Delicate Flower

Chapter 107

Chapter 107 – A Conversation

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Yu Yuan felt the same as Yu Wen, who was listening on tenterhooks, and the slightest trace of suspicion left in his mind vanished. In contrast, it was Yu Tang who let out a long sigh of relief.

In her previous life, she had seen and experienced many things. Therefore, she was more cognizant of her own insignificance and do a honest self-examination, knowing what she ought to do and what she couldn’t.

Auctions like these, even if she was reincarnated, she still wouldn’t dare to get involved.

Nevertheless, listening to PeiYan’s words, information about the test voyage was leaked, so would the Peng family have heard about it as well?

After speaking, Pei Yan asked Yu Wen if he had any other questions. Yu Wen only knew to shake his head, but Yu Tang could not help but interject, saying “What about the Peng family?”

Pei Yan responded, “I was just about to discuss this matter with all of you.”

In his opinion, it was perfectly fine to let the Peng family join in the bidding. Furthermore, all had to pay an entrance fee in order to attend. Whatever the outcome of the auction might be, the fee will not be returned.

Such an arrangement was possible?

The three members of the Yu family exchanged furtive glances.

“Moreover, some things are not quite as simple as you think.” Pei Yan continued, “If someone really pioneered a new route, the risks involved, manpower and physical resources required will be immense. In order to lower the risks, these people who participated in the auction would certainly want to join forces to establish a fleet of ships. Those who possess sufficient ability and ambition would only be a selected few. Even if we hide this matter from the Peng family now, when these people get the nautical chart, I can’t promise that no one among these people wouldn’t collaborate with the Peng family. Therefore, we might as well openly invite the Peng family, and earn a little silver from them first. As for the grudges between families, it’s never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, so you may want to wait for a later opportunity to settle the score.”

Yu Wen and Yu Yuan both looked at Yu Tang in askance, as if she was the primary decision-maker.

Yu Tang felt that Pei Yan had a point.

Instead of letting other families earn the Peng family’s silver, their family might as well be the ones to do so first.

She nodded her head and said in all sincerity to Pei Yan, “I’ll leave it to Third Master.”

Pei Yan nodded his head, feeling that Yu Tang was reasonable, and that she was acting in a more disciplined manner than before.

He couldn’t help but add, “Recently, I heard that your family wanted to buy sea-buckthorn trees? Why didn’t you ask me about it?”

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Yu Tang was stunned by his words.

Of course, it would be much more convenient for her to ask Pei Yan directly, but this matter didn’t benefit the Pei family at all. Moreover, she was too ashamed to keep taking advantage of the Pei Family and disturbing Pei Yan every time.

“My brother and I want to plant fruit trees to make preserves in that mountain forest land,” she answered Pei Yan candidly, “the sea buckthorn tree is just one kind I’m investigating, and I don’t know if it will work, so I didn’t dare to trouble you.”

“The sea buckthorn tree may not be suitable.” Pei Yan commented, “It’s too expensive and unnecessary.”

When Yu Wen heard that, he grew anxious.

He had already asked Teacher Shen to get the saplings, so if the tree was unsuitable, wouldn’t it mean that Shen Shanyan would owe someone else a favor as well?

“This is all just a bit of fun between siblings.” He hurriedly explained, “I didn’t expect for it to be unsuitable.”

He wondered if he should have a look at the sea buckthorn trees in Pei Yan’s estate.

Surprisingly, PeiYan only chuckled and said, “It’s always good to have your own opinions on things.” He then asked about where Yu Tang and her family’s mountain forest was located.

Yu Yuan said its location.

Pei Yan thought for a moment and said, “You should find Third Head Steward Hu. Ask him to go with you to have a look. His father was my grandmother’s servant from her maiden family, and my grandmother’s family grew many fruit trees. He might be the most knowledgeable about such matters among all my stewards. See if he can help.”

This was a kind gesture on Pei Yan’s part, and the Yu family expressed their appreciation repeatedly.

Pei Yan grew up protected by the people around him. When he got older, he was blessed with good fortune and he achieved great success in the imperial court, so he had encountered many such situations where he was thanked a lot. Admittedly, he was a little too presumptuous to manage the Yu family’s affairs this way. However, Lady Yu was a woman, and the things he helped with were trivial matters that didn’t require much work from him. He naturally accepted the thanks of the Yu family, and the conversation went back to the auction. “To avoid trouble from arising, it’s best for your family not to be present on the day itself. At that time, Old Master Yu and Master Yu can come and stay in the adjacent room and listen to the final bids of each family. Afterwards I will ask Pei Man to send the proceeds obtained from the auction to your family.”

The meaning behind Pei Yan’s words showed that he was aware that some people may have set their target on the Yu family, like those who did not manage to get the nautical chart, and also showed his consideration that the Yu family might be worried that the Pei family would take a cut of the silver from the auction.

Yu Wen’s forehead was covered in sweat as he replied, “Third Master, there is no need for such an arrangement. Our family is insignificant, and we do not understand such things. I think the auction should be hosted by you solely. Our family will not come. As for the silver, you can deposit it in the Pei family’s silver store, and we’ll go and withdraw when necessary.”

Hypothetically-speaking, if initially he had the desire to join in this business with others, just listening to the potential buyers Pei Yan introduced, he was now truly terrified to get involved. If not for his fear of offending PeiYan, he would have even liked to give the Pei family a few hundred taels of silver, and deem the nautical chart as sold.

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Pei Yan saw that Yu Wen spoke with sincerity and knew that he knew what was at stake, so he no longer pressed the issue and promised Yu Wen that the silver from the auction would be kept in the Pei family’s silver house and made arrangements for him to take the silver as quietly as possible.

Yu Tang was a little preoccupied with her thoughts.

