Deposed Empress General 32- Don't Cry

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Leng Feiyan brought Wu Gu back to Jinyang city, and Feng Ping was currently just like an ant that was sitting on top of a heated pot. He didn't have the antidote for the masses of Swallow's Nest, and currently, seeing that it was almost the limit for the medication, the people of Swallow's Nest kept rushing him. He requested many times from Murong Yan, hoping to receive the recipe for the antidote.

But Murong Yan continued not to act, as currently Yang Lianting was still at Gu She mountain recovering, and was unable to be contacted. Additionally, Feng Ping also personally knew, these three people had always gotten along well. Even if he was able to contact him, whether or not Yang Lianting would give him the recipe, was also difficult to tell.

The day after Leng Feiyan returned to Swallow's Nest, she released the antidote for everyone. At this, the group of gangsters finally recovered their calm. How Feng Ping thought in his heart, nobody knew, but it definitely wasn't something to feel happy over.

Additionally, Leng Feiyan also brought back a Wu Gu, and directly told people to greet him as vice pavilion leader. Feng Ping's expression fell, "Do you know this person's background? His highness puts so much responsibility in your hands, and you would so lightly place such trust on a Western Jing person who's background is unknown, it can't be good, could it?"

Leng Feiyan opposed his order, and right there, smiled, saying, "Looks like big official Feng Ping knows that lord master puts a lot of responsibility on me." Feng Ping's expression immediately turned black, and Leng Feiyan said, "Then official Feng also definitely knows, who is truly Swallow's Nest's master, right?"

Anger arose from Feng Ping's heart, and right as he was going to draw his blade from his waist, right as his hand was an inch from his sword, Leng Feiyan's sword was already resting against his throat. Feng Ping's rage turned his face purple, and Leng Feiyan laughed "Ha ha!" before putting away her sword, "Official Feng, whether or not Wu Gu is reliable, as Swallow's Nest's pavilion leader, naturally I will have an explanation for lord master. It won't require you to fret over."

Feng Ping clenched his teeth, and turned to leave. Leng Feiyan turned back, telling Wu Gu, "Come with me."

Wu Gu was startled, and then said, "You shouldn't shame him like this."

Leng Feiyan said, "It makes this old one happy, what can you do?"

Wu Gu was speechless, only following her to see the other master of Swallow's Nest.

Within Qian Yi marquis estate, Murong Yan was standing by the water pavilion, and occasionally would feed the fish in the pond. Feng Ping respectfully stood behind him, and reported the news that Leng Feiyan had already arrived at Jinyang. Murong Yan said, "He brought a Western Jing person back?"

Feng Ping respectfully answered, "That's right, and she seems to be preparing to let this person be her right hand."

Murong Yan nodded, saying, "This man must be pretty good."

Feng Ping took a look at his expression, saying, "Your highness doesn't worry that this person could be a Western Jing spy? After all, his background is unknown, and......"

Murong Yan smiled, stopping his words, "She cut you off?"

Feng Ping's words were immediately stuck in his throat, and Murong Yan tossed the last bunch of fish food. Wang Yunzhao quickly passed forth a handkerchief. He meticulously wiped his hand, saying, "Since there's no problem at the moment, just stay by my side."

Feng Ping clenched his teeth, but endured, saying, "Yes."

He was not content, of course he was not content. He, along with Zhou Xin had followed Murong Yan since they were young. Zuo Canglang and the others were juniors. And currently, Zhou Xin, Xu Lang held military authority in their hands. Zuo Canglang made one even more speechless. Leng Feiyan and Yang Lianting also each had their uses. He was stuck in the middle, and it was impossible for him not be be awkward.

By the side, Wang Yunzhao asked, "Does your highness want to summon young master Leng?"

Murong Yan said, "No need. Although she is reckless, but she has her own methodology for ruling her underlings. I don't need to worry." Saying thus, he turned around to ask, "Where is Ah Zuo?"

Wang Yunzhao said, "Haven't seen her since the morning, and also haven't seen her leave the estate. This servant will order someone to find her."

Murong Yan said, "No need, I'll go myself."

