Detective From the Future

Chapter 990: 990

"How can it be suicide? We've been investigating for so long, but it's useless!" Zhao Ming is not reconciled.

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Wang Xiao also thinks that suicide is unlikely, "team Han, will this video be fake, such as post dubbing?"

"No Han Bin's tone is firm.

He has two criteria. First, he has heard Xiao Bingtian's voice, which is his own.

Second, Han Bin is proficient in lip language. Xiao Bingtian's voice is consistent with the content of his mouth. This video is almost impossible to fake.

Wang Xiao said, "but the situation at the scene and the wound of the victim are not like suicide. I have never seen a person who committed suicide dare to stab him in the chest in these years from the police."

Li Qin said, "could it be that the dead were coerced into saying that?"

Wang Xiao said, "he is dying, who can coerce him? The best way to do this is to call for help and report to the police, but he chose to record a will video, which shows that he has given up calling for help."

"If someone uses the lives of my relatives as a threat, I may choose the same choice as Xiao Bingtian," Li said

Wang Xiao shook his head. "Li Qin, your statement is too unprofessional. Suppose the killer seriously injured you and threatened you with your relatives to record a suicide video. This shows that your relatives are also at the scene, belonging to witnesses. Do you think the murderer will really let him go? To say the least, even if the murderer mercifully spared your relatives, your relatives will certainly go to the police to help the police catch the murderer. But now that there is nothing, it means that your hypothesis does not hold

Lin Chunhua shouts, "police comrade, Xiao Bingtian said that he committed suicide. Why don't you believe it? Maybe he committed suicide."

Han Bin recalled the scene again, as well as all kinds of clues and evidence related to the case. Xiao Bingtian did not conform to the characteristics of a suicide, and his suicide probability was very small.

At Xiao Bingtian's age, if he wants to commit suicide, he must have thought it over carefully. He can't have no preparation in advance. He will certainly arrange his own affairs.

If an expert looks at the door and a layman looks at the excitement, he will not be determined to commit suicide if he records a will. Xiao Bingtian's fatal injury is in the heart. Han Bin has seen a large number of suicide cases, almost no stabbing heart suicide cases, which is more difficult.

Moreover, on the evening of January 31, Xiao Bingtian also made an appointment with song Xiaodong. If he really wanted to commit suicide in the afternoon, why did he make an appointment to have dinner with him.

But then again, if Xiao Bingtian didn't commit suicide, why did he record this video? Is it really like what Li Qin said that he was coerced? But what Wang Xiao said is also reasonable. It's very difficult to coerce a dying person, and no other victims were found at the scene.

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Han Bin thought for a moment, thought of a situation, perhaps can explain this situation.

"What's the specific time for Xiao Guodong to go to baicui community?"

Zhao Ming opened his mouth and said, "I arrived at five o'clock in the afternoon and left at five thirty minutes. I stayed in the neighborhood for 30 minutes. "

"Not really." Han Bin muttered.

Li Qin continued, "not only Xiao Guodong's time is not right, if this video is true, Xiao Bingtian was injured before 4:52, Lin Chunhua and song Xiaodong entered the scene of the crime later, and they have no possibility of committing the crime."

"I'm not just talking about time," Han said

"Han, what do you mean?"

"After careful consideration of what Wang Xiao and Li Qin said, I think what they both said is reasonable, but their conclusions are contradictory. I think there is a possibility that they can make sense." Han Bin said, "suppose that Xiao Bingtian did not commit suicide, but was stabbed, but in order to protect someone, he recorded a suicide will video."

Wang Xiao said, "if this is really the case, how will the protected witnesses deal with it? The killer might have let him go? He's not afraid to call the police. "

"He won't call the police."


"Because he's the killer himself." As soon as Han Bin's words came out, everyone was confused. Instead, Zhao Ming was the first to respond, "Han team, you mean that Xiao Bingtian's suicide will is to protect the murderer."

"Not bad." Han Bin continued, "Xiao Bingtian was probably stabbed by someone close to him. He knew that he was dying and didn't want to put the other party in prison, so he recorded this video. The scene of the crime is also in line with this speculation. First of all, it is the murder weapon. The person who wiped the fingerprints on the handle of the knife is probably not the murderer, but Xiao Bingtian himself. The purpose is to protect the murderer.

Xiao Bingtian also wanted to get the glass to the kitchen for cleaning, but he was seriously injured and the glass broke in the middle of the way. According to his physical condition at that time, he was unable to clean it again.

This also explains why the murderer didn't clean up the broken glass in time, because the victim Xiao Bingtian did all this. "

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Li Qin also understood, "that's why you doubt Xiao Guodong for the first time. Judging from Xiao Bingtian's peripheral relations, his closest person is Xiao Guodong, and he is most likely to die for Xiao Guodong."

Han Bin shook his head, "Xiao Guodong is my second choice."Wang Xiao then replied, "Rong Rong."

