The people that were gathered in the royal palace were limited to only upper-class nobles. There was no party atmosphere for some reason, and everyone’s attention was concentrated on me when I arrived. Finally, the crowd of people split apart, for two boys that came from behind them.

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One person was a calm-seeming boy with blonde hair and brown eyes. The other person seemed almost as if he was hiding himself behind the first person with his nervous demeanor, and was a boy with brown hair and green eyes. The blonde person was the crown prince of this country, Prince Tehel. The brown-haired one was the second prince of this country, uh, what was it again…… No, I’m not good at things like remembering names. Since this person really likes to hide, I’ve never really even talked to him.

“Ahh, you’ve finally come, daughter of Duke Angelique, Rosewood Angelique-san. I’m Tehel Akaido. Behind me is my younger brother Clawdust.”

“No, brother!! They should at least already know our names!? Also, my name is Claudius!?”

“Hahaha, that’s right, that’s right.”

So the second prince’s name had been Claudius, eh. His name sucks.

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“Thank you very much for inviting me to this party tonight, Your Royal Highness Prince Tehel.”

I held the hems of my dress and curtsied. Heath watched our exchange quietly from beside me.

“Tonight, I invited ojou-san here tonight because…… uh, what was it again. Claudius, do you remember why?”

“Please be more serious, brother!! It was about the elementals! The elementals!”

“Oh, that does seem to be the case.”

“Weren’t we just talking about it just a minute ago!?”

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This second prince, his royal habits are so loud. He stinks like a commoner.

So, it was about the elementals, huh.

“It seems that ojou-san has annihilated all of the elementals in the east, west, and south, right? For all these elemental dragons to have become extinct…… That’s uh, er, what was it……”

“Brother, you’re being so unclear about the most important part!!”

“Well, I think the short of it is that it’s become something troublesome.”

“It’s become so trivial!?”

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Mmm. So elemental dragons were different from other dragons, eh. Before this, no matter how many types of dragons I destroyed completely, the royal palace had never called me out like this before.

“Uh, something like that. Ojou-san, I would like for you to completely wipe out the rest of the ice elementals in the north that Heath has been practicing against as well.”

“WHAT!? Brother, what on earth are you thinking!? Don’t listen to him!? Whatever will we do about diplomacy!?”

“Hahaha, well things will work out somehow. ……Will you do it? Ojou-san.”

“Hah, very well. Your insolence towards me, and your buffoonish manner, I’ll forgive it all. In consideration of your resolution and courage where you were prepared to risk your life, and your arrogance that comes from having everything in the palm of your hands, I’ll forgive you. In exchange, the ability of the future king, definitely allow me to see it.”

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“Oh, you want to see it that much? I’m honored.”

“The heads of the northern dragons, get ready to receive them.”

“……EH!? Eh!? Brother! What exactly do you think you’re doing!?”

I disdainfully averted my gaze from the second prince who was being confused there all by himself, and looked up towards Heath besides me. Heath was laughing cheerfully.

“Alright, everyone! That’s it for the discussion today. Just like usual, please enjoy the food and dancing.”

“I can’t keep up with brother’s sudden changing of the topic!?”

Clap clap, the crown prince clapped his hands, and the evening party that had been so quiet until then transformed itself back into the usual party that it should have been.

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