Li Huowang, who was almost fainting from pain, rushed forward and swung his long sword heavily, slicing off a large piece of Erbing's face, revealing the bloody flesh underneath.

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He grabbed Erbing by the neck and lifted her up, shouting to the others who were fighting, "Stop fighting! Look at this...she's from the Taoist sects that deceive beings! She's been fooling all of you!"

However, what awaited Li Huowang was a crossbow bolt that shot into his abdomen. They were completely bloodthirsty.

Even if it was a misunderstanding before, the corpses on the ground made it impossible to resolve the misunderstanding. Whether it was before or now, it was all the same.

Li Huowang threw Erbing to the ground, stomped on all of her hand bones, and rushed towards the center of the battlefield. "Xiaoman, keep an eye on her!"

Looking at Li Huowang, who was crazily killing in the crowd, Erbing laughed.

Xiaoman's sword was instantly placed on her neck. "You're still laughing even in this situation? You'll be crying later!"

Erbing laughed even louder and quickly changed her face a few times, revealing a new face.

"Oh~ when else should I laugh? It's interesting to play with my own life like this."

At this moment, Jiang Yingzi, who was usually full of resentment towards Li Huowang, did not stare at him as usual, but rather stared at Erbing's face with a complex expression. She had just seen the face of Elder Xi, whom she knew, among those faces.

In the end, this group of people retreated. It wasn't because they recognized Erbing's deception, but because there were too many casualties and they were ultimately defeated.

As the sky gradually turned white, the sound of horse hooves and camel bells gradually faded away, leaving behind a pile of corpses and several ownerless camels.

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The sun slowly rose from the horizon of the Gobi Desert, making the blood on the ground and on everyone's bodies even redder.

Li Huowang, who was covered in wounds, stood in the pool of blood like a statue.

Neither side was wrong, but under the deception of the Taoist sects that deceive beings, they had taken an irreversible step.

Jiang Yingzi looked at everything happening in front of her and appeared a bit flustered, as if she was thinking about something.

"Hahaha~ good job killing!" Erbing, who had turned into a stick figure, laughed loudly.

Her voice caught Li Huowang's attention, and he laughed along with her. He threw his sword aside, turned around, and stumbled away after stuffing some hemostatic and healing pills into Erbing's mouth.

"Go get the Golden Wound Medicine we bought in town," Li Huowang said to Xiaoman.

"What?" Xiaoman thought she had misheard.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? Get the Golden Wound Medicine! Hurry up!"

After the Golden Wound Medicine arrived, Li Huowang carefully sprinkled it on the intestines that had fallen out of Erbing's abdomen.

Li Huowang spread out the torture devices that were already soaked in blood in front of her and asked softly, "Will you talk?"

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Erbing felt surprised. "Are you asking me something?"

Her right hand, which had become soft due to the broken bones, was flipped over, and the iron shovel was inserted into the nail seam and lifted up.Li Huowang had peeled off five fingernails in a row. He looked at Erbing again and asked heavily, "Will you tell me?"

"What do you want me to say?"

"Will you tell me or not?" Li Huowang's eyes were filled with malice as he stretched out his one arm and forcefully inserted his fingers into her eye sockets.

With Erbing's scream, her lively eyeball was crushed by Li Huowang. "Will you fucking tell me or not?"

"Brother Li, are you okay?" Bai Lingmiao approached with a hint of timidity.

Li Huowang took a deep breath, stood up, turned around to look at her, and said gently, "I'm fine. You help me check on the others. If anyone is seriously injured, remember to use the Jumps to heal them."

As soon as Bai Lingmiao left, Li Huowang stepped on Erbing's intestines on the ground and shouted again with hatred and anger, "Will you tell me?"

He didn't really want Erbing to say anything. He just wanted to retaliate against her. The current situation was all her fault, and Erbing had to pay the price.

The torture devices Li Huowang had forged earlier were usually only used for a few things, and some of them had not been used.

But at this moment, they finally came in handy.

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As each of them was stained with blood, Erbing transformed from a charming beauty into a bloody pillar.

The pain that penetrated into her bones made Erbing faint several times and wake up several times.

But even if she suffered the heaviest torture, she did not ask Li Huowang for mercy.

With her bloody and fleshly body, she looked at Li Huowang, who was becoming more and more insane in front of her, and a smile appeared in her eyes. She laughed, laughed louder and louder.

The more Li Huowang tortured her, the louder her laughter became.

Watching Erbing, who was dying in front of him, Li Huowang lost his patience completely. He aimed at her chest and raised the long sword in his hand.

"Li Huowang, wait, can you help me ask her a question?"

The sudden voice made Li Huowang stop. He turned his head and found that it was not his senior brothers and sisters, but his illusion, Jiang Yingzi.

Her expression looked very struggling, as if she was afraid of something, and as if she was looking forward to something.

"Can you help me ask her if the massacre four years ago was done by the Taoist sects that deceive beings?"

Before he could think about the abnormality of his own illusion, the news from her mouth completely shocked Li Huowang.

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Li Huowang's pupils shrank instantly, and some strange guesses burst out of his mind.

When he asked Erbing about Jiang Yingzi's question, Erbing laughed again.

"Hehehe~ Wasn't it you who killed them? Be confident, you are a heart su! Killing tens of thousands of people is just a piece of cake for you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Erbing's last eye was completely crushed by Li Huowang.

It can be hard to make great work when its stolen from "pawread dot com".

"It was you guys! You did the massacre four years ago! You framed me for this!" Li Huowang shouted, and Jiang Yingzi's body next to him began to become unstable. She cried.She dragged her scarred body to Li Huowang's side and said, "Li Huowang, I was wrong. It was the Taoist sects that deceive beings who killed my entire family, not you. We were all deceived by them."

Before Li Huowang could say anything, she wiped away her tears and said, "Li Huowang, I know it's a bit much to ask now, but can you help me avenge my family? If you help me, I'll tell you some crucial information."

Li Huowang was about to ask, but then he snapped back to reality. "What are we talking about, a hallucination and I?"

"I am a hallucination, and the monk is a hallucination, but Danyang Zi is real!"

"The elders of the Christian sect were replaced by people from the Taoist sects that deceive beings a long time ago. You were deceived by them! They never actually got rid of Danyang Zi, they just hid him deeper! Your personality is still being influenced by him!"

As Yingzi finished speaking, her entire broken body gradually disappeared. "I'm sorry..."

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