Chapter 25: The day I go to work.

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April 1st.

It’s the season of fluttering cherry blossoms.

If you go outside you’ll see pink landscape all over the place, and the heat that brush past the skin feels pleasantly warm and nice.

Spring, is the season where new things started.

And Misaki has moved into the new senior “Tanuki-san Class.”, as if to embodies the meaning of this season.

And then there’s me, having my first experience commuting to work.

After I sent Misaki to the nursery school, I head straight to the promised place while my heart is leaping with countless expectations. I’m so excited that I was running and skipping unconsciously. So much so that I was about to greet all of the idiots along the way that’s looking at me with suspicious eyes a good morning.

Well it’s a given right? I tried so hard to get an employment for my daughter after all, so I feels a bit more parent-like now.

Lolicon, or should I say Wazaki’s company isn’t strict on what to wear for work, so I just came out of my house with my usual outfit.

I arrived at my destination―― the station 15 minutes earlier before the appointment time, so I has to wait for the lolicon for the whole 15 minutes. And he comes out of the ticket gate at the exact time.

“Sorry! To have you come picking me up like this!”

“It’s morning and you’re already in high-spirited huh Tendou Ryuusei. I have low blood pressure so I can’t stand morning that much, so please be more quiet……”

The lolicon calls me by full name as usual, Wazaki Yuuto appeared in a t-shirt and a jeans appearance which is as rough as mine appearance. Our appearance is as if we’re high school student going to an arcade center with a friend. There’s also men in suit walking pass by me, and it kinda make me a bit worried about us.

“Hey, are you sure we can dress freely?”

“How many times do I have to tell you Tendou Ryuusei. You see our work is simply just banging on the keyboard to make a product and sell it. Just what kind of outfit do you think would be suitable for a work that require banging on the keyboard, try to think in the opposite direction once please.”

And, the lolicon said while yawning.

While I frowned, I myself also agree with him.

I understand that in this world there’s a lot of different type of people, and there’s also as many different jobs for different people as well. I thought that this might also be a part of it too, that’s why I agreed with him.

I purchased the ticket and followed the lolicon, and the train has passed 3 stations. After getting off the train onto the station that’s closer than I thought, I follow the lolicon once again and walks on the asphalt road for a few minutes.

“Here it is.”

Said the lolicon and what his eyes lead to is…… apparently it’s a private detached house.

“Wait wait, what do you mean by this.”

“It’s my home.”

“Aren’t we heading to the company?”

“My house is also my company.”

“Are you messing with me?”

“I’m dead serious. I don’t want to spend even one yen on something wasteful. Office is a waste of money, also a waste of time having to commute. If I were to spend time or money on something wasteful while doing a work that’s trying to remove wastefulness from this world that’s just too ironic.”

While I was stunned, the lolicon walks into his house.

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……That’s weird, this is absolutely weird.

I’m not being deceived right? Those words keeps rampaging in my head.

“Hurry up and come inside already, Tendou Ryuusei.”

Wazaki Yuuto opened the door, while calling out to me with his sleepy eyes.

I understand that there’s various kind of jobs out there in this world. But since the only job I really have ever known of are those labor works, so there really might also be a job that works like this too who knows. I tried to convince myself, but I failed to do so.

And while I’m not convinced like that, I entered Wazaki Yuuto’s house――, or rather his company.


I was greeted politely, by the person who seemed to be Wazaki Yuuto’s mother.

And here I am, inside the lolicon’s room.

There’s a ton of computers in this room.

There’s also lots of cartoon characters on the wall smiling.

Even on the floor there’s still lots of cartoon characters smiling.

There’s also some on the desk, even on the shelves too, on the ceiling, there’s cartoon characters smiling just about anywhere.

Those cartoon characters each has different hair and eyes color, but the thing they have in common is their young facial features.

While I’m still stunned from seeing the inside of this room, the lolicon walks briskly inside, before sitting on a chair in front of the desk, and turn around by rotating his chair around.

There were already two men inside this room, even when I walked into the room they still not looking away from their computers, and as if it’s a signal of some sort when the lolicon turns around to me, both of them also rotate their chair and face me.

The lolicon makes eye contact with the men on his left and right with expression filled with confidence, before spreading both of his arm wide and starts speaking.

“Welcome, to our company. (SDS.)”

Then, a strange smile that made me want to punch him appeared on his face.


“On the surface it meant Super Dear Service which is a company that offers a heartfelt service.”

“On the surface……?”

“Yeah. Its actual meaning is『 (S) Purge this world (D) from its random crap (S) and wastefulness. 』”1

Ah, as I thought this company’s no good.

“So you’re Tendou Ryuusei-kun right. I already heard the story from Yuuto. Nice to meet you.”

“……Yeah, nice to meet you.”

Let’s find a new company.

Geez, now I’m in despair wondering what’s my previously felt hardship and sense of achievement are for, and at the same time the man that’s sitting on the right side from the lolicon gives me a disgusting refreshed smile and asked for handshake continues.

“I saw the source you wrote already. To self-taught using that book and managed to make something in a week like that, I’m looking forward to your next work.”

