Delicate Flower

Chapter 106

Chapter 106 – Real or Fake

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Once this idea came to her, she couldn’t help thinking deeper.

However, it was not a good time to discuss this.

Yu Tang kept this matter in her heart. She took the painting and asked Madam Wang, “Should I put it away or get it framed and hung up?”

Such family favors come and go all the time, and the good ones will be stored away for some other time to be given away as gifts. Especially for such paintings done by Zhang Hui, not only was he a scholar, but his paintings were also excellent, so it would be a nice congratulatory gift for those who appreciated art.

Zhang Hui probably also took this into consideration, as he only wrote a congratulatory message on the painting with the grapes, while the other three paintings were not personalized and only had his personal seal stamped.

Madam Wang loved them a lot and said, “Have it framed by a master and hang it in your brother’s study. I heard Mrs. Wei say that Lady Xiang had studied privately for ten years.”

After hanging these paintings, it would certainly make the Yu family’s house looked more refined.

Yu Tang smiled as she did as per Madam Wang’s request.

After the second day of the second month, the Xiang family sent a few people to see the new house.

The bride’s furnishings were made in advance, and their visit was supposedly to see if there are any anything else to add or remove, however, their real intention was to see if the Yu family had arranged the new house for the newlyweds exactly as per their instructions through the matchmaker.

Yu Bo only had this one son, and they highly valued their future grandchildren, so not only did they repaint the three eastern rooms as per their promise to the Xiang family, but they also built flower walls in the east room, the main room and the west room, planting vines and other plants to make a small courtyard, and built a two-room back space behind the eastern room, which could be used as both the store room and as the servants sleeping quarters.

In order to satisfy the Xiang family’s requests, Madam Wang also took the Xiang family to see the north room of the east wing that was turned into a study.

The north room was brightly lit with two pieces of transparent glass, the black lacquered pillars were tall and dignified, and the paintings hanging on the wall were delicate and exquisite.

The matron who arrived from the Xiang family was reportedly said to be Mrs. Xiang’s personal attendant, who was a former servant of the Shen family. Therefore, she was quite perceptive. The small courtyard with floral walls didn’t make her bat an eyelash, but once she saw Zhang Hui’s four paintings, her express changed and she stood there examining them for a while, before she smiled in sincerity and said to Madam Wang, “Esteemed in-laws have worked hard. No wonder young miss praises her In-laws so much. Everything is well-thought out and properly arranged.”

It was the same reasoning Yu Tang employed.

Since the Xiang family was satisfied with the paintings, they must have also been satisfied with Yu Tang’s previous idea of inviting all the scholars in Lin’an to join as guests in the wedding reception.

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Madam Wang was greatly relieved and couldn’t help but praise Yutang, “It’s all thanks to our niece. You are aware that my second brother-in-law is a scholar, and his niece learnt from her father since young, so her vision and insight far exceeds those ordinary women living in the inner courtyards. She has helped out a lot in her brother’s marriage.”

The Xiang family was aware of the Yu family’s situation when Mrs. Wei made a marriage match for Lady Xiang.

If it weren’t for the Yu family’s small size and good reputation, Master Xiang would not have agreed to the marriage even if he didn’t care for his daughter at all.

The people from the Xiang family naturally went along with Madam Wang’s words and praised Yu Tang as well.

Madam Wang was delighted, and felt that the Xiang family was not as bad as she thought. At least they were sincere and she kept the Xiang family’s people for dinner.

Kindness and goodwill was often reciprocal.

The people of the Xiang family saw Madam Wang’s sincerity, and their anxiousness also lessened, and they treated Madam Wang with equal sincerity. The two families had a peaceful meal together. When she returned to the Xiang family, she praised the Yu family in front of Mrs. Xiang, who laughed and teased her, saying: “I don’t know what benefits the Yu family gave you, so much so that you were bribed after just one trip. If you go there a few more times, I think your heart will turn partial before long.”

The woman’s face turned red.

Mrs. Xiang did not take it to heart and waved her hand, “All right, you don’t have to say anymore. If she can find a good family and live in peace, don’t cause trouble for her brothers, then why would I bother making trouble? Grand Madam is really over-thinking it.”

The woman did not dare to make a response.

The Yu family, for their part, felt as if they had accomplished a big event, and as they gathered for dinner in the evening, Madam Wang was quick to talk about the arrival of the Xiang’s family today.

Yu Bo felt that he had really made a lot of allowances in order to get this daughter-in-law. If it wasn’t for the fact that Mrs. Wei was smart and capable, and the girl she brought up would not be bad either, and his son also really liked her, he would not have suffered this much. However, he could not bear to hear Madam Wang’s praises towards the Xiang family. He pushed Madam Wang’s favorite dish of beans toward her and said, “Enough, eat quickly, the weather’s cold, and the food has gone cold.”

Madam Wang ended the conversation.

Yu Wen, who hadn’t said much this whole time, addressed Yu Tang and Yu Yuan, saying “You two follow me to the Pei family tomorrow. First Head Steward Pei sent someone to deliver a message this afternoon, saying that Third Master Pei has something to discuss with us.”

It should be about the nautical chart.

Yu Tang thought as she nodded along with Yu Yuan. The next morning, they followed Yu Wen to the Pei Mansion.

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The Pei family’s estate seemed to be like a cave of the gods that had fallen into the mortal world. This cold winter had only just passed, but the trees were already very lush and abundant , and as they walked along the green stone passageway, it felt like nothing had changed since the last time they came.