At that time, it was the hottest month of the eighth month, and the sun was strung high in the sky, the great land well illuminated. Murong Yan walked to the yard where Zuo Canglang lived. Within, the plants and flowers were really attractive, and it was clear that Wang Yunzhao had spent a lot of effort. Murong Yan nodded, demonstrating his satisfaction. Wang Yunzhao, this person, didn't have other abilities, but he could be counted as being meticulous. He was the rare person that was willing to think a lot on the little things.

He looked around the environment, and saw that by the red wall, leaned a scaffolding, a large piece of wild rose vine had climbed upon it, following the wall to fall, blooming very beautifully. Occasionally, the wind would come, and the flower petals would descend across it.

He raised his hand pointing at it, asking, "What is the meaning of this?"

Wang Yunzhao quickly lowered his head, saying, "Responding to your highness, in the past, this place only had a single wild rose, and this servant saw that young master Zuo would often practice before it, so I ordered people to move these others over here."

Murong Yan smiled, saying, "Wild plants and weeds, can actually gain her favor."

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Saying thus, he slowly enter the building.

The building was empty of people, and Murong Yan searched up and down once, and after descending the building, he immediately turned to take care of those roses. A moment later, Feng Ping wanted to follow along, but Wang Yunzhao lightly shook his head at him.

Murong Yan came before that thick and layered flower leaves, and at the time, it was currently deep in summer, and just past lunch. The sun was beating down. The blooming roses covered the yard walls, pink and red flowers crossing between the leaves. The wind would waft their light scent, their deep colors would ripple like waves.

The second highness who was covered in white, pushed aside one of the vines, and only saw that the sunlight had been split by it, the light passing in thin streaks. In a dark corner that was difficult for the light to reach, flower petals had covered the whole floor, and a sixteen year old girl was there, wearing a thin red shirt, her bow at her side, sleeping in the flowers and grass.

Murong Yan slowly walked to her side, and Zuo Canglang gripped the bow with her right hand, turning, she saw it was him, and startled. She quickly sat up, saying, "Lord master!"

Murong Yan said, "It's so hot and humid outside, but you actually know how to hide from it." While he was speaking, he sat by her side, and Zuo Canglang quickly moved aside to give him more space, saying, "Lord master came here, is it because there are any orders? Has there been any news of his majesty in Yu Yang?"

Murong Yan said, "Not yet. Today in court, Bi Cheng Jing and this group of old officials all mentioned the matter of bringing father king back again. They made such a ruckus so as to give me a headache, so let's not talk about these irritating matters. This place is actually peaceful and quiet, so let me also come here and steal half a day of peace and quiet."

He also lay down, using his two hands as a pillow. Zuo Canglang sat by his side, saying, "Based on what this subordinate knows, at the current time, what lord master should do, is still to take the title of emperor. Otherwise, the people will only know of king Yan, and lord master will ultimately still be below them."

Murong Yan said, "How would I not know, but within court the old officials had followed father king for decades. If I want them to name me as king Yan, how could it be an easy matter? Although Gan Xiaoru's faction supports it, but compared to Bi Cheng Jing and that group of old officials, it is still insufficient."

Zuo Canglang said, "After all, Marshal Wen is still at Suye city, and currently, his majesty still holds the advantage. So their hearts having concerns is still natural. Lord master doesn't need to find fault."

Murong Yan waved his hand, "How would I find fault with them?"

Zuo Canglang asked, "Then, currently does lord master have any strategems?" Murong Yan said, "Since they want to invite father king back, then I will abide by their wishes. You, lead a portion of the military towards Yu Yang, and receive father king."

His gaze was soft, and Zuo Canglang startled, answered, "Lord master is saying...... attack Yu Yang?" Murong Yan exchanged gazes with her. The camaraderie between ruler and subject, did not need to be put into words, but they had already understood everything. Murong Yan asked, "What degree of confidence in success?"

Zuo Canglang said, "One hundred percent."

Murong Yan shut his eyes, nodding his head. Zuo Canglang asked, "Lord master isn't asking the combat strategy?"

Murong Yan said, "It's you leading the troops, so as long as you know it in your heart, it's sufficient. Stop talking." His breathing slowly deepened, and he slowly fell asleep. Zuo Canglang sat by his side, afraid to move, afraid that the leaves and vines would affect his light dreams.