Since Pei Yan felt that their family’s mountain forest land was not suitable for planting sea buckthorn trees, then why did he plant them in her family’s mountain forest land in his previous life? What exactly went wrong in this one that made this life different?

She had to find a chance and ask.

After Pei Yan finished speaking, he served tea and sent off the guests.

Just as Yu Wen and the others got up to leave, they saw Pei Man who came in, seemingly in a rush.

After exchanging greetings, Pei Man did not wait for Yu Wen to speak before saying, “Master Yu, the head of the Song family from Suzhou is here and is waiting in the receiving hall, so I won’t see you off.”

Hangzhou and Suzhou were close in proximity to each other, and the people in Lin’an have heard of all the major families in Suzhou. The Song family in Suzhou, similar to the Tao family in Guangzhou that Pei Yan mentioned, was a powerful family whose sons were all scholars and businessmen, and in Suzhou City, with every step they took, the city walls trembled.

The Yu’s were curious about what the Song family was doing here, but as it was the Pei family’s matter, it was impolite to ask, so they could only bury their curiosity in their hearts.

After parting ways with Pei Man, Yu Tang asked, “Should we take this opportunity to find Head Steward Hu?”

Firstly, they were fairly acquainted with Head Steward Hu, and had an amicable relationship with each other; secondly, it wasn’t easy to enter the Pei family’s estate, so it was better to complete all the tasks that needed to be done.

Yu Wen felt the same.

The three of them asked the attendant who brought them out to find Hu Xing.

The attendant saw that they were Pei Yan’s guests, so he didn’t ask further and escorted them to Hu Xing’s residence.

Only then did Yu Tang realize that all the head stewards worked in a mansion close to the east gate of the Pei Estate. In addition, the number of servants and the sizes of the different chambers in the residence would vary depending on the ranking of the stewards.

Yu Yuan looked on in awe and whispered to Yu Tang, “This is why people always spoke of the Pei’s as being a very wealthy family. I thought it was because those people had never seen the prominent families in Hangzhou City, but as it turns out, I was the ignorant one, lacking vision and insight.”

However, Yu Tang thought of another matter. No wonder the Li family desperately wanted to replace the Pei family. Whoever saw the Pei family’s vast amount of servants and attendants, would also yearn to have the same!

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Hu Xing was not in his quarters, and Hu Xing’s personal attendant courteously and attentively served them tea. After a while, Hu Xing, having heard the news of their arrival, rushed over and apologized to Yu Wen, saying “I was busy handling some matters for Grand Madam and didn’t expect Master Yu to drop by! Please excuse my tardiness.”

Yu Wen exchanged a few cordial remarks with him, while Yu Yuan and Yu Tang stood up and greeted him. After everyone sat down again, Yu Wen explained the purpose of his visit.

As soon as Hu Xing heard that it was Pei Yan’s instruction, he couldn’t sit still and he immediately piped up, “Please allow me to change my clothes, and I’ll go with you all to have a look.”

His enthusiasm and fervour caught them all by surprise.

Yu Wen hastily replied, “We are not in a rush. You can help us take a look when you’re free.”

Those saplings were estimated to arrive only in mid-April.

These days, Hu Xing was desperately trying to show his usefulness in front of Pei Yan, and eagerly awaited a chance for Pei Yan to let him do something, so of course, he wouldn’t listen to Yu Wen’s words.

He exclaimed, “My Third Master is a decisive man of action, so how can we, as his stewards, be slow to act on his instructions?”

Yu Wen had no other choice but to make an agreement with Hu Xing to go to the Yu family’s countryside estate early next morning to have a look at the forest land.

Hu Xing was re-assured and happily sent the three of them out.

However, just before they left the courtyard, a young attendant came over, his forehead covered in sweat. “Have you seen the Yu family’s master and young master? Our third master asked Master Yu to wait!” Just as he was speaking, he saw Yu Wen beside Hu Xing, and got so happy that he almost started crying. He jogged forward and bowed to Yu Wen, saying, “Master Yu, please come with me to the receiving hall for a while, Our third master said he has something to discuss.”

The three Yu family members exchanged glances, and with Hu Xing accompanying them, they followed the boy around the corner to an unfamiliar receiving hall.

The young attendant diligently served them tea and said, “Third Master asks that you wait here for a moment. After he finishes his affairs, Brother Ah Ming will come over to call you, so please have a seat and rest.”

Yu Tang secretly “tsked” in her heart.

Ah Ming was even called “brother”, so it was obvious how respectable he was, being a personal attendant to Pei Yan.

Yu Wen smiled and assented as he sat down.

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Hu Xing volunteered to accompany the Yu family members and have a chat.

Yu Tang got bored and admired the surrounding scenery.

With one glance, she was able to make some observations.

This Pei family’s receiving hall was surrounded by lush greenery, with all sorts of trees and bushes. At a glance, it was just a field of varying shades of green, with no other color.

Didn’t their family’s peach and plum trees bear flowers?

Or were there no peach and plum trees planted next to this receiving hall?

Even if there weren’t any peach and plum trees, wouldn’t there be some wildflowers in bloom?

Yu Tang examined the scenery for a while, but there was really nothing.

She tsked internally.

They waited for about half an hour, before Ah Ming came rushing over.

“Master Yu, Young Master Yu and Lady Yu! Sorry to have kept you waiting!” He said, panting for breath, “Our Third Master is in the midst of seeing off the guests. He’ll be right over.”

Didn’t he say for them to go over?

The three members of the Yu family exchanged looks again.

But before Yu Wen could say anything, Pei Yan came striding over.

Yu Wen led Yu Yuan and Yu Tang to meet him.

Pei Yan greeted Yu Wen with a bow and said to Hu Xing, “You can leave first. I have something to say to Master Yu and his family privately.”

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