Hello my fellow Yuri fans! I’ve been super surprised about the traction I’ve gotten and the reactions so far! Thank you so much for the support and I hope you’re enjoying the story as much as I am. A few notes!

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Yes, for those of you who are astute, the author also wrote “She Is The Protagonist” so that’s why the MC talks similar to Ru Yu Bing. Every new post will be an unproofread version of the chapter. It’s not that I didn’t edit the MTL, just my brain is so wired to read MTL sometimes I miss things that may seem obvious to me but isn’t for other people, so I am graciously having volunteers help me proofread. All the proofread chapters will have an asterisk next to them on the table of contents, so if you want to wait for the best reading experience, feel free to check that out. For all you people like me who just want to know what happens next, I’ll be posting the unproofread version. Translations will be coming out daily but it will slow down from the 8 chapters I did in one day. It’s not that I haven’t translated the chapters, I’ve actually finished translating half the story already, but I really just wanna let the proofreaders catch up so the release quality will be better!

Thank you all for your understanding and support! Here’s the chapter!

P.S. If you’re enjoying the novel and wanna support me more, feel free to rate it on novelupdates! <- link here. The serotonin from seeing the novel go up in the weekly rankings is unmatched. If the novel continues to do well, I will pick up another one of the author’s novels!

Different people have different standards of beauty.

Shao Cixin lamented and prayed in her heart.

I hope Wen Zhihan’s eyes will not be like Zhou Hong’s…

Zhou Hong did not prod her, yet Shao Cixin was disgusted with her aesthetics which made her a little angry.

She comforted herself in her heart and found Shao Cixin to make up for it.

– Don’t be angry, Shao Cixin must be like this because she is stubborn and dare not admit that she is jealous, it must be like this, she is a poor person who has never seen such a big diamond ring!

“If you are jealous, just say it,” Zhou Hong hummed, “don’t hide it, don’t worry, I won’t laugh at you.”

Shao Cixin was silent after listening, her eyes kept going back and forth between Zhou Hong and the big diamond ring, and she sincerely asked, “What should I be jealous of?”

Zhou Hong thought this person was pretending to be stupid.

She immediately started with her harassment tactics: “No way, no way, there will be someone who doesn’t know who my fiancé is?”

Of course, this Shao Cixin knows.

Zhou Yi, the most popular movie emperor.

But what does this have to do with her?

Her father is the chairman of Shao’s Group, and her fiancée is the president of Guanglan Investment, is she proud?

Shao Cixin calmly raised his eyebrows: “I know, Zhou Da Ying Emperor, what is there to be jealous of? It’s just a fiancé, a fiancée, who doesn’t have it.”

Zhou Hong seized her words and was immediately interested. She put her hands on her chest and said, “You also have it? Who is it, let’s listen.”

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“My fiancée is…”

Shao Cixin raised a topic, suddenly remembered that the two families had not yet announced the marriage, guessed that Wen Zhihan might not like to be known so soon, so she took back the words without changing her face.

“It’s my fiancée.”

Zhou Hong: “…”

It’s really better to listen to someone else speak instead of you.


Zhou Hong disdainfully threw a mocking noise and walked away with her head held high.

It must be incomparable to her, so she dare not say it directly.

Well, she finally has one aspect that can be better than Shao Cixin!

Shao Cixin watched her leave, calm and calm.

– Zhou Hong is still like before, loves to show off to her.

After Zhou Hong showed off,  Zhou Hong didn’t want to stop even after returning .

Shao Cixin said that she had a fiancée, so she must know who this fiancée is!

Comparing hers to another, she would never lose!

“Little Jun.”

She called to her assistant.

“Go and check if there have been any rumors about Shao Cixin recently, or if she’s been getting close to anyone. Check carefully, and don’t miss a single one.”


The sky was getting dark, and Shao Cixin’s work was also finished.

She sent a message to Wen Zhihan, and then stayed where she was to wait for her. Taking this opportunity, she also wanted to listen to Rong Ya’s “small matter”.

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After listening, her expression didn’t change at all. It really was a small matter.

Rong Ya asked, “What are you going to do?”

Shao Cixin said, “It’s not a big deal. If she doesn’t want to do it, she can just leave. I’ll get another assistant who is more reliable.”

Xiao Sha was just thinking that after she lost popularity, she would also want to change to someone else to serve. It wasn’t worth it to work hard for someone with such an uncertain future.

She couldn’t accept Xiao Sha’s attitude.

In life, how could everything always go smoothly?

