Chapter 6 – Bleeding

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Bai Di said, “This crispy fragrant fruit is specially meant for females to eat. The taste is very sweet. Please keep it for yourself and don’t waste it on me.”

Lin Huanhuan got a bit angry, “What do you mean by waste? You are my family. In my heart, you are the most important! No matter how many crispy fragrant fruits there are, they are not as important as you!”

Bai Di froze.

He looked at the little female’s face. The tender white face appeared vivid and warm under the light of the fire.

Just like a warm current and it flowed into the bottom of his heart.

Lin Huanhuan was stared at by him until she was a bit embarrassed, “What are you looking at me for?”

Bai Di said in a low voice, “I’ve never seen a female as gentle as you before…”

Although females were rare, they were not completely absent. He had seen several females before, all of whom have been spoiled until they were willful and arrogant.

Those females never placed the life and death of others on their minds. They only care about themselves being happy. Their almost cruel innocence made Bai Di avoid them as if they were snakes or scorpions.

But the little female in front of him was different.

She was very gentle.

Bai Di couldn’t help but move closer, using his big furry head to rub her, “I’m so lucky that I was able to meet you in this life.”

Lin Huanhuan was tickled by him.

She couldn’t help laughing, “Stop moving around. I still need to help bandage your wound!”

She cut the animal skin into a thin strip with the bone knife and carefully wrapped it around Bai Di’s wound.

Lin Huanhuan asked, “Does it still hurt?”

Bai Di carefully felt it, “It feels better.”

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Lin Huanhuan smiled with relief, “That’s good!”

She flipped out the needles and thread they had bought earlier in the day in the market and began making shoes.

After going at it for a long time, she still was unable to succeed. Instead, her fingers had been poked several times by the bone needle. Even droplets of blood had started to emerge.

Bai Di felt his heart kept aching.

He immediately turned back into his human form and took over the needle, thread, and animal hide, “Let me do it.”

Lin Huanhuan was very hesitant, “Your hand is still injured…”

“It’s just a minor injury, it won’t get in the way of me doing needlework.”

His movements were swift as he cut the animal hide and quickly threaded the needle. Very swiftly, he had made a pair of exquisite and cute, little leather boots.

In order to make it more comfortable, he deliberately padded the bottom of the shoes with two layers of animal skin. Threading the straps through the boots, he made it into a laced style that can be easily loosened or tightened. It was very convenient to put on and take off.

Bai Di said, “Try it on.”

Lin Huanhuan immediately wore it on her feet, circled back and forth twice, and asked excitedly, “Does it look good?”

Bai Di nodded with satisfaction, “It looks very good. From now on, you no longer need to worry about your feet getting cut by stones.”

Lin Huanhuan said, “Do you want to make a pair of shoes for yourself?”

“No need. My skin is very thick. I don’t have to worry about being cut even if I directly stepped on the ground. Besides, I need to transform often. It would be very inconvenient for me when I transform into a beast if I were to wear shoes.”

Lin Huanhuan imagined the scene where a big tiger was wearing leather boots and couldn’t help but chuckle, “Alright, it was just me who had the wildest ideas.”

After finishing the shoes, Lin Huanhuan was a bit tired.

She leaned on Bai Di’s belly and covered her body with his tail. The warm feeling surrounded her and made her go to sleep very smoothly.

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Bai Di rested his head on his front paws, staring intently at the sleeping little female, his azure eyes filled with tenderness.

Just as Lin Huanhuan had slept until she was in a daze, she suddenly felt a stream of warmth flow out from underneath her.

This type of feeling was too familiar…

She opened her eyes and then carefully felt it again.

She suddenly had a bad hunch pop into her heart.

It shouldn’t be that right?!

Lin Huanhuan immediately pushed away the tiger’s tail and reached her hand out to touch her butt. It was full of blood!

Holy crap, her big auntie¹ really came to see her!

¹TN: Period/Menstrual cycle

But there was no such thing as sanitary napkins in this world, what should she do to deal with her big auntie?