A summer breeze brushed by her, soft and affectionate.

That night, Zuo Canglang used a secret signal to contact Leng Feiyan. Leng Feiyan lazily answered, "What matter is so busy that you had to call me out?"
Zuo Canglang, seeing that she was indeed fine, finally said, "I am a bit worried about Yang Lianting, but Bai Yu sect's sect leader Mu Qing Xie is biased towards his majesty, so right now, it's inconvenient for me to head there." Leng Feiyan said, "What are you worried about him for. Who knows if he's currently drowning in a pool of lust, and fallen into the embraces of beautiful women."

Zuo Canglang could only smile bitterly, "Feiyan!"

At this, Leng Feiyan said, "Very well, if I have free time, I will go and take a look."

Zuo Canglang said, "No, I wish to go together with you, but tomorrow, I must attack Yu Yang."

Leng Feiyan understood, and had a face help of helplessness, "Go go go, I'll go with you."

Bai Yu Sect's guards weren't actually super thick, but the technique of poisoned Gu insects could cause people to not guard against. If it wasn't someone as highly skilled as Leng Feiyan, if Zuo Canglang wanted to ascend the mountain, she still had to waste quite a bit of effort. If anything extraordinary was discovered by the sect adherents, they would probably get injured. At that time, it would actually be to Yang Lianting's disadvantage.

The two hurried away in the night, and arrived beneath Gu She mountain. Leng Feiyan had previously seen how Ah Fei had avoided the guards, and currently, brought Zuo Canglang up the whole way, improvising on the spot, avoiding the guards.

The two arrived beneath the Shennong statue, and the moonlight was brilliantly white. Leng Feiyan whistled a secret signal, and not long later, they saw a dark shadow approach. Yang Lianting walked very slowly, and even though it had been three months since he was injured, but currently, he could only barely walk.

Seeing him walk in his inner clothes, Leng Feiyan couldn't help but approach, preparing to support him. Yang Lianting avoided her hand, saying, "No, I can walk on my own."

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He just walked step by step this way, slowly walking before Zuo Canglang.

Leng Feiyan said, "Still not recovered?"

Yang Lianting smiled bitterly, "No." This type of deep wound, was impossible to entirely recover from. Even if he recovered, his martial arts would still be far inferior to what it was. He pursed his lips, suddenly smiling, saying, "But it's worth it."

Zuo Canglang reached out, helping him to sit down. The three sat beneath the Shennong statue. Shennong's two eyes stared in front of him, his left hand holding medical herbs, and his right hand was lifting lace. The spring water flowed slowly from his right sleeve. Zuo Canglang said, "Tomorrow I am going to Yu Yang, and before I head out, I came over to see you."

Yang Lianting was startled, asking, "Can you bring me a present?"

Zuo Canglang said, "Just say it."

Yang Lianting said, "A head." Zuo Canglang was startled, asking, "Wen Weishu?"

Yang Lianting nodded, and Leng Feiyan found it surprising, "You're not going to retrieve it yourself? Or watch him being bound in public and brought to the execution ground, won't that be more satisfying, eh."

Yang Lianting said, "The one that should be brought to the execution ground publicly is not him! He is the crown prince's right hand man, and the matter of selling the military arms, probably sixty or seventy percent has entered the crown prince's pockets."

Leng Feiyan turned serious, and Zuo Canglang said, "I can." She lifted her head to gaze at the moon, saying, "Tonight's moon is really beautiful, unfortunately we didn't bring wine."

Leng Feiyan got up, and asked Yang Lianting, "Where is your beauty? She wouldn't not have wine in her place, would she?"

Yang Lianting smiled bitterly, "Mu Qing Xie brought Ah Fei to leave Gu She mountain. I predict...... they went to Yu Yang to meet his majesty."

Leng Feiyan said, "That's even better, just wait for me to go and search for wine." Yang Lianting couldn't do anything about her, saying, "From here, head east, and when you see Hui Sheng Hall, turn right, and about ten meters or so, there is a wine cellar."

Leng Feiyan went to search, and Yang Lianting said, "You have words to speak to me?"

Zuo Canglang said, "I hope you can alter Swallow's Nest's ... and prevent people from easily solving it."