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“……Yes, thank you.”

“And your senpai, I’ll give you one advice. In this business taking a break mentally is very important. Otherwise your hair root will be severely damaged.”

“……Yes, I see.”

“Ahah, you’re feeling tense now?”


“……No, I’m just surprised.”

“Ahahah, I know right. People are surprised by this, usually.”

Do you even realize it’s actually not that usual.

These lolicon’s friend, maybe they’re actually a decent bunch who knows.

They’re annoying though.

“……By the way, there’s one thing I want to ask you, is that okay?”

“What’s it?”

Suddenly he grip his hand intensely, before speaking.

“……You, I heard that you have a daughter right?”

“Yeah, and what about it?”

“……Heh, Heeeh…… I see, so it’s like that…… Hahaha, Ahahahhaha.”

W-, what’s wrong with this guy.

While I’m thinking that he’s creepy, he brings his smiling face close to mine.

“Hey, just what kind of lovey-dovey play did you do with your wife……?”


“Don’t Hah? on me. You already did it right? You did that and so your daughter was born right? ……Fufu, fufufufu. You’re very brave to be here showing your face in front of me you normie. Do you know the gender ratio of the people in Engineering Faculty? It’s mostly one hundred to one. In a society like that where I had to study desperately spring doesn’t even come to me, if you had to ask me I was being a shut-in until the last month, and while I’m at it you that is the same age as me already have a daughter like this, and to have a guy like that working at the same place as me like this……? AAAAHHHHhhh! Abominable! Normies are abominable! Abominable! Abominable! ABOMINABLE!!”

Where did your taking a break mentally go!?

God dammit I want to punch my self for thinking that these guy are a decent bunch even for a moment!

This guy, he’s even worse than the lolicon isn’t he!?

“Oi lolicon! What’s the meaning of this!?”

When I ask for hep, the lolicon just look downward, and silently shaking his head.

“……It’s already, too late.”


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And so the rampage of the pervert number two cannot be stopped, He grabs me by the collar and is shaking me around.

And while I’m thinking about what to do, suddenly I heard a girly voice as if it’s from cartoon character.

『Hello, my name is Sakamoto Takuto. I’m the man sitting of the left side of Wazaki-kun. 』

Self introduction!? At this timing!?

『Fufu, well my real self didn’t do this kind of cute voice though…… So ummm, I’m not good at speaking, you can say that I’m kind of a shy person, that’s why, I created this system up. At that time, I thought that having a cute voice might be a good idea so…… How’s it? Pretty smooth right? I created this myself. 』

“I know you’re proud and all but please do something about this guy first!”

『I want you to give up that idea ☆』


When I turn around to look at the man who seemed to be the owner of that voice, he quickly diverted his eyes and turn back to his computer.

Of course, even at this moment I’m being shaken around wobbly by the guy.

Suddenly, the words of my aniki crossed my mind.

One week, just one week.

Whatever you do, keep doing it is an important thing, I’ve learned that.

That’s why I’m to do it for one week……

“AAAHHHHHH! How can this happen to me! Why am I not popularrrrr!”

I’m going to…… keep doing …… it, for one week………………

“Just stop it already dammit! How long are you going to shake me huh!?”

“Ouch ahhh…… punched. I got…… punched…… Punched right!?”

“Where the hell did yourself that says to take a break mentally go!? Really, I beg of you so please bring it back already okay!?”

One month ago, I’ve already determined myself to become Misaki’s parent.

After that a lot has happened, for example creating that game, having a talk with my mother…… At that time I thought that, I’d never get myself into such a crowded environment like this again. But it seems like I’m wrong.

Doing new stuff is enjoyable, it also makes me excited. To me who just had his first step everything seemed fresh and new, I thought that, it’s probably impossible for me to have the luxury of time doing things leisurely.

But still.

I didn’t wish for it to be like this!!

If it’s like this then being a part-timer is way better!!

“So, that happened.”


The reward I received for surviving the whole day is…… Walking back home with Misaki.

When I told her about the stuff today, Misaki is making a puzzled face and is tilting her head.

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“What about Misaki? Did anything change at all?”


Misaki nods.

“There is, a fun festival.”

“Fun festival? Heh, what’s it like?”

“It was fun.”

Misaki loosen her cheeks a little.

“Yui-chan, danced.”


“It was interesting.”

“I see. Then I’m glad…… you’re glad too, are you?”


I don’t really understand much but, Misaki seems to had fun so whatever.

“Cherry blossoms.”

“Hm? Ahh, Cherry blossoms is it.”

I followed Misaki’s sight, and there’s a pinky landscape over there.

The cherry blossoms fluttering while the sun is setting, it’s charming and beautiful in its own way.


“……I see.”

A while after that, we kept watching the cherry blossoms fluttering and falling onto the ground.


Why did she said it twice?


Perhaps because I didn’t reply, Misaki pulled on my pants, and said it once again.

“I heard you loud and clear. It’s really beautiful right, cherry blossoms that is.”


Eh, what? Somehow she seemed to be in a bad mood? Why!?

It has been one month since I decided to become a good parent.

But, Misaki’s still full of mystery as ever.

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