Director Loves No One

Chapter 7.1: What? Chu Xiaxin Fired The Direct

Chapter 7: What? Chu Xiaxin Fired The Director? (1)

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The confrontation between Chu Xiaxing and Director Wang caused the whole crew to pay attention, everyone looked at the scene in fear, not knowing what would happen next.

Director Wang responded angrily: “Looks like the actress nowadays have become really fierce, your acting is not that good, but your teeth are sharp, having a backing sure is different!”

Director Wang directly mocked Chu Xiaxing for bringing start-up funds, it was quite a bit overboard as he had no consideration for others’ feelings. This incident was originally  circulated only amongst the top members of the crew, but now he was so angry that he began to speak out regardless.

Chu Xiaxing was not Cao Yangang. Anyone else would be fooled by Director Wang, but she wasn’t one to be a scapegoat, and calmly replied, “Bullshit,  it’s you who doesn’t know how to direct a play, seeing how you need to shoot the same scenes so many times for this kind of play, having a backing sure is different!”

Chu Xiaxing: Being able to be a director at this level, it sure is easy to find a job nowadays.

Director Wang looked at her calm and breezy appearance, he suddenly became extremely angry and simply offered his classic lines as he sneered: “Do you think filming is easy? Do it if you can! Why don’t you be a director yourself!?”

Director Wang was only throwing a tantrum, and didn’t think that Chu Xiaxing could be a director at all, so naturally he didn’t hesitate while saying it.

When Chu Xiaxing heard this, she glanced at Director Wang. She didn’t expect him to hand over the position of director. She only felt that the other party was deliberately giving her a chance, so she simply replied, “Okay.”

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Director Wang: “???”

Cao Yangang was immediately flustered and wanted to mediate: “What okay, what are you talking about…”

“Since you have taken the initiative to give me a chance, I’d better accept deferentially than  decline courteously.” Chu Xiaxing walked over to Director Wang. She calmly took the walkie-talkie from the other party, and calmly waved her hand, “Please move a little bit, you guys are blocking the monitors.”

Chu Xiaxing didn’t care whether the other party was throwing a tantrum or not, she had disliked Director Wang from the start and wanted to kick him out!

Everyone in the crew looked at her magnificent feat speechlessly, especially the cameramen who had been sitting next to the monitor. He looked at Chu Xiaxing, who had walked over and was so surprised that he couldn’t speak.

When Chu Xiaxing snatched away the walkie-talkie, Director Wang didn’t expect her to be eager to climb up the social ladder, “Let her, let her shoot, I’ll see what she can do!” he angrily replied.

Director Wang didn’t believe that Chu Xiaxing could manage all the departments, and would come back begging for help after that. After all who  would listen to an unknown young girl?

Chu Xiaxing sat down on the director’s chair as if it was her home’s soft chair. She held the walkie-talkie calmly “You all heard that, right? Next!”

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Seeing that she was actually sitting in the director’s chair, Director Wang felt even more disgusted and restless. The director’s chair is a symbol of status in the crew and ordinary staff members were absolutely not allowed to sit on it. If the director gives the chair to someone, the other person is usually a producer or an Influential actor. In another words, someone whose background is not

Cao Yangang was about to persuade and stop Chu Xiaxing from killing her own career, but was glared down by her. As Chu Xiaxing sat on the director’s chair and held the walkie-talkie, her aura instantly changed, like a professional, like she had entered into a working mode. “Cao Yangang, it’s going to start soon. Can you still act?” she asked in a cold voice.

Chu Xiaxing was a health preserving elder outside the crew, but when she returned to the crew, she turned back to Director Chu, who had taken control over the whole scene instantly.

Cao Yangang’s gaze ran into her eyes which was icy-cold like a sharp knife. He didn’t dare persuade her anymore, and changed his words: “I can, I can…”

Cao Yangang hurriedly returned to the set, the next scene only had his part, and did not require Chu Xiaxing to appear. Everyone in the crew returned to operative mode in a daze, but still hesitated when they looked at Chu Xiaxing who was in front of the monitor.

Chu Xiaxing glanced at the call sheet in front of the monitor, then at the lines on the script, and ordered: “The light and camera B go into the room ahead of time to distribute the light, camera A stay here for a panning shot, don’t go in together.”

Director Wang always put the two cameras together, and couldn’t position them ahead of time, resulting in extremely long transition time. Once this kind of procrastination was done, the following people would be extremely lazy and muddle around, and the team would  slack of over time.

The lighting director hesitated: “Now?”

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Chu Xiaxing: “Is there any other time?”

The lightning director looked at the deathly-pale Director Wang who wasn’t that far away. He originally wanted to refuse to carry out Chu Xiaxing’s instructions, but he thought that she seemed to have some backing and didn’t dare offend her. He could only reply in a whisper “OK, I’ll let them go to light distribution…”

Of course, the lighting director was also afraid of the power behind Chu Xiaxing, however it didn’t mean that everyone would frankly be obedient.

“Stop!” Chu Xiaxing looked at the screen on the monitor and frowned. She raised her walkie talkie, “Who’s handling camera A? Come here.”

The photography team consisted of a director of photography (DP), First Assistant Camera (1st AC), second assistant camera (2nd AC) and trajectory staff. The DP usually stares at the screen next to the monitor and the 1st AC is the cameraman who controls the machine.

Director Wang saw camera A running towards the monitor, he immediately showed a smirking expression, because he knew Chu Xiaxing couldn’t move camera A. The photography team consisted of all male members, and a lot of them were familiar with Director Wang, so naturally they wouldn’t be convinced by Chu Xiaxing

Chu Xiaxing took a look at the dark skin plain looking man in front of her. She raised her chin and eyebrows to the screen on the monitor and asked: “What are you doing? Is this how you pan?”

The 1st AC averted his eyes when facing the question, but his mouth was quite rude. “Yes.”

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Chu Xiaxing wasn’t angry but laughed instead. “Although you were hired on your qualifications, you still need me to teach you the basics of photography? You are already in the position of 1st AC, yet you still don’t know how to do a panning shot?”

The 1st AC squinted at her. He acted tough. “Right, I can’t.”

How could Chu Xiaxing not know that the other party was acting out for Director Wang? She nodded thoughtfully and simply didn’t argue with him. “Alright, you can leave since you can’t even do a simple panning shot. Oh, right, you won’t be getting paid for this. Tell the production team to book a ticket for you. Go back home.”

" "

The 1st AC was stunned. He didn’t expect Chu Xiaxing would actually fire someone on the spot. It had always been taboo to change people in the middle of the shoot, mainly because it was difficult to find a replacement immediately!

Chu Xiaxing didn’t pay any attention to the 1st AC anymore after she finished talking with him. She turned her head around and looked at the DP with a sneer. “I never heard of a 1st AC that can’t even do a pan shot. You’re his boss. Don’t tell me that you can’t do it as well?”

The DP was the leader of the photography team. His face suddenly looked restless. “I…”

Chu Xiaxing remained indifferent. “Yes means yes, and no means no. Now answer me, is there anyone in this big photography team that can do a panning shot?”

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