Yang Lianting said, "I don't understand, you are saying, lord master will probably make me hand out the medical formula?"

Zuo Canglang shook her head, saying, "Lord master knows us three have really close dealings, and won't do anything this way. But Feng Ping, this person, his heart is dark, so I still not at peace."

Yang Lianting said, "I understand."


After the words were done, it wasn't many statements later, and Leng Feiyan had already brought three jugs of wine over. The small jug of wine, was twenty year old Luofu Chun. She opened the seal, ripping it off. Thankfully people rarely came here, otherwise, the mere scent of the wine would raise people's attention.

The three of them lifted the jug, and beneath the moon, clanked them together. Leng Feiyan said, "We couldn't meet for mid-autumn, so we'll just treat today as a celebratory occasion instead."

Zuo Canglang said, "This holiday is impoverished enough. This host didn't even bring a single dish of food."

Yang Lianting smiled bitterly, "I'm also a guest, eh, and I'm hidden here. You think it's easy, ah!"

Leng Feiyan was unhappy, "You two wouldn't be thinking of eating meat, right! Stop it already, I'm not going again!"

The two actually managed to begin laughing, and finally, Zuo Canglang discovered that upon the mountain there were a few persimmon trees, so she flew into the trees, and picked a few persimmons, calling in the wind, "Come come come, this way it can barely be called a holiday."

Leng Feiyan caught them, and didn't mind if it was clean or not, but used her sleeve to wipe it before stuffing it in her mouth. Yang Lianting couldn't stop laughing, "I say you two, if you take it without asking, you're a thief, ah......"

The moon rose into the middle of the sky, spinning in the center, quiet and silent. The three ate the persimmons, gazing at the moon, and although it was not yet mid-autumn, it was as though it was mid-autumn.

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The second day, Murong Yan officially issued an order, having Zuo Canglang bring troops towards Yu Yang, to bring back Murong Yuan!

Bi Cheng Jing and the others could all only hold their tongues, as everyone knew that with the current situation, Murong Yan and Murong Yuan were incompatible like fire and water. He ordered the troops to approach Yu Yang to receive Murong Yuan, but would Murong Yuan return to the city?! But who could speak their opposition, since after all, inviting Murong Yuan was the idea they had constantly been calling for.

Before anyone had thought of a way to oppose it, Zuo Canglang had received the military order, and with Xu Lang, brought troops towards Yu Yang.

Xu Lang followed Zuo Canglang the whole way, asking, "Military observer, are just heading towards Yu Yang just like this?"

Zuo Canglang shook her head, and turned around to face him, saying, "Currently, his majesty is in Yu Yang city, and has already gathered a non-insignificant amount of old supporters. If we directly attack the city, the casualties will be too high." Xu Lang blinked his eyes, "Military observer's meaning is......"

Zuo Canglang said, "His majesty and marshal Wen have the relationship of ten's of years as ruler and subject, so he will not suspect marshal Wen's loyalty. And you, you are someone sent out by marshal Wen, and within your hands is marshal Wen's military seal. If you use marshal Wen's name, you can bring troops to the city overnight."

Xu Lang's face was scared pale, "But...... but I'm the one that raised troops to invade Jinyang city! How will his majesty believe me?!"

Zuo Canglang said, "Jinyang city will definitely have his majesty's eyes and ears. Currently, you are an aspiring youth, and hold a lot of military power in your hands, so how would you easily change sides? His majesty will definitely not believe you, but would actually seize you and torture you for information. And then you can admit, claiming you were faking your surrender."

Xu Lang began sweating, "Military advisor, the military matters are pressing like fire, so please don't make a joke."

Zuo Canglang said, "I'm not making a joke. As at this time, I will send your vice general to lead people into the city to surrender. His majesty will suspect that one of you is real while the other is fake, and since you are the fake one, the other one must be the real one. He will open the city gate to invite them in."

Xu Lang felt his body turn cold, "Military advisor, you're not afraid that these people, will really surrender to his majesty?"

Zuo Canglang said, "They won't, as if they supported his majesty, if his majesty doesn't blame them, it can already be counted as extremely fortunate. But in the future, what opportunity for advancement would they have? But if they help his highness to perform a great merit, they would all be promoted, with boundless potential."

