Diary Of A Bitch

Chapter 61: 61

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#diary of a bitch


I regained consciousness in a comfy hospital bed. Sighing in gratitude to whosoever it is that saved my stupid little ass earlier, I called for a nurse but Papa rushed in instead. His eyes had dark circles like he's had sleepless nights, he still had the clothes he wore at the party on. That was the very first time I saw Papa in a disheveled and panicked state.

"Baby, you scared the shit out of me. Don't ever leave your Papa again OK?" He cried as he squeezed the life out of me. I had an amused smile on, Papa said something vulgar for the first time and thankfully, he arrived in time to save my dignity as well as my....my baby!

"Papa, what did the doctor say about my baby?" Worry clearly written on my face.

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"Our baby seems to be a very strong one, she's totally fine." I heaved a sigh of relief and my lips curved upwards in happiness. Rest assured that my baby wouldn't leave me no matter the circumstances.

However that smile didn't last long as the last person that I wanted to see barged into the ward. It was Henry!

"What is he doing here?" My voice shook in anger and frustration. The bastard was the reason why I had to go through a whole lot of hard time yesterday, and to think I actually wanted to confess to him that I care actually made me more frustrated.

"I came to–.'

" Get lost!" I barked very loudly, startling the nurse that came in to check my vital signs.

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"Hear me out Vee, I–" He tried coming closer.

"Are you deaf?, I said get lost!, never show your disgusting double face to me ever again." I didn't even try to control my fury, Papa rushed to my side and the nurse scampered out in fright. The dick tried to coming even closer, which only multiplied my anger. I'm a very ill tempered person, but I hardly get provoked.

But this idiot didn't only provoke my wrath, he was also fueling it. I snapped of Papa's hold and start to throw whatever I could place my hands on at him. The doctor rushed in with male nurses to hold me down. If you had seen my blood shot eyes and crazy stance, coupled with the way the nurses cautiously approached me as a surgical pair of scissors was in my hands, you'd have the impression that they were dealing a mentally deranged patient. Apparently, everyone in the room was shocked, Papa was the only one that had the nerve to utter a word as the scissors was carefully snatched from my hands and a syringe pricked my skin.

" You should go Henry, she's not in a suitable condition to talk to you now. I'll let you know when she's calm." Mr. Gorgeous, who was still clearly astounded nodded curtly and left the room in large strides. Papa ran over to catch me just as I gave in to dizziness.

I 'slept' for six long hours, it was already evening by the time I woke up. It took two minutes before my brain started to process the surroundings and situation I was in. Michael and Papa was sitting close by, their attention immediately shifted to me when they noticed my movements.

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"Vee, are you okay?" Michael asked worriedly, that was one of the few times his expression showed something other than his perfect teasing smirk.

"I– I'm fine." I managed to say, it turned out that I had already lost my voice due to the scream fest that happened earlier.

"You scared me baby, don't ever do that to me again." Papa chimed in, I could only nod in remorse.

"You should listen to his side of the story." Michael cupped my face gently in his arms and I slapped it away immediately. They were taking his side again.

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" Let it be for now son, she–" Papa offered but Michael cut him short.

"Vee, listen to me. Getting mad like you did earlier is not healthy, for you and the baby. Even if you're over the first trimester, that doesn't mean you can throw tantrums like earlier. The doctors had to give you a strong dose of Restoril to calm you down, things like this affects Dayo a lot. You have to be strong for both you and the baby, listen to his side of the story with a calm mind and you'll understand that he did whatever he did for a legit reason, you owe him a lot, this is not the first time he's saving your ass and the least you can do is to listen to him, you can take your time though, and if you still don't want to listen then that's totally your choice. You owe him a thank you though, I would have gotten through to you on time even if I teleported. Take care of yourself and Dayo for me, I'll be on my way now Papa." With that he kissed my forehead and made his way out of the room. He didn't even care to listen to what I had to say, was he angry with me?

I turned uncomfortably to look at Papa, he gave me a knowing look before looking away. What did that Asshole do to these people to support him so?

Anyways I wasn't going to listen to him, even if he saved me, he lied to me and there's no forgiving that. I made a resolution to forget about him once and for all.


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