Detective From the Future

Chapter 991: 991

Han Bin returned to the office with several team members.

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Han Bin took out a box of cigarettes from his pocket, took one by himself, threw the cigarette box on the tea table, "do it yourself."

Everyone is not polite. They each take a cigarette and light it.

Han Bin smoked two cigarettes, "Xiao Guodong said you should hear, how to see?"

Zhao Ming holding a cigarette, some emotion, "Rongrong, I really did not expect that we have been looking for so long Rongrong, actually Xiao Guodong's wife."

Li Qin is also an old smoker, spit out a cigarette, "can it be a double name, this is too bloody. Is the elder brother always thinking about his sister-in-law

Zhao Ming doesn't think so. "What's this? I've seen more bloody ones on TV, especially Hong Kong opera. Let's deal with the chaos. There's nothing you can't think of, nothing you can't see. "

Li Qin said, "Hong Kong Island is too small. There are so many things going on and on. It can only be staged in a mess of relationships, such as love triangle, multi angle love, and my brother's current girlfriend is my brother's ex girlfriend. But it's not the same in China. It's not so limited because of its vast territory and abundant resources. This kind of big brother and sister-in-law affair is still taboo. "

Zhao Ming said, "taboo belongs to taboo, but now the reality is that Xiao Bingtian's name is his sister-in-law's nickname."

Li Qin said, but the other side, looking to the side of Han Bin, "Han team, what do you think?"

In fact, I've always wondered why Xiao Bingtian suddenly went to Chang'an city 20 years ago. Judging from the current situation, Xiao Bingtian is still very concerned about his parents and has a good relationship with his brother. As the old saying goes, his parents are not far away. I think in addition to the unique cultural and environmental factors of Chang'an City, there should be a more important reason why he had to leave.

For this reason, I have asked Xiao Guodong and song Xiaodong before. They are close to Xiao Bingtian, and they are the most likely to know the real reason why Xiao Bingtian left Qindao 20 years ago. But neither of them is clear, that is to say, the reason may not be clear to others.

I can't tell my girlfriend that he may have another woman. I can't tell my younger brother that she is... "

Li Qin said, "you also think Zhao Wenyi is Rongrong in Xiao Bingtian's mouth."

"From the available evidence, it's very likely." Han Bin stood up, paced and said, "on the afternoon of January 31, Xiao Bingtian called his younger brother Xiao Guodong first, but Xiao Guodong was busy in the kitchen and couldn't answer the phone. Then Xiao Bingtian called his sister-in-law Zhao Wenyi. The content of the phone call is likely to be the same as what they described. Let them go to the park green community to get money.

But the person who went to get the money may not be Xiao Guodong. It's probably Zhao Wenyi who answered the phone. From the perspective of time, this conjecture is also true. Zhao Wenyi probably went to the park community first, which is just in line with the time of the crime. "

Li Qin snuffed out the cigarette end, "assuming that the conjecture of team Han is true, Rongrong in Xiao Bingtian's mouth is exactly Zhao Wenyi, but after Xiao Bingtian left Qindao for so many years, the two people have hardly met each other. What hatred can they have? They have to kill each other."

Han Bin said, "if my conjecture is true, combined with the situation at the scene of the crime, from the perspective of criminal psychology, this case is not intended to kill, it is likely to be an accident or a manslaughter, which is also in line with the relationship between the two people.

As for the specific reasons for the killing, I'm afraid only the parties will know. "

Zhao Ming is very convinced of Han Bin's judgment, "Han team, please tell me, how should we investigate next"

Han Bin thinks for a moment, "first, find the evidence that she went to baicui community during the time of the crime. Second, search her residence for Xiao Bingtian's belongings, such as the old photo that Xiao Bingtian lost. Third, Xiao Bingtian's injured position is prone to massive bleeding, and there must be splashes of blood. If Zhao Wenyi is really the murderer, her clothes must be stained with blood. Fourth, whether the fingerprints and DNA on the broken water cup belong to Zhao Wenyi. "

Li Qin said, "it's the business of the technology department to detect DNA and fingerprints. What we can do is to help them get Zhao Wenyi's fingerprints. If we want to search Zhao Wenyi's residence, we need evidence to prove that he is related to the case, otherwise we can't apply for a search warrant at all. What we can do now is to investigate whether Zhao Wenyi went to baicui community at the time of the crime, as long as we can prove that That's a reason to get her fingerprints and search her home. "

"That's right. Our first task now is to find out Zhao Wenyi's whereabouts on the afternoon of January 31." Han Bin set the tone and called Zhu Jiaxu and Wang Xiao to assign specific tasks.

