"Let's stop here for now. When the wounds are healed, we can slowly repair them one by one." Li Huowang's words relieved everyone.

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Looking at the bloody Li Huowang in front of her, Chun Xiaoman couldn't hold it in anymore and turned her head to vomit again.

But her stomach had already been cleaned out in the previous two vomits, and now she could only vomit clear water.

Bai Lingmiao's trembling hand stroked Li Huowang's black hair over and over again, tears filling her eyes, but she couldn't say a word.

"Why cry? We should be laughing! None of us died, we got the Black Taishuai and even captured a prisoner. This is great news!"

"And Miao Miao, look how good my face is. When you get tired of it, you can switch it up." Li Huowang grinned and winked at her.

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Li Huowang knew he looked terrible right now, and he was in a lot of pain. The kind of pain that made him want to die.

But he had to pretend not to care, because if he kept complaining and screaming, not only would it not solve the problem, but it would also make others feel down.

This was a skill he learned from Lv Juren's wife Luo Juanhua. When something unavoidable happened, to prevent the people around him from getting sad, maybe he could try to pretend that he didn't care at all.

However, Li Huowang obviously hadn't learned the essence of it. The louder he laughed, the louder Bai Lingmiao cried.

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Finally, Li Huowang got tired, literally tired, and his one eye slowly closed. "I'll rest for a while...wake me up when we're ready to go back."

After saying that, Li Huowang lost consciousness in an instant.

In a daze, something very familiar floated up and down in Li Huowang's consciousness. He wanted to figure out what it was, but he couldn't.

In his half-asleep state, Li Huowang's thoughts were disjointed, and he often forgot what he was thinking about the moment before.

Suddenly, a brilliant starry sky occupied Li Huowang's mind. At this moment, Li Huowang remembered that he and Yang Na had looked at the sky all night on the rooftop of the school, and what he was seeing now was his past memory.

"Na Na, I'm sorry, I'm sick. I need to take a leave of absence to get treatment." The boy held the girl gently.

"When will you get better? Will it take a long time?" The girl gently shook the hand that was intertwined with hers.

"I don't know, but don't worry, I will cooperate with the treatment to get discharged as soon as possible for you."

"I told you, we have to get into the same university, and then when we come out, I'll marry you."

Hearing this, the girl was shy, but in the end, she nodded slightly. "Okay, I'll wait for you."

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At this moment, the two inexperienced teenagers became closer and closer, finally coming together.

"Huowang? How are you?"

"Li Shixiong, are you okay?"

"Li Huowang! Stand up honestly!"

"Xiaoli, do you think that side is real or this side is real?"

Various calls tore Li Huowang's only beautiful memory apart.Li Huowang didn't want to go back. He wanted to stay in this beautiful moment forever, but it was impossible. Everything around him began to fall apart, and the beautiful memory gradually shattered.

"Haha!" Li Huowang, covered in cold sweat, suddenly opened his eyes and saw Bai Lingmiao holding his head and leaning down to give him the warm goat's milk.

Drinking the warm milk, Li Huowang's scattered consciousness gradually began to gather. At this moment, he felt like his head was a rusty machine, stuttering whenever he tried to think of something.

"Where are we?" Li Huowang asked, looking at the cowhide tent above his head.

Seeing that Li Huowang had finally woken up, Bai Lingmiao breathed a sigh of relief. "This is Sun Baolu's home. He knows the nearby roads because he grazes sheep around here. He brought us back here."

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"And Li Shixiong, you've been unconscious for more than ten days. Luckily, you've woken up."

Upon hearing this, Li Huowang immediately threw off his blanket and quickly looked at his body.

The wide gap he had cut before had already healed, but his appearance was still very strange, with many incongruous parts. At least the navel of an ordinary person would not be on their waist.

But compared to his appearance when he had just crawled out of the cave, he looked much better now, at least like a human being.

Most importantly, his left foot had completely grown half of a sole, so he could finally walk without crutches.

After checking his body, Li Huowang still couldn't rest and immediately asked Bai Lingmiao about Han Fu and Black Tai Sui.

"It's all taken care of. But we really have to thank Sun Baolu's family. Without them, we wouldn't have been able to bring those things over."

"We borrowed two cowhide tents and set them up separately, and the other brothers are watching. Li Shixiong, you should lie down. Your injuries are too severe."

"Let's go! Let's find Black Tai Sui first!" Li Huowang, who had been waiting impatiently, didn't want to wait even a moment longer. He put on his clothes and walked outside the tent.

When he came out of the tent, he was met with everyone's attention. The looks of these Qingqiu people were no longer curious but rather taboo and uneasy.

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This was normal. If they saw Li Huowang in his current state and still had a hospitable attitude, Li Huowang would feel uneasy.

After bowing to the others with clasped hands, he walked out of the tent group and headed towards the two lonely tents on the grassland.

As Li Huowang walked over, he came face to face with one of the members of the Lü Family Troupe who had just returned from grazing sheep. Lü Zhuangyuan held back his surprise and looked at Li Huowang, who was unrecognizable, and said, "Little Dao Lord? You can do this in just over ten days?"

"Oh, what did I say before? My Little Dao Lord has unparalleled magical powers. What kind of evil spirits are your opponents?" However, Li Huowang, who was worried, couldn't care less about his flattery.

After asking about Han Fu's still-living head, Li Huowang headed straight into Black Tai Sui's tent. This thing was more important to him than anything else.

As soon as he entered, Li Huowang saw that the spears were poking Black Tai Sui's tentacles and pressing them to the ground, making Black Tai Sui unable to move at all.Li Huowang carefully examined it again, and when he found that it was exactly the same as the Black Tai Sui of Qingfeng Temple, he opened his fingers and directly reached into the body of the Black Tai Sui, grabbing a greasy piece of Tai Sui meat and pulling it out.

When the blade of the dagger cut along the edge of the meat and slowly cut it off, some of the seams on the Black Tai Sui's body made a piercing scream, and black, sticky liquid kept slipping out from inside.

Looking at the cut on the piece of meat in his hand, some of the minced meat quickly turned into tentacles. Li Huowang slowly opened his mouth and raised the Black Tai Sui to stuff it into his mouth.

But at the moment he bit down, Li Huowang suddenly stopped.

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