Not to mention how the Shao family was, if she catches wind of any problems, Xiao Sha would be listless and slack off at work. How could she entrust her matters to someone like that?

She respected Xiao Sha’s choice, but she wasn’t going to take the blame for her work ethic.

Rong Ya nodded. She knew what she needed to do.

Shao Cixin looked at the time and patted her arm. “You’ve worked hard. You can go back first. President Wen said she would come pick me up in a bit.”

Rong Ya: “Do you have something to do?”

Shao Cixin stretched out her ten fingers with a “swish” and said excitedly, “We’re going to buy rings, beautiful rings!”

Rong Ya: “……You’re still happy, huh?”

Shao Cixin said happily, “Who wouldn’t be happy buying something pretty with money~”

Rong Ya was helpless. “That’s not what I meant…”

She even suspected that Shao Cixin was enjoying herself in the midst of her misery.

Soon, a black, expensive sports car drove over from the distance and stopped in front of the two of them.

The driver’s door was opened, and a beautiful woman stepped out of the car. Her eyes were as blue and enchanting as ever.

Wen Zhihan walked over to Shao Cixin’s side and took a look at her before turning to look at Rong Ya. She stretched out her hand and introduced herself. “Hello, I’m Wen Zhihan.”

This was the first time Rong Ya had formally greeted Wen Zhihan.

She shook Wen Zhihan’s hand politely with a smile. “Hello President Wen. We’ve met before, at the premiere.”

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Wen Zhihan smiled and said warmly, “I remember.”

Then she asked, “I came to pick up Cixin. Is her work finished?”

Shao Cixin said excitedly from the side, “It’s all over, it’s over! I can go pick out rings anytime!”

Wen Zhihan said gently, “Okay, we’ll go now.”

Rong Ya watched the scene, and for a moment she thought they really were a couple.

Forget it, no matter what, Wen Zhihan was a good person.

She also didn’t want her artist to jump into the tiger’s mouth and have a miserable marriage life.

“There’s nothing else. My family’s artist is in your hands, President Wen.”


The two of them got into the car.

Rong Ya watched them leave, and couldn’t help but feel that Wen Zhihan was really gentle when she spoke.

However, this scene just happened to be seen by Zhou Hong, who had just finished work.

She was so shocked that she couldn’t even move, her jaw dropped in place, and she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.

 The fiancée …… that Shao Cixin said would not be Wen Zhihan of Guanglan Investment, right?


Wang Zhihan is driving.

Shao Cixin is looking at the world outside the window.

No one speaks, and the mood in the car is quiet.

Time silently flows away, and finally at a red light, Wang Zhihan speaks first: “Your assistant seems to be unmotivated to work.”

Shao Cixin hears this and turns to look at her.

Wang Zhihan explains: “I ran into your agent when I was out working today.”

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Shao Cixin understands.

Wang Zhihan asks again: “Did your agent tell you about this?”

Shao Cixin says, “Yeah, she said.”

Wang Zhihan: “What are you going to do?”

Shao Cixin turns back to look out the window, casually saying: “I’ll just replace her, she’s not indispensable to me.”

Wang Zhihan looks at her profile and is silent for a moment, her lips curving, before she turns back to look ahead.

“Make some time next week.”

Shao Cixin looks at her in confusion: “For what?”

Wang Zhihan is calm: “To meet my parents.”

Shao Cixin suddenly realizes.

She had heard Shao Heng say that Wang Xingyun and their family were coming back to the country next week.

She understands, they’re going to put on a show in front of Wang Zhihan’s parents!

“That’s fine, that’s all good, just give me some time,” Shao Cixin says confidently, “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely act well enough that your parents will be more than satisfied!”

Wang Zhihan lightly raises her beautiful eyebrows and speaks softly with a hint of laughter in her voice: “Have you prepared another character for yourself?”

When it comes to playing a character, Shao Cixin is an expert.

“Of course, I can’t do without that. I can tell you a character right now.”

“Beautiful and strong, loyal and honest, she falls in love with you at first sight, she won’t marry anyone but you, and she’ll be a charming and lovely fiancée that sticks by your side forever.”

After Shao Cixin finishes speaking, she looks at Wang Zhihan expectantly and a little proudly: “How is this character? This will definitely make your parents feel my love for you, as well as my charm.”

Wang Zhihan hears this and can’t help but smile, before quietly saying: “Cixin.”

Shao Cixin: “Hmm?”

“You’re making such a long character setting,” Wang Zhihan says, “Are you not afraid I won’t remember it?”

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