Zhu Jiaxu took people to visit baicui community to see if anyone had seen Zhao Wenyi that day.

Wang Xiao takes people to stare at Zhao Wenyi.

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Han Bin takes people to check the monitoring around the park.

In terms of viewing and monitoring, Han Bin has the advantage that no one else has. He can determine the identity of the other party by walking posture, pace and gait of the target task.

Moreover, the time of committing a crime has been accurate to between 4:00 p.m. and 4:52 p.m., and the time period for checking and monitoring has been greatly shortened.

Soon, Han Bin locked a suspect in the surveillance. At 4:12 p.m., a woman entered the baicui community. The woman walked into the community with a mask and a silk scarf. In addition, there was only one camera at the entrance of the community, and the definition was not high, so it was almost difficult to identify each other.However, Han Bin according to her walking posture and pace, she should be Zhao Wenyi.

Hanbin and take people to check the surrounding monitoring, but did not find Zhao Wenyi trace, Hanbin speculated that the other party may be a taxi.

Han Bin also asked people to check the corresponding time node, passing by a nearby taxi, determined the license plate number of the taxi, and then contacted the taxi company to determine whether a driver had pulled Zhao Wenyi

It's half past ten in the evening.

Songyuan district.

Zhao Wenyi's home.

After leaving the hotel, Zhao Wenyi and Xiao Guodong went to a hot pot restaurant nearby and had a big meal. The food of the Public Security Bureau was light, and Xiao Guodong had no appetite. When they entered the Public Security Bureau, they only ate half full.

After returning from the hot pot shop, Zhao Wenyi had a bath and sat on the sofa in a daze.

Xiao Guodong also goes to take a bath now. He has been sweating all over during his detention. He has to rub well. He can't get out for a while.

"Buzz" the lights in the room are black and the electrical appliances are off.

Xiao Guodong's cry came from the bathroom, "wife, why is the light black? Is there a power failure?"

Zhao Wenyi asked, "the lights outside are also dark. It's estimated that there is a power failure. Have you paid your electricity bill this month? "

"Yes, the electricity charge must be enough. Go outside and see if it's off. Just push it up."

"I see." Zhao Wenyi takes her mobile phone, puts on a piece of clothes, and is ready to go outside to have a look.

"Creak..." The door was opened and the light in the corridor came on.

Zhao Wenyi stepped out with one foot, and the whole person was stunned.

Under the light, people stood on both sides of the door.

The "Ka" switch rings, and Zhao Wenyi's home calls again.

This voice broke the silence, Zhao Wenyi said, "officer Han, what are you doing? Why are you hiding in my door?"

Han Bin said with a smile, "Ms. Zhao, we were just about to visit your house when you suddenly opened the door, which surprised us. It's more dangerous to work in our business, so we instinctively hide. "

"Captain Han, just now my house fell off, you can't pull it."

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"What do you mean?" Han Bin frowned, "what's missing?"

"Hoo..." Zhao Wenyi sighed, knowing that it's useless to say anything now, "if you have anything, just say it."

"We'd like you to take a note at the police station."

"Ask me to take notes. Why?"

"Ms. Zhao, the influence in the corridor is not very good, or let's go in and say."

Zhao Wenyi hesitated, "you wait outside. My husband is taking a bath. I'll remind him."

Hard to open the door, Han Bin naturally won't let her alone, "Ms. Zhao, if you feel inconvenient, you can go to the police station with us."

"Forget it, you come in." Zhao Wenyi turned and entered the room, with a little dissatisfaction on her face.

"Wife, who are you talking to?" Xiao Guodong's voice came from the bathroom.

"It's the police. They're here to find out. "

" Why are you here again? I've already found out. "

Han Bin replied, "Mr. Xiao, we're not here for you. You can continue to take a bath, which doesn't affect you. We are here to ask Ms. Zhao a few questions

"My wife? What does it have to do with her? You don't doubt her Xiao Guodong is in a hurry.

Han Bin said, "I said, it's a routine inquiry. You don't have to be nervous, Mr. Xiao. What should you do? "

Xiao Guodong, who is still in the mood to take a bath, quickly wiped and came out in his pajamas, "Captain Han, what's the matter with you? First you doubt me, and now you doubt my wife, and it's not over."

Han binliang came out to summon the witness, "Mr. Xiao, the police look at the evidence to investigate a case. This is our legal procedure. Please pay attention to your words and deeds and avoid it."

"This is my home. Why should I avoid it?"

"Well, if you don't go, we'll go." Han Bin waved, "take Zhao Wenyi back to the police station."

"No, No Xiao Guodong flustered, he was imprisoned, know the pain inside, "this big night, also go to what police station, in the record, I evade, evade is not good."

