"Look, I forced that person out! He's the lunatic from the Taoist sect that deceives beings! Danyang Zi! He's the one who skinned and planted your people and brothers in the soil with mercury!"

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Standing in front of the crowd, Erbing pointed with a magnificent demeanor and shouted loudly at Li Huowang on top of the carriage.

"You fraud!"

The other party's preemptive words almost made Li Huowang spit blood. This fraud didn't even blink when deceiving people, and in a blink of an eye, he became a member of the Taoist sect that deceives beings.

"This woman is the one from the Taoist sect that deceives beings! She can transform into the face of anyone! You've all been deceived by her!"

Li Huowang spoke the truth loudly to the others, but no one outside the carriage would listen to him.

One of the people wearing a Nuo mask stared at Li Huowang with extreme hatred.

"You killed our people! And even sent that old man to test us. Afterward, you rushed to someone else's house alone, rambling and threatening us!"

"Now that you're facing death, you want to incite us to betray each other! Go dream on! Do you really think we're easy to mess with, Li Huowang? Danyang Zi!"

As soon as he spoke, it stirred up the emotions of the bandits around him who were holding whips.

"Spit! You bird monkey! You dare to kill our brothers!! Wait until we catch you, see how we'll deal with you!"

Li Huowang wanted to explain, but they didn't want to listen. Under the guidance of Erbing, they picked up their weapons and rushed towards the carriage with the horses.

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"Boom!" The carriage was hit and moved several inches, and the body was already cracked.

The members of the Lu family behind the carriage hugged each other in fear, huddling together and wailing.

In the chaos, a familiar scream made Li Huowang turn his head instantly.

He saw a barbed crossbow arrow graze Bai Lingmiao's right shoulder, tearing off a large piece of flesh and skin. Looking at the wound on the girl's body, Li Huowang's eyes were about to burst, as if the wound had appeared on his own body.

Immediately, without saying a word, he jumped down toward the galloping horse herd in front of him.

"I'll say it again! You've all been deceived!"

With a flash of cold light, accompanied by the neighing of horses and screams of people, the person and horse in front of him were directly cut in half.

Li Huowang had learned swordsmanship and quickly became proficient at it, as there was nothing more suitable for practicing swordsmanship than living people.

"Give me back my grandson's life!" Li Huowang quickly lifted his long sword and directly knocked down an old man.

"Ah! He's only six years old, what did he do wrong? He's our only child! Who gave you the right to kill him!"

Even though blood was flowing from his chest and he was about to die, he still rushed up and hugged Li Huowang's leg, fiercely biting him with the dozens of sharp teeth in his mouth.

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"I'll say it again! I didn't kill him!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Li Huowang kicked him crazily, directly crushing the old man's head.

With another move, he cut down half of the young men, and with each person he killed, his sword became more and more handy, and his killing intent grew stronger.

Li Huowang's perception was now very keen, and theoretically, finding Erbing in the crowd should have been a quick matter. However, at this moment, his ability was completely useless, as the other party had hidden their aura with some unknown method.

Li Huowang bit his cheek tightly, using his eyes full of killing intent to scan the crowd. "Erbing!"A woman with a copper mask emerged from the crowd. She took off her mask and smiled coquettishly before quickly disappearing behind a tall bandit.

"You crazy Taoist from the Deceptive Taoist Sect, you're done for today!"

The "Daqian Record" quickly opened, and Li Huowang took out a pair of iron pliers and tremblingly stuffed them into his mouth.

Three white molars with posterior grooves flew out and exploded in the air. The sharp teeth pierced through the dirty leather armor and wooden mask and deeply into the flesh of the person.

This caused the previously organized horse herd to instantly panic and threw off their riders, and also made the person named Erbing appear in front of him again.

Just as Li Huowang was about to rush over, the others beside him clearly wouldn't let him. They rushed forward to block him again.

Seeing the person trying to escape, Li Huowang gritted his teeth and raised his sword again, this time aiming at his own forearm.

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Just as he was about to strike, a tall figure stood between the people and Li Huowang.

It was Gao Zhijian, holding a big stick. He roared and smashed down with the spiked big stick, causing red and white to fly in the air.

"Please, God!"

With the sound of drums, a woman with a red headscarf rushed up and easily bit through the person's neck with the ferocious beast mouth hidden under the headscarf.

Then Chun Xiaoman, holding a blood sword in one hand, came over and gasped as she rushed to Li Huowang's side. "Senior Li, we're here to help you!"

Looking at his fellow disciples growing up in front of him, Li Huowang put down his sword. "Good! Let's charge together. That woman is the key! She's the one who caused all of this!"

Amidst the chaos of war, screams, bone fractures, and metal collisions continued. They also got closer and closer to Erbing.

Seeing that there was no way to hide anymore, Erbing smiled and suddenly rushed over.

No one expected that a cold light would fly out from her sleeve, and Li Huowang quickly raised his sword to block it.

A fiery iron dice flew high into the air, faintly bearing some talismanic patterns.

Erbing pinched her fingers and quickly lifted it up. The iron dice rotated rapidly and directly smashed into Gao Zhijian's temple.

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"Gao Zhijian!!"

The tall body fell heavily to the ground, and the pupils in his eyes gradually dilated.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from

"It's really interesting~ hehehe, that's it. If no one dies, how can we have fun~" Erbing laughed and pulled out two sets of black Pai Gow from her sleeve.

One hand held the Pai Gow, and the other began to pinch and chant, "Seven, eight, not nine~ If you want nine, use poison~ Gold four, silver five, small stool, heaven and earth come together, meet water four, five, six~"

The two sets of Pai Gow began to soften and elongate, falling to the ground like mud and burrowing into the ground.

However, just as the Pai Gow had just burrowed halfway, something that even Erbing couldn't have imagined happened.

A hand with only three fingers suddenly broke through the ground and carried two soft Pai Gow. With a "pu chi" sound, it directly burrowed into Erbing's abdomen.

Erbing, who was spitting blood, looked up in shock and saw Li Huowang, who was kneeling in the distance, slowly standing up. His left arm was already empty.

The severed arm tightened like steel, eventually completely crushing Erbing's waist.

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