"Yes, from the existing survey, these two people are the most concerned about by Xiao Bingtian."

Zhao Ming exclaimed, "it's incredible."

Wang Xiao pondered for a moment, "if it's really like what you guessed, will Xiao Bingtian deliberately change the time of recording the video. Suppose the murderer is Xiao Guodong. In order to protect his younger brother, Xiao Bingtian deliberately changed the time of the suicide video to before Xiao Guodong came, so as to make an alibi for Xiao Guodong. "

"This possibility exists in theory, and whether it can be implemented or not is the matter of the technology department." Han Bin pointed to Ma Xiwen beside him.

Ma Xiwen thought, "let's leave it to us. If the video time has been modified, it can be detected."

Lin Chunhua breathed a sigh of relief, "Captain Han, I'm not familiar with Xiao Bingtian, and he won't protect me, proving that I'm absolutely innocent, and it's impossible to kill him. Can you just let me go?"

"Pa!" Zhao Ming gave him a total of brains, "what do you think? Do you know what burglary is? You can be punished for this amount. Come down to earth with us and take care of the food. "


At 3 p.m., the technology department issued a test report. There was no sign of modification in the will video, and the video content was real and effective.

Therefore, the time of committing the crime was shortened to between 4:00 p.m. and 4:52 p.m. on January 31, during which Xiao Guodong, Lin Chunhua and song Xiaodong all had alibi.

In other words, the three can't be killers. Han Bin immediately reports to Ding Xifeng.

After verifying the situation, Ding Xifeng agreed to release Xiao Guodong and song Xiaodong.

New problems come, three suspects are excluded, Han Bin need to take the team to re comb the case, looking for new clues and investigation direction.

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Han Bin went to a group of office, is preparing to call team members to discuss the case, Li Qin into the office, "Han team, Xiao Guodong want to see you."

Wang Xiao asked, "hasn't he been released? What else do you want to do with team Han? "

"He wants to ask about Xiao Bingtian."

Han Bin nods. Xiao Guodong is not only a suspect, but also Xiao Bingtian's younger brother and testamentary heir. Xiao Bingtian's affairs also need to be dealt with by him. "Bring him here."

A moment later, Xiao Guodong came into the office and said, "Hello, Captain Han, Hello, comrades."

"Mr. Xiao, please take a seat. On behalf of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, I apologize for your detention."

Xiao Guodong sat on the chair, "Captain Han, you're welcome. Police officer Li has apologized to me just now. I thank you for your careful investigation of my brother's case. I came here today to find out the progress of the case and whether the murderer of my brother has been caught

Han Bin hesitated, "the case is still under investigation, the specific situation is not convenient to disclose, I hope you can understand."

Xiao Guodong nodded, "I want to see my brother again."

"Yes, I'll have you taken later. In addition, we have found the 80000 yuan stolen by your brother. After the case is solved, you can come to the police station to collect it. "

"Ah There's no one left. " Xiao Guodong sighed and seemed to think of something, "Captain Han, is the person who stole my brother's money the murderer who killed my brother?"

"Judging from the available evidence, it is very likely that the people who killed Xiao Bingtian and stole the money are not the same group."

Xiao Guodong slapped himself, "they all blame me. They have to face me. If they agreed to transfer money to me, maybe There would be no such thing as now, and he would not... "

"It's happened. Don't blame yourself too much..."

At this time, Huang Qianqian came over, "Han team, Xiao Guodong's family came to pick him up."

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"Bring it in."

Huang Qianqian should a, not long with Xiao Guodong's wife into the office.

Zhao Wenyi carrying a bag, quickly walked to the front, "Guodong, are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

"I'm scared to death. Your brother just died. I'm afraid you'll have an accident."

"Don't worry, Rongrong. The police have found out. This case has nothing to do with me."

"Did you catch the murderer?"

"I'm here to ask captain Han. When I get clear, we'll go home."

"Good." Zhao Wenyi nodded and stood silently beside Xiao Guodong.

Han Bin took a look at Zhao Wenyi, and then looked at Xiao Guodong, "Mr. Xiao, I heard that your name was Rongrong just now."

"Yes, that's my wife's nickname, Captain Han. What's the problem?"

Han Bin smiles, "it's OK. My girlfriend's name is Rongrong. I heard you shout just now, but I didn't react."

Xiao Guodong didn't care too much. He continued to ask, "has my brother's body been autopsied? When can I take him home and give him a funeral?"

Han Bin's mind is full of Rongrong now. Where is he still in charge of these things? He winks at Wang Xiao, "leader Wang, aren't you in charge of contacting the forensic department? Tell Mr. Xiao in detail. I have something else to deal with. "When he heard the name of Rongrong, Wang Xiao was also in a state of mind, but he didn't dare to show it. He immediately understood what Han Bin meant. "Han team, don't worry, give it to me here."

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