With that, Xiao Guodong took a look at his wife, "wife, I'll go back to my bedroom first. If there's something wrong, please call me."

Zhao Wenyi nodded and sat on the sofa.

After Xiao Guodong returned to his bedroom, Han Bin formally began to ask, "Zhao Wenyi, what's the relationship between you and the dead Xiao Bingtian?"

"I'm Xiao Guodong's wife and Xiao Bingtian is Xiao Guodong's brother. What do you think is our relationship?"

Li Qin scolded, "Zhao Wenyi, pay attention to your attitude and answer whatever you ask. It's not in your interest to go against the police. "

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Zhao Wenyi turned her head aside and said in a low voice, "Xiao Bingtian is my elder brother and I'm his sister-in-law."

"When was the first time you and Xiao Bing met?""I don't remember."

"I think so."

"It should be January 29. At noon, he came to our store for dinner. I ate with Guodong and Xiao Bingtian."

"Have you met Xiao Bingtian on January 31?"


"In the afternoon of January 31, have you ever been to baicui community?"

Zhao Wenyi hesitated for a moment, bowed his head and said, "No. "

" where are you between 4 pm and 5 pm on January 31? "

"It's been several days. How can I remember such a detailed time? "

" let me remind you something. Xiao Bingtian called you that day, and soon he died. This kind of day, as long as you recall, should be able to remember

"At that time, I should be at home."

"Who can prove it to you?"

Zhao Wenyi shook her head. "I was alone at home at that time."

"When did you get home from the hotel?"

"I can't remember the exact time."

Han Bin looked at his notebook, "you can't remember clearly. I'll tell you that you are at home in Songyuan community at 5:30 in the evening. Between four and five in the afternoon, you're not at home at all. "

Zhao Wenyi's face slightly changed, "what evidence do you have?"

Han Bin continued: "at 3:50 p.m. on January 31, you took a taxi to leave your hotel, entered the park green community at 4:12, and left the park green community at 4:49. We have all your whereabouts on that day. I don't know if this is evidence? If you don't think it's enough, we have witnesses. "

Zhao Wenyi panicked, bowed her head, and did not dare to look at Han Bin.

"Be lenient when you confess, be strict when you resist. Zhao Wenyi, we have already found you. Do you want to escape again?"

After a long time, Zhao Wenyi said in a trembling voice, "yes, I admit that I have been to baicui community."

"Why do you lie about being at home?"

"Becui community is also my home. It's the house of my father-in-law and mother-in-law. They all died, and my husband's share is also my home."

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Han Bin frowns slightly, and Zhao Wenyi is still making excuses.

"I asked you clearly just now, have you ever been to the park green community on January 31, your answer is very clear, No. This shows that you are referring to the home of Songyuan community. Don't play word games with the police. We are no more stupid than you.

Why lie? "

"I didn't lie. You came to my house all of a sudden. I was a little nervous and said something wrong."

Han Bin stared at each other, "are you still nervous? If you are still nervous, we can take you back to the Municipal Bureau. When you are not nervous, we will continue to take notes. "

Zhao Wenyi shook his head, "no, I'm not nervous now."



"Good." Han Bin tone sharp, "then I ask you, why kill Xiao Bingtian?"

"I didn't kill him. When I left, Xiao Bingtian was alive."

"Yes, he was really OK at that time, but he was fatally injured. You stabbed him hard enough."

Zhao Wenyi yelled, "I didn't stab him, and he wasn't hurt when I left."

"What did you do in the past 30 minutes in the park green community?"

"It was Xiao Bingtian who called me and asked me to go to his place. Only when I went there did I know that he wanted me to take the money. He knew that the business in our shop was not good and wanted to give us a sum of money to use first. But I didn't, because I know my husband, he wants to be strong, love face, less than a last resort, will not borrow money. We talked about it all the time. After that, I left, and he took me to the door

"Do you think the police will believe that reason?"

"Believe it or not, that's the truth."

"Our police have done a lot of investigations and collected a lot of evidence. It can be determined that the murderer committed the crime between 4:00 p.m. and 4:50 p.m., and you were with Xiao Bingtian during this time. How do you explain that?"

Zhao Wenyi forced herself to be calm. "Maybe I'll walk on my front foot and someone will come in and kill him."

"So you left looking at the suspicious person?"

"No, I'm a little short-sighted. I can't see clearly."

"I wanted to give you a chance to make contributions, but your attitude disappointed me. Don't think that if you don't admit it, the police can't help you." Han Bin took out a search warrant from his pocket and told the team members around him, "search for me!"

Under Han Bin's command, the team members searched separately.

Zhao Wenyi looked embarrassed and her face became more and more ugly.

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