"Why?!" Li Huowang's indifferent voice echoed in the room once again.

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"After those self-torturers have tortured you like this, you're still helping those villains come after me!"

"I've already said that I'll take you away from this place. Am I not good enough to you? Do you have a heart at all? Or have you been completely assimilated by these villains during these four years?"

"Hehe..." In the face of Li Huowang's words, Yingzi suddenly laughed.

In the low laughter, Yingzi slowly raised her head.

This was the first time Yingzi had looked directly at Li Huowang, with tears slowly streaming down her face as she smiled.

Yingzi's shallow brown pupils were filled with tangible hatred.

The hatred was so extreme that she seemed to be ready to pounce and devour Li Huowang at any moment.

It was at this moment that Li Huowang finally understood why Jiang Yingzi never looked at him directly, because she was afraid she couldn't resist attacking him.

Almost at the same time, two volumes of "Dachianlu" quickly spread out on the ground.

While tearing his own flesh, Li Huowang cut off his own tail finger, and the two sides launched an attack in this instant.

Under the blessing of "Dachianlu," Li Huo watched his own peeled flesh rapidly expand in the air like a net, rushing forward.

The whole thing shattered and the blood-colored tail finger turned into a long cone and was quickly wrapped up by Li Huowang's flesh, falling to the ground weakly.

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Seeing what was on the ground, Jiang Yingzi immediately realized that both sides were using "Dachianlu," the same source.

To kill the person in front of her, she had to sacrifice more than the other party!

"Crack!" Without hesitation, Jiang Yingzi's right palm was completely removed and thrown onto the "Dachianlu."

As the special characters on the red bamboo slip climbed up the severed foot, Li Huowang felt his scalp tingle.

"No! It's dangerous!"

Li Huowang quickly retreated and jumped from the room to the outside cave.

Just as Jiang Yingzi stumbled out of the room, the piercing sound of a bell suddenly rang out.

Despite struggling desperately, Yingzi was still penetrated by the game Yeye made up of many lines.

The half of her body lost consciousness instantly and fell heavily to the ground, but she did not give up, gritting her teeth and struggling to stand up.

The next second, when a sharp sword was pressed against her neck, the outcome was already determined.

Instead of immediately attacking, Li Huowang stared at Yingzi's face.

Almost gritting his teeth, he said, "Why? I want to know why!"

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"Da da da." Li Huowang heard the footsteps coming from all around, and it was obvious that the members of the Aojing Sect had heard something.

As soon as Li Huowang turned around, he saw Shou San walking towards him.

"Do you think this is interesting? Breaking promises again and again and ordering Yingzi to come after me! If you have the guts, come face me!"

At this point, Li Huowang had completely become disgusted with the entire Aojing Sect, these self-torturing, treacherous and cunning villains.

But the expression on Shou San's burnt face surprised Li Huowang.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't order Erjiu to attack you. In fact, attacking you is not only useless to us, but also a dangerous thing."

"You're still lying to me! The ironclad evidence is right in front of me, and you're still lying to me!"

Li Huowang suddenly turned his head and looked down at Jiang Yingzi.

The girl was still lying on the ground, staring at Li Huowang with her malicious eyes."Hehe... didn't you tell me why before? Okay, I'll tell you why." Yingzi gritted her teeth and stared at Li Huowang's eyes.

Yingzi took off her robe and exposed her broken body to the air.

"Because you killed my entire family! All the hardships I'm going through now are thanks to you!"

At first, Li Huowang felt extreme absurdity, then he thought the woman in front of him was completely insane.

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Yingzi pointed trembling fingers around at the surrounding members of the Aojing Sect.

"You always say they are evil, say they are inhuman beasts, but in front of you, they can't compare at all!"

Yingzi shouted hoarsely with her gradually hoarse voice. "Four years ago, you killed everyone in the town! The entire town, over ten thousand people! You killed them all, and what they did in front of you cannot be called evil! They don't deserve it!"

Hearing this, Li Huowang's mind seemed to explode like thunder.

"No, absolutely not! I am not like you trash! I am a good person!" Li Huowang instinctively retorted.

"Hahaha!! You're a good person, yes! You're a great person!" Yingzi laughed wildly, pointing at Li Huowang's face with trembling hands.

"The tofu-selling old lady, the child next door who hasn't even done a ritual for the gods, and my parents!! You killed them all without blinking an eye! In the end, you say you're a good person!"

Looking at her resolute hatred in her eyes, Li Huowang's heart wavered slightly.

Li Huowang tried to find his memory, flipping through memories from four years ago, and found that he had not traveled through time and had not fallen ill.

The most memorable thing was when he participated in the sports meet, sweating with everyone else on the lively playground.

"No, I didn't! It's impossible! I didn't travel through time four years ago... did I?" Li Huowang sensed something.

Feeling a slight tremble in Li Huowang's voice, Yingzi's expression suddenly froze. She flipped her one arm, and a thin silver leaf floated out.

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Just as she pinched the leaf with two fingers, with a sudden pull of the long sword around her neck, Jiang Yingzi's body instantly stiffened.

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Red blood sprayed from Yingzi's neck, and her body shook slightly before falling to the ground.

After a few breaths, Li Huowang seemed to react, quickly rushing over and tremblingly holding Yingzi in his arms, covering her bleeding neck and stuffing the Runxue Dan into her mouth.

"Don't die! You can't die!! Tell me clearly! What's going on?!"

"Cough... good person..." Yingzi looked at Li Huowang hugging her, her eyes showing extreme sarcasm. "Good person..."

Her hands weakly fell, and her pupils gradually dilated.

Li Huowang's breathing became a little erratic at this time. He stood up with Yingzi's body in his arms and shouted at the Aojing Sect members around him, "Are you done playing?! What do you want to do?! You crazy, cruel, and bizarre lunatics! Is this fun for you?!"

On the side, San Ting listened to Li Huowang's words with a hint of amusement on his face.

"Do you really forget what happened four years ago? That day, you really slaughtered the entire town, killing anyone and everyone, men, women, and children. The whole town was flowing with blood. We saw that Elder Xi Chang was unhappy and tried to stop you, but instead, you came to our place and caused a commotion, breaking many of our temples. It took us a lot of effort to get rid of you."

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