Deviant Immortal of Uncanny Dao

Chapter 426: Taoist se ts that de eive beings

Listening to their words, Li Huowang, who was just immersed in his own emotions, looked at everything in front of him in astonishment.

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When he came back to his senses, a surge of hot blood rushed straight to his brain. "All of this is because of you bastards!!"

With a clang, Li Huowang wielded his sword with one hand and leaped on the tiles with his feet, rushing towards the three Taoist sects of Zuo Wangdao who had their backs to him.

Hearing the whistling sound behind him, the attacked Zuo Wangdao twisted his body to the left as if it had been broken, narrowly avoiding the attack.

With his head hanging upside down, he looked at Li Huowang in astonishment. "Red, the boss, stop playing! They won't believe you anymore. You should leave quickly, and we'll hold them off!"

At this moment, the illusion Red also approached from the side and earnestly advised, "He's right. Now is not the time to play. We should retreat."

"That's right, damn it!" Li Huowang swung his long sword fiercely, and the sharp blade cut across the face that was covered in flesh and blood, but there was no abnormality.

At this moment, the distant Jiantiansi began to act. A purple-robed Taoist took out two fist-sized yellow talisman triangular flags from his sleeve and inserted them behind his neck. He began to chant a spell while drawing a huge Bagua formation in the air.

Every time his finger moved in the air, it stirred up transparent fluctuations.

As the Taoist pressed the formation in the air onto the tiles under his feet, he recited, "Look up and see, bow down and listen, there are six Jia above, six Ding below, the Three Pure Ones have orders! Carry out my command!"

Search for the original.

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In the next moment, a sound of cracking echoed, and the tiles under everyone's feet and the beams quickly broke apart. Everyone standing on the tiles fell into the house below without any support.

A huge ink-black Bagua appeared directly below, encompassing the three Zuo Wangdao and Li Huowang.

The previously masked Jiantiansi members appeared below at some point, standing around the formation, staring intently.

At this critical moment, one of the male Zuo Wangdao bit his teeth and pushed Li Huowang with all his strength using the tile that fell beside him. "Red, the boss! You should leave quickly!"

With a swish, Li Huowang raised his hand and the knife fell, directly cutting off his hands.

In his astonished gaze, a black tentacle with a copper coin sword suddenly shook, and the copper coin sword instantly extended, cutting off the head of the Zuo Wangdao.

Just as he finished doing this, without time to do anything else, the remaining two Zuo Wangdao and Li Huowang also landed.

The moment they touched the Bagua formation, the formation instantly rose up like a large net, trapping them together.

Seeing that these people were trapped along with himself, Li Huowang became furious. These useless people were truly more of a hindrance than a help.

"What are you doing! I've said it! I'm not a Zuo Wangdao!" Li Huowang grabbed his own chin with his left hand, tearing off his entire face.

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However, this self-proclaimed innocence did not make the conspiring Jiantiansi members believe him. Instead, it made them speed up and continue their attacks.

The purple-robed Taoist reached behind him and pulled out the yellow talisman flag from the back of his neck. Then, he quickly threw it towards Li Huowang.

The flagpole lengthened in the air, like a spear, and spiraled into the various fatal points of the three people, entering from the front and exiting from the back, instantly stringing them together.

Then, with a wave of the Jiantiansi member's hand, several dark green talismans flew over and stuck to the foreheads of the three people. Now, not even a finger could move.

Seeing the three people controlled in front of him, the six Jiantiansi members finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as one of the humpbacked men holding a soul-summoning banner was about to say something, he saw the flesh ball that was strung together in front of him start to move.

"How many times do I have to say it! I'm not a Zuo Wangdao!!" Li Huowang's furious roar burst out in the narrow room.

In the astonishment of everyone, black and sticky tentacles emerged from various parts of Li Huowang's body, forcibly lifting the three people who were squeezed together.

A gust of wind blew, revealing the talisman on Li Huowang's forehead, exposing the bloodthirsty gaze underneath. "Kill!"

The hot blood in Li Huowang's body surged into all of Li Sui's tentacles, instantly causing the black tentacles to enlarge significantly.

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With the swinging and twitching of the tentacles, the entire flesh ball suddenly flew high into the air and smashed towards the Jiantiansi members.

Just as the Jiantiansi members were about to retreat, Li Sui, inside Li Huowang's body, followed his father's instructions and quickly broke his two ribs, crossing them and forcefully stabbing them into his own lungs.

Instantly, everyone instinctively covered their chests and showed expressions of pain along with Li Huowang.

While they were enduring the same pain as himself, Li Huowang's fingers were cut off by Li Sui, and they spiraled into the temples of the two remaining Jiantiansi members.

As the Taoist died, the Bagua formations on the three people quickly dimmed, and Li Huowang found that he could move again.

Ignoring the two people still strung together on his body, Li Huowang, who was bloodthirsty, forcefully tore off the talisman above his forehead, enduring the intense pain all over his body, and rushed towards the remaining Jiantiansi members.

"How many times do I have to say it!! I'm not a Zuo Wangdao, damn it!!"

Just now, when Li Huowang was sealed, they were no match for him. Now that Li Huowang had gained his freedom, they were even more powerless.

Especially with the occasional help from the remaining Zuo Wangdao and Li Sui, the Jiantiansi members were defeated even faster.Upon seeing the white flag in his hand severed by a sword, the hunchback staggered backward. He stammered in panic, "Alright, alright! You're not from the Taoist sects that deceive beings! I believe you, I believe you!!"

With a flash of white light, the long sword filled with murderous aura took advantage of his speech and directly plunged into his mouth, drilling out from the back of his head and clanging against the rammed earth wall behind him.

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Li Huowang, looking at the despair-filled eyes of his opponent, exerted all his strength on the hilt of the sword. Instantly, a hole was punched directly into the rammed earth wall.

As the hunchback's eyes rolled back and his hands holding the sword hilt fell weakly, all the previous members of the Skywatching Organization had been wiped out by Li Huowang.

"Boss Red is really powerful!"

"Yeah, that's why he's the boss, and we're just pawns, right?"

Two cheerful and excited voices came from behind Li Huowang.

Li Huowang pulled the sword out of the hunchback's mouth and sheathed it behind his back. Then, he slowly pulled out the flagpole from his body.

With the removal of the flagpole, the members of the Taoist sects that deceive beings who had been skewered on Li Huowang's back finally regained their freedom.

As they flattered Li Huowang with their back-and-forth banter, like a comedic dialogue, he drew the long sword from its sheath again. The blood-stained tip of the sword pointed directly at the heads of these two members of the Taoist sects that deceive beings. "Where is Beifeng now!"

(End of the chapter)

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