Lying on the soft grass, Li Huowang, exhausted and panting, looked at the wriggling Hei Taisui in the distance and laughed happily.

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Since Yang Na gave him chocolate before, he hasn't been this happy for a long time. Although his body was in pain and he was too tired to move, the arduous journey to the underground had finally achieved his goal.

With Hei Taisui, he could finally say goodbye to the hallucinations and no longer have to waver between reality and illusion. He could get rid of the confusion caused by xinsu.

"They say that if you eat Hei Taisui for a long time, it will grow bigger and bigger in your stomach."

"I don't believe it! If it doesn't work, when it's about time, I'll cut open my stomach, dig out the Hei Taisui inside, and swallow it again!"

Just as Li Huowang was thinking about the probability of success, he suddenly noticed that the expressions of the others were not quite right.

Clearly, they had all escaped, so why did they look like they had seen a ghost? And why didn't anyone come to help him when he was injured like this?

"Don't just stand there, keep pulling the zipper, the other end of the chain is tied to Han Fu's talisman. His little head is still alive. Pull him up so I can get some information from him." Li Huowang spoke up, but the others ignored him.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Li Huowang crawled towards them on the soft grass, but almost everyone subconsciously stepped back.

"Li Senior Brother? Are you really... Li Senior Brother?" Bai Lingmiao, with her hands clasped to her chest, wept and looked at the thing in front of her in horror.

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Without her saying a word, Li Huowang had already realized that something was wrong with his body. He raised his hands and looked at them in shock with his one eye under his ear.

As he moved his fingers slightly, Li Huowang saw the two sticky fingers connected together at his elbow move slightly.

"How is this possible! What the hell is going on-" Li Huowang propped himself up on the grass with his deformed hands and rolled over.

Theft is never good, try looking at

Under the moonlight, when Li Huowang saw his own body, he was almost scared out of his wits. He couldn't imagine that this mess of flesh and blood was his own body!

Sun Baolu's body before was nothing compared to what he was seeing now. His current body had all sorts of organs flipping and reversing, with bits of white fluff mixed in, swaying slightly, and completely unrecognizable as human!

"It's the power of the white fluff! It turned me into this after it pulled me down." Li Huowang grabbed a piece of white fluff on his body and looked in shock as his fingers twisted slowly.

"Am I still human?" This question appeared in Li Huowang's extremely confused mind. His trembling hand touched his unrecognizable face, where his features had completely shifted and were no longer in their original positions.

"How is this possible! This is too absurd! Is this... really the normal world?" Li Huowang shuddered.

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"No, Li Huowang, calm down. It's not a big deal, no, it's not a big deal."Li Huowang turned around and looked at the others, with a confident expression on his terrifying face. "It's okay, don't panic, we can definitely solve this."

With that, Li Huowang hooked a dagger with his deformed right hand and directly plunged it into his own face.

In the unbelieving eyes of everyone, a wound was forcibly cut out.

Li Huowang grabbed the edge of the crack on his ear and, with a roar, forcibly moved it up to where it should have been.

But the next moment, the ear that had been moved back fell weakly to the ground.

Seeing the ear on the ground, Li Huowang laughed even more happily, "Yes, this works too. My healing ability is very strong. As long as all the messy things are cut off and let them grow back, it's fine."

"It's just a few days as a human stick, what's the big deal."

Seeing Li Huowang already aiming the dagger at his own eyes, Gouwa walked up tremblingly, gesturing wildly from a distance.

"Senior Li, don't do this, it's better to live than to die. Besides, you have hands and feet..."

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Halfway through his words, Gouwa didn't know how to continue. Senior Li was too miserable, he couldn't bear to watch.

It would be better for him to just die.

Li Huowang's knife stopped, and he stared at his flipped little finger. A thought suddenly appeared in his mind. "Wait! Since this white spike can turn me into this ghostly appearance, doesn't that mean it can also turn me back?"

Li Huowang's eyes lit up as he grabbed a bundle of white spikes stuck to his hand and put it directly on his eyes.

The white spikes were moving and still twisting Li Huowang's fingers.

"Shut up!" Li Huowang threw the white spikes to the ground and put them on his face again.

Gradually, Li Huowang felt his vision start to move and slide down under the action of the white spikes.

Li Huowang suddenly used three fingers to hold his eyeball and slowly moved it in the direction it should go. However, no matter how he moved it, it couldn't return to its original position.

"Swish!" A deep cut opened from the corner of his eye. Li Huowang grabbed his bloodshot eye and forcibly moved it in that direction.

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"Is it good enough?" Li Huowang asked the others panting.

When he got a unified answer, he began to move other organs.

After finally barely moving the facial features back in place, Li Huowang, who was in pain and almost fainted, looked at the others around him and shouted hoarsely, "What are you all staring at? Come and help!"

This reminded everyone, and they all rushed forward to help Li Huowang's other organs return to their proper positions.

The process was not clear. Although the white spikes could help move them, they were not very accurate.

At this point, it was necessary to use a knife to fix them back.

Gouwa carefully moved Li Huowang's left ear, but with a shake of his hand, the thing fell to the ground with a clatter.

In a panic, he picked it up, looked around, spat on it, and tremblingly touched it to Li Huowang's head.

A hand was placed on his shoulder, causing Gouwa to tremble. He turned his head and saw Bai Lingmiao holding a needle and thread. "Give it to me, I'll sew it up for him."Gouwa immediately breathed a sigh of relief and handed it over.

This torture was almost comparable to a punishment, perhaps because the joy of obtaining Heitaisui was supporting him, or because Li Huowang had long been accustomed to pain.

When his messy body was barely pieced together into a human form, it was already dawn, but Li Huowang's screams still sounded confident.

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