeteria, he figured they were fine. Fei Xiu closed the chat and saw a string of unread messages from his classmates in the medical room.


[Chief, could you go a bit easier next time?]


[Xiao Xiu! Where did you learn to fight like that?! Tell me!]



[Great master, can you take me under your wing? Do you need a leg accessory1Didn’t know how to really translate it, but he means if he needs somebody to ‘hug his golden thigh’ which is a saying for holding on to somebody who’s stronger than you??]



Fei Xiu’s combat techniques were precise and decisive. Each move aimed to decide victory, even life or death. The instructor’s timely intervention meant his opponents only suffered minor injuries, their eyes barely catching his lethal intent before being stopped.


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Those in the medical room with more severe injuries were from other groups, either weaklings pecking at each other or fierce battles. Both sides usually ended up worse off.


Fei Xiu reassured each of them, and most said they were fine. A few added that their legs felt weak, and two even challenged him to a rematch tomorrow.


Since there was no combat training tomorrow, and unsure of his current state, Fei Xiu declined, fearing he might seriously injure someone.


Standing by the elevator, he scrolled to Jun Ye’s contact, where there was only a friend request confirmation. The Omega hadn’t contacted him all day.


As the elevator doors opened, Fei Xiu stepped aside to let people out, thinking about the Omega’s invitation. He hesitated. Given his current state, he really shouldn’t go. What if he hurt the Omega?


“Are you coming in?”


The clear, gentle voice startled Fei Xiu. He turned, incredulous.


In the spacious glass elevator stood the Omega, tall and elegant, smiling softly. The tenderness in his eyes made Fei Xiu’s heart skip a beat.


“How did you…” He had just decided not to go, but the Omega’s presence made him unable to resist walking in.


He had said dating the principal was cool, and the Omega had indeed come to pick him up, regardless of what others thought.


As the elevator doors closed, Fei Xiu could only see the Omega in front of him.


When had he needed the Omega to speak to notice him nearby? Blame his Beta nose for being so useless, needing to get close to catch the Omega’s scent, and closer still…


A warmth on his lips.


Jun Ye looked at Fei Xiu, who was kissing him passionately, both surprised and helpless. Had he stood there silently just to steal a kiss?


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“The elevator doors will open in one second.” How long do you plan to do this?


Taking advantage of the Omega speaking, Fei Xiu tried to deepen the kiss with his tongue.


“…” He immediately pulled back, a thread of silver connecting them until it snapped.


Jun Ye silently took out a tissue to wipe his mouth as the elevator doors opened.


No one was outside. At this hour, students and teachers were having dinner. Still, Fei Xiu’s face turned bright red.


He followed Jun Ye quietly, thoughts of not going to the date and fears of hurting the Omega overshadowed by his current embarrassment.


Jun Ye led the timid Fei Xiu out of the teaching area.


They reached a sleek black and white aircraft, which opened its doors automatically.


Jun Ye boarded first, and Fei Xiu noted the aircraft’s ID, storing it in his terminal before following.


Having a partner who changed aircraft monthly, Fei Xiu had become proficient at recognizing them, almost ready to write a guide or film a documentary about them.


Sitting next to Jun Ye, he hesitantly leaned in, trying to appear cute. “Jun…”


Jun Ye was looking at the navigation display. Seeing Fei Xiu’s attempt at being affectionate, he thought of a different bird.


Putting an arm around Fei Xiu, Jun Ye asked with a smile, “Dinner first, or flower arranging?”


Fei Xiu: “???”


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Fei Xiu: “!!!”


“Hmm?” Jun Ye looked back at him, a questioning gaze.


Fei Xiu held his breath nervously. “Arrange…me?”


Jun Ye smiled.


Fei Xiu trembled. “In the aircraft?”


Jun Ye kept smiling. “I don’t mind the location for arranging flowers.”


Arrange… flowers?


Fei Xiu imagined “arranging flowers” as “arranging him,” making his legs go weak.


“Then let’s… arrange first…” Fei Xiu shyly tugged Jun Ye’s sleeve, justifying it with a feeble excuse. “Exercise before a meal helps digestion.”


“Alright.” Jun Ye opened a compartment and carefully took out a wilted bird of paradise flower.


Fei Xiu: “?!!!”




Fei Xiu and I are of the same mind because I didn’t think at all he was speaking of those flowers of his



Thank you for reading

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