Looking at Shou San's calm tone, Li Huowang replied, "Okay! I'll trust you one more time! I don't want anything like today to happen again! Otherwise, if you make me angry, I'll just give my body to Danyang Zi, and we'll all die together!"

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Upon hearing Li Huowang's threat, a hint of displeasure appeared on Shou San's face. However, he scrutinized Li Huowang carefully and ultimately did not say anything.

Under the gaze of the Ao Jing sect members, Li Huowang helped Yingzi up from the ground and pulled her back step by step.

After they left, Shou San turned to a nondescript member of the Ao Jing sect next to him and asked in a low voice, "Elder Shen, you saw it too. Aren't you going to do something?"

The mysterious and inscrutable Grand Elder mentioned by Yingzi was actually present.

Shen's gaze remained fixed on the direction Li Huowang had left. "No, this Heart Seed is different from the others. You've seen his abilities before, he's much more dangerous than the other Heart Seeds. We need to stabilize him first, and then I'll take the time to investigate and make a decision."

"Yes, I understand."

Back in the room, Li Huowang collapsed to the ground as if he had used up all his strength. Yingzi, with only one arm left, hesitated for a moment before carefully approaching him when she saw that he was still bleeding. "Master, are you okay?"

"Hehe... I'm fine. Can't die."

Upon hearing this, Yingzi's eyes became resolute, and she went to the book wrapped in wax on the ground.

She held the book in one hand and knelt in front of Li Huowang, whispering, "Master, bear with me. I'll help you heal."

After speaking, she raised the book in her hand and began to chant in a strange voice, as if imitating the sound of flames burning.

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"Whoosh!" The entire wax book in Yingzi's hand ignited.

The burning wax wrapped in flames dripped directly into Li Huowang's wound.

A sizzling sound rang out, and Li Huowang smelled that familiar scent again.

When Yingzi held the book over her head, the burning wax on Li Huowang's body seemed to come alive and began to squirm on his body like a burning earthworm.

As this thing crawled over Li Huowang's body, white smoke rose from his body, leaving behind burnt marks.

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This was not just stopping the bleeding; the burns that stuck the skin and flesh together covered the deep bone wounds.

As he lay there, that thing crawled all over Li Huowang's body, covering his wounds.

But the price was that Li Huowang now felt double the pain, and he almost bit off his own tongue from the pain. Sweat made him look as if he had just been caught in the rain.

And it wasn't over yet. When Li Huowang saw that the thing, like a burning centipede, was crawling towards his face, he instinctively tilted his head back.

"Heh, this healing method is really deadly."

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After taking a few short breaths, Li Huowang gritted his teeth and opened his mouth.Li Huowang directly stuffed the fire centipede that was grabbing his chest into his mouth.

The next moment, Li Huowang felt what it was like to swallow a mouthful of lava.

He could feel the magma crawling down his throat towards his esophagus.

"Crackling" sounds kept coming out, and billowing smoke drifted out of Li Huowang's mouth and nose.

The extreme burning sensation made Li Huowang clutch his stomach and roll on the ground in pain.

When he felt that thing was about to reach his stomach, trembling Li Huowang quickly signaled to Yingzi beside him.

"Don't use your stomach! There's something inside, and the fire centipede can't handle it!"

Although Yingzi didn't quite understand what Li Huowang meant, she still followed his instructions.

After the fire centipede crawled out of Li Huowang's mouth, it did not dissipate but crawled onto Yingzi's body and began to burn her remaining boneless hand.

"Crack" sounds rang out, and the boneless hand fell weakly to the ground. Under the fire centipede's wrapping, the gap in her broken arm also began to heal gradually.

Having completed its mission, the fire centipede crawled back onto the book, wrapped itself up again, and as the flames dissipated, the wax quickly solidified, and the book returned to its original state.

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"Does it hurt?" Li Huowang asked Yingzi, who was sweating profusely.

"How can it not hurt? But compared to the day my younger brother and sister died, this pain is nothing at all..."

Li Huowang nodded, "Yeah, physical pain can be endured, but emotional pain is really unbearable."

Yingzi, who had become one-armed, silently glanced at him, saying nothing, and helped him to the bed.

Li Huowang looked at Yingzi's profile, unable to guess what her intentions were.

Some of the things she did were very contradictory.

Then he remembered what Shou San had said before, "I don't know how much credibility the other party's words have, but since they have said it, they shouldn't do anything again, right?"

After they lay down again, Li Huowang, who was injured all over, almost stuck to the pillow.

Drowsy, Li Huowang dreamed of many things.

But when he woke up again, he couldn't remember anything.

When he opened his eyes, he saw Mantou excitedly spinning around Yingzi. Its whimpering was full of flattery.

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"How did you get so close to it all of a sudden?" Li Huowang walked to the stone table and started to eat breakfast heartily.

Yingzi looked at Mantou with a complex expression and touched its whitish four legs with her hand. "I remember now, it's my neighbor's dog. The old dog gave birth to seven puppies that year, and it was one of them."

"I thought it was surely dead, but I didn't expect it to still be alive."

Looking at Mantou, who was excitedly licking Yingzi's hand, Li Huowang let out a sigh.

"In such a big town, only one person and one dog were left alive. This damn world."

"Master, why do you think he killed us? He is a powerful immortal, and we are nothing more than ants in his eyes. Is it just because we annoyed him?"Yingzi's voice trembled slightly as she tried to suppress her emotions.

Li Huowang sighed lightly, "Who knows, this is just how the world is. Good people don't live long, and the wicked live for thousands of years."

Li Huowang chatted with Yingzi, their relationship slightly closer after yesterday's experience.

"By the way, what's the name of the book you used to cure me?"

Li Huowang found that the thing was really effective, although the process was extremely painful, leaving terrifying scars where the fire centipedes crawled.

Li Huowang found that he was actually much better after sleeping for a while.

Yingzi took the wax book out of her robe and handed it to Li Huowang. "The Fire Coat Scripture. If you need it, it's yours."

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