Xu Lang clenched his teeth, "I'll go and do it right now."

That night, at three in the morning, Xu Lang pretended to surrender, and was imprisoned. And at the time, vice general Luan Di Diao brought fleeing troops into the city to surrender. King Yan, Murong Yuan believed it to be true, and opened the city gate, and ran into the situation where Zuo Canglang and Luan Di Diao cooperated from both the inside and the outside. The old supporters he had gathered with great difficulty were unprepared, and were absolutely massacred, fleeing in a disorderly state.

That morning, at ten in the morning, Murong Yuan was helpless, and could only give up Yu Yang, retreating to Fang city, to the east of Yu Yang. Yu Yang was lost.

The people rejoiced!

After Yu Yang was lost, the situation was extremely different.

Last time, when Jinyang was lost, it could be stated as being careless. After all, nobody had thought that Wenqi's subordinates would suddenly rebel and attack Jinyang. But this time, one couldn't use the word careless to explain it again, but could only be explained as incompetence.

At this time, almost everyone began re-evaluating Murong Yan. All the people of Great Yan began realizing, this prince that was formerly not very famous, would probably be their true ruler. Nobody would underestimate the army beneath him has a rabble army.

Zuo Canglang, this name, started truly appearing before the people.

And at this time, Zuo Canglang didn't actually return to the capital, but rather she pursued Murong Yuan out of Yu Yang, wanting him to leave behind Wen Weishu. This was originally possible, as Murong Yuan and that group of people, were all royal relatives, noble families and their wives and daughters. Even if they escaped in a hurry, their speed was still extremely slow.

But when she followed the carriage tracks to pursue them, ten or so people stopped her route. Zuo Canglang only looked at their clothes, and knew who these people were. She looked at the head person, saying, "Mu Qing Xie."

These people were all dressed in indegenous garb, and their hats all had feathers, and were members of Bai Yu sect. Indeed, the man in charge said, "Little girl has good eyesight."

Zuo Canglang slowly stepped back, as it was rumored that other than the White Gu insects that Bai Yu sect would use to cure disease and save lives, they also bred another type of notorious Black Gu insect. These things she had actually never personally witnessed, but if they really clashed, the troops she brought would indeed not be their match.

Within the muddy sand ahead, there was something slowly moving, and Zuo Canglang's hairs all stood strait up. Making a decisive decision, she said, "Pull back!"

The soldiers began pulling back, and Mu Qing Xie also didn't have the intent to advance. Although the Gu insects were dominant, but them taking effect was ultimately still a slow process. If Zuo Canglang must mutually destroy each other, even if she was infested with the Gu insects, wanting to kill her in a short period of time was still impossible.

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He only needed to stall Zuo Canglang, and gain a bit of time for Murong Yuan.

Zuo Canglang returned to the city, ordering people to report to Murong Yan. That day, Murong Yan wrote a letter to Leng Feiyan. Leng Feiyan read it, and ordered a gangster to head to Fang city to report a secret-- after Yang Lianting was broken out, he had been hidden in Gu She mountain to recover. Yang Xuanhe, while he was alive, was excellent friends with Bai Yu Sect's sect leader.

The proof was the correspondence Mu Qing Xie had with Yang Xuanhe back then, as well as the letters Murong Yan had written to Mu Qing Xie.

Murong Yuan reviewed the letters with each other, and realized the relationship between Mu Qing Xie and Yang Xuanhe was real. The letters Murong Yan had written to Mu Qing Xie was indeed Murong Yan's handwriting-- that was actually something Murong Yan had written long ago.

He thought it over several times; Murong Yan's rebellion was because Yang family's wrongful conviction. And because of this matter, Yang family's wrongful conviction being brought to light, was because Mu Qing Xie's secret letter. If Mu Qing Xie didn't discover Yang Lianting's background, this case that had already been settled for six years, how would it once again draw everyone's attention?

But why did Mu Qing Xie not make a single sound for six years, but happened to choose this time to reveal the secret?

His whole body shook, and he ordered Cang Jian mountain sect's people to secretly search Gu She Mountain, finally proving, Yang Lianting had been living in Gu She Mountain the whole time, recovering.

