Deposed Empress General 31- Wu Gu

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One did not know how much time passed, and gradually, the darkness saturated the yard. Even though it was summer, but the temperature was still very low. There was no longer any living people around, as Western Jing's troops didn't actually pursue here. Zuo Canglang felt her two feet that were in the quicksand begin to grow numb. Every time she tried moving them a bit, as it would quicken her descent. A few tries later, she had completely given up.

By her ear, there was the sound of unfamiliar bugs buzzing, so she stared blankly into the night sky.

Suddenly within the darkness, someone lazily said, "You're actually pretty leisurely and free."

Zuo Canglang turned her head, and saw Murong Yan standing afar, outside the quicksand, his hands lowered by his side, his body straight. Not knowing why, she immediately relaxed, sighing, "This...... also wasn't something I was personally willing to encounter, ah!"

Murong Yan smiled, and stood by the side watching for a while. Zuo Canglang said, "Lord master, how do you feel this subordinate's recent performance was?"

Murong Yan raised his eyebrow, asking, "How it was?"

Zuo Canglang finally asked, impatiently, "If you think it's still passable, then hurry and help me, please, I almost can't endure it!"

Murong Yan laughed and straightened his waist, then after laughing, he took a quick look at the terrain, and then quickly began undressing. Zuo Canglang said, "Lord master, you...... you're not planning on coming down here to accompany me, are you......"

Murong Yan ignored her, taking his cloak, his outer robe, both off. He then tore them into strips, and tied them into a rope, tying one end to a large boulder to the side, and tossing the other end to her. Zuo Canglang grasped that cloth strip, and nudged forward bit by bit.

The cold moon was like a knife, and the stars sparkled, each pulse stabbing into one's eyes. Murong Yan just stood by the shore, only wearing a white inner shirt on himself. Occasionally, Zuo Canglang would tire and not have the strength to crawl forward, but as long as she lifted her gaze to take a glance at him, she would recover her strength. She exerted the determination of a child suckling on milk, and finally managed to crawl by the shoreline.

Murong Yan was originally going to reach his hand out to pull her, but seeing that she had a hand full of black mud, he put his hand away. Zuo Canglang crawled up the shore, her whole body no longer had a single clean area. The worst part was that her two legs had already frozen solid.

She rested on her stomach, recovering her breath, and Murong Yan said, "Can you endure walking three more miles?"

Zuo Canglang exerted effort to get up, and Murong Yan saw that she couldn't even stand up stably, so he could only approach her, supporting her on his own shoulder. Zuo Canglang tightly rested on him, exerting effort to continue forwards. Her throat was a bit dry and pained, she difficultly asked, "The Western Jing people won't chase here?"

Murong Yan said, "Feiyan will draw them away, and we only have two hours' time. If we can't walk out of here, sooner or later, they will catch up to us."

Zuo Canglang nodded, as just a moment, when she was in the pool of quicksand, she had been bitten to no end by venomous bugs, and currently, her body was alternating between pain and itching, and there was also the skin that had been scratched open by arrows. She couldn't mind all this stuff though, and could only advance step by step. When they had finally escaped the quicksand marsh, it was already past midnight.

White Wolf lake was just before them, and Zuo Canglang practically rolled and crawled into the water, washing away all the black mud. She was almost gassed unconscious by the mud's strange odor. After she had pretty much finished bathing, she turned around, and saw that Murong Yan was also in the water. The serious him, who usually always had a serious demeanor and composure, had at this time, also gone into the water, his hair all messy and untied, his hair wet, sticking to his body. Separated by the water of the lake, the two people took a glance at each other, and both laughed out loud.

This type of scene, to describe it as a homeless cur, would not have been excessive.

After they finished laughing, Murong Yan said, "Xiaoji city currently must have extremely strict guards, so we will wait for sunrise to enter the city." They'd better not, after all this tough effort of avoiding the Western Jing troops, to end up dying at the hands of their own men.

Zuo Canglang agreed, and said, "But what about Feiyan?"

Murong Yan said, "She won't have problems."

He sounded so confident, so Zuo Canglang didn't continue asking. Murong Yan sat with his dry feet and wet clothes beneath the reeds, afraid of lighting a fire, afraid of drawing Jing troops at this time. The two of them had been fleeing for half the night, and were both hungry and tired, he looked at the river's scenery and smiled.

The cold wind blew, chilling their bodies, which still had cold clothes draped around them. He suddenly reached his hand out, telling Zuo Canglang, "Come here."

Zuo Canglang quickly walked over, and Murong Yan signaled her to sit, and then, he pulled her to feet into his bosom. Zuo Canglang was as if she was burned by fire, "Lord master!"

