"What's wrong? Li senior brother, the thing we worked so hard to retrieve, it's not fake, is it?"

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Gouwa's nervous tone changed when he saw Li Huowang stop.

He really hoped that this thing could be useful, but Li senior brother, who was prone to illness, could be quite troublesome.

Li Huowang shook his head with a furrowed brow, holding the Black Tai Sui in his hand and stopping in place.

"What am I hesitating for? It's just an illusion over there."

With that in mind, he raised the Black Tai Sui and was about to stuff it into his mouth, but he stopped again.

Everyone in the tent could see that Li senior brother, who had just recovered from a serious illness, was thinking about something. What he was thinking about, only he knew.

When Chun Xiaoman returned from practicing swordsmanship and asked quietly next to Bai Lingmiao, Li Huowang slowly put the flesh back onto the Black Tai Sui.

"Lingmiao, how much gold do we have left in our purse?"

Although Bai Lingmiao was curious why he was asking, she answered truthfully.

"We exchanged some silver at the Women's Mountain before, there should be a few dozen taels left."

"A few dozen taels? Not enough, a little short."

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Li Huowang muttered to himself, then turned to Sun Baolu.

"Your clan should have a lot of hard currency, right? Can you help me borrow some? Don't worry, it's just borrowing, and I'll give it back to you when I'm done."

Sun Baolu hesitated for a moment. "Okay, I'll go ask."

"Li senior brother, what do you need so much gold for?"

"Yeah, our purse is enough to get us to Liang Kingdom."

Faced with these questions, Li Huowang sighed, shook his head, and turned around to open the curtain, walking out of the tent.

"Don't ask, it's none of your business. Do we have anything to eat? I'm hungry."

Sun Baolu's efficiency was much faster than Li Huowang expected. He had just started his first meal when he walked into the tent with a small round package in his arms, accompanied by his mother.

Sun Baolu didn't speak first, but looked at his mother for permission.

After seeing his mother nod slightly, he carefully opened the cloth in his arms. The golden light almost dazzled everyone's eyes.

It was an oval-shaped, palm-sized golden box, with various excellent-quality agates and green jades inlaid on it. Inside the box were several gold ingots and gold jewelry.

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It looked small, but gold was very valuable. This little thing was worth a lot.

Seeing Li Huowang surprised by the value of this thing and guessing how an ordinary person like him could have such a valuable thing, Sun Baolu's mother spoke up. "Don't be shy, this is not something from a tomb, but my dowry from my husband's family."

"From your husband's family?" Li Huowang reached out and shook it, almost dropping it. The gold was really heavy.

The woman's expression was complicated. "Yes, from my husband's family. After all, those who can afford to use beauty paper are either rich or noble. This thing is priceless in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of some people, it's nothing."

"Senior, you saved my son, this is my repayment. I hope you accept it.""I didn't say I want it, I just want to borrow it and return it to you when I'm done." Seeing the other person's attitude, it seemed like they wanted to use this thing to completely buy off their favor.

The woman seemed to not want to interact with Li Huowang too much, so she respectfully bowed and left with her back to the door curtain.

"What happened to your mother? Why is her attitude so different now?"

Sun Baolu stuttered, as if there was something he couldn't say. He thought to himself, "Senior Brother Li, how many people did you scare when you came back this time? You were able to come out alive from that place, and you even brought back two strange things. I wonder what the clan members are saying about you behind your back."

"Forget it, I don't want your things. When I'm done with them, you can take them back. Do you understand?"

Sun Baolu looked a bit uneasy. "Then Senior Brother Li, when do you plan on using this gold?"

Upon hearing this, Li Huowang, who was holding the gold box in his hands, showed a slight expression of disappointment.

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"Wait, I don't know when. Baolu, thank you for your help during this time. We might have to stay here for a while longer."

"Senior Brother Li, you're being too polite. You saved my life."

For a period of time, the other senior brothers and sisters noticed that Li Huowang, who was recovering from his injuries, always kept the gold box by his side like a miser. But he wasn't that kind of person.

Only Bai Lingmiao knew some of the details and why he was doing this.

At night, Bai Lingmiao turned over and saw that the person beside her had already sat up and was holding the gold box motionlessly like a wooden statue.

Bai Lingmiao sighed lightly and turned her back to him. "Senior Brother Li, are you reluctant to leave that place? Or do you still think there's a chance it's real?"

The Li Huowang in the darkness didn't answer.

"Then Senior Brother Li, do you hope that place is real, or do you hope it's fake?"

Li Huowang sighed deeply. His exhausted voice echoed slowly in the tent. "I also want to know the answer to that."

As time passed and they moved from place to place, the drastically changed Li Huowang gradually returned to his original self.

After his injuries had mostly healed, Li Huowang was about to interrogate the little brain of Han Fu when Baolu, who was now dressed as a Qingqiu person, came to find him.

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"Senior Brother Li, the clan leader asked me to ask you something." He came to Li Huowang's side and spoke.

"What is it?" Li Huowang quickly ran through his mind. It seemed like nothing had happened in Qingqiu recently.

"It's about those women you rescued from the village. Some of them have a bit of interest in some of the young men in the clan. The clan leader just wants to investigate a bit. If you agree, then they won't dare to do anything."

"Okay, why not."

Judging from Baolu's mother's appearance, this place was a relatively safe haven. It was better than running around with him. Several people had died because of Peng Longteng's actions at the border. If these women continued to follow them, who knows how many would be left by the time they reached Liangguo."Alright! I'll go back and tell the clan leader!" Baolu, who had returned to normal, was no longer silent like before and became much more cheerful.

Excited, Baolu turned his head and was about to leave, but Li Huowang's big hand tightly grabbed his arm, instantly leaving it bruised.

Baolu turned his head and saw Li Huowang's ferocious expression as he said, "Quickly! Get Zhijian to bring the chain over!!"

"Ah! Alright!"

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Feeling everything around him starting to change, Li Huowang quickly stuffed the golden box into his arms.

The noisy tent camp was replaced by a quiet and white hospital ward. It was night time here.

Li Huowang stared at his sleeping mother on the recliner next to him, covered with a small blanket from his own room.


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