Li Huowang never expected Peng Longteng, who had lost her head, to still be able to move, and he had no defenses against her. Moreover, his body was now skinless, and he was in so much pain that his movements had become slow and sluggish. He couldn't react in time and could only watch as the giant halberd smashed down on his head.

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" I going to die?" This thought appeared in Li Huowang's mind, but he felt no fear, only a sense of relief. At that critical moment, a figure leaped up with a roar and smashed into Peng Longteng's left shoulder, causing her tall figure in heavy armor to shift slightly.

The giant halberd almost sliced Li Huowang's left side, but he was surprised to find that he had survived such a deadly situation. He looked with blurry vision and saw that it was Gao Zhijian who had collided with Peng Longteng.

The next moment, a red figure pounced on Li Huowang, and the beast head under the red hood opened its mouth wide, biting Li Huowang's charred neck and quickly dragging him away from Peng Longteng. Being dragged on the ground, Li Huowang looked up at the white clouds in the sky and laughed inexplicably. Someone was risking their life to save him, and it felt good.

The charred Li Huowang was dragged to a place where the beast head under the red hood opened its mouth and immediately turned and ran towards the distance. Li Huowang didn't want to just wait there while the enemy was still able to move. He struggled to sit up and told Gouwa, who had come up to him, "Go, help me pick up the Dacian Record."

Gouwa nervously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and wanted to reach out to help Li Huowang, but didn't know where to start. "Li senior brother, what is the Dacian Record? Where is it?"

"" Li Huowang had just raised his broken finger to point at Peng Longteng's feet when a figure rushed out and picked up the Dacian Record from the ground. It was Chun Xiaoman.

Before Li Huowang could speak, the situation suddenly changed. With a "pu chi" sound, Gao Zhijian's muscular body hung weakly on the halberd. The power disparity was too great, and he was no match.

"Give me the Dacian Record!" Li Huowang, with his eyes about to burst, took two steps towards Chun Xiaoman, but stumbled and fell. His body was too weak now, and he seemed like a carbon man made of black charcoal.

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Chun Xiaoman looked at the miserable Li Huowang, then at Peng Longteng, who had thrown off Gao Zhijian from her halberd. She gritted her teeth and laid the Dacian Record on the ground, then raised the long sword in her hand and chopped down fiercely on her left arm. The arm that had separated from Chun Xiaoman's body quickly turned into iron gray, and the hair on it became thicker and longer, twisting and waving until they turned into tentacles that burrowed into the soil with the arm.Just as Peng Longteng raised his giant halberd and was about to rush towards Li Huowang, the thing flipped over and drilled out of the ground, hitting Peng Longteng's breastplate hard and sending his tall body flying away.

The force was so great that even the halberd in Peng Longteng's hand was almost knocked away.

At this moment, the woman in the red hood who had just arrived suddenly pushed off the ground with her limbs, leaping directly into the air. Three rotten wolf skulls suddenly emerged from under the red hood and bit hard on the heavy halberd in Peng Longteng's hand.

The sound of the divine tune and drums in the distance was just right.

"Boom boom boom! The turtle supports the earth and the sky, a pair of orioles watch it. The turtle blinks and moves, the turtle turns and the sky turns! Boom boom boom!"

The woman quickly flipped in the air, twisting her body almost beyond what an ordinary person could achieve. Using this twisting force, she finally snatched the giant halberd from Peng Longteng's hand.

Headless Peng Longteng was weaponless, and his fate was sealed. Chun Xiaoman's tentacles on her severed arm waved continuously, firmly entangling her entire body.

The woman in the red hood spit the halberd to the ground and walked towards Peng Longteng with three animal heads.

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After the hard armor was torn open, Peng Longteng's body was exposed. Under the tearing of sharp teeth, flesh and blood began to reveal deep white bones.

When Li Huowang, who had almost died by sheer willpower, saw that everything was over, he quickly fell into a coma.

His last words before he passed out were, "Quickly go and save Gao... Zhijian..."

In a dazed state, Li Huowang fell into a dying state, his consciousness very blurry.

"I'm so tired, no, I can't give up, someone is waiting for me,"

"Someone paid such a high price to save me, I absolutely cannot die..."

"Who? Who is watching me? Who are you?"

It's unknown how long it had passed, but Li Huowang, who was weak to the extreme, slowly opened his only eye. The familiar swaying of his body told him that he was lying on a cart.

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He looked down and saw Bai Lingmiao, whose eyes were slightly red, holding a pottery jar and gently brushing something similar to butter on his body with cotton cloth.

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Li Huowang tried to open his lips, which were already stuck together, and a trickle of blood slid from the corner of his mouth. "How is Gao Zhijian?"

His hoarse voice made Bai Lingmiao's body tremble, and she leaned towards Li Huowang's head with the jar in her hand, tears gathering in her eyes once again.

"He's fine, I asked an immortal to save him. He wasn't hit in a vital spot."

"That's good...that's good..." Li Huowang smiled, struggling to sit up, but was quickly stopped by Bai Lingmiao."Senior Brother Li, you can't move now, let me apply rat oil on you. My mother said rat oil is the best for treating burns."

Li Huowang followed the instructions and lay on the cart, completely charred, waiting for the other person to apply the oil repeatedly.

Through Bai Lingmiao's account, Li Huowang learned everything that happened after he passed out.

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No one knows what Peng Longteng has cultivated and why she can move without a head. No one else knows.

The only thing known is that the executioner with blood on her hands has finally died, which can be considered as justice.

Peng Longteng's bones were too hard to be dismembered. After all her flesh and blood were torn off and she became a complete skeleton, she finally stopped moving.

The others who resolved the crisis hurriedly passed through the checkpoint and entered the Qingqiu territory to avoid retaliation from the remaining thieves.

The cow cart was quiet for a while, and Bai Lingmiao hesitated to say, "Senior Brother Li, can you teach Little Man how to grow her hand back with your supernatural power? She lost her hand."

"Although she always says it's okay, she's still young and has a long life ahead of her."

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