Murong Yan said, "Sit well." Zuo Canglang could only sit there, and he softly said, "Wouldn't have thought that Hui Ye garden's night's are so cold."

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Zuo Canglang didn't speak, as his body heat emanated through the cold and wet clothes, like a burning star. Whether it was cold or not, she didn't know. It was just that beneath that cold moon, the stars looked beautiful, and the smoky reeds protected them from disturbance.

After that night, there would never be another one as beautiful.

The next day, Murong Yan accompanied Zuo Canglang into Xiaoji city, and rushed back to Jinyang. It was finally when they had returned to his estate, that Zuo Canglang really slept a good night's rest on a bed.

Wang Yunzhao still accomodated her in her old yard, and then followed to help Murong Yan change his clothes. Murong Yan said, "On the side of Swallow's Nest, other than Leng Feiyan, who else can be contacted?"

Wang Yunzhao was startled, saying, "Feng Ping can."

Murong Yan nodded, "Let him contact Swallow's Nest, as if three days later, Leng Feiyan hasn't returned, he will be responsible for taking over."

Wang Yunzhao was quiet, "Did something unexpected happen to young master Leng?"

Murong Yan lowered his head, wearing his clothes, then lifted up his gaze, frankly speaking, "I can't tell for sure, as based on her abilities, perhaps she has a chance of survival. However, she is unfamiliar with the terrain. If she falls into the hands of Western Jing, then she is probably already dead."

Wang Yunzhao said, "Does your highness plan on sending someone over to take a look? Perhaps......"

"No." Before he had finished speaking, Murong Yan had calmly said, "It's not worth it."

That afternoon, when Zuo Canglang awoke, Murong Yan ordered people to prepare a lunch meal by the water pavilion. Zhou Xin, Feng Ping, Xu Lang all received an invitation. Zhou Xin said, "Currently, lord master is helping Yang family overturn their case, and has also embarrassed Western Jing, so the peoples' heart is already leaning your way, why not go ahead and ascend as king?"

Murong Yan thought for a bit, saying, "At this time, if I ascend, one still cannot avoid the notoriety associated with usurping the throne, and being a rebel."

At this moment, Wang Yunzhao interjected, saying, "If lord master at this time titles himself as temporary Yan king, as the regent for the King Yan, there probably won't be any criticism."

Murong Yan thought for a bit, saying, "This will require discussion with Bi Cheng Jing and that group of old officials. I don't have any close associates within court, and they are still standing on father king's side. Their submission to me is only out of helplessness."

Feng Ping said, "Within the old officials, it isn't the case that everyone is equally adamant. If the favor your highness grants exceeds his majesty, whom these people will support, would be up in the air."

Murong Yan took a look at Zuo Canglang, asking, "How do you see things?"

Zuo Canglang said, "The many officials within court, this subordinate does not actually know well. But currently, they follow lord master, so within his majesty's eyes, they are already rebel officials. They haven't yet realized this point, but last time, when his majesty boiled the emissary alive, it has already raised suspicions within their hearts. I think if we were to treat them a little courteously, they probably wouldn't overly object."

Murong Yan said, "Currently within court, only Bi Cheng Jing can perform his functions, but these words, he definitely wouldn't be willing to speak."

Zuo Canglang said, "Right minister Jiang Sanyi, official Jiang, has accompanied his majesty to Yu Yang. Currently, the right minister's position is empty. Your highness doesn't have any close advocates, so why not establish one?"

Murong Yan nodded, and turned around to Wang Yunzhao, saying, "Order Gan Xiaoru to come and meet me."

Gan Xiaoru and Jiang Sanyi's ages were close, and was currently a third ranked Censor. This person nicknamed the Eight-Faced Able One, and had always had ambition. Murong Yan met him privately in the study, saying, "How many years has official Gan been an official?"

Gan Xiaoru was someone who was really good at acting, and currently, Murong Yan had forced away his father and elder brother, and dominated Jinyang, and he was within his grasp. He quickly said, "Responding to second highness, this subject has been an official since he was twenty years old, and it has been thirteen years."

Murong Yan slowly hid behind his back, saying, "Currently within court, minister Bi's age is already high, and has many things to worry over, so one is afraid that his strength is not up to par. And right minister had accompanied father king to Yu Yang, and cannot manage matters. The court is complex, so I am worried minister Bi cannot manage everything."

Gan Xiaoru was a clever man, and understood immediately, answering, "Why doesn't second highness select an appropriate person from within court, and once again appoint them to the position of right minister?"

