Chapter 8 – Shuangyun

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Lin HuanHuan ran away quickly.

It was a pity that her speed was too slow in comparison to Shuangyun.

She had just taken two steps when Shuangyun grabbed her hair from behind.

“Where do you think you’re going?!”

Lin HuanHuan’s hair was soft and slippery. Holding it like a bundle of seaweed in his hand, Shuangyun was startled slightly.

The females he met had always been very lazy. They rarely washed their bodies, and their hair was always messy and dirty, like a dry haystack.

But, the female in front of him had very clean hair.

Not only that, but her body was also very clean. Her fair skin wasn’t dusty at all.

Shuangyun subconsciously relaxed a little, but still said forcefully, “Since this is your first offense, I’ll give you a chance to repent. As long as you admit your mistake and apologize to the witch doctor, I will spare you.”

Lin HuanHuan’s scalp started to ache but she refused to give up.

She didn’t steal anything, so why should he admit a mistake she never committed?!

“You hateful person! Let me go!”

Shuangyun felt his anger start to rise again when he saw her refusing to admit her mistake.

“Try cursing me again! Believe it or not, I will beat you up!”

Lin HuanHuan glared at him angrily, “You bastard! If you have the ability to, then beat me to death!”

Shuangyun raised his fist, but he couldn’t muster up the will to get rid of her pretty face.

However, to let him take the initiative to let her go was another story. He was not reconciled at all.

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His mind kept spinning until, in the end, he couldn’t find the heart to actually deal with her. So, he could only spit words out stiffly, “Quickly, admit your mistakes!”

As long as she admitted her wrong, he will let her go.

Lin HuanHuan looked at him stubbornly, “I did not do anything wrong!”

“Stop talking nonsense. I’ve already given you the chance to admit so admit it!”

“I won’t admit it! Even if you killed me, I will never admit it!”

While the two were in a stalemate, the witch doctor Lang Zhu finally returned.

He had just gone to Shuangyun’s house, wanting to introduce him to Lin HuanHuan. It was a pity that he wasn’t home. When he arrived at Shuangyun’s place, he had already left.

In disappointment, Lang Zhu could only return empty-handed.

What he never expected was that he would see Shuangyun as soon as he returned home.

At that moment, Shuangyun was holding Lin HuanHuan’s hair with one hand and was raising his fist towards her with the other. His face was fierce as if he was about to beat the female in front of him.

Lang Zhu was immediately scared by the scene and almost knelt down in fright.

He rushed forward and pulled the two away.

The witch doctor stared at Shuangyun, with a distressed look on his face, “What’s the matter with you? How can you be cruel to such a cute female? Is your heart made of stone?!”

Shuangyun frowned and said, “This female was stealing from your house. I wasl teaching her a lesson on your behalf.”

“What stealing? As if there’s anything to steal from this broken house!” Lang Zhu was so angry that his beard almost exploded. “This female is injured. I let her stay here to recuperate. You are so good that you’re already going around beating people indiscriminately! You really want to p*ss me off that much?!”

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Shuangyun was stunned.

“She, isn’t she a thief? I thought she was here to steal something, I didn’t expect…”

“F*ck! Hurry up and go away!” Lang Zhu waved his cane at him and drove him out, “Don’t show up in front of me again. I will be annoyed to death when I see you!”

Shuangyun stood at the door, looking at the door that was slammed at his face, raised his hand, and touched his nose.

A look of sadness clouded over him.

He stood at the door for a while. Seeing that Lang Zhu had no intention to open the door for him, he could only walk away dejectedly.

“You might not be familiar with Shuangyun. That kid has a bad temper and he might be a bit more impulsive than the ordinary beastman, but he is not bad. He has a very strong fighting power and is already the youngest patriarch in the history of our wolf clan!” Lang Zhu said to Lin HuanHuan.

Lin HuanHuan tied her hair back with a blade of grass that looked very strong.

She shook her head, and the ponytail shook slightly.

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not angry anymore. I won’t see him again anyway.”

Lang Zhu coughed lightly: “This time Shuangyun did something wrong. I will ask him to apologize to you later. If you are still unwilling, just beat him up! Don’t be merciful with your hands. A beating is not bad!”

Lin HuanHuan was speechless.

She really was not angry anymore,

She didn’t want to beat anyone. She just wanted to wait for Bai Di to return, and then leave here together.

But, why hasn’t Bai Di come back?

Lin HuanHuan stared at the door in a daze.

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Lang Zhu spoke out a bit more for Shuangyun, trying hard to bring the two youngsters together. But, Lin HuanHuan remained indifferent. It seemed that she really was not interested in Shuangyun.

Lang Zhu cursed secretly in his heart. That the stinky boy is too much of a b*stard, even daring to beat a female. Now, he can’t get a daughter-in-law. What will happen to Shuangyun for the rest of his life?! Stay lonely and just die?!

Bai Di finally came back.

Lin HuanHuan jumped out of bed excitedly, plunged into his arms, and smiled happily, “You are finally back!”

Bai Di picked her up, placed her back on the bed, and handed her the cloth bag, “I got your things back.”

Lin HuanHuan took the cloth bag, “Why did it take you so long to come back from the cave?”

“I went to wash the skin that I tanned yesterday,” Bai Di placed the animal skin in front of her, “Knowing that you like collecting animal skins, I brought it back especially for you.”

Lin HuanHuan was a little embarrassed, “I don’t have a hobby of collecting animal skins. You don’t have to help me collect more animal skins in the future.”

Bai Di smiled and did not ask why she had wanted to collect animal skins yesterday but not today.

“Since you don’t like it anymore, then we don’t need it.”

He threw the animal skin aside. Then, like doing a magic trick, he took out a bunch of flowers from behind him.

It was a little red flower with crystal dew on top, exuding a faint fragrance.

“Is this for me?” Lin HuanHuan was surprised, “It’s beautiful!”

Bai Di placed the flowers in her hands, “As long as you like it.”

“Thank you!”

Bai Di was helpless, “I already told you. We are a family. There is no need to say thank you to each other.”

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Lin HuanHuan stuck her tongue out at him, smiling very playfully.

Shuangyun stood at the door and he saw a picturesque scene through the crack of the door.

The little female was smiling sweetly while holding the flowers.

He originally thought she was a small wild cat. Although she was beautiful, she always held her teeth and claws out.

But after knowing that he had misunderstood her, he found that she would only show her claws to those who had offended her. Towards the people she likes, she’d be docile and so cute that it was distressing.

Shuangyun felt sour in his heart.

If he knew that she was not a thief, he would certainly have not treated her so roughly.

She must hate him now, right?

Shuangyun looked down at the animal skin pouch in his hand, which was filled with chubby red berries.

These red berries were specifically picked by him just now, and each one was washed very clean. He wanted to give it to the little female and apologize to her.

But now, he was stabbed by the little female’s smile. He didn’t dare to appear in front of her again.

Shuangyun softly placed the animal skin pouch in front of the door and knocked.

When Bai Di opened the door, there was no one outside, only an animal skin pouch was on the ground.

He picked up the animal skin pouch and saw the red berries inside. Bai Di was puzzled.

“Who sent this?”

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