Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 425: Better to kill a thousand by mist

Speaking of this, with a wave of the hand from the Tianmen Supervisor, the people behind him handed out some papers to everyone.

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Li Huowang took them and looked closely, only to find that there were some addresses and appearances written on them.

"These are all suspected members of the Taoist sects that deceive beings. Bring them here, regardless of life or death."

"As long as you can recognize their true identity, for an ordinary Taoist sect member, one head is worth fifty Yangshou Pills, and you will be promoted half a rank."

"But for the heads of the San Yuan and Si Xi, one head is worth three hundred Yangshou Pills! You will be promoted three ranks!"

"And for the one who kills the most, the Lord of the Tianmen Supervisor will personally award them the Sanjiazi Wugou Yangshou!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone exploded with excitement. This kind of reward was absolutely unprecedented.

Sanjiazi! A whole one hundred and eighty years! Who wouldn't want to live for an extra one hundred and eighty years! And the Yangshou given by the Lord of the Tianmen Supervisor would never turn into a person-shapeshifting creature!

Those who had planned to hide their strength immediately put aside all their concerns and became eager to try.

"Go, I wish you all success in your promotions. Remember, this Taoist sect is full of evil and heinous crimes. This operation to suppress the Taoist sect is a great feat for the people, the world, and His Highness. So, it is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go!"

"Boom!" The four gates of the capital city closed heavily with a loud noise.

Accompanied by the sound of war drums, some soldiers in heavy armor climbed up the city walls. They were full of murderous aura, forming four giant walls that sealed everything inside.

The giant crossbows and weapons that were supposed to be used against enemies were also turned towards the city.

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The snow was still falling, covering the capital city in a vast expanse, and some black dots spread out from the direction of the Tianmen Supervisor's office like ants.

Li Huowang furrowed his brows and rode his horse, constantly urging it forward towards the eastern corner of the city. Behind him were five other people, all of them looking at the papers in their hands.

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Screams and cries had already begun in the surrounding houses.

A wooden door with door gods pasted on it was kicked open, and a weak woman carrying a baby stumbled towards the outside.

But with a whistling sound, a ghost-headed machete swiftly chased after her from inside the house.

At this critical moment, the baby in the woman's arms suddenly smirked, and its bones shrank, slipping out smoothly.

Then, with a sudden kick of its thin limbs, it pushed its own mother towards the flying machete, while it used the recoil to escape.

"Pu Chi!" In an instant, the woman was pierced through the heart by the blade, and her hot blood melted the white snow, revealing the dark-colored tiles underneath.

A woman with two scars on her face rushed out of the house, forcefully pulling out the ghost-headed machete and charging towards the baby running in the snow.

"Damn it! Damn Taoist sects! If you have the guts, don't run!"

But no one except Li Huowang paid any attention to the mother's corpse lying on the snowy ground.

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"There will be many, many deaths tonight!"

As Li Huowang clenched his teeth tightly, his cheeks gradually swelled.

Along the way, Li Huowang witnessed all kinds of bloody scenes. Both sides were fighting seriously, and the commotion was particularly intense.

There were both one-on-one fights and cooperation between the two sides. The entire capital city was like a pot of boiling porridge, gradually boiling from the inside out.

Unconsciously, he had arrived at his destination.

Li Huowang jumped off his horse, slammed into the paper window, and rushed into the house.

Looking at the family of three huddled together and crying in front of him, Li Huowang couldn't bring himself to swing down the purple tassel sword in his hand.

Suddenly, a cold light shot through the broken window with a "clang" sound, and sparks flew as Li Huowang directly blocked it.

"This is mine! Get out of the way!"

With bloodshot eyes, Li Huowang shouted hoarsely.

Li Huowang turned around and looked at the wife in front of him again. He put away the sword and took out a dagger from the torture tools bag hanging from his waist.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you, but in order to ensure that you are not a member of the Taoist sects, I need to see your face. After I finish looking, I will help you heal."

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After the screams, Li Huowang put down a silver ingot and walked out of the house with a gloomy expression.

The good news was that the person was not a member of the Taoist sects, but the bad news was that the person was not a member of the Taoist sects either!

Stepping on the wooden planks beside him, Li Huowang stepped on the windowsill and flipped onto the snow-covered roof.

Standing at the highest point of the roof, Li Huowang looked at the chaotic capital city in front of him. It could be said that if there were eighteen hells, it would be no different from this.

The Tianmen Supervisor and the Taoist sects, who were flying and jumping between the roofs, had never considered the common people. Of course, how could they?

And these unarmed common people were involuntarily caught in the middle. No matter what they did or didn't do, the outcome seemed to have already been determined.

Perhaps the reason was simply because they were blocking the way, and in the next moment, they would be dismembered.

At this moment, Li Huowang should have gone to find his comrade, Xin Su Beifeng. But when this scene of human tragedy appeared before him, he suddenly found that his mind was buzzing and couldn't stop.

"Boom!" A tall building in the distance suddenly burst into flames, like a huge torch, replacing the missing moon in the sky, illuminating everything around."What do human lives mean to you? They are people! Living, breathing people!" Li Huowang pointed at the entire capital city and cursed loudly.

He had thought he was cold enough, but when these things really happened in front of him, he couldn't turn a blind eye.

But after the cursing, a deep sense of powerlessness welled up in Li Huowang's heart. He couldn't even manage himself, let alone others.

"Ugh...uhh!!" A strange sound came from beside him. Li Huowang turned to look and found it was Jingshan, who was left with only half a body.

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He was crying bloody tears, pointing at everything in front of him with an expression of grief and indignation, and making some noises that Li Huowang couldn't understand.

Then came the sound of crying again. This time it was a monk, who was chanting Amitabha Buddha to save the dead while crying and putting his hands together.

"Ah! What are you doing, Boss Red! Speed is of the essence in war! Stop caring about them and let's go find Boss Beifeng!"

Li Huowang looked at Red who said this, his eyes colder than ever. Then he turned his gaze to Peng Longteng, who was headless.

She stood there like a statue, silently facing the soldiers on the distant city wall.

Just as Li Huowang clenched his fists and gave himself a couple of hard punches to calm his restless nerves, three figures rushed towards them.

Two women and one man, judging by their clothes, they were obviously from different social statuses.

Behind them, six or seven people were chasing. When they saw Li Huowang, their eyes lit up. "Boss Red! You're here! You should go! We'll cover for you!"

With that, they stood firm, resolutely blocking the way between the Skywatchers and Li Huowang.

(End of Chapter)

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