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Murong Yan looked at him, slowly saying, "I also have this intent, but there is one difficulty."

Gan Xiaoru met his gaze, suddenly feeling that his gaze was light and smooth, he couldn't deceive him. He shifted his gaze, his heart beating rapidly. Murong Yan spoke to this point, so how could he not understand his intent?

He wanted to clench his teeth. It was the position of the right minister, ah! He had entered the court and been an official for so many years, and even under Murong Yuan's subject, how many years did have have to climb up?

His heart turned, and he knelt down, cupping his hands, saying, "Your highness has been working for the country and the people, but the right minister obeys only king Yan. Currently, king Yan is far away at Yu Yang, and within court, it cannot be without a ruler for a single day. This subject...... this subject......" once this sentence left his mouth, in the future, he would become Great Yan's rebel official and sinner. He took a deep breath, finally saying, "This subject begs your highness, for the sake of Great Yan's suffering people, to ascend as king."

Murong Yan smiled. When talking to smart people, it saved so much trouble. He said, "Unfortunately the other officials don't think this way."

Gan Xiaoru said, "This subject has many supporters within court, and this subject is willing to persuade them on behalf of your highness. They are people who listen to reason, and thinking of it, they will definitely support your highness."

Murong Yan said, "In that case, I will count on right minister Gan."

The next day, Gan Xiaoru contacted a group of officials, and they all submitted memorandums, begging Murong Yan to ascend as King Yan. Bi Cheng Ji's whole body shook, and with another group of old officials, cursed out Gan Xiaoru's faction for selling out their ruler in the pursuit of wealth. Gan Xiaoru's faction counter criticized them as not facing reality, and just blindly sticking to tradition.

The two factions continuously bickered within court, and Murong Yan coldly looked on.

The whole morning, they would of course fail to arrive at any solution, and Gan Xiaoru wasn't content, as he had been in court as an official for so many years. So within court, of course he had many former courtiers who had old ties. After court, he gathered these people together, and began discussing what would come in the next court session.

Murong Yan didn't speak much with them, and after court, he returned to his own estate. At that time, Wenqi was busy fending off Western Jing's vengeance, and Murong Yuan in Yu Yang was still gathering his old supporters. For a short period of time, Jinyang, Daji city, and Xiaoji city all managed to stay peaceful.

Murong Yan had just arrived at his water pavilion, when from the sky, a large swallow fell. Its two eyes had been shot through by an arrow, and the shot was extremely accurate. Murong Yan bent over to pick it up, and Zuo Canglang emerged from the garden maze, "Lord master?" With one gaze, she saw the large swallow in Murong Yan's hand, and she quickly knelt, "This subordinate was bored for a moment, and caused lord master to receive a fright. Begging lord master to issue a punishment."

Murong Yan said, "Get up, as this present you gifted me is actually intricate."

Zuo Canglang followed behind him, asking, "Today's court... how was it?"

Murong Yan smiled, "How could it be? Bi Cheng Jing and that group of people, aren't someone a mere Gan Xiaoru can convince."

Zuo Canglang said, "Currently, it hasn't been long, and they have receive his majesty's favor for many years. In a short period of time, their bones will be difficult to turn soft. Lord master doesn't need to find issue with it."

Murong Yan said, "Of course I don't need to find issue with it. Great Yan doesn't have many loyal people, but luckily, there are still a few left." Zuo Canglang secretly smiled, and Murong Yan said, "Smile, you still have the nerve to smile. Tomorrow, I'll also have you accompany me to attend court, and let you experience once the experience of pulling off one's face."

Zuo Canglang couldn't hold it any more, saying, "If lord master has an order, this subordinate will definitely accompany along."

Murong Yan sighed, saying, "Whatever, just let me block it alone for now. Who made me the one with a bigger face than yours, meh?" His long and smooth fingers drew around Zuo Canglang's face, his fingers brushing away a lock of her black hair.

Zuo Canglang immediately lowered her head, her face like a begonia.

Murong Yan placed the big swallow in Wang Yunzhao's care, and Wang Yunzhao said, "Your highness, Feng Ping has a matter he is begging to meet you over."

Murong Yan "mmm'd," and it seemed as though he was avoiding Zuo Canglang. Wang Yunzhao, seeing Feng Ping, immediately brought him over. Feng Ping said, "Your highness, on the side of Swallow's Nest, news was passed over......" He moved to Murong Yan's earside, lightly saying something.

