"Firecoat Scripture?" Li Huowang was surprised as he took the strange book wrapped in translucent wax.

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Through the solidified wax, Li Huowang could see the title of the book clearly.

He immediately knew that he had misunderstood. What Jiang Yingzi mentioned was not a scripture, but a proverb.

"The Firecoat Proverb" was the name of this book.

Although the treatment process was very painful, Li Huowang also understood the huge usefulness of this thing.

"Why did you give me this?" Li Huowang asked in surprise.

"I think Master En wants it, so I specially gave it to you. However, this book is not easy to practice. You need to learn a different kind of characters to use it," Yingzi explained.

With a wave of her hand, the wax shell on the book broke open, revealing the content inside.

"This is..." Li Huowang's brow gradually furrowed.

It was a kind of writing system composed of various circles, with big circles enclosing small circles, and small dots inside the small circles. Each circle and line had its own meaning.

He couldn't understand it at all. It was a writing system that he had never seen before.

"To understand this proverb, Master En needs to start from scratch and master the Gong Shang Jiao Di Yu of the Tianhuo Wen to use it better," Yingzi continued. She then took out a hand-drawn book from her hand. "This is the comparison between the Tianhuo Wen and the ordinary vernacular. Master En can take a look."

Li Huowang quickly flipped through it and found that it was very detailed and elegant, as if Yingzi had written it herself.

Since the other party had done so much, Li Huowang no longer refused anything. He did need it now.

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But he didn't have time to look at it now. He would study it slowly after getting out of this ghostly place.

After Li Huowang put away the two books, he asked Yingzi, "You gave me these two books without authorization. Won't it cause any trouble if they find out?"

Yingzi lowered her head and shook it gently without saying anything.

Li Huowang nodded knowingly and looked at her seriously. "If you have any difficulties, I won't ask. I will treat others with respect as I wish to be treated."

"I still keep my word. As long as you can help me wholeheartedly, I can still help you escape from this place."

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"Okay!" Hearing this, Yingzi couldn't help but nod her head with joy.

"Master En, what do you need me to do? I can do anything for you." Yingzi asked eagerly.

After looking around vigilantly, Li Huowang lowered his voice and continued, "Yingzi, since our goals are the same, you are also one of us now. I really need your help now."

After that, Li Huowang whispered something to Yingzi's ear, and Yingzi nodded from time to time.

Half an incense stick later, the two of them walked out of the cave one after the other.

In the next two days, with Yingzi's company, Li Huowang visited every corner of the cave, leaving no secret place unexplored.Hand San did not break his promise. No one came to trouble Li Huowang during this time, even if they met on the road, at most they just looked or passed by.

On the third day, Li Huowang had thoroughly memorized the layout of the entire cave.

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"Master, I've memorized everything. What should we do next?" The follower, Yingzi, asked quietly behind him.

Li Huowang, with a determined expression, stared at the cave in front of him for a long time before turning around and heading back the way they came.

"Let's go back first and discuss it. Be careful, walls have ears."

Yingzi followed silently behind Li Huowang like a young servant.

As they walked, Li Huowang looked worried and his expression alternated between serious and fierce, as if he was thinking about something.

Halfway through their walk, he was stopped by someone. It was none other than the charred Hand San.

With a creepy smile on his face, bits of burnt skin falling off, Hand San asked Xuan Yang, "Do you have any leads after three days?"

"Do you need my help? If the previous method didn't work, I have another idea today." Li Huowang immediately stopped him from saying anything further, afraid of what he might hear.

"I don't need it. I said I'll find a way myself!" Li Huowang pulled Yingzi and strode towards their dwelling.

Hand San did not stop them and watched them leave with a flickering gaze.

As the flimsy wooden door shut and blocked out everything outside, Li Huowang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Living in this dragon's den was too torturous, like dancing right in front of someone's mouth.

"What should we do next, Master?" Yingzi asked from behind.

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Li Huowang was about to say something when his expression suddenly froze.

"Damn it, it's happening again!" Li Huowang leaned back against the wooden door and slowly slid down to the ground.

"Master? Master, are you okay?" Yingzi approached him carefully.

Li Huowang looked at the girl in front of him, struggling with his expression before whispering, "Mom? Are you here? I don't want to eat oranges, can you leave? I have something to deal with."

"I know, I understand. That's just a hallucination. Don't worry about my illness. I'm a little thirsty, can you help me get some water from the kitchen?"

"I don't want the water in the thermos. I want boiling water."

"Master...?" Yingzi looked at the crazy Li Huowang with a hesitant expression.

After a moment, Li Huowang's smile disappeared and his expression turned serious. He looked around with no focus in his eyes and said, "Quick, tie me up and tie me to the bed! I'll explain when I wake up!"As soon as he finished speaking, his expression changed rapidly. "Dad, why are you here too? Aren't you supposed to be at work today?"

Yingzi stood still, watching the red-robed Taoist in front of her spouting nonsense to the air, but she didn't follow his words to bind him.

"Mom, thanks, don't feed me, I can drink by myself." Li Huowang held his hands up in mid-air and poured the liquid into his mouth.

Watching Li Huowang's wide-open mouth, Yingzi trembled as she took out a bundle of rusty iron thorns from her robe with her shaking right hand.

Looking at Li Huowang in front of her, Yingzi hesitated for a moment and put the iron thorn back.

"Okay, okay, I can peel oranges by myself, don't come over."

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When Yingzi took out her one-armed hand from her robe again, she held a bottle of medicine.

The rusty iron thorn was thrown in, making a corroding sound.

Soon, the corroded and constantly smoking iron thorn was sent to Li Huowang by Yingzi.

"Woo~" Mantou ran over curiously, looking at the scene in front of it with confusion.

"Bang!" Yingzi kicked with her right foot, directly kicking Mantou away.

Mantou, who was spitting blood, struggled to stand up and staggered a few times before falling to the ground again.

"Mom, stop it, I've eaten enough oranges."

Li Huowang reached out and took the smoking iron thorn.

At this moment, Yingzi stood still, her body trembling with excitement.

The iron thorn got closer and closer to Li Huowang's mouth, but just at the moment of contact, it suddenly stopped.

The three fingers holding the iron thorn, which had been corroded to the point of being bloody and blurry, loosened slightly, and the thing passed by Li Huowang's cheek and fell to the ground, rolling and stopping.

At this moment, Li Huowang was not crazy at all. He stared at the one-armed girl in front of him with an extremely indifferent gaze. "Why?"

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