Shao Cixin and Liang Xuefei seperated, and Rong Ya came with the other people to pick her up to go filming location.

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Rong Ya still sat in the back row with her, and Xiaosa sat in the front passenger seat, but this time the pressure in the car was inexplicably low.

Shao Cixin found that Rong Ya basically didn’t say much to Xiaosa along the way, as if she didn’t want to deal with the other party.

Shao Cixin’s eyes flickered between the two, and tentatively said, “What happened?”

Xiaosa slightly moved her body, and then turned back, without saying anything.

Rong Ya’s face remained unchanged: “Small matter, I’ll tell you later, let’s do our work first, the rest is not important.”


After Shao Cixin finished speaking, she reached up and touched her earlobe.

Why does she feel that this sentence is thorny…

Rong Ya remembered something and said, “Zhou Hong will also be there when taking pictures of the magazine. This time the magazine will also have her interview. The magazine will arrange your shooting on the same day.”

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Every artist has some company rivalries.

Some of them are contradictions between artists themselves. For example, Shao Cixin and Zhou Hong.

Shao Cixin and Zhou Hong debuted at the same time. Because of a certain change of casting incident, Zhou Hong suddenly remembered Shao Cixin and always dealt with her.

Shao Cixin really felt wronged by this matter. She didn’t steal or grab it. The director came to her with the script by himself. She thought the manuscript was good and agreed. As a result, Zhou Hong believed that she had stole her role.

Shao Cixin only felt speechless. The director didn’t even say that the role was set, where did this “stealing” come from?

But whether it was at the beginning or now, she doesn’t care either.

Whether Zhou Hong is there or not is the same to her, it’s just one more person to bicker with.

The brightly lit filming site.

Shao Cixin raised her slender and snow-white arm, and casually swept her fluffy and soft hair to her right shoulder.

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The eyebrows are drooping, the eyelashes are dense and long, and the red eye makeup is charming but not vulgar. Every blink and smile is moving.

She gently bit the wire frame of the gold-rimmed glasses in her hand, and the wide white blazer fell on her elbow. She lazily looked at the camera, beautiful and sexy.

The photographer was full of praise for her good condition.

After taking a set of photos, she sat aside and rested while playing with her phone, waiting for the staff to set up and continue.

Then Zhou Hong came over, wearing red and tying a high ponytail. The makeup is very aggressive. She sat next to her like this.

Zhou Hong called her in a tone: “Hey, Big star Shao.”

Shao Cixin smiled: “Oh, it turns out that it’s Big star Zhou. Weren’t you next door? What, you missed me and came over to see me specially?”

Zhou Hong said disdainfully: “Qi, who misses you.”

Then she started to deliberately or unconsciously show the conspicuous diamond ring on her hand. While showing it, she secretly observed Shao Cixin’s expression.

She saw Shao Cixin looking at the big diamond ring, his expression was shocked, and he didn’t expect it.

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Very good.

Zhou Hong was happy in her heart.

The role was not grabbed by Shao Cixin, and now her popularity is not better than Shao Cixin, but it doesn’t matter. Her fiancé is a movie emperor. This should be able to compare with Shao Cixin, a single dog who is lonely and has no money!

Zhou Hong always thought that Shao Cixin was a child from a poor family, because Shao Cixin never mentioned her parents, and she hid it very well.

Why not mention it? Perhaps because I feel that my family is too poor to be embarrassed, I can’t say it.

Everyone has some love for vanity, and they just want others to see their bright side.

Shao Cixin was surprised: “This is your engagement ring?”

She actually didn’t like this kind of ring.

Pursuing the diamond’s size, ignoring the workmanship and color, will damage the overall beauty, in addition to showing off money and vulgarity, there is nothing good about it.

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She was surprised because she didn’t expect Zhou Hong to like this style.

Zhou Hong raised her chin and said, “Yes, the engagement ring.”

Shao Cixin calmly dodged to the side and escaped the facial scan.

Zhou Hong raised her eyebrows and said, “What, you’ve never seen such a big and beautiful diamond ring, you’re jealous?”


Shao Cixin heard the words, grabbed her hand and carefully examined the diamond ring.

Zhou Hong saw this and thought she was widening her horizons, so she let her look at it and waited for her to show her envious eyes and praise.

A moment later, Shao Cixin still couldn’t understand her aesthetics.

She let go of her hand and patted her shoulder, her tone full of consolation: “It’s okay, you like it, don’t care too much about other people’s stares.”

Zhou Hong, who felt a strong contempt : “???”

You are very tactful in your rejection!

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