Previously, Yu Tang did not understand, but after her rebirth, she knew that maintaining the same garden scenery throughout the year despite the seasons was extremely costly in terms of manpower and resources.

She thought again of the Pei family’s store in Hangzhou City.

The Pei family should be richer than she had originally thought.

Yu Tang pondered as she followed her father and brother to the study where Pei Yan had met them the last time.

There was only a young attendant boy guarding the study and no one else.

When he saw them, he came forward and bowed.

Yu Tang recognized the young attendant as the one she had met at Zhaoming Temple and at the Yu family’s countryside residence, so she felt a sense of nostalgia of meeting an old friend in a different place. The young attendant had a poker face as he poured the tea, and Yu Tang couldn’t help but whisper to him saying, “Do you still remember me? I recall your name is Ah Ming, is that your name?”

The young attendant nodded seriously like an adult, but when the steward who led them in was talking to Yu Wen, he flashed a cheery smile at Yu Tang, as he pointed at the tea beside her and said in a whisper, “Aniseed flavoured beans, they are very fragrant!”

This cute little chap!

Yu Tang’s heart melted, and seeing that her father was still talking to the steward, she softly asked him, “What is Third Master doing?”

The young attendant named Ah Ming immediately pursed his lips into a thin line and shook his head vigorously.

If it weren’t for the Pei family’s steward here, Yu Tang would have laughed out loud.

She certainly wouldn’t make things difficult for Ah Ming. She stroked his head and didn’t ask any more questions.

Soon, Pei Yan walked in with large strides.

His arrival brought cold air from outside into the room, so much so that Yu Tang sitting by the door could not help but shiver, and grumbled internally about Pei Yan. Such a cold day, and he didn’t even have a furnace on, what an eccentric person.

PeiYan today wore a moon white fine-cotton robe, with a bamboo-colored cloth belt around his waist, with no other accessories or ornaments – really simple attire.

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Yu Tang feel uneasy, as if something was missing.

PeiYan seemed to be very busy, he sat down and raised his hand indicating for all those serving in the room to leave. He then addressed the three members of the Yu family, speaking straightforwardly, “I found someone to conduct a test voyage, and have determined that the nautical chart is real. I plan to set the auction date on March 16, what are your thoughts?”

Although he spoke of ‘a discussion’, his manner was firm, evidently thinking that this was a suitable arrangement and that the Yu family would not object.

However, the faces of all three members of the Yu family turned pale.

March 16 was Yu Yuan’s wedding date.

Why didn’t Pei Yan arrange it earlier or later, but selected this exact date?

Furthermore, when their family initially proposed to share the proceeds from the auction with the Pei family, Pei Yan refused.

Yu Yuan couldn’t help but look at Pei Yan with a little suspicion.

He looked at Yu Tang.

Yu Tang saw it, but felt that Yu Yuan was over thinking it.

The status and power difference between the Yu family and the Pei family was so great; there was no need for Pei Yan to use such tactics.

On the other hand, Yu Wen thought that since Pei Yan had decided on this date, there had to be a good reason, so how should they bring up their concerns without causing offence?

He was stumped, and revealed his hesitation.

Pei Yan was confused by their reactions and asked curiously, “Why? Is it a bad day for your family? I asked the Tao family in Guangzhou to assist in the test voyage. However, somehow, this news got out. Now, I am uncertain as to which families have this information, so it’s in our best interests not to keep it concealed anymore but to set a date, so as to allow all those interested parties to attend. Perhaps the final price may not be as high as anticipated, but there might be an off-chance that with more people attending, we might gain more as well.”

Clearly, PeiYan did not know about YuYuan’s marriage.

He was probably too busy handling this nautical chart issue and had no time to pay attention to the events going on in Lin’an City.

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Yu Tang tactfully replied, “March 16th is my eldest cousin’s wedding date……”

Pei Yan was taken aback and examined Yu Yuan several times over, saying, “How old is your eldest cousin? Why is he getting married so early?”

Most of the young men and ladies in Lin’an City got married at the age of seventeen or eighteen, so her eldest cousin was at an appropriate age to consider marriage.

Yu Tang replied, “My eldest cousin is the only male heir in our family!”

Pei Yan immediately understood and said firmly, “Then let’s set it on March 10th. What do you all think? You should be able to receive the proceeds from the auction before Master Yu’s wedding.”

Eldest cousin’s wedding ceremony would be properly taken care of.

That is what he meant, right?

Yu Tang couldn’t help but glance at Pei Yan.

Never did she expect Pei Yan to be this considerate.

“Okay!” Yu Wen felt that the sooner this nautical chart was out of his hands, the sooner their family could be free of trouble, therefore he was all too happy to agree, saying “We’ll listen to Third Master.”

Pei Yan smiled in satisfaction and called Pei Man in, saying, “The auction is set for the 10th of March, so you should quickly send the invitations to those families we have decided upon earlier.”

Pei Man assented and retreated.

Pei Yan handed Yu Wen the list of families he was going to invite to the auction, and introduced them one by one.

Guangzhou’s Tao family, Huzhou’s Wu family, Quanzhou’s Yin family, Longyan’s Li family …… any one of them was capable of crushing the Yu family with ease.

If it wasn’t for the Pei family, even if they had a valuable thing to sell, they wouldn’t live to see the money!

As Yu Wen listened, the more he sweated, and he was immensely thankful that he listened to Yu Tang’s advice initially.

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