Feng Ping didn't respond, as before Zuo Canglang, Leng Feiyan, and Yang Lianting, he was still a senior. No matter whether it was an order or in capability, he was not weaker than the three. But because he was in public, it was obvious that he wasn't heavily utilized. But even so, he was still Murong Yan's confidante, and before Zuo Canglang and the others, he still appeared as a superior.

But because of everything that had happened back in the orphan camp, Zuo Canglang and the other two absolutely had no respect towards him. Even until now, among the three, nobody was willing to call him teacher.

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Right now, Zuo Canglang's question, he heard it, but treated it as having not been heard. It was apparent that he didn't need to answer Zuo Canglang's question. The two of them stood there, Murong Yan said, "Feiyan hasn't returned yet, so Feng Ping is taking over Swallow's Nest, and is currently searching all over for her."

Zuo Canglang said, "Since she entered Hui Ye garden until now?"

Murong Yan said, "Mmm."

The worry in Zuo Canglang's eyes was apparent, "We must go and search for her. Although her martial arts is very good, but the terrain around Hui Ye garden is extremely complex, and she is unfamiliar with it."

Murong Yan said, "These matters, leave it to Feng Ping to take care of."

Zuo Canglang said, "No, I wish to go personally." She knelt on the ground, her gaze begging, "Lord master, Feiyan's matter, please leave it to me to take care of."

Murong Yan took a look at her, saying two sentences. "Since you've said it this way, how can I refuse?"

Zuo Canglang kowtowed, "Thank lord master." Saying thus, she didn't even stop her steps but turned to leave.

Murong Yan stood in the peach garden, and took a look at Feng Ping saying, "After you took over Swallow's Nest, did you not send people to look?"

Feng Ping's gaze was shocked, and a while later said, "Hui Ye garden is still in Western Jing's hands, and the route there is complicated and inconvenient, that's why......"

Murong Yan said, "Feng Ping, I've given you eight years time. Originally you had the opportunity, to let them treat you as a teacher or as a fatherly figure. But you've always lacked the patience, and your unwillingness to spend the effort on the small matters will ultimately cause you to have that attitude to lose out on everything."

Feng Ping cupped his hands, "Thank your highness for your lesson. This subordinate will take it to heart."

Murong Yan said, "I hope that you will truly be able to take it to heart. Order someone to follow her, as I can lose a single Leng Feiyan, but if I lose a Zuo Canglang, then I will truly be unhappy."

Feng Ping clenched his teeth, "This subordinate understands."

He got up and retreated three steps, leaving the estate. Murong Yan glanced at Wang Yunzhao, saying, "The children all have different personalities. Unnecessary competition, I hope won't occur again in the future."

Wang Yunzhao's face paled, "Yes. This old servant will remember it."

After leaving Qian Yi Marquis estate, Zuo Canglang didn't loiter, but immediately found an information post of Swallow's Nest. Currently, Swallow's Nest was also in chaos. The antidote was in Leng Feiyan's hands, and at the moment, Yang Lianting was impossible to contact. If Leng Feiyan still did not return within a few days, these people would all end up suffering.

Zuo Canglang didn't actually have them immediately search for Leng Feiyan, but rather had them search for Zhuge Jin's news.

When they had separated at Hui Ye garden, Leng Feiyan had taken Zhuge Jin as hostage, and without Murong Yan's orders, she probably wouldn't make a move to kill him. And Zhuge Jin was a high ranking general under Wenqi's command, so his movements, would be easier to discover.

Indeed, very quickly, Swallow's Nest passed the news, claiming Zhuge Jin had appeared the last two days in Suye city. It looks like he had already arrived at Suye.

Zuo Canglang rushed overnight towards Suye city, and based on her old ties with the troops there, quietly entered the city. Although at the moment she was opposing Wenqi, but Murong Yan's uprising didn't actually upset everyone. It was just that they loved their loyalty towards Wenqi, and everyone couldn't end up hurting each other.

This was also the matter that Wenqi worried the most about, as once she had participated within the military matters, and built a relationship with the various soldiers within the army, then he would no longer be able to distinguish if there were spies within the army.

Zuo Canglang actually didn't dare to make a ruckus, but immediately entered Zhuge Jin's tent, scaring Zhuge Jin witless, "Zuo military obs..... Zuo Canglang!" He was just about to draw his blade, when the bow in Zuo Canglang's hands was already lifted. Zhuge Jin was afraid to move, and Zuo Canglang said, "We were after all comrades in the past, so meeting as enemies forced to kill each other, would ultimately not be good, right?"

Zhuge Jin said, "You've really got the guts, actually entering the camp!"

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Zuo Canglang said, "No need to worry about me. Let me ask you-- back then that day at Hui Ye garden, the girl that threatened you, where is she now?"

