Chapter 7 – Damn it!

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Lang Zhu smelled the scent of blood and saw Lin HuanHuan’s pale face. “Quickly put her on the bed.” He immediately said to Bai Di.

Bai Di placed Lin HuanHuan gently on the bed.

Long Zhu asked, “Where is the wound?”

Just as Bai Di wanted to tear off the animal skins on Lin HuanHuan, she held on the skins tightly and avoided Bai Di’s hand.

Lin HuanHuan blushed and said, “I really didn’t get hurt!”

Bai Di coaxed softly, “You’re shedding a lot of blood. If you don’t stop the blood in time, you will die. Please show the wound to the witch doctor, alright? Just let him have a look at it.”

How could she show such a place to another person? Not even a glance can be shown!

Lin HuanHuan didn’t know why Bai Di refused to believe her words, so she could only pin her hopes on the old witch doctor.

Lin HuanHuan blushed and explained, “My physique is like this. I will bleed for several days every month, but it will not affect my health. After a few days, the bleeding will stop on its own. “

Having lived for twenty years, this was the first time she had to talk about the characteristics of her aunt (T/E having a period) to others.

Especially towards two men?!

She could feel the shame exploding out of her body as she had to explain more and more details.

Lang Zhu was surprised, “So, there is such a magical thing. Do all of the females in your clan have this physique? Or is it just you?”

“Everyone is like this.”

Long Zhu couldn’t help asking, “Can you tell me what race you are?”

Lin HuanHuan was silent for a long time before squeezing out an answer. “I am a human being.”

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Things have already reached this point, she really didn’t know how to go around, so might as well just tell the truth!

“Human being? I have only heard of apes. I’ve never heard of human beings before.”

Lin HuanHuan thought for a while, “If you look at technicalities, humans and apes have the same ancestors, so they can barely be regarded as the same race.”

Everyone is a primate, so let them just recognize her as a relative.

Lang Zhu didn’t ask any more questions. He took out a bag of red fruits and placed it in Lin HuanHuan’s hand.

“Inside this are red berries. it has the effect of nourishing blood. There is no set dosage. You can eat it whenever you feel weak from the lack of blood.”

Lin HuanHuan smiled sweetly, “Thank you.”

Although her body was tightly wrapped in animal skins, her entire face was still exposed.

With a bright smile on her fair face and a pair of dimples at the corners of her mouth, Lin HuanHuan’s bright, watery eyes made her look like a fairy.

A trace of surprise flashed across Lang Zhu’s eyes.

Such a beautiful little female was really rare!

What was even rare was that her personality also looked to be very good, without the typical arrogance that females had at all.

A bold idea suddenly appeared in Lang Zhu’s heart–

Why not introduce Shuangyun to her.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was a good idea. Outwardly, he pretended to be nonchalant. “Although you already said that you are not injured, just in case anything happens, you still have to stay here until tomorrow morning. I’ll check up on you again,” He said to Lin HuanHuan.

Lin HuanHuan couldn’t make a final decision so she looked at Bai Di blankly, “What do you think?”

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Bai Di didn’t want to stay in the wolf tribe for a long time, but this had something to do with Lin HuanHuan’s health. Her health was more important than anything else.

Bai Di caressed Lin HuanHuan’s face, “Let’s do as the witch doctor says. Be at ease, I will be here with you.”

Lin HuanHuan ate a red berry.

Sweet and sour. It’s delicious!

Lin HuanHuan pushed a red berry to Bai Di’s mouth, “You eat too.”

Bai Di shook his head, “This is for you. You are injured and need to use it to replenish your body.”

“I am not injured. You are the one who is injured.” Lin HuanHuan said and pointed to the wound on Bai Do’s arm, giving him a serious look. “You are the one who needs to replenish his body the most.”

Bai Di couldn’t refute or say no her. So, he could only take a small bite of the red berry, and he refuse to eat any more.

Looking at the love and affection between the two people, Lang Zhu felt more determined in his heart to let Lin HuanHuan meet Shuangyun.

