A drop of blood splashed into Li Huowang's slightly open mouth due to extreme shock, "Salty, fishy, and bitter."

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Li Huowang didn't have time to taste much because the long spear, which was shining with cold light, had already pierced through the body that Jin Shan Zhao had found, and smashed towards his face.

This attack was originally aimed at him, and Jin Shan Zhao was just a side effect.

Li Huowang instinctively switched positions quickly, moving his body two inches to the left.

"Boom~" The long spear pierced through Li Huowang's head and heavily smashed on the ground behind him, shattering the ground into pieces.

Li Huowang, who was unscathed, looked down at Jin Shan Zhao on the ground, watching his smile gradually disappear and gradually replaced by confusion.

He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something to Li Huowang, but the light in his eyes quickly dimmed.

Looking at the two sections of Jin Shan Zhao's body on the ground, Li Huowang felt anxious. Things shouldn't have developed like this.

Jin Shan Zhao, who had just planned to make a great achievement, died silently, just like a joke.

"Da da da" The continuous sound of horse hooves sounded from a distance. Li Huowang looked up at that direction, and the fire in his heart burned more and more fiercely.

When he reached the peak, he roared at the familiar masked face, "Peng Longteng!!"

Peng Longteng, with hundreds of cavalry, rode her exclusive iron horse and slowly walked into the gate. She had been hiding for so long, but in the end, she still caught up.

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She looked at Li Huowang, who was unscathed, through the hole in the mask with her one eye, and a cold smile appeared on her tattoo-covered face.

"Indeed, you have some skills. I underestimated you before, but I won't make the same mistake again. Since you can hurt me, you have some ability. In that case, let me leave you a complete corpse. Charge!"

With a roar from hundreds of iron riders, with a deafening sound and an overwhelming momentum, they rushed towards the outnumbered Li Huowang.

Just when they had just rushed halfway, Peng Longteng suddenly pointed her finger at Li Huowang, "Shoot!"

All the riders pulled their bows at the same time, and a rain of arrows flew towards Li Huowang.

Facing such a desperate situation, Li Huowang didn't dodge at all. He directly kicked his right leg on the ground, raised the Tian Shu above his head, and charged towards the iron riders in front of him.

This was a plain, the main battlefield of cavalry. Running away was definitely not an option. The only thing he could do now was to fight to the death!

"Swish~" An arrow shot out from a tricky corner, piercing through Li Huowang's chest.

But this still had no effect. Li Huowang separated his entity from his illusion again.

He was already very close to them. Close enough to see the expressions on their faces.

"That's an illusion! That kid must be nearby! Use the method we used to deal with the black-faced monk to force him out!!"With a clatter, Li Huowang saw the cavalry quickly disperse and surround him.

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As he ran, the thief soldiers continued to shoot all around Li Huowang, not sparing any spot, seemingly trying to force him out.

With a "pu-ci" sound, a sharp, barbed long spike pierced through Li Huowang's palm.

As Li Huowang screamed hysterically, the bone marrow in his forearm was pulled out and mixed with blood, splattering onto the "Dacheng Record".

The galloping warhorse suddenly seemed to step on a pit and its forelegs suddenly folded, tumbling to the ground along with its owner.

This caused a chain reaction, and people and horses fell in a mess, and the rain of arrows was forced to stop.

Suddenly, Li Huowang felt a dark shadow above his head, and Peng Longteng swung down her giant halberd.

When Li Huowang picked up the "Dacheng Record" and rolled to the left to avoid it, he immediately kicked his right foot on the armor plate on the warhorse and stabbed at Peng Longteng's face with his sword.

He planned to do it again like before.

"Ding!" After the metal collided, a crisp sound rang out.

But this time, Peng Longteng did not attack Li Huowang's body, but directly swept across the army with her halberd in one hand.

The whistling sound rang out, and everything around Peng Longteng was included in her attack range.

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Li Huowang leaned back hard in mid-air, trying to dodge it.

But the next moment, Peng Longteng seemed to sense Li Huowang's location and kicked her right foot directly at Li Huowang's stomach.

Li Huowang, who was vomiting blood, was kicked into a dirt house on the side of the street, directly crushing the dilapidated house and raising dust.

When Peng Longteng slowly approached with her illness, waiting for the dust to settle, she was surprised to find that there was no Li Huowang in it.

"Burrowing technique?" Just as this thought arose, the long-time war veteran Peng Longteng suddenly felt extreme danger and quickly flipped off her horse.

The next moment, her warhorse's belly split open without warning.

When the warhorse was completely cut in half like the previous golden mountain, the shadow of Li Huowang, covered in blood, finally emerged from underground.

Just now, Li Huowang discovered a new use for his ability. As long as he shifts the position of the shadow underground and buries it in the soil, he can achieve invisibility outside.

And this may be an important means for him to defeat Peng Longteng.

After Li Huowang landed heavily with his sword, the body covered in blood also sank into the ground again.

Looking at Peng Longteng, who had already dismounted beside him, Li Huowang, in an invisible state, walked towards her with his sword.Just as they were about to arrive, Peng Longteng quickly took a few steps forward and directly pulled down one of the thief soldiers, flipping onto the horse.

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A cold laughter came from behind Peng Longteng's mask, "Kid, don't think your little tricks can get you whatever you want. Those little tricks are not almighty. The military tactics of the art of war are far more useful than you, such as the tactic called 'attack the east while striking the west!'"

After speaking, Peng Longteng pulled the horse and ran towards a distance with the other thief soldiers.

Li Huowang was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he shuddered all over. They were going in the direction of Bai Lingmiao!

Theft is never good, try looking at

Li Huowang immediately turned around and rushed towards that direction, but he couldn't run faster than the horse. The horse had arrived before he did.

Hearing the screams of women in the distance, Li Huowang quickly spread out the "Dachi Record" and inserted all ten of his fingernails into the bamboo pieces with force.

Accompanied by the piercing pain, the person in the distance fell off the horse.

Li Huowang was not finished yet, he cut off two of his own fingers again.

Sharp bone spurs drilled out of the swollen fingers and spun towards the same direction.

Immediately after, Li Huowang lifted his clothes and skillfully cut his own abdomen with a dagger.

With both hands grabbing the sides of the wound, Li Huowang with bulging veins on his face suddenly roared.

As the sound of flesh tearing mixed with blood echoed, Li Huowang heavily slapped the whole piece of skin onto the "Dachi Record".

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