The thief army suffered heavy losses under Li Huowang's attack. Peng Longteng could not allow Li Huowang to freely attack and began to divide the troops.

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Half of the thief army continued to besiege Bai Lingmiao, while the other half, led by Peng Longteng, began to counterattack.

"Huowang?" A blurry voice sounded in Li Huowang's ears, who was almost fainting from the pain.

He shook his head, and the voice disappeared.

Li Huowang looked up and laughed when he saw the cavalry rushing towards him.

"I've read the Art of War. This move is called the stratagem of the desperate."

When Peng Longteng, riding high above him, appeared in front of him again, Li Huowang shouted at her, "Come on! Let's fight one on one!"

But what came towards him was a roaring giant spear.

"Kid! Do you really think I can't deal with you? I just don't want to waste my energy! Roar!!"

Peng Longteng raised her heavy halberd and swung it towards the back. All the weapons around her collided with each other.

Then, an extremely ear-piercing sound instantly enveloped the entire border.

It was not the sound of weapons colliding, but the terrifying sound that came from the depths of the thief army's mouths. It was a very uncomfortable and sharp scream, the military whistle.

Accompanied by the scream, the thief army began to bleed from their seven orifices, but the blood evaporated as soon as it flowed out.

The steaming blood-colored gas gradually enveloped all of them, including the blood that slowly seeped out of Peng Longteng's two eye holes.

Their blood was drying up, and they were no longer human.

Wrapped in the red aura, the thief army became a group of evil spirits in the mist, with no emotions in their eyes, only endless killing intent.

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Li Huowang's long sword suddenly reacted to this killing intent, trembling and roaring as if responding to something.

"Attack!!" The thief army rushed towards Li Huowang with their blood-covered weapons.

Li Huowang tried to change his position, but they were determined to break through his skills and did not intend to test his position at all, stabbing in all directions.

A drop of blood fell from Li Huowang's body and mixed with the blood mist on the ground.

The next moment, all the thief army looked over, and they saw it.

Li Huowang saw greed and desire in their eyes.

They had eaten people, and they had eaten a lot. Li Huowang almost judged it in that instant.

"Boys! Time to eat rice meat! Open up and eat!!"

The thief army roared with saliva dripping from their mouths, rushing towards Li Huowang like hungry ghosts. Li Huowang was in danger.

He wanted to use the Great Thousand Record to fight back, but they would not let him. Every time Li Huowang spread out the Great Thousand Record on the ground, he would be disturbed by them and unable to use it.

Li Huowang's situation became more and more critical, and he was about to die. Then, the sound of drums rang out.

A cavalryman was instantly pulled off his horse by a woman with a red veil, and his head was separated from his body.Immediately after, two You Lao Ye flew over, passing through the body of a thief army.

The arrival of Bai Lingmiao gave Li Huowang, who was surrounded, a moment of relief.

"No! Using the Dachian Record like this will make us a target!"

Without hesitation, Li Huowang put the blood-stained sword back into its sheath.

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Then he grabbed the edge of his skin and pulled it hard. The previous hand gave him inspiration. As long as he became like him, he could sacrifice to Ba Hui anytime and anywhere.

With his screams, Li Huowang forcibly stuffed the entire Dachian Record under his skin.

The entire Dachian Record was stuck in Li Huowang's body.

"Hmm?" Peng Longteng noticed something unusual about Li Huowang and pointed her spear at him.

"The wind has no form, attached to the heavens!"

Peng Longteng's voice caused the seemingly irrational thief army to actually form a Wind Yang Formation and attack Li Huowang.

But just as they were about to approach, Li Huowang was engulfed in black smoke and flames, which also engulfed them.

Li Huowang's skin was burned black by the flames, and he looked more and more like the god worshipped by the Nestorian Church.

The flames on Li Huowang's body rose up, turning the surrounding thief army into torches.

This move was very deadly for those standing densely together.

Peng Longteng, in full armor, withstood the flames and rushed towards Li Huowang.

She was not afraid, but became even more excited. "Hahaha! Not bad, kid! But I have seen through your illusion, you're finished!"

The gust of wind caused by her giant spear blew Li Huowang's flames backwards.

As she approached, Li Huowang realized that she was really tall, at least two heads taller than himself.

"Clang!" Li Huowang stomped his feet three inches into the ground. He used his sword to block the thousand-pound spear.

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The flames burned along the spear and wrapped around Peng Longteng's armor, causing her skin to blister.

But in the face of this situation, Peng Longteng was not afraid, but showed some kind of joy. As if she was born for killing and fighting.

"Hahaha! Come on! This is great! So comfortable!"

She used her spear to knock Li Huowang's sword away and slashed towards his body.

In the flames, the two fought crazily, each move aimed at killing the other.

Seeing that Peng Longteng's armor had turned dark red, Li Huowang suddenly had an idea.

He kicked his right foot on the ground and rushed towards Peng Longteng's body with a slight bend.

"Come on!"

This time, facing the heavy spear, Li Huowang did not dodge anymore. He raised his sword and stabbed directly at the gap under Peng Longteng's face mask, exchanging his life for hers.

Li Huowang was hit by the spear and his whole body collapsed, but his sword also stabbed through.

As he had guessed, the face mask's defense weakened after being burned red.The Right Family Sword wrapped in flames pierced Peng Longteng's neck, hitting the same spot as last time.

With Li Huowang's roar, the sound of bones cracking was heard, and Peng Longteng's head, wrapped in a face mask, flew into the sky.

The surroundings became quiet, and the blood on the thieves' bodies quickly dissipated after they glanced over in fear and quickly retreated on horseback, disappearing from Li Huowang's sight.

The flames on Li Huowang's body also disappeared with them.

Li Huowang lowered his head and looked at himself with his eyes that had been whitened by the flames.

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He no longer had any skin, only a charred body emitting black smoke, and his body had shrunk a bit from the burning.

"Crack." Without any skin, the "Great Thousand Record" that should have been hidden under it fell to the ground.

Li Huowang felt a bit itchy behind him, and he turned around slowly, only to see a round-faced man.

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He looked very afraid of Li Huowang, but he still tearfully held a small dagger wrapped in a red handkerchief and stabbed towards Li Huowang's body.

As he watched the dagger cut small wounds on his corpse-like body, Li Huowang couldn't help but feel puzzled.

Who is this person? What is he doing?

"Swish!" With a flash of cold light, the man was instantly disemboweled by Li Huowang.

Cao Hai staggered back and finally leaned on Peng Longteng's body, slowly falling down. Looking at Peng Longteng's headless body still standing upright, his eyes were filled with deep regret.


Li Huowang stood still and began to stagger back, his will becoming confused under the torment of pain.

"It hurts so much, really too much. Why do I have to suffer like this just because I'm alive?"

"Is living just to suffer? I really don't want to live anymore."

"No, I can't die, I have to live on."

"Mom, it really hurts so much... can you blow on it for me?"

Just as Li Huowang was on the verge of collapse, he suddenly felt movement behind him.

When he turned around slowly, he saw Peng Longteng's headless body holding the giant halberd over its shoulder, pressing down on him like Mount Tai.

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