Such a cute little female was rare. If Shuangyun missed it, he would definitely regret it for life!

In order to solve the problem of blood flowing out, Lin HuanHuan tried to make underwear for herself. Unfortunately, her workmanship was so bad that the underwear she made couldn’t be worn at all.

In the end, Bai Di couldn’t stand it anymore and made her a pair of underwear by himself.

The underwear, made of animal skin, wrapped her hips, making her look more rounded and curvy.

Bai Di couldn’t help reaching out and touching it, “It really suits you.”

Lin HuanHuan pulled her leather skirt down and covered her underwear, blushing shyly.

Unfortunately, there were no sanitary napkins here. She could only use a soft leaf that was water-absorbent to cushion her panties.

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Although it wasn’t very comfortable, she make do with it.

When Shuangyun woke up early the next morning, he saw his mother entangled with several males.

The fierce gasps mixed with vulgar sounds made Shuangyun nauseous.

He didn’t want to admit that the slutty woman who had wrinkles on her face but still deliberately assumed an enchanting posture was his biological mother.

As long as he thinks about how he came out of her filthy body, he can’t help but want to scrape all the flesh off his body!

Shuangyun turned and left without hesitation.

He didn’t slow down until those ugly moans were far behind him. Still, he was in a bad mood.

Shuangyun walked around aimlessly in the tribe.

When he got back to his senses, he found that he had already reached the door of the old witch doctor’s stone house.

In the entire tribe, only this place was still quiet.

Shuangyun opened the door, planning to sit in the old witch doctor’s house.

Unexpectedly, he had just walked in and saw a young female wrapped in animal skins squatting on the ground looking for something.

Shuangyun’s face immediately changed. He rushed forward, grabbing the female’s wrist and dragging her up from the ground.

“You dare to come and steal things from the old witch doctor’s house? You are so bold!”

Lin HuanHuan was startled by the man who suddenly hauled her from the ground.

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She looked at him inexplicably, “My red berries fell into the bushes. I just wanted to look for it. I didn’t want to steal anything.”

The man in front of her was very handsome, with short fluffy silver hair hair. Because of his anger, his deep brows became even sharp.

Shuangyun didn’t believe her words at all.

“Don’t lie to me, you are a thief! Females like you, relying on their ability to have children, are unscrupulous. It’s really hateful!”

Lin HuanHuan was finally irritated., even the most docile animals have a temper.

She stared at the man angrily, “I’m not a thief! If you don’t let me go, I will scream!”

Shuangyun sneered, “Then, scream! Just because you are a female, countless males are prepared to protect you with just one shout but that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want! As the chief of the wolf tribe, I will never allow anyone in the wolf tribe to steal things! Even if you are a female, you can’t!”

Lin HuanHuan turned red with anger. Bai Di was in too much of a hurry last night when he rushed to the wolf tribe. So, he had just left the tribe to go back to their cave and get her cloth bag that fell.

Estimating how long it took to travel to and from the cave, Bai Di probably wouldn’t return for a while. She could only find a way to save herself.

Lin HuanHuan rolled her eyes, seemingly landing on someone behind Shuangyun, “Witch doctor, what’s wrong with you?!”

Shuangyun immediately turned to look at the door.

At that moment, Lin HuanHuan jumped up violently into his chin!

Shuangyun was knocked back and forced to take a step to balance himself. He covered his chin, glared at the female in front of him, and said angrily, “How dare you attack me? You despicable female!”

~A note from Jules

Hi guys! I’ll be picking up this novel from now on. Update schedule will be the same as I Inherited an Empire with a Fake Pregnancy (IIEWFP), 1-2 chapters every weekend! I really enjoyed the novel when I was reading it and couldn’t help but want to edit hehe. Hope you guys enjoy it too!

Just like IIEWFP, CBWBHM is not my original work and I am only translating it as a fan and not as a professional so feel free to point out any mistakes as I don’t use Mandarin much in my home country. :>

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