After speaking with the crown prince, Heath and I headed for the balcony.

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“Your fight against the ice elementals, is it alright if I join you as well?”

“Of course, Your Highness.”

W, what exactly am I saying, me. Being so proud in front of me even though he defeated only one ice elemental, when he would be only be a nuisance that would get in the way and die instantly. Come to think of it, being alone together on the balcony…… It’s so shameless! Shameless! What about that little country bumpkin! No, it seems like that little country bumpkin wasn’t invited to tonight’s party, so no, that can’t be it.

Ahh! Really! Exactly why did I say yes!


After that, I couldn’t remember what I was doing from then on at all. Before I realized it, it was already time for the fight against the ice elementals. During our preparations, for some reason Riley kept saying stuff like “ojou-sama, fighting in a dress is a little……” and “ojou-sama, your accessories and bag are a bit too much……” and “ojou-sama, I apologize that I cannot allow the two of you to fight by yourselves, please take both families’ bodyguards with you……” and “ojou-sama, please calm down,” I think she said various things like that but I paid no attention to any of that at all.

Right now, I’m riding a horse alongside Heath. Heath was wearing a white cloak with an emphasis on combat practicality, and he was equipped with a flame shield and a flame sword. It was almost as if he were the Hero. I really can’t stand it because his horse was white as well.

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“……We’ve arrived, Rose.”

Before I noticed, we’d already arrived at the lake. The northern lake was vast and was covered in ice, it was almost like as if it was an ice floe floating in an ocean. On top of the ice was one ice elemental that had come out in search of food.

“I’ll go and defeat it, Rose just stand by and watch.”

Hoh, very well. I’ll watch and see what you can do.

I watched Heath get down from his horse and approach the ice elemental with his sword in one hand. The ice elemental immediately noticed him, and spat its freezing breath at him. Heath blocked its attack with his sword, and he got closer to the ice elemental’s foot. However, the second breath attack landed a direct hit on him.


It felt so good. He was getting too carried away. After all, he’s just a fake that looks like the Hero.

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I’m disappointed. That was all he had. I should really kill him for showing off how weak he was in front of me.

“……Hey! You piece of garbage!”

Before I realized it, I was running with my spear in one hand, I jumped onto the back of the ice elemental and ran up its back, reached its neck and cut off its head with one swing of my spear.

“It’s four hundred years too early for you to be laying hands on my fiance, you lizard!”


Heath who was on the ground had his mouth wide agape at me.

“Listen up well! A dragon’s weakness is its back! Its breath can’t reach you once you’re on its back! Heath, you bastard, look right here! — You girl over there!”

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“Yes, it’s Iris, leader of Rosewood’s personal bodyguards, reporting in, ojou-sama!”

“Throw a flame sword into the lake to gather all the ice elementals here! After that, you get it, right? Trample them!”

“I understand, ojou-sama.”

I jumped off from the headless dragon, and landed by Heath who had a blank expression on his face.

A flame sword was thrown into the lake, and the ice elementals immediately felt uncomfortable from the heat it emitted and emerged from the lake. It looked like there were roughly thirty or so of them.

“Heath, watch this. This is how a true ruler tramples over them.”


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The ice elementals lost their heads one after the other to my personal bodyguard troops’ hands. I dismembered the ones that were trying to escape from here limb to limb. They were all annihilated before Heath could even move.

A bit after the ice elementals’ deaths, a light emitted from their bodies, and all that was left were ice crystals.

“This is, Rose’s……”

While watching the sparkling lights rise up to the sky, Heath sighed.

“Hmph, that was too easy.”

“You’re amazing, Rose. Such an amazing person is actually my fiancee.”

“Be proud. You bastard, you’re the only one that I’ve ever allowed to get married to me.”


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