Would she have to put a layer of animal hide or leaves under her buttocks?

Bai Di smelt the bloody smell in the air. He immediately opened his eyes and looked towards the scent. He saw the fresh blood on Lin Huanhuan’s palm at the very first glance and was immediately shocked, him complexion changing.

“You are hurt!”

Lin Huanhuan’s entire face was flushed as she explained with a trembling voice, “I, I am not injured!”

“You are injured! You are even bleeding!” Bai Di quickly turned back into a humanoid shape.

He picked her up and found that her leather skirt was covered with fresh blood.

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She had actually bled this much blood. The little female must have been seriously injured!

Bai Di pulled the animal skin skirt off her, and found that blood was flowing out from between her legs.

He disregarded Lin Huanhuan’s struggles and resistance as he forcefully pried her legs apart, carefully inspecting the “wound” that wouldn’t stop bleeding.

Lin Huanhuan was embarrassed to death, “Let me go! I really am not injured. This bleeding is normal. I’ll be fine if you just let me lie down quietly for a few days!”

Bai Di refused to believe her words.

He stubbornly believed that the little female was seriously injured.

His face was white with anxiousness, his azure eyes filled with panic and unease.

When Bai Di was still a minor, his brother died because of an injury.

He saw his brother lying in the pool of blood with his own eyes as the body gradually became stiff. The pain and sadness left behind from losing a loved one caused him to almost collapse.

Right now, his partner had also been injured and had lost a lot of blood.

Would she die just like his brother?

Bai Di didn’t dare to think about it. He wrapped Lin Huanhuan’s body with the animal hide, and then carefully picked her up.

“Don’t be afraid, I will take you to the witch doctor right now. I will save you, I definitely will not let you die!”

Lin Huanhuan felt very awkward.

She just had her big auntie come was all that happened, how come Bai Di would think of death?!

She had never heard of anyone die because of their big auntie!

At this current time, the witch doctor, Lang Zhu, was helping a young wolf beastman treat his wound.

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This wolf beastman was tall and slender. His short, silver hair was paired with dark green and deep eyes. This made him look very rebellious as his sculpture-like face exuded a sharp aura.

Even if he had a long wound on his chest, it still could not cover his imposing and overbearing manner.

He was like a sharpened blade dripping with poison, sealing the throat at the first sight of blood.²

²TN: So poisonous that it would seal someone’s throat (aka kill them) with just a single wound.

As he helped apply medicine on him, he nagged, “Shuang Yun, how many injuries have you suffered recently? If I remember correctly, this should be the tenth time, right? All the herbs I have here have almost been all used up by you alone.”

Shuang Yun was expressionless, “I will go help you gather herbs.”

Lang Zhu glared at him, “You clearly know that the herbs are not what I care about. My hope is for you to find a female as soon as possible, and stop venting your excessive energy on hunting.”

Shuang Yun slightly frowned, looking a bit impatient, “I hate females.”

Not to mention finding a female partner. He couldn’t help but get disgusted as soon as he saw a female.

Those arrogant and selfish females could do nothing else but give birth to children.

They were fragile and incompetent, but greedy and lazy. They would get everything they wanted as long as they laid in bed and spread their legs every day.

Even worse was that they never knew to cherish!

Rather than becoming a female’s vassal and slave, Shuang Yun would rather stay single his entire life.

Lang Zhu painstakingly persuaded, “I know you hate females because of the death of your father, but you can’t just generalize the entire species based on one example. Not all females disregard old affections like your mother…”

“Enough! I don’t want to hear that female’s name!” Shuang Yun suddenly stood up, his brows were filled with anger. ” I would feel sick at the very thought of her!”

Leaving behind these words, he aggressively walked off.

“Smelly brat, your wounds haven’t been fully dressed yet, get back over here!” Just as Lang Zhu wanted to chase him down, he saw Bai Di rush in while holding Lin Huanhuan.

“Witch Doctor, please hurry up and save my partner! She is injured!”

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