Zhuge Jin said, "She fell into quicksand, and died."

Zuo Canglang's expression changed, and the bow in her hands quivered. Zhuge Jin was worried, hurriedly saying, "Okay, okay, I say it! She held me as hostage the whole time, having me point out the way. Originally, we were almost out of the quicksand marsh, but not knowing why, we returned again. I was tossed aside by the White Wolf lake for twenty four hours before my meridians unblocked, and I almost froze to death!"

Zuo Canglang said, "Don't know why she returned back?"

Zhuge Jin kept look at her arrow, saying, "I really don't know, but it seemed like she had said some leading Western Jing general was killed very well."

Zuo Canglang: "......"

Originally, Zuo Canglang was still suspicious towards what he had said, but with this word...... very well, she'll believe it. She knocked Zhuge Jin unconscious, and secretly left the camp. Before her, in the darkness, people were speaking. She turned around in the darkness, and saw Wenqi draped in his cloak, currently patrolling the camp.

The past few days, Western Jing had been continuously attacking the city. And one didn't know how many nights he hadn't slept, and when he was walking, he was a bit shaky, coughing a bit.

It had only been a few days, and the only elder she had admired in this lifetime, the one that she once had a relationship of teacher and pupil with. Those days where she would listen to him explain those military scrolls, probably would never return, right? She turned around, disappearing into the shadows.

Leng Feiyan's staying in Hui Ye garden, was really only for a Western Jing commander. At the time when she held Zhuge Jin hostage, she had known that she was unfamiliar with the routes there. Zhuge Jin actually dared to ambush Zuo Canglang here, so of course he was extremely familiar with Hui Ye garden. This place was pretty much covered with quicksand puddles, and if one fell in even a little bit, it was not something to make a prank out of.

She brought Zhuge Jin, and right as they were about to leave the quicksand pits, suddenly someone fired an arrow towards here. Western Jing torches lit up the area, and Leng Feiyan turned back, blocking an arrow, and then saw the leading general of the Western Jing forces. He was a mixed blood of some unknown tribe, but his nose was high, and his brows were thick, but his face was illuminated beneath the torches, and it had a type of attraction that would cause one's heart to move.

Leng Feiyan couldn't help but release Zhuge Jin, "This guy's looks are really not bad, ah!"

Zhuge Jin was startled dumb. And then he saw her seal his acupuncture point, and turn around and fly towards that Western Jing person. The Western Jing man, upon discovering her, immediately shot out a few arrows, but Leng Feiyan was just a crazy nutjob, and she didn't both or mind them, but charged immediately towards the Western Jing man.

Finally, although, she successively was hit by three arrows, but she had also suppressed that person in her hands.

This Western Jing general was shocked dumb, and within the dark quicksand pools, from the cold sand, a woman suddenly flew at him. She was like a chime blowing in the wind, practically sticking straight before him. And then, she lifted his chin, saying, "Your looks aren't bad, are you willing to follow me?"

Before her words were even finished, a dagger was pressed against his neck. He didn't have the opportunity to look at that sharp and bloody dagger, but rather stared at her face. She had a face that was good enough to be described by poems, and when she laughed, it would cause people to feel that she had a strength that could not be conquered by others. Her lips hooked, and she brought with her a young woman's mischief.

His eyes lost sight of everything, leaving only this person, and within the small golden rays of the torchlight, it was like a fairy or a demon.

Leng Feiyan saw that he was struck dumb, and she actually didn't finish him off, but asked, "What is your name?"

He could only feel his mouth dry, and a long time later, he answered, startled, "Wu, Wu Gu."

Leng Feiyan pat his shoulder, "Very good. In the future, you are my person! Let me first dismiss the others." Behind them, there was a rumbling, as people shot off arrows. She turned around, and began cutting away the hail of arrows, entering like a glint of light. He only saw a faint shadow. Not long later, the pained screams of Western Jing troops echoed, and a moment later, even the pained screams returned to calm silence.

That person just calmly broke the arrow in half, and pulled out the arrowhead in her body, saying, "Okay. Let's go. What are you standing there dumbly for, come over here and help me apply some medicine."

Wu Gu couldn't help himself but to go over, and only saw that her wound was terrible, but apart from the wound, her skin was silky smooth. He lightly sprinkled medical powder on the wound, and she lightly said, "My name is Leng Feiyan. Remember my name."

Later, when Wu Gu would think of that night, he truly didn't know what he was thinking at the time. He actually didn't put up any resistance, and didn't even put up a sign of resistance.

He only remembered that name, remembering it for a lifetime.

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