Murong Yuan was greatly enraged, and when Mu Qing Xie was on his way to Fang city to report, ordered Cang Jian Mountain sect's sect head, Cang Tianqi to assassinate this man. Cang Tianqi drew his sword quickly, so quickly that it wasn't the speed at which a person like Mu Qing Xie could respond in. When his head had fallen to the ground, he had still not understood why.

At the time, Ah Fei was outside the city saving the wounded soldiers, and whether her White Gu insects were Nine Needles or Su Wei, it was beneficial both for halting bleeding and for mending bones, far surpassing normal medical practice. At this time, she hadn't yet gotten up, when suddenly, Nie Shan rushed in, lifting up her dress. Ah Fei was startled, "Nie Shan, what happened? Where is godfather?"

Nie Shan pulled her onto a horse, and behind them, Murong Yuan had already sent troops over, and a dozen sect members who excelled in the arts of the Black Gu insects stood in a line. The tiny bugs flapped their wings, letting out a humming sound. Nie Shan didn't have the chance to speak much, but galloped the horse with Ah Fei.

Ah Fei turned her head, and saw that countless soldiers were rolling on the ground, and someone had drawn a bow, and the dozen or so sect members all were shot with arrows, but still continued to activate the Gu insects. The various Gu insects crawled into the various bodies, and the screams all changed tones. Someone spilled flaming oil, burning the ground.

The scene gradually turned distant, and Ah Fei grasped Nie Shan, asking, "Why? The Yan troops are pursuing us to kill us, why?! Where is godfather?"

Nie Shan was covered in blood, saying, "Murong Yuan murdered sect leader! He suspect it was sect leader that conspired with Murong Yan, so he killed sect leader!"

Ah Fei turned her head, and behind her, the city was already far, and there was only smoke left filling the air. She said, "You are saying, godfather died?"

The blood covering Nie Shan had practically dyed him red, "Holy maiden, we must quickly return to Gu She mountain, as our tribe members are in danger!"

Ah Fei wanted to cry, but her eyes didn't have tears. She still couldn't believe, Mu Qing Xie had already died. How could someone die at the drop of a word?

They couldn't had east from Fang city, and Nie Shan brought her once again to return to Yu Yang, and from Yu Yang, they went past Jinyang. They traveled through the night, rushing back to Gu She mountain.

Ah Fei was shell shocked the whole time, and she had learned of everything that had happened, but that type of feeling was surreal. When she had finally arrived at Gu She mountain, and seeing the familiar Shennong statue, and seeing the building where Mu Qing Xie had lived, her tears suddenly fell.

Yang Lianting saw her standing by the door of the building, not moving at all, and could only slowly walk over, "Ah Fei?"

Ah Fei turned around, and seeing him, suddenly started wailing. Yang Lianting was startled, "Ah Fei! What happened?" Her tears were so many, and for the moment, were trickling down her lashes, covering her bright face. Yang Lianting quickly rushed over to help her wipe them. "Ah Fei, don't cry, tell me what happened?!"

Ah Fei exerted force to beat him, "It's all you, you Yan people don't have a single good person! Why did I have to take you in, why did I have to take you in!"

Yang Lianting wanted to hug her, but she bit into his shoulder. Thus, Yang Lianting didn't move again, only waiting until blood dyed his clothes, Ah Fei slowly released him. She lay on Yang Lianting's shoulder, crying and wailing, "Yang Lianting, my godfather died. Murong Yuan killed him! What should we do!"

Yang Lianting's heart quaked, and each breath Ah Fei took, was painful like it was tearing her apart. Losing her parents at a young age, that type of fear, the worry had once dominated her, but Mu Qing Xie brought them to leave their ancestral land, letting her leave with everyone else, living peacefully for twelve years.

Twelve years later, he also died.

Yang Lianting knew that type of feeling. The him from six years ago, wasn't he the same? For someone who had not lost their closest relatives, would not understand what desperation was, would not understand what it meant to have no escape path.

He hugged Ah Fei tightly, lightly patting her back, "Don't cry, I will think of a way. Ah Fei, don't cry."

Her tears, drop by drop, burned him. Yang Lianting pulled her into his embrace, and there was such a moment, he hated that he couldn't cleanse this world, and ease her sorrow.

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