Diary Of A Bitch

Chapter 62

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#diary of a bitch


Easier said than done!, I tried miserably to forget about him, nothing worked. Not even immersing myself into work (the restaurant). Maybe because I fell too deep this time, or because he didn't give up on seeking my forgiveness.

"I wish to go back in time, I'd surely tell you the truth but please consider to listen to my side of the story, I promise I'll tell you everything this time."

" Top of the morning to you love, my day would be miserable without you ?." I sighed heavily as I read his umpteenth message, as usual, I didn't reply. I just focused on getting ready for work, we booked a massive order the day before and we had to deliver it before noon. I slipped into a maternity gown as I was already too round for normal outfits.

I skipped downstairs and surprisingly found Papa cooking in the kitchen.

"It's barely 5 in the morning papa, what are you cooking?" I said and knelt down to greet him.

"I'm just making pasta, that's all." He smiled wryly over the steaming pan. Since I refused to listen to Henry he has refused to talk more than necessary. Sometimes I wonder whether I was his grandchild or Henry.

"Papa, you should be resting, I can take care of breakfast." He shot me a knowing look.

"Well, I could say the same to you too. Tell me, what pregnant woman works her butt off because she misses someone?" I gave him an eye roll and brought out milk from the fridge to warm it up.

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"Papa, it's too early for that. I take care of my health but you–" The shrill ring tone of my phone interrupted me. I glanced at the screen, it was Mr. Gorgeous again. I sighed and disconnected the call, he was becoming more of a pest lately.

"Mr. Gorgeous again?" Papa question with a brow raised, how does he even know I call him Mr. Gorgeous?. Do I even have secrets in this life of mine?!

Assuming my silence to be a yes, he continued with his morning lecture.

"Vee, how long are you going to torture yourself and that man?, it's been a whole month!"

"3 weeks and six days papa!" I grumbled and poured myself a glass of warm milk.

"Oh, so you want him to show up with some other bitch before you accept that you love him?" He asked with his right hand jammed into his waist.

"I do not love hi–"

"Oh please, spare me the crap. Try telling that to yourself. Who are you fooling?, of course you love him, and this is probably the first time a guy has loved you back regardless of your flaws. So what if he lied to you, he's only human. People are bound to make mistakes especially when in love, it's not like you directly told him everything about your past ooo. He read it in your diary and still proceeded to love you, I'll just ask one question from you. Why did you hide your past away from him?"


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"Of course you won't answer, it's because you're scared that he would see you differently if he knows about your past." Papa was right.

"He would definitely feel the same way, that was why he hid it away from you. But when you won't give him a chance to explain himself, how would you know the full story?" Tears were beginning to form

"Agbéjó enìkan dá, àgbà òshìkà ni [1]. You love him, so give him a chance now before it's too late. A word, they say is enough for the wise and I believe you're a wise woman Vee. I'll never speak to you on this matter again, you know what to do." Grandpa carried is tray of pasta and left the kitchen without saying anything else. I was shaken, not one word of what he said was wrong.

As if on cue, a call came through from him again. I hesitated before swiping the green icon.

"Hi." I said nervously.

"Hey." I could sense his nervousness too.



An unnerving silence followed.

"You called." I blurted out, desperate to break the awkward silence.

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"Oh....yeah, I called." Mr. Gorgeous had never lost his composure to the extent that he'd be struggling for words. Well, he wasn't the only one in that predicament.

"So..." Another nerve racking silence ensued.

"Can we meet?" I was almost startled. That was sudden.

"I'm busy now, and will be busy till noon." I replied honestly.

"How about the evening?, I could come over to LEE-VEE's."

"OK." I answered almost immediately.





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"Ah, okay."



I was about to hang up when he called my name suddenly.




Before I could ask what he was showing gratitude for, the line was already disconnected.

'Well it doesn't matter'. I glanced at my arid watch and smiled. 'I'll be meeting him in 11 hours and 30 minutes time.

Well, I just have to wait and watch how things would turn out.

[1] Yoruba language (west region, Nigeria) Literally meaning; judging from one side of the story is an act of unfairness.

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