Side story 09: Parent meeting.

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First let me explain what parent meeting is.

Parent meeting, is an event that gather all kinds of influential and powerful people (Dads and moms.) together around the round table at the nursery school.

At Ponpoko nursery school they held this event once every two months, so that they can have a talk with parents, and the parents would always come when it’s time. That’s what parent meeting means.

The class that’s Misaki is in “New Tanuki-san Class.”, have about 8 children in the class.

They have lower number of children than “New Neko-san Class.” which contains 9 children, and the class that has lowest number of children is “New Rabbit-san Class.” which has 7 children in total, so you can say that Misaki’s year classes is in average size in “Ponpoko nursery school.”

“It’s time already isn’t it. Ummm…… So the only person absent is Tosaki-san is it.”

The parent meeting of New Tanuki-san Class, started with Sato’s voice who’s the leader of Old Neko-san Class.

In response to her voice, the remaining 6 parents look at the one vacant seat.

“Umm, may I speak?”

“Yes Suzuki-san. What is it?”

“Around late february, there seems to be a new child coming here, do you know anything perhaps?”

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“Ahー Yes I know I know. I saw her coming here with her cute-faced father several times.”

And the one who answered wasn’t Sato, but the person sitting besides Sato named Yamada.

With that as the trigger, the seniors at this place starts talking about the newcomer as they pleases.

Those who have a voice in this place, are those whose kids are already in elementary school “Experienced Mama-san.”, and those that just raises their child for the first time “Newcomer Mama-san.”, do not even have their rights to speak at all and that’s not an exaggeration.

Kazami who’s sitting near the door, together with Kurokawa mutters “……Again.” while giving up halfway and looking at each other. Strange friendships such as this, is also commonly found in parent meeting event.

It’d be nice if there’s someone you can share this kind of feelings with, but for the sole male, named Nagura, who got thrown into this room where monsters called obaa-chan roams around, he can only force his facial muscle into a fake smile which he mastered from his workplace and that is how brutal this place is.

Please end this ASAP I beg of you. In contrary to his thought, the experienced mama-san still keep talking to each other.

“Actually, we held this meeting in the weekend for everyone’s convenience, but there’s still people not attending like this…… What do you think about this Suzuki-san.”

“My my Sato-san, you should not say that out loud. I think that she might have a business to take care of.

“And just what this business is Yamada-san. Even I came here despite doing housework everyday, and had to do a part-time job on weekends for my living expenses it’s so harsh. Compare that to the young’uns they’re being full-time housewives well…… It’s such a good life, getting fed by their husbands I meant. Ahh I’m so jealous so jealous.”

Complaints, backbiting, their bragging and many others that you don’t want to hear continues endlessly.

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The newcomer mama-san is very dumbfounded, that no matter how long they keeps their bitter smiles up those experienced mama-san won’t stop talking at all.

And after around 2 hours had passed, Sato who is in charge of the event finally speaks.

“Well then, same as the last year we’ll have a fun party again in the april.”

The actual discussion at this meeting, is only this sentence.

It all ends in just three seconds.

“And what about the matters regarding Tendou-san? Sato-san.”

“That’s a very good question Suzuki-san. Then I’ll take this responsibility until the next meeting arrives and I’ll inform everyone at that time.”

“I hopes he’s a decent person.”

“My my, what a sarcastic way of speaking Yamada-san.”

” ” ” Oh ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. ” ” “

It’s a fact that no one will ever be worse than you guys.

Surely some share that thought, but they never let it out on their face.

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In this world there’s various communities.

One that’s kind and gentle as if someone created it lovingly.

And the one that resembles a monster house that once you get in you’ll immediately understands that the stuff that happened in drama shows are not exaggeration.

And, the community that Ryuusei is about to dive right into is the monster house one.

When you writes the word community in Japanese, it becomes Kyoudoutai (Community.)

Some people might remember it as “Chiikishakai” (Local society.), but since that’s not even a Japanese word to begin with, all of these nuances can be whatever it is as long as the meaning stay the same.


That is, what some people thought.

If you look up the word Kyoudoutai in dictionary it means “A group of people that share the same purpose, or benefits.”, and similarly the word Chiikishakai meant “A commune established based on the common social characteristics, in a certain area.”

What both of them have in common, is the meaning of, working together to achieve the same purpose.

But, to the meeting that occurred just a while ago does the word “same purpose” even exist?

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For example for the sake of the children.

Would you come to a meeting for the sake of your child?

Of course, every participants asked with this question would nod their head.

But if asked one of the newcomers mama-san, does the meeting held by experienced mama-san is for the sake of their children? Then surely, they’ll shake their head.

If so, can the thing that existed here be called a community?

What a silly question. the thing that existed here, can be called a community without any doubt.

What would happen if we write that word in Japanese, no one really knows. But, if we’re going to really forcibly write it in Japanese then…… the word disorderly crowd, with no doubt would be the word that have the closest meaning.

A disorderly crowd, that’s what adults think when they saw a bunch of children gathering together.

On the contrary, what if the children saw the adults being like that, what would the soon-to-be-adult would think of them.

What would actually happen, when the children that only grows in their body mixes together with the adult.

What would actually happen, when the soon-to-be-adult children, meets an actual splendid adult.

Surely, there’ll be a story of this happening one day.

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