The spurting blood splattered all over Li Huowang's body, making him look like a bloody man as he stared at the tattered corpse in front of him.

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This Taoist who attempted to kill him and rob Luo Jiao, Han Fu, was now resolved so easily.

For a moment, Li Huowang found it difficult to believe. Compared to the previous enemies he had encountered, this person was undoubtedly not worth mentioning, like a child playing around. He even doubted if this was the opponent's real body.

Li Huowang kicked Han Fu's bloody head with disgust and repeated, "You don't even know your own strength, and you want to rob people?"

He suddenly realized that in this world, not only those with strong power coveted the Heart Element, but also those who had no self-awareness, even if they did not have the corresponding abilities.

Gou Wa, who had climbed up to the exit, looked down at Li Huowang and shouted with his hands cupped around his mouth, "Senior Brother Li, are you really okay?"

When he saw Li Huowang slowly raise his head with the bloody head, he shuddered and swallowed hard. "Shall we...go down?"

"I'm fine! Let's go up!" Li Huowang said under the moonlight, grabbing the swinging chain and preparing to climb up.

But he stopped again and squatted down to search Han Fu's body. Finally, he found some yellow talismans stacked together.

"What's the use of this? I haven't learned talismans."

Li Huowang searched again and took out more than ten small balls wrapped in talismans.

"Hmm?" Li Huowang carefully opened one, and a familiar thing appeared in front of him. "Is this a Yangshou Pill?!"

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Li Huowang had seen this thing before and knew its value.

Seeing the Yangshou Pill about to dissipate, Li Huowang quickly put it in his mouth and felt his body lighten.

He quickly searched and found nineteen Yangshou Pills. Li Huowang was overjoyed and quickly put these spoils of war into his arms.

After searching again, he found that the rest were useless things such as cinnabar for drawing talismans. Finally, he inserted the copper coin sword into his back and decided to leave.

With a few missing fingers and blood all over his body, it was not easy for him to climb up with the slippery chain. Li Huowang climbed slowly.

He was still thinking about Han Fu, who had just died.

"I was planning to learn more from him about this world, but now that he's dead, there's no point."

"Senior Brother Li! Climb up quickly! Hurry up!!"

As soon as Li Huowang raised his head, he saw the nervous and worried faces.


Li Huowang instantly looked down and saw that Han Fu, who had almost been cut in half by himself, was standing up!

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A pitiful girl's voice came from his corpse, "You killed him! How can I live now? Wahhh~!!"

The voice was extremely sharp, making Li Huowang's ears ache, and the echo spread far away.

"He's not dead yet!" Li Huowang raised his sword again and cut off his remaining fingers, even the last one.

The finger fell off and swelled, and the sharp bone pierced through the flesh and went straight down, nailing Han Fu's body to the ground.

Without caring whether Han Fu was dead or alive, Li Huowang continued to climb up with difficulty.

But at this moment, the entire cave entrance began to tremble. The darkness that should have been there was now illuminated by white light.Li Huowang looked down and saw a big white snake, bigger than the entire cave entrance, surging towards him. It was attracted by Han Fu's voice just now!

The snake's body was not made up of white snake scales, but was formed by the white tassels that had condensed from the lion dance earlier!

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Seeing all this, Li Huowang suddenly understood that the lion dance before, regardless of the dead face or the chaotic flesh inside, were all fake! They were all puppets! The white tassels on their bodies were their true bodies!

When Li Huowang saw the big snake, the big snake made up of white tassels also saw him...

The entire big snake instantly disintegrated and rose up from below like surging seawater at an extremely fast speed.

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"Senior Brother Li!!" At this moment, everyone who had escaped danger started to move, pulling the chain as hard as they could to pull themselves up.

Li Huowang was climbing up while they were pulling from above, just keeping up with the speed of the white tassels floating up.

Ten zhang! Five zhang! Three zhang!!

Just as Li Huowang was about to climb out of the cave entrance, the white tassels instantly condensed into a hand and grabbed him tightly.

Amidst everyone's desperate cries, Li Huowang on the chain was dragged back down.

The chain that everyone had just held on to tightly fell weakly from their hands, and the chain quickly slipped back into the cave entrance.

Bai Lingmiao slumped to the ground in a daze, with tears slowly falling from her eyes.

For a while, everyone was at a loss. Li Huowang was gone, what should they do?

Suddenly, Bai Lingmiao moved, she suddenly got up and took Twin Soul's hand, rushing towards the cave entrance.

Just as Gouwa was about to grab Bai Lingmiao's ankle, Gao Zhijian, who was tall and strong, rushed up and hugged both of them tightly.

Chun Xiaoman, with red eyes, came to the struggling Bai Lingmiao and slapped her in the face. "Can't you be more sober? Are you crazy?"

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This sentence seemed to drain the spirit from Bai Lingmiao, and she slumped there like a puppet.

When the oppressive atmosphere enveloped everyone's hearts, there was a slight sound, which caught Gouwa's attention.

"Wait! Look! The chain is moving, Senior Brother Li is not dead!! Hahaha!! I knew it! Senior Brother Li has so many magical powers, how could he die!"

His words attracted the attention of others, and they subconsciously looked towards the chain. The chain was really shaking slightly.

Just as Gouwa was about to pull it, Chun Xiaoman stepped on his foot. "Be careful! It may not be Senior Brother Li!"

"Quick...pull me..." When Li Huowang's voice came from below, everyone went crazy, grabbing the cold chain with both hands and pulling it up continuously.

Finally, with everyone's joint efforts, a trembling hand stretched out from the cave entrance and heavily patted the green grass outside.

It was a deformed hand, with fingers turned outward and skin stuck together. Compared to a human hand, it looked more like a claw made up of flesh and blood.

There were still some swaying white tassels hanging on this claw, which had completely stuck to it.

As the deformed hand used its nail-less fingers to tightly grip the grass and tremble with force, the body behind it was slowly dragged out.

Li Huowang's figure appeared again in the shocked and frightened pupils of everyone.

It was Li Huowang, there was no mistake, if this could still be called Li Huowang.

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